Monday, October 14, 2019

Kingdom of the Rod of Iron (2.4)

Kingdom of the Rod of Iron - 2.4

January 7, 2018

Matthew 5:30 And if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.

So, leftist lunatics are still going to be there, cause Marx’ books are still going to be available, okay. You’re still going to be able to see the Koran. In Cheon Il Guk, you’re going to be able to see that, and that’s actually good, because they’ll see how pathetic it is in real life; but, if they try and use those books to establish those hells on Earth, which is all they produce, they will be wiped out. If they had tried to establish those things, and tried to use force to do so, they will be fought. That’s a great check on evil, on those type of cancerous ideologies, which then take over parts of that body, okay?

Matthew 5:31 It hath been said, Whosoever shall put away his wife, let him give her a writing of divorcement: 32 But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery: and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery.

You see that? So, he’s say, look, I want you to have a standard that is above normal. You can’t have a standard that’s even of the Jews. Apparently, even a lot of Jewish Rabbis don’t teach their people, “Don’t fornicate before marriage.” Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Okay. Why? Because how you treat it by the way, which is a Covenant not only before God, but it’s also a public Covenant, right? We’re talking about marriage, right. How you treat your marriage also speaks about how you are as a person. You see that?

So, will you fight for the marriage, or not? Will you try to break up over stupid things, or not? Right. God is calling the people here. No, no, no. You have to have a higher ethic. I give you this power, I give you this authority. You have to have a higher ethic, though. You see that?

So, he’s talking about all different sorts of elements of character from marriage too, you know, all these other different Scriptures. Lusting, right? How you should behave with people when your angry with somebody. He’s dealing with all sorts of manner of human behavior. He’s saying watch how you behave, because with behavior you have consequences. You’ll make me angry; so, your behavior will make me angry. You see that?

It’s not about the Rod of Irion. It’s not just about giving everybody guns. Keep believing in radical Islam. Keep believing in crazy ideologies. The Rod of Iron is centered on God’s Kingdom, which is Judeo-Christian values. Do you understand? The Kingdom of God and it’s Constitution. The Kingdom of God is based on Judeo-Christian values, because this is what is taught in Judeo-Christian values. You have to have a higher standard than some tribal standard of some occult pagan heritage. You called by Almighty God, the Author and Creator of the entire Universe, He has a higher standard; and, yes we fall short of the mark, and yes, we are sinners before God, and God forgives us; but, we are to be like Him. “He who loves me will obey my Commands,” right?

So, God calling us to a higher modality of human behavior. It doesn’t mean we’re all perfect. It doesn’t mean in Cheon Il Guk people will be all perfect; but, those being called, you see their moral compass bing pulled toward a higher perspective, which naturally over time helps them be pulled to a natural higher perspective, even though some will fail more than others, etc. That doesn’t mean that God is a failure. It means that people have been through five percent of human responsibility will have been choosing wrong decisions, right. In Cheon Il Guk, you’ll have so much social welfare done from the citizenry, from the churches, from the local areas, that people will be helped out of those problems way better than the government can do it, because they only exacerbate the problems as you can see with every single problem they ever done. Okay.

So, God is talking about all means of character.

Matthew 5:33 Again, ye have heard that it hath been said by them of old time, Thou shalt not forswear thyself, but shalt perform unto the Lord thine oath; 34 But, I say unto you, Swear not at all; neither by heaven; for it is God’s throne; 35 Nor by the earth; for it is his footstool: neither by Jerusalem; for it is the city of the great king. 36 Neither shalt thou swear by thy head, because thou canst not make one hair white or black. 37 But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil.

