Sunday, October 13, 2024

Peace on the Frontline Contemplative Prayer Training (18)


Peace on the Frontline

Contemplative Prayer Training (18)

We got to pray at this critical time. Security, keep your eyes open, please. Everybody that's joining me, close your eyes in prayer.

Breathing in, “I am alive by grace.” Breathing out, “I Thank You Father. Thank You, Father. Thank You, Father.”

Breathing in, “I am alive by grace.” Breathing out, “Thank You Jesus. Thank You, Jesus.”

Breathing in, “I am alive by grace.” Breathing out, “Thank You Holy Spirit. Thank You Holy Spirit.”

Continue the breathing training as we enter into Psalms; we'll just enter into the first few verses of Psalm 89 again.

Breathing in, “I'm alive by grace.” Breathing out, “Thank You, Father.”

Psalm 89: 1-9

1 I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever: with my mouth will I make known thy faithfulness to all generations.

2 For I have said, Mercy shall be built up for ever: thy faithfulness shalt thou establish in the very heavens.

3 I have made a covenant with my chosen, I have sworn unto David my servant,

4 Thy seed will I establish for ever, and build up thy throne to all generations.

5 And the heavens shall praise thy wonders, O Lord: thy faithfulness also in the congregation of the saints.

6 For who in the heaven can be compared unto the Lord? who among the sons of the mighty can be likened unto the Lord?

7 God is greatly to be feared in the assembly of the saints, and to be had in reverence of all them that are about him.

8 O Lord God of hosts, who is a strong Lord like unto thee? or to thy faithfulness round about thee?

9 Thou rulest the raging of the sea: when the waves thereof arise, thou stillest them.

Father, we thank You for this beautiful day in the recapturing of Your Word; getting back to Your Word, strengthening our heart, giving boldness into the spirit, manifesting that into our daily lives. We're training as spouse and as parents in establishing Your Kingdom of God.

Peace on the Frontline

Father, we thank You for all the kingship lines that are gathered here with Your Three-Generation Kingship now on the front line in America as we are now fighting, for the life of the world is on the line. Will the world descend into darkness and worldwide totalitarianism making the covid authoritarian three years look like a joke? Or will the people rise up and will the hedge of protection stand with the spirit world and the Holy Host, and all the good ancestors that are standing with us in the armies of God Jehovah Sabaoth? You are the Lord of armies. Leading both the spiritual armies of Heaven and the physical armies on the earth, that are now awakening, arising during the tempestuous waves and the storms that are now raging above, lightning crashing all around.

Let us remain calm and covered by the armor of God as You give to us in Ephesians chapter 5.

Let us put on the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness.

Let us gird our loins with the belt of truth.

Let us put on the shield of faith and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, the weapon of the Spirit.

Let us have our feet shod in the preparation of the Gospel of peace, which means that we remain peaceful in our heart and mind, even in the midst of the raging battle and war that are about us and surround us.

Father, You are giving us that peace within our hearts, for when we are in the midst of the battle and see You unfazed, unanxious, with no fear and courage in Your eyes lit like fire, smiling at us, proud that we are standing with You as Your children on the battlefield, we have confidence and our bravery rises up in our spirit like the “rivers of living water that are manifest within our belly” (John 7:38) and spread forth to the world.

Let us follow the example of President Trump showing tremendous bravery in the optic of the sniper's scope, his head almost being blown off, yet surviving by Your grace and coming back the next day to fight again. Not stopping, wiping it off as if it were just shed rain off the duck's back, standing in the gap where nobody wants to stand, being the man of the hour and on the cross. Even though he is an imperfect person, You are using him and chose him to effectuate Your macrocosmic Will at this hour.

You are bringing the micro and the macro together. So many people are now coming to repentance. There is unity coming back into America, as even the Democratic legends of the Kennedys have given up the left and joined forces with the MAGA movement. These are all signs and miracles and wonders that we are transcending the dichotomy, the illusion that has been created by the globalist elite and the Satanists. We are coming together for unity to stand for the gifts that You have bestowed upon us. We are standing together, risking our lives, our treasure, our fortunes and our sacred honor. From the top billionaires with Trump all the way to the felon classes they are coming out, all united in a vertical unity against the predators in each of the layers and strata of society.

