Friday, February 14, 2020

Do not be ashamed of your rights

Do not be ashamed of your rights, which you received from Father.
Second King of Cheon Il Guk - Rev. Hyung Jin Sean Moon
Sunday Service
Jan 26 2020/1.2.11, Las Vegas, NV, USA
Some people are criticizing our crowns; they are only proud of themselves.
They make fun of us saying we got these crowns from Burger King.
Why? Because they are weak and they want to diminish the value of the crown. They want you all to be ashamed of your God- given right. They can then subjugate your will and behavior.
It doesn't matter what your crown is made of; leather, bullets, it doesn't matter. You must be proud of your God- given identity.
Father passed on his crown to me with his own hands. There is no one else on earth who has received this. During the deposition, I mentioned this several times. I am the only one who has received the crown from the King of Kings. After 15 hours of deposition, they became tired of hearing this.
Whenever FF hears this, they feel a pang of guilt because it is something they themselves witnessed.
No one else but his heir and representative have received his crown. The Han mother did not receive his crown; she stole hit. She has started a goddess- worship culture and is spreading leftist ideologies.
Even if Satan makes fun of your "Burger King" crown it has no power over you. Your crown has a connection with True Father’s crown.
This is the start of a new age in history!
Yesterday we were in M Hotel where Father used to visit. It was quite a nice hotel and it was good to visit places where Father had been. It was the first time Gregg had arranged an event outside of Pennsylvania, and the whole event went quite well.
The King reads Matthew 4:5-6
Then the devil taketh him up into the holy city, and setteth him on a pinnacle of the temple, And saith unto him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down: for it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning thee: and in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone.
Satan is trying to break Jesus' resolve in believing his own identity. Satan will try to steal your identity as a child of God. You receive a new identity by being reborn through the forgiveness of Christ. Satan always tries to make you doubt your identity and your connection to God. You start to lose confidence. He keeps saying, “If you were Gods son... then surely you must be able to do this”. It is similar to FF. They keep making comments like, “if you were the heir.…”
(The King is talking about the bodyguards at the Shot Show and how large these people were)
Everyone liked the bullet crown that I took to the Shot Show. They passed us, but were looking back just to check what it was. When I walk around with the crown, people recognize it from the TV and everyone comes up to take photos and to start conversations. People’s reactions are very different when you walk around with a crown vs. without. It’s a good way to make connections and to make people know what we stand for and what our beliefs are.
When I wear this crown to a restaurant, I can see the reactions from some of those on the left. They are shocked and disgusted and look like they want to attack you. It’s not easy walking about with a crown; you might feel very self- conscious and embarrassed. But the crown is a very powerful thing and you can tell by looking at people’s reactions.
That’s why Satan is afraid of this. These Satanists are scared of the heir. They don't want this to spread; they don't want the lineage of God to spread among the population.
Satan wants blessed families to think of themselves only as ordinary people. But you are Kings and Queens who have received this right from the Lord of the Second Advent. They will try to sow the seed of doubt in your minds.
True Parents are in their position wearing crowns as well. We shouldn't be ashamed to wear our crown no matter where we got it. These fraudsters will say that you are not special, that they can also go to Burger King and get the same crowns. But their crowns have no connections to True Father’s crown, the crown that he bestowed to his heir and successor which has then been passed on to you.
It’s the same with our blessing ring; it can be made of reeds, wood, metal or anything else. It is what the ring represents which is important. The value of the vows you made at the blessing; that’s what is important. It doesn't matter whether there's a diamond or not.
Satanists will always try to confuse your identity and make you ashamed. Your tiaras may be made of plastic but you must not let Satan make you doubt your identity; your identity will protect you from Satan. Your identity is what connects you to God, and it is what allows God to work through you, to heal people, to help save people. Satan will try to make you think that you are just simple grandmas and grandpas, but you must not let him fool you. Satan’s strategy is clearly written in Scripture in Matthew chapter 4.
I want you all to wear your crowns when going to your local restaurants. You will enjoy seeing the look on people’s faces as you pass. If you really believe that Father is the King of Kings then you cannot be ashamed of your crowns.
Today we are going to the Brazilian steak house. Will you bring your crowns or not? Let’s all go to the Brazilian steakhouse with our crowns! People might think there was a large Burger King delivery.
