Saturday, November 28, 2020

Pastor Sean’s last sermon just before US presidential elections

Pastor Sean’s last sermon just before the 2020 US presidential elections

All right! Let us go to 1, Samuel, chapter 28

This is the chapter about King Saul. David is in the picture as well, and of course, we have the prophet Samuel who has died.

Samuel 28: 3- 25

3. Now, Samuel was dead, and all Israel had lamented him, and buried him in Ramah, even in his own city. Saul had put away those that had familiar spirits, and the wizards, out of the land. 4. The Philistines gathered themselves together, and came and pitched in Shunem: and Saul gathered all Israel together, and they pitched in Gilboa. 5. When Saul saw the host of the Philistines, he was afraid, and his heart greatly trembled. 6. And when Saul enquired of the LORD, the LORD answered him not, neither by dreams, nor by Urim, nor by prophets. 7. Then said Saul unto his servants, Seek me a woman that hath a familiar spirit, that I may go to her, and enquire of her. And his servants said to him, Behold, there is a woman that hath a familiar spirit at Endor. 8. And Saul disguised himself, and put on other raiment, and he went, and two men with him, and they came to the woman by night: and he said, I pray thee, divine unto me by the familiar spirit, and bring me him up, whom I shall name unto thee. 9. And the woman said unto him, Behold, thou knowest what Saul hath done, how he hath cut off those that have familiar spirits, and the wizards, out of the land: wherefore then layest thou a snare for my life, to cause me to die? 10. And Saul sware to her by the LORD, saying, As the LORD liveth, there shall no punishment happen to thee for this thing. 11. Then said the woman, Whom shall I bring up unto thee? And he said, Bring me up Samuel. 12. And when the woman saw Samuel, she cried with a loud voice: and the woman spake to Saul, saying, Why hast thou deceived me? for thou art Saul. 13. And the king said unto her, Be not afraid: for what sawest thou? And the woman said unto Saul, I saw gods ascending out of the earth. 14. And he said unto her, What form is he of? And she said, An old man cometh up; and he is covered with a mantle. And Saul perceived that it was Samuel, and he stooped with his face to the ground, and bowed himself. 15. And Samuel said to Saul, Why hast thou disquieted me, to bring me up? And Saul answered, I am sore distressed; for the Philistines make war against me, and God is departed from me, and answereth me no more, neither by prophets, nor by dreams: therefore I have called thee, that thou mayest make known unto me what I shall do. 16. Then said Samuel, Wherefore then dost thou ask of me, seeing the LORD is departed from thee, and is become thine enemy? 17. And the LORD hath done to him, as he spake by me: for the LORD hath rent the kingdom out of thine hand, and given it to thy neighbour, even to David. 18. Because thou obeyedst not the voice of the LORD, nor executedst his fierce wrath upon Amalek, therefore hath the LORD done this thing unto thee this day. 19. Moreover the LORD will also deliver Israel with thee into the hand of the Philistines: and tomorrow shalt thou and thy sons be with me: the LORD also shall deliver the host of Israel into the hand of the Philistines. 20. Then Saul fell straightway all along on the earth, and was sore afraid, because of the words of Samuel: and there was no strength in him; for he had eaten no bread all the day, nor all the night. 21. And the woman came unto Saul, and saw that he was sore troubled, and said unto him, Behold, thine handmaid hath obeyed thy voice, and I have put my life in my hand, and have hearkened unto thy words which thou spakest unto me. 22. Now therefore, I pray thee, hearken thou also unto the voice of thine handmaid, and let me set a morsel of bread before thee; and eat, that thou mayest have strength, when thou goest on thy way. 23. But he refused, and said, I will not eat. But his servants, together with the woman, compelled him; and he hearkened unto their voice. So he arose from the earth, and sat upon the bed. 24. And the woman had a fat calf in the house; and she hasted, and killed it, and took flour, and kneaded it, and did bake unleavened bread thereof. 25. And she brought it before Saul, and before his servants; and they did eat. Then they rose up, and went.

What does that mean?

28. 3. Now, Samuel was dead, and all Israel had lamented him, and buried him in Ramah, even in his own city. And Saul had put away those that had familiar spirits, and the wizards, out of the land.

In Leviticus chapter 20 verse 6, it says very clearly that a Christian is not supposed - or in this time it was a Jew- was not supposed to be involved in any type of witchery, occult practices, any type of fortune telling; this kind of stuff; why? Because they become windows to the demonic realm, windows to the demonic realm!

