Saturday, February 15, 2020

Conference: Arms for Defence, Lausanne (2)

Rev. Hyung Jin Moon
European Sovereign Citizens Alliance
Conference: Arms for Defence, Lausanne, Jan 20, 2018
Part 2
From a Biblical perspective, also from a Judeo-Christian perspective, from which most of our ideas of natural rights, natural law and human rights are derived, and especially on the conservative side, we have the idea of Christ as King. That is an essential characteristic to a Christian’s relationship to the universe, and/or institutions of power as he or she moves through his or her life, that is apportioned to them on this planet.
In Mathew 6:9 Jesus commands his disciples to pray, ”Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.” And of course many will know the rest of that prayer commonly called, ‘The Lord’s Prayer’.
He implores us to, in our prayer, anticipate and look forward to the day when God’s kingdom comes to this earth. This is a very important Christian principle that God’s kingdom will come to the earth, that it is not just a celestial kingdom, and a kingdom that we meet after we perish, but a kingdom that believers will be able to encounter when Christ establishes his kingdom on earth.
It is a very important concept because it compels those who are believers and who are in the Judeo-Christian framework to look forward to the day when God will be King. The end of suffering, tyranny, and oppression will come and it is incumbent to position our moral compass and our faith life in fidelity and in trust with God and Christ, and in his Kingdom that he promises to bring.
In Mathew 6: 33 Jesus also says, “Seek Ye first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.” He also implores us: the first thing that a believer in Christ needs to do is to seek the kingdom of God. In Greek the word is basileia coming from basileus which of course is the word for king.
In Mathew 10:7 Jesus says, “As you go, preach, saying ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.
In Luke 4:43 he also says, In these key Scripture, we see that Christ says that he is sent for the purpose of preaching the kingdom of God. What we know historically is that wherever the kingdom of God was preached, Christ and /or his disciples came under tremendous persecution from the local and the federal authorities which they lived under- the Roman authorities at that time.
It was such a radical doctrine that he was not only gaining in followers, but that he was an existential threat to the centralized powers- what we refer to as the archangelic powers of the day.
In Mathew 4:23 “And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people.”
Again we see that the Bible clearly represents the gospel of Christ, the Gospel of the kingdom of God.
In Mark 1:14-15 “Now after that John was put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God, And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.”
Wherever Jesus would preach the Gospel of the kingdom of God, there would be healing, there would be repentance, but also there would be political upheaval.
This of course is often not even emphasized in the theological world, in the Christian scholarly world, the nature of Christ’ message being so politically charged, and his message being so politically powerful, that even the most powerful civilization on earth at the time, felt an existential threat from this very obscure figure.
In Mathew 9:35 “And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people.”
Matthew 24:14 says, “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.”
In Matthew 25:34 “Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.”
We see, from a Judeo-Christian perspective, both New and Old Testament, the idea of the value of a human person, made in the image of God, and eventual co-heir with Christ in his kingdom. The Christian views society in a different framework because the Christian is to have a kingdom gospel mindset, pointed towards God’s kingdom that will eventually be on this earth. In that God says also that the believers and those who are faithful will be co-heirs with Him.
In the modern day, with the spread of democracy throughout the world, many in the West have a very negative view of monarchy, which of course is for a very good reason that is to say that most monarchies have been highly centralized and have created a master and slave or serf system; nevertheless what modern political speculators call neo- feudalism, or a type of feudalism is what they, especially the left- want to re-invent.
This, of course, from the perspective of God is antithesis to what He intended for human beings made in His image, given the blessings of sovereignty, to be fruitful, multiply and have dominion over the earth. The rights of private property for example are rooted in Scripture, in the idea that a human person is not only valuable but has a right to sovereignty i.e. a right to hold private property, which of course under communist doctrine or in communist nations is impossible.
Our most cherished beliefs in the West that come from these historical, biblical principles are often overlooked and are taken for granted. The idea that one can own property and defend that property is such a common place concept in the West that we forget where this comes from and how radical a statement that can be.
We know that many on the left absolutely abhor the idea that people can own property or they can own a piece of the earth depending on their own different theological or political positions. But these principles which we take for granted in the West are not from the secular tradition. They don’t appear from morally preferential behavior that is agreed upon by the majority of people; they come from a certain place and that place historically has been the Scripture.
