Tuesday, December 15, 2020

This is the fight for our lives!

This is the fight for our lives!

Second King of Cheon Il Guk, Korean Service

Dec 9, 2020

(Unofficial notes)

Hello everyone! Yesterday everyone came back via DC. Our J and K teams were protesting outside the Supreme Court for 3 hours, and we thank God for this.

Justice Alito (Bush appointment - a fake conservative) rejected the case referred to from the PA Supreme Court. We have received good news. Senator Cruz will be going to the Supreme Court to provide representation as part of the case that Texas has brought against Louisiana, Arkansas, PA etc. (i.e. all the swing states) The state of Texas has brought a legal case against the 7 swing states, which means that all 9 justices must sit in and adjudicate on the case.

When we heard the news that Justice Alito had rejected the PA appeal, we felt God was showing us that the fight could not be easy. We can see this when we train the Academy people. They might think that they are stronger than they actually are. Through martial arts training, they soon realize their actual strength.

Take Victor Moon for example: he is just a small person but he has the capability to dominate people who are bigger than him. If he spars with someone who has been training for a similar amount of time, then that is a proper fight, as he is not able to easily, dominate those sparring partners.

You can see this in political Satanism and the current environment. Those who are promoted often tend to be beta males/females who do not work for their achievements. You can see this in the US with those who have betrayed the integrity of the electoral system and are staying quiet.

As the son of True Father, I did not need to train in deadly arts, but I decided that I wanted to become a high-level practitioner. I had to earn it. No one could just give it to me.

When I look at my life at a young person, learning to overcome difficulties, not wallowing in self- pity, continuing despite being hit in the face etc. all of this became invaluable in life. It also has allowed me to train the young people. True Father absolutely loved it, that I was training in martial arts. I had 6 older brothers who have fiery personalities (with the exception of Kook-Jin Nim and Young-Jin Nim). I wanted to be respected by them, so I trained harder in martial arts. It helped me a lot.

In CIG, all the young people will receive this training. You will not be able to avoid it. There are many sons, who are cowardly and scared when they are young, and they hide this by outwardly making it look like they are tough. Similarly, with young girls, they think that they are stronger than young men are. However when they train in martial arts, they start understanding the difference in physical strength i.e. in reality.

This sort of training is absolutely, essential for the young people. This is not just applicable to physical strength. The discipline you gain can be applied to everything e.g. running a business etc.

When you train in martial arts, your intelligence is not going to help you beat anyone. You might think that you will develop a new skill or technique to win, but if you do not train, it has no use. Your brain develops even more with the addition of physical training. The way your brain works completely changes, and is much better than those who just work on their intellectual ability.

In CIG, everyone will be going through the Peace Police -Peace Militia training. This training is not to worship the government.

Beta males are scared of physical activity, so they look to try to manipulate those around them, to gain power. This can be seen in the FBI and CIA in the US. Those who have progressed through the ranks are generally those who are beta males. There are not many, who have had to go through physical fights.

Those who train in CIG, you become not only physically and mentally stronger, but you also develop heavenly ethics, and will learn how to ethically, use power. You will then also be able to train the next generation in a godly way.

Training people to be strong is not to create a big and strong government. It is to prevent the creation of a big government, and therefore political Satanism. This is why those who come to train in the academy do not train in just learning theology. They are also under physical training. They get to learn how it is easy to lose, or how easily someone can kill them.

This was also the case for me when I was younger. I lost many fights, recovered from many injuries. I did not however run away; I carried on. I was able to strengthen myself, not only physically but mentally too, by not running away. If you do not train like this, it increases the chances of becoming someone who supports political Satanism.

If you are not able to defend yourself and your family, that country will die. Knowing the Divine Principle will not help you defend yourself, your family and ultimately your country.

By learning ethics and becoming stronger, you gain power, but you also get to learn how to ethically, use this power. Even if you do not know the bible etc. but you go through this type of training, you develop a sense of ethics of loving your neighbor, a desire to help and save them.

So when a danger appears e.g. a person falling into a river etc. you will try to help them thereby increasing their chances of surviving. This is the result of the Cheon Il Guk Peace Police -Peace Militia training.

It is the beta males who are destroying democracy in the United States at the moment. In Cheon Il Guk you will not be able to survive as a beta male.

As you train, there will come a point when you will be able to review, and see how much you have developed compared to say a year ago. You will start developing an ethic not to progress by being sly. For things such as physical training, you cannot progress through intellect. You must train to progress; you must earn progress.

The King is using the example of training to talk about individual portion of responsibility, and that you can only earn something by fulfilling your portion, e.g. in training you must fulfill your responsibility by training as hard as you can.

There are a lot of young men who previously did not want to learn and study the Bible but through training in martial arts, they are able to realize their own weaknesses and change their thinking process, so they want to study and learn the Bible, because they are future Kings and Chief Priests of their respective households.

When you first train in BJJ, you get to, soon understand your short falls, e.g., “I died 30 times today.” However as you keep on training, you develop into very different individuals.

So God's love is not like those you see in cartoons or computer games. He is an alpha father who develops an alpha wife who will in turn develop alpha children. By training in martial arts, you get to learn what kind of people can be strong. Beta people think power can only be obtained by tricking and manipulating people.