So you know, when kids are young they try to buy a Ouija board, and go into the bathroom or some place, and ask it questions. That is why we try to teach our kids not to do that stuff, right, because they are windows to the demonic. They believe they can access a power other than God, and receive some type of power, which will then give them some type of super prowess, and in the heart of a young person, that can be corrupted very easily. Amen! Very easily!

So the Bible warns against that, that we must watch out for this type of wizardry or fortune telling - it doesn't mention Ouija board but something similar like séances or these kinds of things- because those are low-level spirit world; that's like the demonic realm. That is not accessing the Holy Spirit. Amen! That is accessing low-level spirits, demonic spirits.

So, you can see in this Scripture that Saul obeyed God's word, and what did he do? He actually did get rid of those wizards and those who are being able to do séances and channel familiar spirits; he chased them out of the land. That is what that verse is referring to. Saul has obeyed God in that respect, and chased them out of the land. But he's now in a different place; we'll see very quickly.

4. The Philistines gathered themselves together, and came and pitched in Shunem: and Saul gathered all Israel together, and they pitched in Gilboa.

Shunem is about 20 miles north of the Philistines’ major city, which means they had now penetrated deep into the land that was occupied by the Jews. So now the Philistines are coming, and they're coming to destroy; they're coming to destroy, okay.

5. When Saul saw the host of the Philistines, he was afraid, and his heart greatly trembled. 6. When Saul enquired of the Lord, the Lord answered him not, neither by dreams, nor by Urim, nor by prophets.

You see this? Now he is in the place, and he has strayed so far, because remember, he has been spending his life trying to kill David, since God has already given David his anointing. Are you with me folks? God told him very clearly, in the previous chapters in 1 Samuel, “You're not supposed to kill David!” That God has given him the blessing to be the next king. But Saul is ignoring that, and he was trying to kill David the whole time -which of course has furthered him from God. Even though he may have obeyed, some of the other stuff like getting rid of the wizards or the séances and that kind of stuff, he didn't obey God's key providential command which was: “Don't kill David! You have to support David,” because God has anointed him! Amen!

But you can see now that God is silent. Saul has rebelled against God. He's done the external things that may signal that he wants to pursue God, like getting rid of the spirit peoples and the séances and the wizards and all that kind of stuff, but again he didn't obey God's command not to chase and try to kill David. So now, he has to not only deal with that guilt, but he has to deal with the reality that God is now silent to him. God will not answer his call.

There are, many people that think, “Well when I ask God He's got to answer me.” No! He does not! No! He does not! God is not our butler! “Yes! Yahweh Butler, come here! I summon Thee! Bring me my roast beef!” He is not your butler, right! Amen! God is not our butler! He is our Creator! He is our Sovereign Lord, right?

If we ask in prayer, if we ask in love, if we know the love of God and we love Him, then God of course will respond.

However, Saul even though he has made the external motions of obeying God's command, he really does not love God, because God said, “Hey, don't kill my son David! He is a man after my heart. He may not be perfect in the future, but I don't want you to kill him because he will be the next king.” Are you with me folks?

Therefore, God is now silent.

7. Then said Saul unto his servants, Seek me a woman that hath a familiar spirit, that I may go to her, and enquire of her. And his servants said to him, Behold, there is a woman that hath a familiar spirit at Endor.

What is he doing now? He already banned these people, who are channeling spirits and he banned these wizards, but now what's he doing, because God is not answering him?

Now, he is looking for one! He cannot get the message from God, because he directly disobeyed God, and tried to kill David. - For how many years now? He was chasing through the caves of Ziklag, etc., and now he is trying to say, “Well God, if you're not answering me, then I’m going to go back, and I’m going to call these wizards in,” which means that when he chased them out in the first place, he did not really mean it. Amen! He did it as a show, as a political move, and the Biden and Clintons are people like that, right. But, again he's now looking for a séance woman.

8. And Saul disguised himself, and put on other raiment, and he went, and two men with him, and they came to the woman by night: and he said, I pray thee, divine unto me by the familiar spirit, and bring me him up, whom I shall name unto thee.

