Thursday, December 10, 2020

Do not betray God

Do not betray God

Rev Hyung Jin Sean Moon

Early Korean service, Nov 25, 2020

(This speach is without a title, so, I gave this title:"Do not betray God)

Trump must therefore win. This not only protects the US but also the world.

The King is talking about the video he showed during the Sunday Service about the previous NY state governor Bloomberg. He has always supported Democrats. Bloomberg recently attended the World Economic Forum and billionaires such as Bill Gates, Zuckerberg etc. attended this event. If you look at what they announced, they are pretty much declaring that they will be spreading communism post-CCP virus. They will stop people from owning land all in the name of protecting the environment.

Once communism comes in, they will be moving everyone into government built facilities making it easier for them to control the citizenry. Should Biden come into office, it will be very hard to come into the US. They will start confiscating guns, and the people will have to fight the government with no Second Amendment’s rights - there is only an ugly outcome for the ordinary folk. Do not think and try to understand this.

If Biden comes into power, the businesses in your respective countries will start disappearing. Your governments will start spreading communism too. There will be no such thing as work. The only thing to exist will be working for the government.

This is why you should fight with the microcosm. This is why you should fight, in the country, where you are most likely to succeed in battle. The only place in the world where you have the best chance to fight communism is the US because of the Second Amendment’s rights.

They will probably also start conducting surveillance on our YouTube channel and will start banning conservative and Godly channels. As they start banning us, you will not be able to see what is happening in the micro cosmos. People do not understand this because they have not lived in a communist state.

If Biden comes in, the world will quickly become communist states. Everyone is waiting for the pre-CCP virus conditions to come back, but if Biden comes into power, this will never happen. A permanent lock down will happen because the governments will become stronger.

They will brainwash people through the mainstream media by spreading fear. The MSM do not highlight the recovery rate for corona virus. They will continue to highlight, only the numbers and deaths to scare people.

Once they get all this power, do you think they are going to suddenly, let go of it? There are already some people, who said, that even if the vaccine is effective, people should still wear masks, and the lock down should continue; because the virus can evolve. They are using this as the basis to continue the lockdown.

You must understand how serious this is. If you do not, there is a possibility that you will die. If you throw away God and Jesus to stay alive, you will not be able to enter heaven not only just for yourselves but also your descendants.

This is why I said to you that you must fight with the micro cosmos. The micro is in one place; it is not your respective countries. Many people thought this was a 21-day workshop. This is not a workshop. This is a battle for Heaven. If Biden comes into power, you probably will never be able to come back to the US. You will have to face a scary reality. If you abandon God during those times, you will go to hell.

You must fight with the willingness to die for God's providence. Those who receive the mark of Satan will not be able to go into heaven. This is because you have betrayed God.

This is why I said you should stay if possible in the US but many people still went home. You should be fighting in the US, not in your respective countries. This shows that you do not understand the providence.

You think right now you can think about earthly things right. If communism comes in, the reality of 'earthly' thought will not even be possible. If Biden comes in, our community will be targeted. We will not be able to communicate via internet. If Biden comes in, we will most likely be classified as domestic terrorists.

This is because we preach about the Rod of Iron Kingdom. We have not even fired any arms, but because we preach about the use of the Rod of Iron and have declared the Constitution, it is very likely that we will be targeted by the government. We will be taken away by the government. Why can you not understand this, despite me repeating it so many times?

This is why even when Mrs. Erikawa said she needed to return to Japan. I told her to stay until Trump has been officially re-elected. At the moment it is looking likelier that Biden is coming into office; the hope of the conservatives is reducing.

You are all waiting for me to tell you to come and go. I will not do this because you will not pray fervently. If you pray the answer to what you should do will come quickly. If Biden comes in, we most likely will not be able to have the services online. It will not be just for our church but it will be for all churches across the world. Our community will be targeted and imprisoned.

The Jeong-song has not finished. Why? Because we are still here fighting! We are at a very serious point. If Trump does not win, a big darkness will spread across the world. You will have to survive this darkness alone.

So, pray to understand the reality. I will no longer explain this to you. We should never be scared to fight and die for God's providence. Those who abandon God to live longer will all go to hell. Even your descendants will not be able to come into heaven.

Those who bear the mark of the beast -e.g. worship the government- will never be able to enter heaven. Even if we as a community are branded as domestic terrorists, we should still not abandon God. I will no longer be giving direction on what you must or must not do.

You think a dark time will not come and you will soon be able to go back to a normal life? That dark time has already come. Dr. Judy Mikovitz has also stated that the vaccine has mNRA technology, messenger NRA technology. It will alter our DNA irreversibly.

And with that I will be ending today's service.

(Unofficial notes translated by Kookyeong Lee, edited by Bea Clyburn  

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