Don't be ashamed of your rights which you received from Father.
As the lineage of God spreads, there will be more and more crowns, and it will carry tremendous power. Can you imagine a world where there are millions of people gathered all wearing crowns? The sea of crowns is Satan’s worst nightmare. Everyone will be wearing crowns and carrying the Rod of Iron. We will make this spread to all continents of the world.
In Virginia recently around 50,000 people came to the 2nd amendment rally. They were carrying pistols, AR15s and were fully kitted out. 50,000 people carrying guns turned up for the rally, but did anyone get hurt? It was very peaceful. The leftists will say that 50,000 people gathered for a violent meeting in Virginia, and they tried to create trouble with Antifa; but it was all arranged well and the rally was very peaceful.
Right now in Korea there are people demonstrating outside the Blue House, trying to kick out President Moon, but they have no power. Even if a million people gathered, Moon Jae In will do whatever he wants, but 50,000 people turned up to Virginia fully kitted out with armor.
Many Christians only believe in the spiritual kingdom, but we believe in the physical kingdom and the physical power of God!
The leftists know that demonstrations have limited effect. At the beginning you might have lots of people showing up, but as time passes the number starts to diminish. People start to take a hit economically, so they can wait patiently until it quiets down.
Reading Matt 4: 5-6:
Satan tells Jesus to jump if he really believes he is the son of God; he is goading him into jumping. Satan didn't follow God’s word but he is twisting God’s word to attack Jesus. This is what the Satanists will do to you.
They say, “turn the other cheek,” but Jesus was referring to this when his disciples were out ministering. When you are ministering and someone attacks you, do you think it is right that you shoot them down with your Rod of Iron?
The Rod of Iron should be used when your life is under threat, not when people persecute you because of your beliefs. It is illegal for you to wave around the Rod of Iron whenever you feel someone doesn't like you; it is a measure of last resort.
These leftists want all the power for themselves and they believe they can create Utopia. They start by giving free stuff to the younger generation. If you take away the ability for a person to fulfill his responsibility, then it doesn't matter how much free stuff you give away to others, you are doing evil.
They always steal from you to fund their "good deeds".
“Man does not live by bread alone.” If your life is purely driven by having luxuries or money or things in your life, then you are no better than an animal. You need to have the right values and morals.
For the left, the end justifies the mean as long as they get to their end goal, then it doesn't matter what evil they do getting to that state. The Democrats want the right and conservatives to go through reeducation centers. There was a video where they were praising communism and gulags (on Project Veritas).
Christ is able to instill power, and sovereignty into you. This is terrifying for the left, which is why they hate Christianity so much. They want you to be slaves to the government system.
Reading Matthew 4:8: Again this is the same thing that the central government would say. If you bow to them they will give you everything you want. The leftists really hate a Christ- centered government. No other religion preaches such things. That’s why they are so hell -bent on teaching atheism in public schools. They want to prevent people from believing in Christ. They want to eliminate the "fiction- that- is-God" from children's minds.
This is why they only teach evolution. They want you to believe you came from monkeys because monkeys are animals and you are their descendants, then you are no better, so they can start to farm you like any other animal.
If you start to believe that you have sovereignty then they cannot control you. They don’t want you to believe you are free and that you have choices, but that you are no better than a free- range chicken.
They want to determine the boundaries of the choices you can make, and you are not allowed to leave the boundaries they set. It’s not true freedom.
If you want to give freedom to these chickens, they need to have the Rod of Iron. Then the farmers will be super nice to the chickens, won't they? They will need to seek permission before taking their eggs. But this is the kind of system the government is forcing you to live in.
You need to become Kings and Queens centered on Christ. You don't know yet how serious the issue of freedom and responsibility is. Lots of people come to me to solve issues that you have. But you need to remember that you need to take responsibility; you need to learn how to convince people, to engage in discussion. These are difficult things to master, but that’s what freedom and responsibility is all about.
You are not chickens in a farm. You need to overcome difficult situations, create a win- win situation for everyone. You need to abandon the chicken- farm mentality where everything is taken care of for you. Only through this can you become more mature and responsible.