It is a great tragedy for the modern western persons to be so dominated by post- modernist culture that we are separated from our religious past and our framework from Scripture which allows us the structure and experience in this short time we have on earth together.
It’s my conviction and I assume it has always been any serious believer’s faith that no human rights and/or natural rights can be granted by anything else than a transcendental architect and designer of the universe who is powerful, who knows much more than we can ever know, that is greater than all matter, that is beyond all time, for both time and matter have been created, and that has the conscious ability to decide when to create something from nothing which would of course point to personhood.
It is in this creator’s image that we are created and which our human rights stem from. In the end human rights cannot be a product of human minds. They must be the product of a transcendental creator that gives us sovereignty, that gives us value, that gives us purpose, that gives us salvation from our own ego -hood or selfishness or sin as in the Christian world it would be referred to, or evil or wickedness as humanity calls it, and allows us to strive to become more like the good God that has created us.
From a biblical perspective the idea of human rights, the idea of the value of a person is of course exemplified in Christ, in the Gospel of his kingdom, and of all the Scriptures that we have seen, but how will his kingdom be ruled is another question for the Christian mind. How will the kingdom of God be ruled in a way that is consistent with God’s nature, his intellect, his personhood and his laws which are extensions of his nature?
God is not a thief, so an extension of that would be ‘Do not steal.’ God is not a murderer so an extension of that would be ‘do not murder.’ God is not a liar, so an extension of that would be ‘Do not lie or bear false witness.’ So any of God’s laws are also extensions of his nature! And of course the reason why that is critical for the Christian and Judeo-Christian understanding of human rights and also the future Kingdom of God is that all wonder how God’s kingdom will be ruled?
When we look at the past kings and monarchies of the past we see centralization of power, which led to more stratification within the population, which led to a super class that ruled over the majority of people, and one can hardly say this was the much anticipated model for Christ’s kingdom when he returns.
This I believe is a critical conundrum in the minds of believers, in the modern day, who stand up for sovereignty because of certain Scriptures that seem to intimate that when Christ comes he will come and rule with great judgment, with great wrath and with tremendous –what people would see as – tyranny. So how is the believer to juggle this with what one knows about Christ through Scripture and personal experience that he is a God of love, as the Bible says God is love?
As we see in the picture of Eden, God also gives his children Adam and Eve, freedom and sovereignty to act and behave, even to choose to reject Him and his commandment. The Bible also says that God is eternal, that He is unchanging, and that He is the same today, yesterday and forever.
So how is the modern Christian and/or thinker in the Judeo-Christian framework to think about God’s eventual reign on earth, yet at the same time having to contemplate on the goodness of God and his nature which does not change, even when his Kingdom shall come?
I am going to draw your attention to some Scriptures here that give a picture of God’s Kingdom:
In Psalm 2:8 he said: “Ask of Me, and I will give You The nations for Your inheritance, And the ends of the earth for Your possession. 9 You shall break them with a rod of iron; You shall dash them to pieces like a potter’s vessel”
Again, these Scriptures are not intended for the Christians to receive and recite in hubris, but for the Christians to understand that sovereignty is a God-given promise and a God-given right.
In Revelation 2:27 He shall rule them with a rod of iron; they shall be dashed to pieces like the potter’s vessels as I also have received from My Father”
Again, another reference to Christ as he returns to earth as Christians believe, and that he will rule with the rod of iron. The imagery is very powerful; it’s a very violent imagery as the vessels of the potter are broken to pieces. Again, another forceful, a very violent imagery that the nations who are against him that will be shuttered!
Again, can Christians frame this seemingly very violent, almost despotic Scriptures, of the rod of iron with Christ’s own nature which is love?
Rev. 12:5 “And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne.”
Again God’s rule will be with the rod of iron in the Judeo-Christian framework.
Revelation 19:15 “From his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations, and he will rule3 them with a rod of iron. He will tread the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God the Almighty.”
Again the Christian or a believer or someone who is looking at Scripture, even someone who does not believe, would be hard-pressed saying that this type of rule would not be fearful. The Bible seems to say that when Christ comes back and rules with the rod of iron, it will be a very fearful rule, almost what people would see as a despotic type of rule.
How is the modern thinker to negotiate that with God and his nature and with Christ and his nature as a God of love?