He disguises himself. Why? Because it is illegal! So now, he is breaking the law, which he made. Does it sound familiar, folks? It sounds like all the politicians- doesn't it? - making all these laws, like Governor Wolf. He condemned the entire state of Pennsylvania as being nonessential, actually the whole world as non-essential and only government jobs as essential. He was running a furniture business. Every business had to close, remember this? But this is Wolf now; this is our governor here! Every business in Pennsylvania had to close including churches, but Governor Wolf's furniture store was okay - no corona there. You know when corona comes into Governor Wolf's furniture business- it must be the teak oil or something like that- it dies instantly; it cannot spread, right!

Therefore, this is the problem with the 666 Antichrist Beast system. That is why in the Kingdom it is not a government of the predators, it is a government of the people who are the kings and priests, coheirs with Christ (Romans chapter 8: 17). Amen! Decentralized; Antichrist 666 Beast system centralized!

So you can look at any kingdom of the world, when they centralize the Antichrist 666 Beast system in government, it becomes Communist China.

Notice that through this whole process of lockdowns and destruction of the economies and the destruction of the West etc., through all this now, the whole world is China, folks! Do you know that China is open for business? All their manufacturing plants, all their production companies are open for business, but we have to stay locked down.

Bill Gates came on the news two weeks ago saying, “We're only going to be there just ten more years. ”Just ten more years locked down! Then he came out just a couple of days ago saying, “It's forever!” We can show you the clips- because they never intended this lockdown to end. Now in the UK, Boris is now going for the second- wave lockdown. It is designed that way folk; it is designed to make everybody in the world poor, and bow to the super- predator class.

Bill Gates, who is unelected official, never was a doctor. He is not a doctor, is not a virologist, and he's very, very, upset because “bad boy” Mr. President Trump created a vaccine when he got better in three days, and he says he's going to give it free to the public, if they want it; he's not going to force- vaccinate. Bill Gates is angry about that, because Trump showed the world that he got better in three days as a 70- year old grandpa. (Applause)

Remember if you are an old person with co-morbidities etc, and all these different things, it is a death sentence, which is what they were saying. President Trump was 70 plus years old, got the corona virus; within three days, he was out on the campaign trail, running around like a young man in his 20s again. Yesterday he was in Pennsylvania; four times in Pennsylvania in four different locations.

The man is incredible! He has the spirit of God flowing through him! (Applause)

They guaranteed that if you were seventy years old with co-morbidities, your chance of living would be almost nil, right. So you are immoral, you are unethical; you are an evil person if you do not stay locked up in your room and wear a mask inside your room with nobody else around. You are a morally evil person.

It is not just that, if you disagree with policies, you are morally evil. It is a condemnation of people's ethics and morality that you do not want to wear a mask and you do not want to stay locked up in a jail cell. So you are talking about Chinese communist lockdowns worldwide, folks, worldwide! We are literally living in China right now!

How is it that our mom- and- pop shops, little groceries, farmer markets can't open because even in the open air, right, the farmer’s markets are closed down; even in the open air- open air, a lot of oxygenation, a lot of sunlight; it's bad for the virus - they cannot open! But a big Walmart with 90 % of his goods from China can open. We might as well be shopping in Beijing or Shanghai! We are forced to buy from the Chinese right now.

I am sorry! Aren't they the ones that unleashed this hazard upon the earth, killing about two million folks? But of course, “No! No! It is not the Chinese! Do not be ethnocentric! It's President Trump; his terrible response has left the world in shambles!” Hello! He did not make the virus; he did not spit it out in the air. He even got your virus and he got better, and he made a vaccine, which he is going to give for free if people want it, and he's not going to force -vaccinate.

Bill Gates is pulling out his hair. He is so angry because Bill Gates’ family is involved in Planned Parenthood. His father was a head chair of Planned Parenthood, the organization that was founded by racist eugenicist Margaret Sanger, which has genocide over 54% of the black community, over 70 million since 1973.

And for this first time in history, we have the chance, because of President Trump, to be able to strike down that satanic law which allows for the legal killing of babies. We may be able to strike that law down for the first time since 1973! Since when is it strange to say, “Hey! Don't kill babies”? When did that become bad? Do you see what I am talking about, folks?

These people are filled with the spirit of the Antichrist and of Satan, and they desire power. They desire power because they do not seek God's love, they do not seek God's will; they do not seek to lose themselves for his sake. They seek power, money, licentiousness, lust.

