Monday, October 14, 2019

Kingdom of the Rod of Iron (1.1)

Kingdom of the Rod of Iron (1.1)

December 31, 2017

Now, we’re going through a lot of different words, today. with not only God’s Word, but a lot of different Scriptures, okay; so, let’s frame this a little bit. I’m now working on a new series that you will see, that you will combine the study of the Gospel, which is delineated by Jesus Christ, the Gospel of the Kingdom, with how he’ll rule that Kingdom with the Rod of Iron; so, we’re going to be going through, again, the New Testament Scriptures that we did in studying the Kingdom; but, we’re going to be looking at it through the framework of the Rod of Iron, or the means by which Christ will rule it in the Last Days, or when the millennial Kingdom comes, okay.

So, we’re going to be focusing a lot on the Rod of Iron, folks. A lot of the Rod of Iron. You’re going to see a lot of ARs, and that kind of stuff, okay. So, while we are moving through this, I know I’m going to be hearing from people, “Oh, this is not new. I want to hear more spiritual stuff.” I know I’m going to hear that. I’m telling you before hand. I know you’re going to do that; so, don’t do it, okay. If you do it, just pray for me. Alright, we’re going to work through this, because look, the Kingdom is not only for us, folks, there’s also other inheritors that God has prepared, and that is the Abel type Christian realm. The Abel type Christian, folks, who are one with Christ, but at the same time, they deeply, deeply, deeply, deeply hold on to sovereignty. They deeply understand what it means to be sovereign. They deeply love the founding fathers, okay. They deeply love their right to bear arms and have weapons, okay. These are the Abel type Christians that are not only unchurched, but they’re not allowed to be in church. Well, they are; but, the churches have become so state run, and so feminized, that these kinds of alpha males don’t feel that is a Kingdom that they could be in.

So, I’m telling you this in advance, okay; and, if you want the Power Points presentation we’ll be going over, I’ll give them to you; so, if you are talking to other gun owners and stuff like that, then you can give them a biblically based understanding about why it’s so critical, the Rod of Iron rules in the reign of the Rod of Iron. Why it’s so critical, why it’s absolutely centrally biblical to the understanding of Christ and his Kingdom, as you will see, of course; but, I can give you these slides. The tech team already has them; so, if you want these slides, and you are talking to people who are obviously concerned; but, the more prepared people, who are in the conservative framework is of course Christians who love Jesus. They may not know that he comes with a new name in Revelation 3:12. They’re not even aware of that Scripture that Jesus, when he returns, he’ll come with a new name, okay; but, they love Jesus, they love Christ, and they understand that they have sovereign rights that they will not be treaded on, that these kind of folks, they’re like the warriors of the civilization, okay. They’re like the warriors of our society, okay; and, yes many people will go to the vets, something like that, and say thank you, etc, etc; but, it’s important that these kind of folks get connected to the Kingdom Gospel, of course, the Rod of Iron reign. These are really the Abel type Christian folks that are going to inherit the Kingdom; and, of course, you see God moving so powerfully with Mr. Larry Pratt, who will be joining us. He already joined us on The King’s Report, twice; and, he will be joining us in January in Switzerland, and joining us again here in PA. He bought his tickets to fly here in February as well. Mr. Larry Pratt, he’s the Gun Godfather, okay; so, he’s not a joke. If you don’t know Mr. Larry Pratt, you don’t know the gun community. Mr. Larry Pratt is the Gun Godfather, okay. He is the heavenly godfather. He’s a good, tremendous patriot, okay.

So, his organization, that group of patriots out there is keeping the NRA honest, and they empower citizens to understand their responsibility, and their power, and their rights, okay; so, I know while we’re moving through this, I’m not going to be talking much about conventionally Christian spiritual things, okay; so, make sure you have your Bible, make sure you have Prayer Room, and you’re praying, also, in your normal lives, so God can fill you with that. Ladies, if you need that, because when you come to service, you are going to see a lot of Rod of Iron stuff, okay; so, make sure you’re supplementing that with your Prayer Rooms, and your Scripture study, okay. I’m pointing that out, because I know it’s gonna come in a couple of weeks, okay.

Let’s get into it. Kingdom of the Rod of Iron Number 1. I’m just gonna number these, cause this is gonna turn into a book, okay. This is probably going to turn into a book. It’s probably going to become the beginnings of a book, which we can release this into the biblical evangelical community; so, this is where God is leading in 2018, and of course, is setting it up beforehand. We’re just trying to catch up; and, we didn’t know it moved this fast, honestly speaking. We didn’t know it would move this fast. I kind of wanted to move slower maybe, with the NRA folks in this area, and then go a little more bigger; but, God just, boom! brings it way on top, and Mr. Larry Pratt and others are already connecting us that deeply; so, we’re just trying to catch up. We’re just trying to shoot, and boom! God creates, shall we say, the split in the Red Sea. Let’s go! Time to go.

Gotta run across it, okay; so, you got to understand where were at as well. God opened up a whole new avenue in these End of Days, okay.

