Saturday, July 9, 2022

Satan can still deceive in the millennium period

Satan can still deceive in the millennium period

When the bible speaks about the Christ Millennial reign, there will still be evil in this world.

Many Christians are not being taught this. Many of them do not read their bible. So, they are not taught that even in the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, for the thousand year millennial period of Christ's reign on earth, there will still be evil.

Revelation 20. Verse 5-10

"The second death has no power, but they shall be priest of God and of Christ and shall reign with him a thousand years"

So, you are not going to be sitting there on Christian welfare, like all Christians think.

That means rule the nation's with Christ, you will have a responsibility to do in the Kingdom of God.

"When the thousand years have expired, Satan will be released from his prison and will go out to deceive the nations that are in the four quarters of the earth"

Satan can still deceive in the millennial period because people have free will.

The rod of iron

The rod of iron is a protector, the rod of iron is the force equalizer, the rod of iron is the power by which, a noble man and woman can stop a group of intruders, a group of evil-minded people. A group that have given themselves over Satan and criminality to exploit other people, to steal what other people have and that is of course the philosophical premise of socialism to take by force what others have. That is the fundamental philosophy of socialism, communism, fascism, centralized government you name it all the same, just different degrees.

The Kingdom of God

The Kingdom of God is the collection of states and nations gathered together. They are decentralized use of force that is all the Co-heirs with Christ as Kings and queens and sovereigns that are free to have the rights of property, freedom from taxation, the right to bear arms, the right of kings and queens that only the elite have enjoyed in satanic history.

When God's history comes, that is switch; that is reverse, now the normal citizen will enjoy the right of king’s freedom from taxation, proper private property rights and freedom to defend that private property or territory kingdom with the rod of iron. The rod of iron protects this kingdom.

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