Monday, December 9, 2024

Training to get Younger and Youthful


Developing a younger mindset and body through training

So we're going to have to be bothering you guys up here in PA quite a bit, but it is what it is. We have to go back and forth, back and forth but it is also very important that we keep training as a community. Are you with me, folks? We have to keep training. We cannot get lazy with our training. Mind and body unity training is very important.

We have to get President Trump in, and after inauguration, we're going to be doing our Rod of Iron training. We're going to be doing power-lifting training with Anastasia. Pastor Kyle, and those folks already have a committee and they're going to be announcing stuff to you. At the same time, we're going to start training our younger teenage kids into self-defense training and Peace Police- Peace Militia training. So, every week, even when I'm up here, Victor Moon or Shigeru, whoever comes with me, will be doing self-defense training for young people 12 and up in the small sanctuary. Okay?

We got to get back to training, folks. You can't just be coming to church and going home and say, “Oh, I'm dead, I'm tired.” NO! You have to be getting younger; don't get older! How come when I come to Pennsylvania everybody’s getting old? NO! You should be getting YOUNGER. That means you're not training. 

So, I have to come and get everybody training. Everybody should be getting younger, younger, and more fit and more beautiful.

Remember? Youthfulness is not connected with age; you can still be 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, and still be youthful. Amen! That has nothing to do with being 20 years old; you can be 20 years old and be an old pooh-pooh. You could be a lazy ‘ashtray’ at 20 freaking years old; it doesn't matter. But youthfulness is a mind state and lifestyle. Do you understand? This is why it's very important, we have to do Cheong-song training.

Grandpas, Grandmas have to be Training

Mind and body unity training is Cheong-song training. Why? Because by doing the training, we are actualizing the fruit. We are making fruit. Why do our new folks come to Rod of Iron Freedom Festival and they love it and they say, “Wow, there's nothing like this,” and then they want to come to church? Why? Why does that happen? 

Because they see fruit; they see that the culture of the Kingdom is so different. They see we're not a New Testament church that just go to church, bench-warm the seats and then go home and say, “Hallelujah!” We don't do that. We fight on the street with the commies. We go out and we train too. We have the sense of responsibility of Peace Police- Peace Militia training.

I know you grandpas and grandmas are getting a little easy on that, so I'm going to have to come back and get you on your training a little bit. You have to remember: You are the Peace Police and Peace Militia. Amen? You are the defender. It's not the police, it's not the military; it's YOU! That sense of ownership and responsibility is essential. Why? Because if you're 60 or 70, young people don't think you're cool or anything because you're not trained. 

If you're trained, you can still be cool when you're 60, 70, 80 and you'll still be youthful, and young in spirit. So training is very important.

Every time we come back up everybody should be looking younger, not older. If every time we come back everybody’s back is going like this (Bent), the head is going down, down, down; if you go down too, you're going to go in the ground. (Laughter) (Showing the straightening of the back) Everybody, ah, ha, ha, ha, ha. Strong back. Then you become younger. You keep your eyes on the Father; you keep your eyes on the Father with shoulders out. That's very important when you do the training, when we do physical training, when you do squat training.

Especially now the freaking western medicine doctors are finally admitting the truth. What? Best exercise for old people over 40… It’s considered older. But why? Your bone density is going down. Your calcium deposit is depleting. Every decade is getting worse and worse. So, what is the best exercise for old people? It's not walking; it's not jogging. It's weight lifting. Do you understand? Now they're finally trying to tell people the truth. Old people must do weight lifting. If you don't do weight lifting, your muscles just atrophy; you become weaker and weaker, especially for core body, and it’s easy for you to fall over and break something.

So older people, don't go heavy like young bloods, don't go heavy like the young people, but you have to be giving what's called stress load to your muscles. That's how you stay youthful. If you don't stress load your muscle you get older and older every year. Older, older, weaker, weaker. Your back starts crinkling, withering, withering away like the grandma flower that's called Halmi Kkot 할미꽃. There's a particular type of flower in Korea that's called the grandma flower. It wilts like this. Don't become that grandma flower! You understand? There's a song about it too; Father loved that song. But don't be grandma flower! Right?