We Repent & Forgive

Father, we pray that You may give President Trump strength this day. Strengthen him, strengthen his family, give him supernatural health, power and vigor at this time of great tribulation and turmoil. Protect all the patriots that are now standing up every time he goes to a rally; tens of thousands of souls that are standing there crying out in repentance and realizing the country is at grave risk. We see there is now a revival happening. People are coming to repentance and now accepting the Lord Jesus Christ into their hearts again.

Let the Spirit of Christ permeate through our being.

Let it manifest, not only in the spirit of fruit, but also physical fruits that manifest in the strength and the victory that You have planned for this hour.

We repent of our sins; we forgive our enemies. We pray that our enemies come to repentance and become our brothers and sisters. We forgive them and as You forgive us, we forgive.

Let us not be petty when people repent and come to the fold.

Let us exercise Your great mercy and Thy kindness.

God Has Not Given us the Spirit of Fear

We ask You to discipline us.

Break us before You bless us, Lord.

Break us before You bless us.

Break ME before You bless me, Lord.

Break every stronghold and lie and illusion of the Devil before You bless us.

Let us realize that this epic time of history is a blessing.

Let us not be confounded by the spirit of fear or anxiety or confusion. But as Your Word said, “God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, of love and of a sound mind.”

Fill our beings; let every cell be filled with the power of Your Holy Spirit, bravery in Your Holy Spirit, love in Your Holy Spirit, fire to set the captives free and bring Your Kingdom of Heaven on Earth where Your children can have sovereignty; they can have kingship and they have the duty to love You the Creator and to love their neighbor, and protect one another.

We thank You, Father for all the miracles You are doing right now. Sometimes people are being caught back by the Devil in addictions and drugs and pornography and prostitutes and hoes and culture and materialism and hedonism and so many different traps. We pray that You BREAK those chains right now in the name of Jesus and Father are One. May those chains be broken now in the strength of Your Holy Spirit.

Let the chains of sickness, depression and death be broken now for “Death where is thy sting? Grave where is thy victory?” When we are saved and have eternal life in Christ, we have no fear, we have Boldness.

Let us be bold at this hour. You have chosen us for a time such as this even though we are unworthy and full of sin. We repent. We repent; we turn from our sin and we turn to You, the shining light, the light of the world.

You are “the way, the truth and the life.” Guide us, dwell within us, Holy Spirit. Animate us for this contest of liberty, this epic quest that You are now calling the world to walk upon. Only You can lead us, Jehovah Sabaoth, Lord of armies, only You can lead the way and blaze a trail through the enemies and the hordes of monsters that are in front of us, waiting to trample and to devour.

We stand strong in You today, and we line up on the battlefield with gratitude and thanksgiving. We are not standing with just a healer or provider or the one that raised the flag. We are standing with the Lord of Armies Jehovah Sabaoth, the Father that is the Heavenly Host, Head, Commander.

We pray strength and vitality upon President Trump and his coterie and upon his supporters and upon America and all the MAGA supporters around the world. Make America Godly again and make the world godly again.

Let that be a striving call in this critical hour. As we tread the razor's edge between peace and nuclear war we will not live in fear. WE will not live in fear. We will let this energy animate us to be brave and to stand on the front line.

We Thank You, Father

Thank you, Father. Thank You, Father, for being in this house.

Thank You for reprimanding us where reprimanding is needed, chastising us where chastising is needed, turning us from where we need to turn and to turn us back unto You and be filled with Your grace and Your light.

We honor You, we glorify You, we revere You today. With all the kingship lines gathered here with Your Three Generation Kingship, we pray. We pray in thankfulness and in gratitude in Your precious name. Amen! Amen! And Aju!

Let’s all rise folks and give God the glory.

Original Video Sunday service

Blessed be the Lord, 29 September 2024

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