Okay, He’s saying now, don’t swear on stuff. “Oh, I swear God about this or that. I swear to Jesus.” Don’t do that. If you have to do that, you’re already admitting that you are stupid, and don’t obey your promises. He’s actually saying that. He’s saying, don’t swear, not at all. Not by Heaven before God’s throne, not by the Earth for it is His footstool, neither by the city for it is the city of the great King. Neither shall they swear by thy head, because thou can’t make one hair white or black; but, let thy communication be, “Yes or No. Yea or Nay.” That’s how trustworthy you should be. If you say yes, it’s done. If you say no, it’s not going to be done. Okay? You should be clear. You shouldn’t, “I swear, I swear this time, I swear, I swear, swear, swear.” You know what I’m talking about? Are you going to trust that kind of person, because they’re admitting that they are totally irresponsible continuously? They just admitted, “I swear, I swear, I swear, I swear.” They’re really stupid. They’re admitting that they’re idiots, that they are irresponsible. Oh, my Lord! So, even Jesus said, how you behave, even when you make a promise or something, you say, “Yes or No.” So, you mean what you say, you say what you mean, and then you do it. If you say yes, then do it.

Now, think about that. It’s a Principle in the Kingdom of God. In a free market place, how important is that? If you make a promise to something, a business deal with money involved, you better do it, right? Does that make sense? You have to. If you don’t your business goes way down; and, everybody, everybody around will say, “Don’t do business with that person. They screwed me. Don’t do business with that person.” See, you got a natural punishment, and that’s great.

Matthew 5:38 Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth: 39 But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.

Be forgiving. Now, it doesn’t mean, he didn’t say let them kill you. Smite you here on one cheek, smite you there on the other cheek, stab you in the arm, and let them die. He didn’t that, right? So, in the Middle East, if you get hit here on one cheek, and you give them the other cheek, that means, now you’re dead. So, if you hit this one, and I give you the other one, if you hit this, now you have given me justification to fight back. That like Father said, “Let Satan strike you three times, and then you can hit him back.” What does that teach you? It’s teaches like, be, be, be patient. Be patient. Don’t just jump to it. That’s a type of ethic, right? That’s a type of ethic, okay. Be patient, be patient, okay. Be patient. Be patient, you know.

Now, if somebody’s coming in with lethal force and they shot you, you don’t say, “Oh, can you shoot me two times?” No, no, no. Father’s not talking about that. He knows a slap on the face is not gonna kill you lethally, okay. He didn’t say, “When somebody stabs you in the kidney, let him stab you in the heart.” Don’t get it twisted, okay. You can’t pull these, to these ultimate hyperboles. When Jesus is using the example of slapping in the face, he knows you’re not going to die. You’re not going to die. You’re not gonna die with a slap in the face. Trust me, you’re not gonna die, okay.

40 And if any man will sue thee at the law, and take away thy coat, let him have thy cloak also. 41 And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain. 42 Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away.

Now some translations say, if you have to help soldiers carry their gear, carry it two miles for them, you know. Be a benevolent person. Be a benevolent person. So, be generous, too. If someone is in dire straits, and they have to borrow money, whatever, make them responsible; but, also, think what Jesus said, okay. Be generous to them, too. We can help people out, see. When the government gets out of the way, it’s the local private charities, the churches, and individual people who will help their neighbor.

Now, it doesn’t mean you could exploit good people by saying, “Well, you gave to me last month, okay, and I used it all on heroin, okay; so, you have to give it to me now this month, because Jesus said that, okay.” “No, no, no! See, now you are trying to exploit me; and, now I rebuke you in the name of Jesus.” Do you see what I’m saying? Aw, do you see what I’m saying? Okay. Now, you get a rebuke in the name of Jesus. Okay. Aw, see that? That’s important. That’s important, right? So, that responsibility element comes in when normal citizens help other citizens, then they get a rebuke if they’re trying to exploit people’s goodness and benevolence, because now they’re practicing evil, okay. It’s not they’re actually asking for help. They’re actually trying to practice evil, okay; so, you of course have to rebuke that.