When we come back here, you have to be youthful, young; it doesn't matter how old you are. You have to be youthful but you can't do that by just sitting at home watching TV, “Oh, I come to service. I listen to the Second King two hours and I drive back. I'm so tired; I go to sleep.” You're getting old! That should not make you tired. Amen! You have to be ready after service speech training, to go do mind-body training. So, we're going to do that in Pennsylvania, and Tennessee of course; now we finally built a range out, we finally got the thing up.

So, Pastor Kyle, and these folks are preparing once a month circuit training. Even Dr. Panzer, who never exercised in his whole life, even HE will do weightlifting, okay? He's going to be inspiring all of you that say, “I can't do it, I can't do it, I've never done it.” Dr. Panzer has never done it either, but he's going to be doing it. He can read Korean. He said he couldn’t read Korean. Remember that? After two years of Hoon Dok Hae, this man is reading Korean better than Miho-san; he's better than Miho-san. Do you know that? He reads better Korean than Miho-san. (Applause) And they say you can't teach old dog new tricks? HE learned a new trick and it's a whole language. He can read better than Miho-san. He fixes Miho-san's Korean; that's why it's so amazing. Oh my gosh!

Anyways, that’s why training is so important too. People must see you at your age and say, “Wow! I want to be like them. This is the Moonies; this is the Cheon Il Guk inheritor; this is the kingship lines of the Messiah.” They have to see you and say, “Dang, I want to be like you people!” They shouldn't see you and everybody's crinkling over, becoming grandma flower and “Ow! Ow!” No! That should not be the case. They should see you coming here 50, 60, 70 - it doesn't matter - and say, “It's amazing, wow, all these grandmas.”

The Queens Make the Culture

This is very important. The grandmas have to be training. Why? Grandmas, you are the target number one to be attacked by Satan and the devils and the predators and wolves. But at the same time, you know how in the normal world, it's so hard even as a group to get women to train because they're very lazy about training; most of them don't like training. They want easy way, comfort way. But NOT Father's daughters! No! We must like what? The hard way! Amen! We don't like the easy way; easy way is bad! Amen! We like the hard way.

That's why even among the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) soldiers, the girls have to do training; all the girls in Israel, they have to do military training two to three years. American girls, lazy. Japan girls, lazy. They don't have to do anything. Right? That's terrible culture. Oh, we have our wonderful Japanese folks here. These gentlemen right here, they were Navy and Air Force pilot. See, these are some of our Japanese folks that served in the Japanese military or something like that, and they're here praying for America. (Applause)

But the queens are so important. Why? The queens make the culture. Do you understand? The queens make the culture; you are the ones that create the culture. So, if you don't train, guess whom the kids go to? They go to the mom and say, “Mommy, I don't want to train. You don't train. I don't want to train.” You see how that works? That's why the girls’ training is so important and at the same time, the queens, you want to go witness and you want to save souls; you want to help Father save souls. Amen!

You have that wonderful evangelical neurotic desire. See, neurotic desire is not always bad. When you're young it's bad, and a lot of the sisters ask,” Why am I so neurotic?” Well, if you turn that and you use it for God's work, then it can be great. Neuroticism is not necessarily a bad thing. If you're neurotic about wanting to save people's souls and unite them with Cheon Il Guk and the culture and Father, then that's great. See? God can use that as a weapon against Satan. Amen! 

So just because the scientists say that women are more neurotic, don't take it negative; just make it positive. You use it for God, you use it for witnessing; you use it for saving souls. Amen! Huh?

They Want to See the Fruits of the Kingdom

That's why it's so important; the sisters have to be training. When you start training then people start wanting to look up to you. They don't want to just come and hear theories about the Divine Principle, and anybody who teaches the Divine Principle, your families are falling apart, they're in terrible shape, they're not actualizing anything and they're getting old and sickly and dying. Nobody is going to follow that person. Do you understand? People want to see fruit. Is that true? They want to see fruit.

They want to see young people too. They don't want to follow the next generation if the next generation is not making fruit or trying, at least trying. 