When we look at criminality, when we look at different social ills that plague our civilization, for example if we look at America, we can see that some of the most radical left-leaning cities are run by people leaning to the left, or what my father would call communists or political satanists, because it provides safe haven for actual Satanism to exist and to flourish; it creates the political framework for protection of those who are on the business of murdering children through abortion clinics, etc… that most left-leaning politicians and/or leaders will support.
Also strong on the leftist agenda is gun control, the controlling of firearms, and the fact that citizens are not able to own and protect themselves with the use of technology, the greatest of which would be a firearm in the self-defense world at this point in history.
When we look at America in the position of one of the few nations of the world where citizen armament is quite common, and the ownership of firearms exceeds over 100 million households, we can observe that some of the most liberal-leaning areas which do not allow for possession of firearms to defend one’s family and/or life, have some of the highest per capita homicide rates in the country. Whereas, on the other hand, in areas that are more conservative and allow for citizens to be armed and to defend themselves, the per capita homicide rate drops dramatically.
The problem of homicide is based on firearms according to those on the left, whose theories will of course eventually lead to communism and/or socialism. Kim Jung Un for examples is on the left, dictators like Maduro are on the left. So in Western societies when people say they are on the left, it should bring concern to people who have experience with such regimes and/or whose families have been killed such as our family, many of whom have been killed by the North Koran regime.
In a brief survey of the US statistics, there are 90 guns per 100 households, for arms that I have effectively referred as the rod of iron; 90 per 100 households. If the leftist position was correct and the problem of homicide was based on firearms, then the US by far, should have the highest homicide rate in the world, with almost double the amount of gun ownership compared to the next countries such as Switzerland etc…
When one does even a cursory analysis of that, one sees that the US does not even fall in the top 10 in terms of homicide rates, does not even fall in the top 20 nations of the world, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80. Currently the US is close to the top 90.
If one excludes the liberal controlled cities such as Detroit, Baltimore, St Louis, etc… one has now a nation with one of the lowest of the 200 – maybe not even on the top 200 countries- in terms of homicide. Most people in the world have been educated by their governments and their institutions of learning that a firearm is a dangerous thing and creates crime.
This could not be further from the truth when it is in the hands of the right people. When it is in the hands of the law-abiding citizen we see statistically that society becomes safer and that homicide rates will plummet. Of course we will hear from those precise statistics from our speakers today.
It is my view and it has been my father’s view that all peoples find their value and their worth in their relationship with God. Whether we as peoples and individuals decide to believe in a God or not is one of personal volition, but does not separate us from the reality that our lives are meaningful, that our lives are valuable, that we intrinsically know the difference between right and wrong and good and evil, that we want to see those who are oppressed be free, that we want to see people being able to defend themselves against violent intrusion and violent individuals who seek to exploit the peacefulness of normal individuals for their profit.
I believe all these desires that we have naturally come from’ Our Father who Art in Heaven’ in whose image we are created. So our natural urge for compassion, and urge to love God and love our neighbor - as Christ condensed the commandments of God into those two simple things – I believes these things are encapsulated in those who seek to protect people through responsible ownership of arms.
It is the only way to be able to negotiate God’s eventual rule of the world with the rod of iron and his actual nature which is constant over time and does not change of being a God of justice, a God of love, a God who is kind to those who are in destitution, a God who grieves as seeing calamities in this world, but a God who also respects the gift of free will which He has given to his creation, mainly humankind.
If we understand that our rights and natural law, that our natural rights come from our transcendental Creator, who is in his own nature love and in his own nature is good and just, then we too must have faith in his creation, namely humanity to hold responsibility over the powers that are usually just given to governments and to bureaucracies.
It is when the normal citizens can see the sovereignty that is bestowed upon them by their Creator who is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, that they can stand with Him as co-heirs, essentially kings and queens with Him in his kingdom, and rule the nations with the rod of iron, not for subjugation and/or conquest but for peace and stability, so that humanity can move forward without predators, without the fear of violent interruption, and/or violent intrusion into their lives.
The Scripture says, “The Kingdom suffered violence for the violent take it by force.” It is essential that citizens of all nations, races and creeds have the power and have the human right to be able to defend themselves against tyrants, dictators, and powers, enemies - foreign and domestic as we say in the US- against those who seek to do harm and to exploit by force. Citizens are the greatest and most important protection for our common defense.
It’s on that note that I wish to conclude my more academic remarks, but I would like to implore everyone to reflect on those things.
Thank you very much.

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