Look at Hunter Biden! Absolute despicable, disgusting, demonic, wretched, wicked criminal going over to the Chinese, going over the Ukrainians, going into Kazakhstan, going over to Russia, making all these pay-for-play deals with his father as a vice president! Now being caught with all the emails etc, and Big Tech covering up for him, him denying it, and Joe Biden coming out saying, “my son is a moral man! ”Are you kidding me? What type of morals you have? Crazy Biden, “schmeiden!” He has the morals of the devil, Satan incarnate!

These people are all just shells; they are just shells. They're housing the spirit of Satan and the culture of Satan which seeks to destroy the innocent, seeks to destroy the unborn, seeks to destroy that which is good and that has potential, that which is made in the image of God, because He will be greater than them. And they're parasites, so they're weak, they're infantile; they're pathetic. So they can't have normal people become better than them, because that would break the little narrative that they are playing in their head, how great- Superman or Wonder Woman they are. It's from the pit of hell and the pit of Satan!

You can see the battle that is ensuing, and you can see again: look at the same spirit now as the one that possessed King Saul; all the laws he's making, he is breaking them again. See, he is breaking them!

That is why in the Kingdom of God, in the Kingdom Constitution, every year ten percent of laws disappear. There are sunsets on every law that Congress passes, because these politicians just cannot stop making laws, which they all break. But, again the People, if you drive five miles over the speed limit, you are a bad person, you are endangering the public; you must go to jail and pay your fine, and be happy about it!

Thank them! Thank them! Your Chicom masters, for your most glorious 1984 style of life: constant surveillance, constant tracking, everything controlled! Can you imagine the type of ‘crazy Karens’ that are running across the street to bully young Asian children that are saying, “Hey! I disagree with you. I want to vote for President Trump. I’m an American!” They want to come and bully young girls because they are so used to kids being confronted by that, and just saying, “Yes master,” being trained in the government schools to obey the official propaganda, the official narrative.

So you can see that King Saul has diverted; he has strayed from the kingdom culture. And that's why in the Kingdom of God, God rules not with the iron fist but with the Rod of Iron, but his co-heirs also have the Rod of Iron, which shows the decentralized nature of the nation. Even the king of the Kingdom of God does not rule as a tyrant. Why? Because the Bible says, Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever,” and He is the God that gave human beings free will, freedom. He is the God that has done that; we cannot forget that. Hello!

When He builds His Kingdom, He's not just going to become Castro or Kim Jong-un all of a sudden, because the Bible says, “Forever, forever, He is the same.” He builds a kingdom where free will is honored; a kingdom where the people and the citizens are the militia and the police force. And it's a very scary thing what the Bible talks about in Revelation, that the believers will be the judges of nations- judges of nations!

Socialist propaganda

Romans 13:1-2

1. Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. 2. Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.

Now we are just taught in our socialist clubs or our socialist propaganda schooling or whatever, “No! No! You cannot rule; you must not think you have rulership! You must obey the orders of the government!” And of course they will quote Romans chapter 13, saying that God has ordained the highest powers of the land, but if that is true then He's ordained the Constitution of the United States, which means that every politician is a servant and not a master!

But notice how socialism will creep into the pulpit; it'll creep into the schools, everywhere. Now Romans chapter 13 means that you must obey the government's officials, unlike our Founding Fathers who stood up against the government officials of Britain, and said, “No! You are wrong! We are not going to be taxed, and we will not be disarmed!” Unlike for example, the government officials that came down from North Korea and China- that these wonderful folks fought. Well, they were government officials! Were they ordained of God?

You see how Romans chapter 13 can be used! Do not be led astray by Romans chapter 13, and how people will say that God gives power to the governmental powers. God did not make government his heirs and successors. Guess whom He made his heirs and successors! Guess whom He gave the Three Blessings to: “be fruitful, multiply, have dominion over the earth!”

Guess whom He did not give that to? The one who was supposed to be governing over Adam and Eve! He did not give it to Satan, He did not give it to Lucifer; He did not give it to the angels, the Heavenly host. He gave it to whom? Adam and Eve! He gave that Blessing to Adam and Eve. Why? Because they are his children!

God is not just a God of power; He is not infatuated with power. He has all power, but He is not infatuated with it. He has it but He does not crave or lust for it. He does not live for power. God lives for what? He lives for love! Love!

It is the lie of the Archangel, the 666 Antichrist Beast, through the welfare state to brainwash the population and to get rid of your husband and love the government. The government will become the surrogate father and raise your children in government programs. And your family was just fine! That has devastated the minority communities for the last sixty plus years in this country!

