Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Pastor Sean Moon praying at Trump's rally

Pastor Sean Moon praying at the End of the Jericho March and at the Capitol Building

Washington, DC 12.12.2020

… The American patriot spirit is rising in this place as the spirit of God stirs every heart and mind, setting brush fires within the hearts and minds of men to stand up against wickedness and evil. The Bible says to fear God’s righteous judgment and to stand up against unrighteousness, for it is for freedom that Christ has set us free.

Stand firm and do not submit yourself to a yoke of slavery!

It is the Word of God, which empowers the spirit of the American people. As America has been infiltrated from within with brainwashing pastors and teachers, teaching fornication, licentiousness and sin to the body of Christ, America has lost its connection to God and to Jesus, and to the Biblical hope and morality, which has sustained it. We have become a country that is killing 74 million babies in the womb, has kicked the fathers out of the family, has celebrated divorce and the destruction of the nuclear family, which is a blessing given to us by Almighty God.

We repent, as American Christians, for all the sins of our nations, God. We turn from our sins. You said that if we turn from our sins and seek your face, that You would forgive us, and You would heal this land.

Dear God, hear our cry and hear our plea for we love You as You have loved us. You have died for us, and given yourself for us, even while we were sinners, and even while we were in sin.

Dear God, in this fight, let the righteous speak, and let the righteous voice be heard, for in this critical hour when all things may look dark and all hope may seem like it is in vain, we rely on the hope of Christ who sustains us. We rely on the hope of God and Christ in our heart to strengthen us to stand up against the invasion of the Chinese communist party, a dangerous Marxist organization.

Many of us have been freed from communist countries. Many of us have come to America because of the US Armed Forces that liberated North Korea from the death camps.

God is standing with us at this hour. God is calling America at this critical hour ….God is standing with the American people; it is God that put in our hearts hope, freedom and liberty.

Not by man, but the Lord Almighty who has power, who has authority over all of creation and it is upon that God, that we stand in this place today. That all are here in DC who are participating in the selling out of America, and the selling out of the US to dangerous satanic Marxist organization, like the CCP, … like radical Islam, etc.

We will stand up against them worldwide as the body of Christ, and we will stand up and rebuke the wickedness and the evil … and we rebuke every one of these public servants for breaking their oath to the Constitution and breaking their oath with the people of America.

Pastor Sean Moon praying at the Capitol Building

Every single one of you, bureaucrats who work in these halls, work for the American people. You have sworn an oath to defend the Constitution from enemies foreign and domestic. You must remember your oath. You must remember the solemn promise that you have made to defend the Constitution and the founding principles of America. You do not work for pensions and for salaries. You work for the American people, and public servants must serve the public.

We pray for God’s hand of righteousness over this place, this place of great corruption, this place of allying with the Chinese communist party and the big banking cartel, this place of deep wickedness that is hiding behind the scenes, being covered-up and protected by an establishment that has become the enemy of the American people.

But God Almighty is in charge, and every single person that resides in this place, you are just a man, and you are just a woman, and you will have to face God on the Day of Judgment. It will be recorded if you have participated in selling out this country to the wicked, evil, Marxist communist satanic power, or whether or not you obeyed your oath of solemnity to the Constitution and the people of the United States of America.

We as the people of America, are given inalienable rights, by God Almighty. As the Bible says, “Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth, has loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood, And hath made us kings and priests unto God and to his Father.” (Revelation 1:5-6)

The people of God stand as the highest power in this land. Just like the communist party of China, or just like the communist party of North Korea, this government is becoming more and more similar, using draconian lockdown laws to bring us under totalitarian control, surveillance and unconstitutional control, dominion.

We stand in solidarity with all the people of this land, with the power of God Almighty anointing his people at this place of iniquity and sin, and we stand to rebuke it in the name of Jesus. We stand to rebuke it in the name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit. We stand to remind all those who can hear the voice of rebuke to remember their oath to protect this country from enemies foreign and domestic.

Our Founding Fathers never, never, never foresaw a day when the Chinese communist party would infiltrate America and create its own voting, counting system; an egregious and outrageous Stalinist-like take-over from the inside out. God is watching all of you at this time. It is incumbent upon the people of God in America to rise up and to remember who you are.