If you are driven and can't control your emotions, and you make decisions this way then you cannot properly exercise your freedom and responsibility. Don’t just moan about the situation with the church and approach the issue emotionally. Control your emotions and spend time thinking of a proper solution to the problems. If there are divisions in the church, you need to engage in discussion in a mature fashion. Don't be driven by your emotions and become hysterical.
As Kings and Queens you need to be passionate, but don't let passion govern your decision- making process You need to be cool- headed and not panic under these situations. I know Koreans can be very emotional and driven by their "Jung”, but you must keep a cool head and approach the problem rationally. If you have a very difficult math problem, does it help if you start to panic and get emotional? And if you rely on a central organization to solve all your problems, do you think that helps you?
When Trump went to meet Kim, he approached the problem with a cool head; he didn't panic when negotiating. If the deal is not good then you can find a better deal next time and continue discussions.
You must not become too emotional and hot- headed when you are negotiating. When you have a dispute you need to recognize the other’s sovereignty and approach the discussions rationally. Don't just get emotional because you don't like the person. If you do this, it will be easy to reconcile, to forgive each other and find a common path together.
When chickens escape the chicken farm it might be overwhelming, because the open area is so vast; they are worried about being eaten by wild animals. But maybe these chickens who used to bicker and fight when in the farm, might find a way to cooperate and work with each other, so that they can all survive out in the wild. We should have the same attitude with internal disputes.
It’s always very easy to complain about leaders and to criticize what they do. But you should try it yourself, and see how it is. It’s not easy at all! If you think you can do better, try it yourself; you have the freedom and responsibility. If you just sit there complaining and criticizing others, that’s the wrong mentality; you need to take responsibility and take action.
Being bankrupt is not the end. You can rebuild the organization and make it better than the last. If you are used to working in a big company you will find it much more difficult to run your own small store; there are so many more issues you need to take care of. You need to be knowledgeable in everything, finances, operations, law, everything. It might look easy but it’s very difficult being in a position of responsibility and running an organization.
So, remember that you need to control your emotions when exercising freedom and responsibility.
You are all Kings and Queens connected to the King of Kings. You all need to show respect for each other’s sovereignty when having disputes and negotiations. Trump became successful because he managed to keep a cool head in negotiations and not approach his problems emotionally. You need to treat each other as Kings and Queens who are connected to God. You must have respect for each other's sovereignty and not bicker like emotional children.
This is the 11th year of Cheon Il Guk; the 11th year is the first year after completion. This is a new age!
You must all grow so you can exercise the freedom and responsibility that God has bestowed upon you, and protect your sovereignty with the Rod of Iron.
We are now going to Lake Mead. Father did a lot of fishing on Lake Mead. He made a lot of conditions there whether the weather was hot or cold. In order to celebrate the centenary of Father, we need to take our crowns and become true Kings and Queens centered on God and True Parents!
The Queen will be praying today.
Queen Yeon Ah Lee Moon:
Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for gathering this community in Your presence once again. Thank you for everything that You have given us. As individuals we may have conflicts and bickering, but thank you for saving us, even when we are as imperfect as we are. Let us be reminded of our childishness today. Let us be reminded of the grace and love that You have poured upon us.
Thank you for the continual blessings, and may our main focus be in You, and the joy that we may be able to give to You, even as imperfect as we may be.


  1. Don't be ashamed of your rights which you received from Father.
    As the lineage of God spreads, there will be more and more crowns, and it will carry tremendous power. Can you imagine a world where there are millions of people gathered all wearing crowns? The sea of crowns is Satan’s worst nightmare. Everyone will be wearing crowns and carrying the Rod of Iron. We will make this spread to all continents of the world.

  2. Reading Matthew 4:8: Again this is the same thing that the central government would say. If you bow to them they will give you everything you want. The leftists really hate a Christ- centered government. No other religion preaches such things. That’s why they are so hell -bent on teaching atheism in public schools. They want to prevent people from believing in Christ. They want to eliminate the "fiction- that- is-God" from children's minds.


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Do not be ashamed of your rights

Do not be ashamed of your rights, which you received from Father. Second King of Cheon Il Guk - Rev. Hyung Jin Sean Moon Sunday Ser...

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