Saturday, November 28, 2020

Pastor Sean Moon on Socialist propaganda

Socialist propaganda

Romans 13:1-2

1. Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. 2. Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.

Now we are just taught in our socialist clubs or our socialist propaganda schooling or whatever, “No! No! You cannot rule; you must not think you have rulership! You must obey the orders of the government!” And of course they will quote Romans chapter 13, saying that God has ordained the highest powers of the land, but if that is true then He's ordained the Constitution of the United States, which means that every politician is a servant and not a master!

But notice how socialism will creep into the pulpit; it'll creep into the schools, everywhere. Now Romans chapter 13 means that you must obey the government's officials, unlike our Founding Fathers who stood up against the government officials of Britain, and said, “No! You are wrong! We are not going to be taxed, and we will not be disarmed!” Unlike for example, the government officials that came down from North Korea and China- that these wonderful folks fought. Well, they were government officials! Were they ordained of God?

You see how Romans chapter 13 can be used! Do not be led astray by Romans chapter 13, and how people will say that God gives power to the governmental powers. God did not make government his heirs and successors. Guess whom He made his heirs and successors! Guess whom He gave the Three Blessings to: “be fruitful, multiply, have dominion over the earth!”

Guess whom He did not give that to? The one who was supposed to be governing over Adam and Eve! He did not give it to Satan, He did not give it to Lucifer; He did not give it to the angels, the Heavenly host. He gave it to whom? Adam and Eve! He gave that Blessing to Adam and Eve. Why? Because they are his children!

God is not just a God of power; He is not infatuated with power. He has all power, but He is not infatuated with it. He has it but He does not crave or lust for it. He does not live for power. God lives for what? He lives for love! Love!

It is the lie of the Archangel, the 666 Antichrist Beast, through the welfare state to brainwash the population and to get rid of your husband and love the government. The government will become the surrogate father and raise your children in government programs. And your family was just fine! That has devastated the minority communities for the last sixty plus years in this country!

That is the work of the Archangel. That is not strengthening the father in the home, that is not strengthening the bond between husband and wife, that is not strengthening the bond between the parents and children, where the parents can become the teachers as well, and the children respect the parents as their teacher. Where did that go in America, huh?

You worship the government teachers, but you spit on your own dad and mom, especially your dad. To get a welfare check you must divorce your husband. Isn't it funny that after that law was passed, there is a skyrocket in divorce rates? Oh! Isn't that funny? It's funny how that works! Funny how that works!

This is not the culture of building strong God-centered families that can stand up against evil and tyranny, that can stand up against the Antichrist Beast, that can stand up against Bill Gates and these crazy lunatics like Biden and all these people. This is not; this is not! It is meant to weaken the Christian home, it is meant to weaken the Christian marriage; it is meant to weaken the bonds between husband and wife, and parents and children.

Plato even wrote about it hundreds of years before Christ even came, when he was talking about his Republic, basically which was talking about a socialist kind of country and nation, where the children would be owned by the state; parents would have to give up their children. Therefore, these are not new ideas that all these new peddlers of this demonic system wish for our young people to believe; they are ancient, they are old. Young people want the newest, best thing, right. The ideas of socialism are old. They are nasty, they are decrepit, they are ancient; they are not new, they are old!

This speech is from: Pastor Sean’s last sermon just before the 2020 US presidential elections

If you want, read the whole speech here:

The King’s Dream

When are the American patriots going to stand?

Pastor Sean’s last sermon just before the 2020 US presidential elections

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