You are the heir of the inheritance that is America. The bureaucrats and the government officials who think they are gods are not God, for God is God and Jesus is Lord.

We pray upon this place today, that all the righteous people that have gathered from every race, color and creed, from every state across the Union, would stand in solidarity with President Trump who is being ousted in an unconstitutional coup against the American people. The American people voted for President Trump in a tremendous landslide victory where he is the first president to increase his base by 11% and still lose according to the fake news media.

But the American people are not stupid and the American people are not fools, for we can see through the lies and the deception, and we can see through the corruption that exists in this place. The Biden crime family and Beijing Biden represent the internal take-over of America through the many years of Marxists indoctrination through the school systems and the education of the universities.

We stand with God’s people at this place today. Rebuking that direction in which the politicians desire to take America, and to destroy America, forever; changing it, into a leftist, socialist, communist country. Where the disarmament of the people will commence and the destruction and total control of the American people will be the fate of the future, if the American people do not stand up and rise up against this evil.

Therefore, we rebuke every one of you officials that are in this place, hiding behind these walls of marble that have been, paid by the taxpayers! We command the powers and hosts of Heaven that they will be watching every move that you make, and God Almighty can see every evil thought and wicked machination that you are doing to oust the president of the United States, and to steal the birthright of America from the people.

This hour that we have been warned about is upon us, and we are standing in the gap as the body of Christ and the people of God to pray at this place. We ask God to be with all the people, that are gathered in this place and square, that are gathered in DC, to stand up against the wickedness and corruption that Beijing Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, AOC, Ilhan Omar, etc. will bring to this land, a radical totalitarian form of governance that will utterly erase the history of America.

So we call upon God Almighty that we would be anointed as the people of God, and that we would turn to righteousness, as the Word said, “Seek ye first the kingdom and his righteousness and all things shall be added unto you!”

These seven marches around the Supreme Court building represent the marching around of Jericho, and that the walls are made to tumble down by Almighty God, so that the people of God can gain victory over that which is evil.

If you in this building seek money and power, and salaries and pensions above your solemn oath, your oath to God and to the Constitution, shame on you! And God will bring judgment to you and your posterity. The Bible warns of those who will go against God’s will and will participate in evil and wickedness. We condemn that; we condemn it and we stand up against it with the spirit of God Almighty.

God is leading the charge, anointing President Trump at this critical hour, so that President Trump can have power and strength through this dark time, when all the Deep State has unified to oust him, a duly elected president, that has had the most votes in all of our presidents’ histories combined.

President Trump, we stand with you! President Trump, the American people voted for you. President Trump, you are the duly elected president, and President Trump, you won in 2020, and President Trump, you are the one that God has anointed for this time in our history’s dark hour. We are praying for our president and his family, that he remain strong at this time, and that he remain in the spirit, while all of the people of America are raising their anointing hands and praying for him in this very hour.

President Trump, stand with the people, because the people stand with you!

President Trump did not have to take this role in being, persecuted daily by the mainstream media, being persecuted daily by the Chinese communist party, being personally attacked, his family being threatened; he did not have to take on this incredible onerous burden.

But he heard the prompting of God even though he is not perfect. And he obeyed God’s prompting to stand for those are flyover country, to stand for those whom they call deplorable, to stand for those whom they call, “Bible in one hand and guns in the other,” standing up for those who have no more voice, and standing up for those who have been forgotten.

President Trump stood in that gap, and the American people stood with him.

We pray before the Capitol Building and the Supreme Court, and in front of all the building that are here, that the anointing of God would fall upon the president right now, wherever he is, wherever he may be. Let the anointing of God fall on him now! Let the spirit of God strengthen him now! Let the power of God anoint him now!

And let him lead this country away from the encroachment that is happening before our eyes, and let him move this country away from evil.

We thank God Almighty who is standing with America at this time, and we pray that God will lead the world towards freedom and liberty, the gifts that Almighty God has given us.

God we thank you for this day, and all the patriots and we now move to the mall area.

We give You all the praise, God, all the glory and all the honor

In Your precious name



The Second King Public prayer

Pastor Sean Moonin Trump's rally

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