The root of socialism/communism denies the existence of God. It is the most dangerous form of 'religious' beliefs.

Jesus was not able to give us physical salvation, which is why he said he would return. True Father, through establishing the Three- Generation Kingship line and giving us the CIG Constitution, has given us physical salvation. He has made us Kings and Priests and has given us the Rod of Iron.

Look at the Christian community now! Many are staying in their churches and praying. They are not in the streets protesting.

In the US, we have the Second Amendment rights (which will also be the case in CIG). As a government, you are not able to dominate your citizenry. In CIG, as a citizen, you are allowed to own tanks. Kook-Jin Nim is waiting for the delivery of his armored vehicle.

In a country where citizens are allowed to own guns, tanks, machine guns of high caliber, war can never break out. This is because the citizens are sovereign in those countries. Governments are in the position of servants. In CIG, armored tanks, army, naval vessels etc. will be, owned by the citizens. We will be doing the formation training etc.

By citizens, owning aircraft carriers, tanks, submarines etc. governments are prevented from going into senseless wars. The US has become so centralized, which has resulted in going into senseless wars. True Father was absolutely against the War in Iraq. He called George W. Bush Satan. Iraq was about getting oil for George W. Bush and Dick Cheney's respective companies. In CIG, they would not be able to do this without the approval of the people who own the naval and ground force armory i.e. the citizens. True Father was very angry to the point that he was hospitalized.

Why did the US go into Afghanistan and continue a war for 19 years? Afghanistan is the global Centre for heroine ($800Billion value) The CIA and FBI were using this as their source of cash. They did not kill any terrorists.

Trump is the only President trying to stop useless wars. He is the only president who has not started any wars. Obama started 16 wars. This is why they are trying to get rid of Trump; because those who financially benefit from war- mongering are losing out, on money at the moment.

This is why in Cheon Il Guk the citizens own the armory to prevent politicians from going into senseless wars. So, there will be no way to obtain power in an evil way within CIG. Even if as a man, you wanted to walk this path in CIG, you would probably know that you would die. This will most likely mean that you will walk a righteous path to earn power, but you will also learn how to ethically, use this power to protect your country. This is why CIG is so powerful and dangerous to evil people!

People in Korea and Japan have not seen people protesting outside government buildings with their Rod of Iron.

Countries filled with Christians with crowns and Rod of Iron will never be able to lean left politically. This is because they will always look to be an ethical nation, kicking out political Satanism.

To gain power in CIG you must go through so much blood, sweat and tears, with the mind and heart to protect your family and neighbors.

The Queen

Bible Reading Luke 20:9–16

9-Then began he to speak to the people this parable; A certain man planted a vineyard, and let it forth to husbandmen, and went into a far country for a long time.

10 And at the season he sent a servant to the husbandmen, that they should give him of the fruit of the vineyard: but the husbandmen beat him, and sent him away empty. 11 And again he sent another servant: and they beat him also, and entreated him shamefully, and sent him away empty. 12 And again he sent a third: and they wounded him also, and cast him out.

13 Then said the lord of the vineyard, what shall I do? I will send my beloved son: it may be they will reverence him when they see him. 14 But when the husbandmen saw him, they reasoned among themselves, saying, This is the heir: come, let us kill him, that the inheritance may be ours. 15 So they cast him out of the vineyard, and killed him. What therefore shall the lord of the vineyard do unto them?

16 He shall come and destroy these husbandmen, and shall give the vineyard to others. And when they heard it, they said.

The King

Is talking about when he was pleading with the Han mother to not betray True Father, but she committed the cosmic fall for the sake of money. She did not fulfill her portion of responsibility by accepting and attending to God's will. She tried to get rid of the Three Generation Kingships.

The fight happening on the micro level is taking place at the macro level. The academy guys, as soon as they landed, were drafted into participating in the protests.

The mainstream media declared Joe Biden as the winner of the election, but now we are seeing all the evil ways in which they manipulated the results; however, the mainstream media is not covering it. So the people are sharing between themselves, but unfortunately the main stream media and large corporations are censoring this information.

As in the bible reading, they are trying to kill the chosen son, Trump during these elections.

There is no church in the entirety of the United States who is protesting in support of President Trump. The conservatives are looking at us in amazement because such a small community is supporting President Trump. They are all hiding in their homes, and trying to avoid physical danger.

We do not know how God is going to use the networks He has blessed us with. However, what we do know is that God is working with us. If God gives everything to us easily, the Christians will have no reason to become courageous. Once the ballot count manipulation of the Dominion Voting System is exposed, it will have a global effect where people will promote voting in person again.

This is an extremely important fight to maintain freedom and liberty. This election will determine the path that we will take to establish CIG.

As a patriotic community, we will earn the respect of those around us. They will see that people who cannot vote (i.e. the international brothers and sisters) came to fight for the liberty and freedom of Americans. They will no longer persecute us, but respect us and will work with us to protect and fight for the US. We will observe what is happening. We may even go to Texas, Wisconsin etc. We will let you know.

This is the fight for our lives!

We give thanks to our True Parents for protecting us during the protests.

Aju! Aju! Aju!

(Unofficial notes- translation Kookyeong Lee, edited by Bea Clyburn)

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