It doesn't mean you have to be perfect. Nobody's perfect, okay? But you have to be trying; you have to put in the effort to do the training. And then you're building fruit; you're building fruit so that when outside people come after service… 

We don't have to invite them to Sunday service. That's the next level. You know, some people don't want to come to church at all. Why? Because they've been abused by the Catholic Church or the Protestant Church or whatever the case may be. They don't want to come to church. BUT they will come to weightlifting training with the grandmas. Huh? They will come to firearms training with the Gunmas. You see what I'm saying? They will come. Why? Because that's a benefit to them.

But then when they come, we obviously do it just as we do any other service. It's like an outdoor service. We're praying in the beginning, praying at the end; anybody who needs prayer, counseling, we would do that for them. It's doing fellowship. And by doing that, they're seeing all of you, all of Father's fruit; that it doesn't matter how old you are, you're still living vigorously until you're in the grave, just like Father. You're not retiring like lazy people. No! We're using every last minute on this earth for the glory of God. Amen!

So, you're 50, 60 years old, “Oh, my body is ouchy”. I know that, but that's why now Western doctors are finally telling older folks that you have to do weight training. But of course, you do it at your own pace, you can't hurt yourself. The key with weight training is to have a good coach, like Anastasia- she's a professional- and to have proper form.

Keep your back straight, spine straight, head to the sky. It's very important. That kind of training then keeps you healthy and young. The more your back curls, the more you go into the ground, you go ready to be buried and have Seonghwa. The more your back comes UP, head up, then you become younger. That's why the training is very important. Are you with me, folks?

So, with the mind and body unity training we have to be YOUTHFUL. Now, older people shouldn't probably be doing Jiu-Jitsu. No, just you get good with the Rod of Iron. That's much better, safer. In Jiu-Jitsu, you break bones, you tore up, you get a lot of injuries. You don't need to do that; that's for the younger people. But as you get older, you have to take care of your mind-body unity training. 

You ought to be learning how to do weightlifting. That's why we're going to have that program. So, everybody, get in there and learn the circuit training and weightlifting, general weightlifting at your age, not heavy; first we just start with body weight and something like that, and then as you get stronger, then you add smaller, smaller, weight. But is it very important. All of you feel it; when you get older you become less stable. When you were younger that didn't happen.

Stay Hydrated; Drink Water

So what do you have to do? You have to do your medicine. Your medicine is what? Water! Drink a lot of water. Electrolytes, like salt, very important. A lot of people are under-salted. You have to have a proper level of salt, and water, water, water, a lot of water. Stay hydrated. Your brain works on obviously glucose, but also on water. Your heart works on water, too. So being hydrated properly is a very, very important training. When I'm training the young people in Jiu-Jitsu and MMA, I shout, “Water break. Let's go! WaterWaterWater!” Everybody has to stay hydrated, healthy. The Bible refers to Christ as “the water of Life”. It’s that important for our spirit, but also important for our body. We have to have water for our health, good water. Amen!

Give Your Body Stress

And then of course you have to be giving your body stress! Stop trying to have no stress; that's bad! No stress is bad! Satan! You have to have stress. It’s called “stress loading.” Stress is very important; stress is training. Amen! Stress is good training. And the more stress load you give your muscles and stuff like that…

Remember, Father in the morning was training every day, even up to 90, even up to the helicopter crash; I did the morning training with Father from 4 o'clock to 5 o'clock before Hoon Dok Hae training. Depending on how his body was feeling, Father did anywhere from 100 to 300 squats every morning at 80 and 90 years old. Who in this room is doing 300 squats a day? Nobody!

Do you understand? You have no excuse! You are Father’s daughters and sons. You have to do it! You have no excuse. You are young whippersnappers compared to Father at 80 and 90 years old. Huh? No excuse! We have to be showing the fruit of Father's culture. Are you with me folks? You have to show youthfulness.

I don't want to come here in PA and every time I come back there are just more old people smelly, more musty, more cobweb? No! Everybody should be looking more beautiful, losing weight, hair more wonderful, beautiful, shiny. Everybody with more muscle in the leg. Amen! That's how it should be wherever Father's blessings go. We don't wither. No. We stay vibrant. But in order to stay vibrant, what is it? It takes stress load and pain.