That is the work of the Archangel. That is not strengthening the father in the home, that is not strengthening the bond between husband and wife, that is not strengthening the bond between the parents and children, where the parents can become the teachers as well, and the children respect the parents as their teacher. Where did that go in America, huh?

You worship the government teachers, but you spit on your own dad and mom, especially your dad. To get a welfare check you must divorce your husband. Isn't it funny that after that law was passed, there is a skyrocket in divorce rates? Oh! Isn't that funny? It's funny how that works! Funny how that works!

This is not the culture of building strong God-centered families that can stand up against evil and tyranny, that can stand up against the Antichrist Beast, that can stand up against Bill Gates and these crazy lunatics like Biden and all these people. This is not; this is not! It is meant to weaken the Christian home, it is meant to weaken the Christian marriage; it is meant to weaken the bonds between husband and wife, and parents and children.

Plato even wrote about it hundreds of years before Christ even came, when he was talking about his Republic, basically which was talking about a socialist kind of country and nation, where the children would be owned by the state; parents would have to give up their children. Therefore, these are not new ideas that all these new peddlers of this demonic system wish for our young people to believe; they are ancient, they are old. Young people want the newest, best thing, right. The ideas of socialism are old. They are nasty, they are decrepit, they are ancient; they are not new, they are old!

Saul and the soothsaying woman

You can see it! That is what is creeping in here with Saul, as he is now on his demise. Let us see what happens to him! He disguises himself and goes to the woman, now verse 9.

9. And the woman said unto him, Behold, thou knowest what Saul hath done, how he hath cut off those that have familiar spirits, and the wizards, out of the land: wherefore then layest thou a snare for my life, to cause me to die?

She is like saying, “Hey! Is this a sting operation? Are you kidding me? I’m not supposed to be channeling spirits in this country right now!” But Saul is disguised and he's saying, “Please channel; channel for me! “The woman is saying, “Hey, wait a minute! Is this a sting? Are you with the FBI or something?”

She said, “Who are you? Who sent you?” She is even thinking, “What's going on here?” She is worried that she is going to get in trouble. I mean, look at that, To cause me to die,” which means she would be executed. She is worried she is going to die, “I mean I’m going to get caught and I’m going to get killed for this.”

10. Saul sware to her by the Lord, saying, As the Lord liveth, there shall no punishment happen to thee for this thing.

Look at this! The commentaries have written on this verse here, “He sware in the name of the Lord to whom? A soothsaying séance wizard- witch!” This is the last time by the way that he swears in the name of the Lord. Look how far he has collapsed from his relationship with God! He is now swearing in the name of the Lord, to a Satanist or a demonic channeled. That is how far he is gone; that is how far he has fallen from God!

11. Then said the woman, whom shall I bring up unto thee? And he said, Bring me up Samuel.

Samuel! Now remember: did he listen to Samuel while Samuel was alive? He was always persecuting Samuel! Now, all of a sudden since Samuel's dead, he wants Samuel! It is funny how that works, isn't it? He was persecuting Samuel the whole time Samuel was alive. Now that Samuel was dead, he said, “Oh my gosh!” It shows you the nature of the spiritual vacuum that has taken over Israel under Saul. He has lost all ties to God, all connection to God, all semblance of relationship with God, and now he is just probing in the dark; he is wandering in the dark.

Therefore, God is remaining silent now, because he has not obeyed God at all during his life. He was persecuting his prophet, but now that he is dead, he wants the prophet back, “Hey! Tell me what to do!” Are you with me folks?

This is exciting! See, the Scripture is exciting! The Word of God is exciting! There is power okay!

12. And when the woman saw Samuel, she cried with a loud voice: and the woman spake to Saul, saying, Why hast thou deceived me? for thou art Saul. 13 And the king said unto her, Be not afraid: for what sawest thou? And the woman said unto Saul, I saw gods ascending out of the earth. 14 And he said unto her, What form is he of? And she said, An old man cometh up; and he is covered with a mantle. And Saul perceived that it was Samuel, and he stooped with his face to the ground, and bowed himself.