Matthew 5:43 Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine, enemy. 44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

Every Christian in Church should be praying for ISIS. Not to victorious. They should be smited from the Earth; but, should be praying for the ISIS families, all those people to be saved. How come that’s not being taught in the Christian Church? How come people are not praying for those children, or those wives who are oppressed under ISIS, that the Lord Jesus Christ will save them? That they’ll be saved and free from this medieval stone age death cult, you know, of rape, and pillage, and force, and oppression, huh? See, loving your enemy and praying for them, doesn’t mean you’ll pray for their victory. You see that? They’ll say, “Oh, does loving thy enemy and praying for them work with the Rod of Iron?” Very easily. You’re not praying for their victory. You’re praying for them to be saved. You’re praying for the innocent to free from the hands of the iniquitous. Very easily, you could pray for evil people. Why is that hard? It’s so freakin’ easy. What’s hard about praying for evil people, that they’ll be delivered, and they’ll turn from their wicked ways? What is so hard about that? You’re loving them by praying for them. You’re loving them, because you want their soul to be saved; but, you will not stand for them doing wickedness, and killing people, and raping innocent girls. How is that a conflict? I don’t see how that is a conflict in people’s minds. Why is that a conflict in people’s minds? It’s all ridiculous. It’s not a conflict in people’s minds. It’s just an excuse. You can still fight evil. You can still put somebody down in self-defense, and still pray for them, and love them. How is that a conflict in the brain? It’s like ridiculous; but, it’s an ethic.

So even in the end, jurisprudence, Christian jurisprudence comes from this. That even an innocent person, someone who’s alleged or accused of this or that is still innocent, until proven guilty. That really comes from this. They could be your worse enemy. They could be somebody that is alleged doing this or that. They still got their day in court. You still got to show the evidence that comes from this kind of teaching. It doesn’t come from some Sanhedrin Judge that sits upon you, and colluding with the State, and can rule that your dead, like the Jews were doing, the Pharisees and Scribes were doing, you know, that Jesus called the Synagogue of Satan.

That’s why some people in the Evangelical community don’t like Jonathan Cahn’s, etc, who’s promoting Israel, Israel, Israel, Israel, and saying people should call Jesus, Yeshua, when the New Testament says, Yesus, because Jesus also spoke Greek. People don’t know that. In the Middle East, people spoke three languages easy. Jesus spoke Aramaic because that’s his local dialect, he also spoke Hebrew because that’s his ancient scholarly language, and he also spoke Greek because everybody speaks Greek. It’s like people speaking English. How many people in Africa you meet who could speak English? How many people in China you meet who could speak English? How many people in the Middle East who could speak English? Everybody speaks English. Indians speak English, right? Jesus could speak Greek cause that’s the language of everybody. The New Testament was written in Greek, because everybody speaks Greek. It’s like the big language. Jesus spoke three languages, Aramaic, Hebrew and Greek. Right.

So, people in the Evangelical community don’t like it when you say, “Yeshua, Yeshua, Yeshua,” because then you’re saying, then, all the New Testament is wrong, when its says, “Yesus, Yesus, Yesus, Yesus.” Alright, well anyways, there’s that debate in there, okay. The point is, Jesus, he’s not just this fundamental Orthodox Jew. He’s cursing the fundamental Orthodox Jews as the Synagogue of Satan. He’s definitely not an Orthodox Jew. He’s definitely not mainstream Jew, okay.

So, there are people in the Evangelical community that try to make him way more an Orthodox Jew than he may have been. He definitely spoke Greek. He may not have done whole sermons in Greek. Isn’t that interesting? Jesus may have done whole sermons in Greek. Isn’t that fascinating? You see that? It’s just the reality of human interaction. You learn the language of the people you’re with. If the Romans is the major thing of the day, which it was, then everybody speaks Greek. He also grew up in Galilee, which is also all Gentiles, folks. Hebrew was already a dead language at the time of Jesus. It was a scholarly language. It was not used as normal speaking. Ah, you see that? So, people, he’s not speaking Hebrew to people. It’s a dead language already at the time of Jesus. He’s speaking Aramaic in his local dialect, which many for example, Indians and Africans could do. They could speak a local tribal dialect; and, they also could speak a great English. How many people met those kinds of people? Indians, Africans, Europeans. Jesus grew up amongst Gentiles. Do you think he’s only saying to them, Hebrew, which is a dead language? It’s ridiculous. You think he’s speaking to them in Aramaic? It’s ridiculous. He’s speaking to them in Greek, because it’s like speaking English. Wow! Isn’t that interesting? That’s why we have 5,900 versions of the Greek New Testament, and - 0- in Hebrew. Zero. Hmm! All the evidence, and of course, all he Apostles wrote in Greek, okay; but, that’s a whole other topic, okay. That’s a whole other topic. We’re getting sidetracked.