We're not scared of pain. We like pain. We like pain in a good way. People who know how to do stuff like pain, daggone it, they don't like easy stuff. Easy stuff, once in a while it's refreshing, but if it's too much, then it's bad; it's bad for your health. You have to enjoy the stress load.

That's why training is so important; it trains our body and mind. Anybody who tries to train their body, you know you need to have a strong mind to train your body because once you start training, you want to quit; you want to quit, you want to make excuse, excuse, excuse. You want to quit; you want to quit. You see, this is the mind training now. So, training your body, you will have to train your mind. Is that true? Yes, it is very true.

Then They Want to Hear the Principle

So, we're going to be starting up that training especially after President Trump gets inaugurated. True Father has given us the greatest victory. Even though they're trying tostart World War III right now, Father has given us a higher probability of world peace. What an amazing gift! That's from Father, as I told you millions of times, millions of times. (Applause)

I try to pull these services down to 30 minutes or to one hour but it's not possible. We have just too many things to be grateful for and to thank Father for. What time is it? I'm already thanking Father for over an hour right now. You understand what I'm saying? It is not even an hour; it's not an hour really.

But Father gave us incredible grace. That's why I did not talk about this before this huge victory even though they're still trying to blow up the world; they shot Russia again with ten missiles into Russia, these NATO crazy lunatics! They're trying to blow up the world before Trump comes in so they will blame everything on him. everybody's got to keep their prayers UP and keep fighting. We're going to be on the prayer runs right away; tomorrow, we're going to be back on the prayer run. So, pray for us etc.

And everybody, get ready for training especially after inauguration. We got to get Trump in safely and then our communities will be training. Basically, we're going to be doing mini Rod of Iron Freedom Festivals after service and that is witnessing evangelical mind-and-body health training. Everybody gets younger but at the same time everybody creates a field of witnessing and evangelism where people can touch the culture. they don't just listen to our theories, they touch the culture and see the fruit of the Principle, of the Constitution, of Father's Kinship, etc. Are you with me folks?

So, get ready for that; get ready for that. It's coming. You folks should not be getting older; you should be getting more youthful. Amen? You can't get younger because that goes against God's plan, right? He made us getting older. But you can get youthful because that is a mind state and that is a lifestyle training. It doesn't matter if you're 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, you can still be youthful, and that fruit is very important, very, very important. And then it’s much easier to invite our friends to train with us.

And it's a benefit. It's not only a benefit for each one of the people who are training; physically; they get healthier, more hydrated, get more knowledge about mind-and body unit training. But the people we train also are now a benefit to the neighborhood. Why? Because they're getting stronger, they're getting better with the Rod of Iron training, so, now they're a better citizen who is prepared in that neighborhood. Then now we just blessed the neighborhood. Are you with me, folks?

And the people who get training with us, then of course they see that all the stupid media talking about us being called a cult, is bull crap and people realize, “These people, they are portraying the fruit of God's Kingdom.”

So then obviously, they want to hear about the Principle. NOW of course it's very natural for them to want to hear about the Principle, “Where does this come from? What is Rev Moon teaching? What is this Constitution?” You see? It's natural. There's no need to push evangelism. They're seeing the fruit and then they're interested in what the root of that fruit is. 

We have to be about the Father's business. We're not only about our business, but we have to be about the who's business? The Father's business, “Thy Kingdom come.” What is it? “Thy Will be done”. That means: be about your daddy's business. Are you with me folks?

So, get ready to get younger and youthful. We're not going to let you become grandmas and grandpas all rotting away in the seats. No! You’ve got to be youthful grandmas and grandpas. Youthful. Fighting Satan, enjoying the pain and stress and becoming stronger for God. Amen! That's the kind of spirit it takes to always keep Satan on the defensive and to keep up the fight. Fight! Fight! Fight! Win, win, win! Fight! Fight! Fight! Vote, vote, vote! Win, win, win! Amazing, amazing! Are you with me, folks?

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1 comment:

  1. Luca 2, 48-50
    So when they saw Him, they were amazed; and His mother said to Him, “Son, why have You done this to us? Look, Your father and I have sought You anxiously.” And He said to them, “Why did you seek Me? Did you not know that I must be about My Father’s business?” But they did not understand the statement which He spoke to them.


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