Now you see what happened there? She said, “I saw the goddess come out from the earth,” and the word she is using here is Elohim-, which is plural. She is using ‘gods’, in the plural because she is a polytheist. So from her pagan context, she's seeing this guy come and she's like, “Whoa! I see this guy with a mantle,” and he is like, “Oh! That might be Samuel.” Why? Why is she so surprised? She is so surprised because she is used to channeling demons, not prophets of God. Are you with me folks? She is shocked because now she sees something different. She is like, “Who is this guy? I am usually used to channeling the demonic realm and having the deceptive spirits come! Who is this man?”

15. And Samuel said to Saul, Why hast thou disquieted me, to bring me up? And Saul answered, I am sore distressed; for the Philistines make war against me, and God is departed from me, and answereth me no more, neither by prophets, nor by dreams: therefore I have called thee, that thou mayest make known unto me what I shall do.

“What shall I do? The Philistines have now penetrated into the nation; they are coming to kill me. I have disobeyed God my whole life, disobeyed the anointed heir, David. I disobeyed you, Samuel, when you were here the whole time, and now that you're dead I want to talk to you and get your advice.”

His advice is not nice, not nice; not nice!

So God allows that. Now this is not a confirmation that this soothsayer was able to bring him. It is not saying the soothsayer or the shaman had the power to bring Samuel; God sent Samuel to give a message to David. In an unusual way, yes! We do not see this too much in Scripture. It is an unusual way; it is definitely not the standard way.

Again, it is not the soothsayer; it is not the crazy wizard, witch that summoned him. It shows you the place where Saul was at. He believed only up to here - that is where he was at. So, God used that to give him the message because he would not get it in any other way. In the end, he showed he believed the soothsayer more than he believed God. After God was silent, he said, “Bring the soothsaying ladies! Come on, I want to hear them!” Are you with me, folks?

16 Then said Samuel, Wherefore then dost thou ask of me, seeing the Lord is departed from thee, and is become thine enemy? 17. And the LORD hath done to him, as he spake by me: for the Lord hath rent the kingdom out of thine hand, and given it to thy neighbor, even to David.

That is what Samuel said to him, “Look, you’ve become the enemy of God! You are not serving God! You’ve become the enemy of God!”

18 Because thou obeyedst not the voice of the Lord, nor executedst his fierce wrath upon Amalek, therefore hath the Lord done this thing unto thee this day.

Look at what he says! Look at that! “You have not executed God's fierce wrath upon Amalek!” The Amalekites: raping children, post-birth abortions, temple prostitution! Uh! Does this sound kind of familiar? Passing children through the fires of Baal, pedophilia normalized, homosexual marriage etc.… Saul said, “I'm going to be nice to those guys, but I’m not going to obey Samuel or God. But look, God wanted to use Saul as the fierce wrath of God to destroy that culture, so that the children would not be genocided and constantly exploited. Are you with me folks?

Also we know of King Saul as well, that when he destroyed different tribes, he plundered them and he raped their women; he allowed the armies to go in and rape the women, even though God commanded, “Do not do that!”

Adherence to the five Books of Moses and to God Jehovah gave the Israelites for the first time in ancient history, an ethics of war that was so different from the rest of the ancient world.

Whether it be the Medianites, the Amalekites, whether it be the Zidonites or whatever tribe, the standard practice of warfare was: you go destroy; you rape, pillage, plunder to destroy and demoralize the enemy.

Is that true with the Chinese? Yes, standard procedure! All atheist and pagan cultures did that, to bring terror into the hearts of their conquered, and the leaders would allow it. Genghis Khan was famously known for that. After he conquered tribes, they would rape the women and then basically make them their wives.

Islam is very well known for that, right? After conquering and in conquest, you are allowed to take sex slaves in addition to your four wives- you can have unlimited divorce, which means unlimited women. And that prophet of course married a six-year-old child, so pedophilia is legalized! You understand folks?

So I’m not talking about coming in and raping, pillaging, plundering the nation and the teenagers. No! We are talking about the children! You understand? The children too are getting raped, pillaged and plundered! Ah they don't tell you that, in your history class in government school; do they? That is standard operating procedure in the ancient world for war!

But the Israelites had a different ethics because they had a different God that stood up against homosexuality, that for the first time said, “You cannot kill children in these crazy rituals! You cannot do abortions or post-birth abortions!” He condemned these practices and made them illegal, and they were condemnable by death. Death!

He also forbade race-based slavery, in Exodus chapter 20, where He says, “You are not allowed to kidnap somebody, because if you kidnap somebody you will be put to death.” So you're talking about a totally different war ethics. The Israelites could not go and destroy an enemy and then rape, pillage and plunder to give pleasure to their troops and to reward them for their fighting.