Love thy enemies, bless them that curse you, do good. Okay, you could still do that, and you could still stand up against unrighteousness. I don’t see how that’s a brain conflict. What do they call it that? Its not something that’s contradictory. You could still stand up against unrighteousness and pray for the unrighteous. I mean, God Commands His people to do that all the time. Pray that they will turn from their wicked ways; yet, they are called to fight them. I don’t see how you. It’s just whacky. People just get into these little intellectual bubbles. You know, you study combat arts or something, if you have an enemy you’re going against all the time, you know what I mean? You have some rival, you know, in another, you know, fight DoJo. You could pray for them; but, you don’t pray for them to win, and beat you up. You know what I mean? You could still pray for their soul. You could pray that they encounter Jesus, and a powerful move of the Holy Ghost, that they lively transform and be made new. Of course, you could pray for that. We could pray that for ISIS. I mean, you could pray that for everybody. How is that a conflict? Right. It is so whacky what people will get in their mind as an excuse.

Matthew 5:45 That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. 46 For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same?

Look, look, this makes Christian society is a tolerant society to a point, to a point. Once you start transgressing beyond the point of common tolerance, you start infringing on other people’s rights. Start trafficking of children, start killing babies, you see. Now you start infringing on other people. Now you’re going to be punished; so, Christian culture is not a relativist culture, which doesn’t do anything about anything, except claim that it’s the best, when it really can’t, when none are the best, and all are relative arguments. Even though it claims to be relative argument, it is an absolute argument, okay. We’ve been there a million times. Christian culture reminds everybody, you may not like somebody that has a different view, whatever, but you can’t just go out and destroy them. God’s sun rises on the evil and the good.

Now, if you are doing things which are destructive, which are against the community, and there’s evidence of that, and they have their day in Court, well, now they could be punished. That’s where jurisprudence comes in, okay. If there’s evidence they are doing evil things, and have a trafficking ring in that neighborhood, well, you can clamp down on it. The local peace police/ peace militia will clamp down on it, right. They can have their day of justice; but, at the same time, we’re taught to be tolerant. I’m not talking about braindead tolerant. I’m talking about people will have a process. Evil people can change, can change by a miracle of God. Not all. Not all, not all, but some can be transformed. Not all. The ones that don’t change, and try to destroy other people’s lives, they will be put down by the people who are armed, you see?

Matthew 5: 46 For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same? 47 And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans so? 48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

You see, He’s always calling us to a higher standard; and, this is really part of the Christian gun ownership culture, too. You know, gun ownership is really also, and Rod of Iron ownership, is surrounded by fundamental values, you know. Safety. Being cognizant of other people. Caring for other people. Don’t flag. Don’t point you barrel around like an idiot. Don’t have your finger on the trigger, cause you could make a mistake, and there could be a bad consequence, which now you harmed somebody, right.

So, learning these things, when you learned discipline of your mind. You learned power, but you learned the basic ethnicity of love, which is really absolutely essential in a Christian culture, but then has the Rod of Iron. In God’s Kingdom, God can still have the Rod of Iron. This Kingdom is ruled by the Rod of Iron. Justice is brought about, cause every citizen is armed and able to defend himself, and their neighbor, and herself, okay; but, at the same time, that whole society is built on the foundation of Christian love, Christian love. We don’t get pissed off easily. We’re slow to anger, right? If somebody’s cursing us, we say, “Okay, it’s not worth it. It’s not worth me shooting you.” Right? If somebody’s cursing at you, you don’t just pull out your gun and shoot them. What are you doing? First degree murder because some idiot cursed you? If that’s the level of mentality that you have, then of course, you have to be raised up out of that. You have to be shattered a couple of times; and, that’s where peace police/ peace militia training comes in.

