Monday, December 14, 2020

God-given Rights should be honored

God-given Rights should be honored

Rev. HJ Sean Moon

Sermon on the 40th Day of Mobilization, Nov 22, 2020

Good morning everybody! Great to see everybody; everybody's healthy. My goodness! We had the J- team out in Scranton this morning doing your protest prayers and your Cheong Seong! God bless you, folks! One day- one day- you have to take a break okay! Just one day, okay, at least! God commanded you to take the Sabbath, okay!

I know everybody is praying hard for the President, and we are so grateful that everybody's out there on the streets fighting, because you have to get out on the streets. You got to get out and show the left and the totalitarians, that we will not stand for this type of illegal fraud. But also we're taking casualties, in the sense that people are getting sick; we're getting attacked. The flags were attacked by these two crazy leftist lunatic girls trying to tear a flag.

So, at the same time we want our folks to, at least one day, just be in prayer, be in study etc. … Amen! Amen!

Boy! You know, we are grateful for the intensity of the fire that God has put in your belly, to fight against evil, and that is, an honorable thing; that is a righteous thing. So, let us give it up for all our J-team, K- team, and USA- team, everybody standing up against evil! God bless you, folks! But at the same time, we have a physical body; so, make sure you remain healthy, and as you know, strong in that way, okay?


  • They're trying to cancel Thanksgiving and make it a crime for you to be together with your friends and loved ones.....
  • We have to pray for our President, folks!

We are in such an intense period! Probably the most intense period of our nation's history! So, it is incredible; it's intense and it is crazy and it is filled with anxiety and stress etc. … But isn't it exciting to be alive at this time folks? This is a battle between good and evil, and things are being made clear. The grey is going away, and whether you stand on the side of good or on the side of evil, is coming out in plain sight and plain view. That is a blessing actually for the world, even though it is stressful and even though there is a lot of anxiety in it.

Imagine how President Trump must be feeling! This level of intensity, and constantly being attacked, but he is remaining calm and collected as the Bible says, in Ephesians 6:15, “Feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace,” even in warfare, moving in peace, peaceful. With those feet shod, he's able to move in the midst of battle with clarity and tranquility.

I know people are getting on his case for not making any public appearances and stuff, and in the first public appearance he makes he is talking about lowering pharmaceutical prices and drug prices. People are, “What? Come on man! You know what is going on? Do you know what is going on here? Where are the mega rallies et cetera…?”

But he's got to fight this in court! That is why he's not in front of the media; he's not in front of the court of public opinion. He has to fight this in court! So, he is smartly taking the quiet road now, until they start smashing and releasing the evidence, as the Kraken is released in court, folks. Then just layer upon layer of the Kraken emerges from the waters and start destroying. In the movie Troy, did you see that Kraken in there, that comes out of the water? That is now being released! So, praise God Almighty! Praise God! And please pray for our President!

  • 59 Days to Inauguration and the re-inauguration of President Trump

But it's only 59 days away! There is a big, big, big, rally planned December 12 in Washington, DC. This will be even bigger than the Million MAGA March, folks! If you were down there with us in the MAGA March, there was over a million people there, easy! They only had about five days to prepare, but this one, this is a month, a month they are preparing!

So, you're talking about a massive gathering! This may be the biggest gathering that Washington, D.C. has ever seen! It may be two million, three million people, okay! Yeah! Praise God!

Again that also gives about a month and a half for what? The enemy: Antifa domestic terrorist group and BLM et cetera to prepare as well.

You saw what they did last time at the million MAGA March. They stayed on the edges; they tried to corner people in, and funnel people in, and of course they tried to get stragglers. They were attacking elderly people; they were attacking women and children.

Thank God for The Proud Boys folks, led by Enrique, a Cubano, who came from Cuba. His dad fled from Cuba at the age of 14. We were able to say, “Hi,” to them, their teams etc. … And boy, those guys are amazing! God bless those guys! First, from 6 00 pm to 6 am they were wandering the streets, so that Antifa was on the run, okay, and that the Trump supporters could be safe.

God bless those kinds of men! That's what the left hates: to see strong alpha males rising up and saying:” No! We will not take your totalitarianism! We will resist you, and we will never be defeated! We will win! We’ll win!” They do not want to see that, okay. So, God bless them! Amazing; great job!

So, as we go down there, we may have different groups. We want to discuss those things with everybody; we should move in groups. We should not move as stragglers or something like that; we should move in groups, and plan these things earlier. Because you must anticipate to be attacked, okay; these crazy lunatics, they are literally fighting for their civilization of evil.

They see President Trump, they see the Christian gun owner; they see the person who will stand up for righteousness, even though, let's say they're not Christian, like Falun Gong, they're Buddhists, but they know the evil of the Chinese Communist Party. Such organizations are destructive, that are wicked and that destroyed human freedom and the gifts of God.

So, we will have to be more organized as we get down there for the 12.12 event, and we'll be putting out things and information etc. … so we can gather and we can communicate those things, and the threats that may be involved. But also that everybody can have a great time there, and come back home safely. Amen!

I was thinking, maybe you know, Ephesians 6 talks about: ” the armor of God, the helm of salvation and the shield of faith.” Hey! Maybe we should like roll in a phalanx formation. We got the shields and then there is the turtle formation, and then you have the second layer, which was the spears.

But you wouldn’t have to do the spears; we can just do the Trump flags! So, we’d move as a big turtle going as a Roman phalanx through the streets of D.C. peacefully!

We are not doing anything great! We are just peacefully moving in a fun way; uh in a way that represents the spiritual warfare that we are in, the spiritual battle that we are in. So, maybe we'll do that. We will talk about it, but that may be a fun way to roll down the streets of D.C! Crazy, crazy time!

  • Thank you for your contributions: we reached the goal of $21,000 for our Trump victory task force team!

All the folks from Japan, Korea that are here fighting for our country! These folks they cannot vote in the US, but they are fighting here! You think about that! Think about that, folks, seriously! Think about that! Please think about that! They cannot even vote here, but they are here and they are fighting for our country, because they know, if our country goes down, if America goes down, Japan is dead! China will swallow up South Korea; China will swallow up Hong Kong, Taiwan. China will swallow up everything, everything, and if Beijing Biden gets in, folks, that man is connected to the Chinese Communist Party. His son worked under the Spy Chief of China. Do you understand? That is an enemy of America. You understand how dangerous that is!

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