They had to raise up troops that had a spiritual and moral purpose that were beyond having sex and accumulating money- are you with me folks? –troops that had the idea of preserving people's human rights, human ethics, and were able to bestow upon them the gifts of God and the protection of the innocent, the unborn, marriage etc.

But you can see the kings of God's line were also required to do what? Enact God's fierce wrath upon the enemy! They had to do it; if they did not do it the nation would be cursed! Saul pillaged, raped and plundered the other tribes, so God started tearing him down. He was told to conquer Amelek and the Amalekites; he did not do it.

You see how we have forgotten these warrior kings, and God’s many times hard commands for them to confront and stand up against evil. That is too burdensome! That is too much weight on our shoulders, because as kings and priests of God's Kingdom -as the Scripture says in Revelation 12 verse 5- we have to stand up against evil; we cannot just have somebody else do it. We have to be willing to stand up against evil in the poimaino rule, meaning of course shepherding - poimaino meaning shepherd.

It is not something we delegate to another person as a king and priest, because we are not doing our kingly duties or our priestly duties. After Moses came down from the mountain, what did he do when they were having sex and orgies and they were worshiping the golden calf? What did he do that day? What did the Levites, the priests of Israel do? How many did they kill? 3,000 were beheaded! Guess who had to do it? The priests! God made the priests do it; not the warriors of the tribes! He made the priests kill them!

Oh! That has conveniently left out of our study, isn't it? A king, and a priest has to do a duty not for his name and his own recognition; he has to do it for the nation, for God and God's will - something greater than him. Amen!

But again we don't see that here with King Saul!

19. Moreover the Lord will also deliver Israel with thee into the hand of the Philistines: and tomorrow shalt thou and thy sons be with me: the Lord shall deliver the host of Israel into the hand of the Philistines.

You will die! “Wow! That is kind of mean isn't it! That's so mean! This Bible God is a Satan masochist! So offensive!” No! He told the truth! You will die tomorrow!

So the whole host of Israel will be taken and now because they have not obeyed God, they've not trained their soldiers to be mighty but godly, and they've allowed their soldiers to rape, pillage and ponder, and in some cases not attack the enemy that had to be attacked, what happens? The whole host of Israel will be taken and the now, Philistines will bring rape, pillage and plunder upon Israel!

Woo! Lord, have mercy! Are you with me folks?

That is some serious stuff! There are serious consequences when the body of Christ and God's people do not stand up against evil, and are not God's hands and feet in the world!

Not only are there serious consequence for millions of people that come under the oppression of Communist China, and genocidal maniacs that organ harvest Falun Gong and Bible-believing Christians in China by the tens of thousands at least, but we actually become more evil. By acquiescing to that, by allowing that type of evil to rule us, we become children of the evil.

Even though we may be professing, going to church, we are slowly becoming cultural Satanists, and not serving God. Just like these Israelites: they are all doing their priestly duties. They think they are doing the worship of God, but they are becoming more of God's enemy. As He says, “You have become my enemy, Saul! Your nation has become my enemy.” Are you with me folks?

Once she realized this was King Saul, she was like, “Oh! My goodness! I can give a lot of power to this man!” but then Samuel showed up, and not her normal demonic spirits and she did not have control over Samuel. She was probably going to tell David, “Hey! David! You are going to do great. Just make me your soothsayer, and re-establish all the soothsaying and the wizards to come back in, then you will be, greatly blessed. She probably wanted to say that, with the demonic realm.

God sent Samuel to say, “No! No! You're going to be destroyed and you're going to die tomorrow.”

20. Then Saul fell straightway all along on the earth, and was sore afraid, because of the words of Samuel: and there was no strength in him for he had eaten no bread all the day, nor all the night. 21 And the woman came unto Saul, and saw that he was sore troubled, and said unto him, Behold, thine handmaid hath obeyed thy voice, and I have put my life in my hand, and have hearkened unto thy words which thou spakest unto me.

Oh! My goodness! Now she is trying to say, “Hey! Samuel! Don't worry, don't worry!” Now she is trying to encourage him. He is getting all afraid; he's getting all down, and now she's trying to appeal to him. See how her heart is different from God's! She never had the power to change Samuel! God sent him to tell David the truth.