It’s not only firearms training. It starts kids off young at getting beat up, and their ego’s shattered so they learn reserve, they learn not to pick fights, they learn how to be realistic with their ability. All those kinds of things that you learn in real combat, in real fight training, you will learn; then, that has a greater safety when you have a higher-level power. Does that make sense? What’s the greatest safety on a gun? Between your ears, right here. That’s the biggest safety right here. (pointing to one’s head) It’s the person who’s the biggest safety. Does that make sense? It’s not the little clicky thing on the right side, left side. Some guns don’t even have a safety like that, right? The biggest safety is you; so, the higher level the people are, in terms of being cognizant of themselves, of being cognizant of others, not being delusional, not being in crazy self-absorbed dreams about themselves, but actually can care for other people, right, the more they do that, the peace police/ peace militia training, you learn how to become for responsible with larger power. Now, does that make mean everybody’s going to be perfect? No, of course not; but, there’s a big consequence if you don’t be perfect. If you try to do things, you most likely will die, which is a great blessing for society; that you have other people, if you become evil, can kill you. Keep an eye on yourself. Does that make sense? You see that? It helps people to keep an eye on themselves; and, the self-governing person helps govern the nation. Okay.

So, we are talking about the Rod of Iron. The Kingdom of God is a beautiful place. It’s a beautiful place. Not every psychopathic may want to exploit people, and want to destroy them. You’re going to have a terrible time. You’re going to have an absolutely horrible experience. You won’t last long; but, if you’re a normal person, you actually cares for people, and wants to create success, and wants to raise your family, and can love your neighbor, and love God, hey, you’re going do great. You are going to do fantastic. It doesn’t mean you won’t have any hardships. It does mean you won’t have any difficulties. You’ll have plenty of those; but, you are going to be able to do on average, do a lot better than anywhere else, right.

So, the Kingdom is actually a wonderful place; and, the Kingdom that is ruled by the Rod of Iron is a wonderful place. It’s not a scary place. As Christians, you don’t need to be scared of it. It’s a wonderful place, right; and, it’s a part of our culture, it’s a part of our training when we are young, right, as everybody’s understanding these things at a young age. Okay.

Now, we have a little more time; so, let’s show this video real-quick. This is our case study. We talked about ethics, and now we talk about practical reality. This is a nice, case study.

{This video is about the shooting that recently took place in Texas. The people that do this our cowards, because they are not prepared to shoot back. This man, Stephen Williford, stopped the shooter with his own firearms. You don’t think about needing a gun in Church. It was a consideration that more people should carry a gun in Church. Stay close to God)

Pray and stay close to God; and, get your Rod of Iron. Get your Rod of Iron and organize. Amazing. After one year, basically, that we’ve been telling the Christian Body of Christ organize peace police/ peace militia. Now, in the gun community, some of the top people are saying that. Amazing, folks, amazing. It is still there; and, so as Christians, we must understand the purpose, the duty of the Rod of Iron; and, of course, the Crown, which is an Inheritance from God, and His love, and His ethics, which then center all of that. Cheon Seong Gyeong 645. Let’s read together, and will wind it up today.

CSG 645

In this sense, Jesus was teaching that the Kingdom would come about when we attain the self-governing character to advance with mind-body unity while ridding ourselves of the circumstances that would cause us to veer to the right or left.

The Kingdom does not come through the efforts of others but by our own efforts Being fallen people, you must deny yourselves. If I cannot bring about the Kingdom by myself, it will then be done by someone else. IF that happens, then I must unite with that person in order to reach the Kingdom.

Amen and Aju! SOS come on up. The Body of Christ is now understanding the Rod of Iron. The freedom and responsibility, the sovereignty that comes from Almighty God. Let us give Him praise this day, folks. Amen-Aju!

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