That is like Joe Biden when Trump tells him the truth, “Oh! You say you don't want to ban fracking, Joe, uh-huh huh?” And it makes him say, “I want to ban fracking.” Oops! What did you say? Trump's on the side, “Oh! That is big, that is big! Did you hear what he said? He wants to ban fracking,” right?”

Now she is trying to appeal to Saul, “Oh! Do not feel bad! Do not feel bad! I am here! I’m here!” - pretending as if she is the one who channeled him. Are you with me folks? God gave him bad news bad news!

22. Now therefore, I pray thee, hearken thou also unto the voice of thine handmaid, and let me set a morsel of bread before thee; and eat, that thou mayest have strength, when thou goest on thy way.

So notice, now she comes up. What should he have done? What is the smart thing to do if God gives you that kind of message from Samuel, “You're going to die tomorrow; you're going to be destroyed by the Philistines?” You may want to say, “Sorry,” right. It may be a good idea to say, “Sorry God! I repent. You know, if that is my fate, I will take it. But I’m terribly sorry that I didn't obey You!” Wouldn't that be a nice responsible thing to do? That would be nice if Saul did it. But did he do it? No! He waited for the soothsayer, the witch, to comfort him. How does she comfort him? With what? With bread! She gives him the dopamine high of food.

But Jesus says, “I will not live by bread alone,” because as human beings we are not animals. We are children of God, made in the image of God. That means: we do not live by bread alone. We live for a higher purpose that is in our spirit that calls us out to live for God's will. Amen! We do not just live for bread!

If the Antichrist Beast system makes us into beings that live just for bread, we have now become animals, and just beasts that wander the earth. That is what they teach us when we are five years old, telling us that we are australopithecine and we are apes. They teach us that we are beasts, and they say, “Be as beasts!” Go to your college, get brainwashed, go into tremendous debt, and have orgies every weekend! And you'll be fine; you'll learn great morals there.

They make us into beasts, programming the people to become beasts; and when the people acquiesce to evil people then they wonder, “Why? Why did he do that?” Well, they made you into beasts; they have made us just pursue bread!

That was Satan trying to tempt Jesus with that; you remember? He said, “Come on! Turn these stones to bread,” and Christ said, Man does not live by bread alone! I am not subservient to the grumbling in my stomach. I have a higher order and a higher power that I obey other than the grumbling in my stomach. I don't live for just bread alone.” And notice Jesus is fasting for forty days. He's purposely showing Satan, “Look! I am fasting forty days, I am hungry; but I still have God's will in my sight. I am still doing the will of my Father.”

I am not doing this, and at the end of the day, I can have Ramadan where I can eat at night and then pretend I am fasting during the day! That is not a biblical fast; in a biblical fast by the way, you are not allowed to eat during the whole day. The Muslim fast is not even a fast; it is just not eating during the sunlight, and then when it's nighttime, gorge yourself all night. That is not fasting, folks! That is not fasting! That is not fasting! Fasting is controlling your body not to eat for a higher purpose. Amen!

So, look how she tempts him. She says, “Oh, have this bread with me; the bread will give you solace.” Not: “God's heart will give you solace!” Not: “Repenting to God will give you solace!” Not: “Living up to your sins and being a man and apologizing!”

She says: “That's not going to heal your sorrow! You know what is going to heal your sorrow? Have some bread and some butter. And if you really kiss my feet, then I’ll throw in some linguine with meatballs!”

Come on! That is not a man of God. That is not a king of God! Amen!

23. But he refused, and said, I will not eat. But his servants, together with the woman, compelled him; and he hearkened unto their voice. So he arose from the earth, and sat upon the bed. 24. And the woman had a fat calf in the house; and she hasted, and killed it, took flour and kneaded it, and did bake unleavened bread thereof: 25. And she brought it before Saul, and before his servants; and they did eat. Then they rose up, and went.

You see! What did he say? What do you say with his actions? He said, “I don't serve God. You know what I serve? Beef stroganoff; what I serve is lasagna.” Okay, for you, Japanese folks, miso ramen, and for our Korean folks, kalbi with a little bit of kimchi on the side.

Now, you are wondering, why the pastor is speaking so long. I want to get to eat but he said, We don't live by bread alone, but by every word that ushers forth from the mouth of God.” Amen! That is how we live! We live with spiritual nourishment that gives power over the physical!

Whoo! Hallelujah! God is good!

Here I will share links:

The King's dream

When are the American Patriots going to stand?

Because they belon to the same speech

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