So, let’s get into the Kingdom of the Rod of Iron, Number 1, or Section 1, or Episode 1, whatever you want to call it. Chapter 1. First of all, we have to get back to what the Gospel is. The Gospel, what is the Gospel? What is the Gospel as Jesus Christ defined himself? This is for Christians. This is a great thing to discuss with Christians. What is the Gospel? Of course, the euangélion has traditionally explained, or has been churches, is the Crucifixion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. That is the Gospel. Through that, you will be saved. They commonly quote John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son; anyone who believes will have everlasting life.” They will commonly quote that Scripture; but, what does the Scripture say, and what does Jesus say? He’s kind of an important person in this whole dialogue, isn’t he? What does Jesus say is the Gospel. okay?

So, that is what we got to look at; and, that’s what we have to help our Christians, especially on the Abel side gun owners, etc to understand what we’re talking about. We have to help them understand. Hey, hey! Look at what Jesus said the Gospel is, okay. So, what what does he say? First of all, before we get into that, he says we should be praying about the Kingdom God everyday, right. So, in Matthew 6 it says, pray this every day. He says to his disciples, and that is the Lord’s Prayer. That is the one where we see, right, which the Pope by the way is trying to change. The Pop, the fake Pope... I’m the Camo Pope, I’m the real Pope. He’s the fake Pope. He’s trying to change the Lord’s Prayer. I am the Heir and Successor to the Lord of Second Advent. He is not; and, the fake Pope is trying to change the Lord’s Prayer. I do not change the Lord’s Prayer. We say it everyday at the peace police/peace militia training, right. We end it all the time with the Lord’s Prayer, okay.

Matthew 6:9 “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, 10 your Kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. 11 Give us today our daily bread. 12 And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. 13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

So, the Lord’s Prayer says, “Our Father which art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.” Did you hear that? Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on Earth, as it is in Heaven. That’s what Jesus says to believers, and to Christians, who call themselves Christians, that they have to pray every day.

So, if Christians turn to you and say, “Hey, what are you believers believe,” and you get into that discussion, and it’s lively and friendly, you say, “Hey...” Of course, you can show them the Constitution, all that kind of thing; but, if you’re going deeper with them, and you’re discussing things, do you know that your supposed to pray for the kingdom to come everyday? Did you know that? Did you know, that’s what Jesus said; and, if you do, then what is it? In John 14:15 it says, “He who loves me will follow my commands, will obey my commands.” right? So, if you are a Christian, and you say you love Jesus, well, are you praying that prayer? Is that part of spiritual life, daily? Are you desiring his desire, for the Kingdom to come, and for his will to b done?” Isn’t that interesting, right?

Next, in Matthew 6:33 we see, Jesus say, “But seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

In Matthew 6:33, Jesus says, “seek ye first the Kingdom.” He says, before we do anything else, or worry about this or that thing, or what’s going to come up tomorrow, etc, he says, “Seek ye first the Kingdom.” “Seek ye first the Kingdom.” He didn’t say, “Seek ye first democracy.” He didn’t say, “Seek ye first Communism.” He didn’t say, “Seek ye first some, some useless diploma.” He said, Seek ye first the Kingdom.” Alright. Seek ye first the Kingdom, and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you. Okay. So, there again, we see again in the Matthew 6, in the Gospel of Matthew, in the Bible, yes, he says, “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God.” Okay.

In Matthew 7:21, now this is just a reminder to Christians, okay. This is a remind; so, let’s look at Matthew 7:21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

Now Christian say I’m a cult leader, and they say you are cult members, or that we are all Cultists. Well, they said that about Jesus Christ, too, didn’t they? They said about Jesus, didn’t they? They said that about the early Christian Movement. We are looking at the Scriptures. We are listening to some glitterbug state run Catholic Priest, or some state run Pastor. We are looking at the Scripture, and what it says. Federally funded Pastors, okay; and, I ranted about that a million, billion, quadrillion, quintillion times, okay. You know why that’s bad; and, you know how the state buys off the churches, by making the programs, the charity programs that they have to do, be registered under the federal government, etc. Okay, so the state run church have tremendous leverage on the Pastors; and, they don’t remind their flock about what the Bible says.

So for Christians, it is important to remember, especially when they say you’re a Cultist, where a Cultist, Hey, hey, you got to remember, cause many of the Christians will say, Lord, Lord. We can be humble in that; but, many of us will say, Lord, Lord, not everybody that saith Lord, Lord shall enter. Do you see that? So, when you discuss with Christians, of course you should have some working knowledge of Scripture. You should have some Bible study. You should have some Scriptures that are in your mind, so that you can discuss things with them, right; and, just like we did when we discussed things on Pastor Dave Zacker’s Show, a month or two ago, we got into Rev. Moon’s the Messiah. We got into this kind of thing. Then, I started bringing up Scriptures. He said, “Oh, your father’s not the Messiah.” I said, “Well, Rev. 3:12, it said this, that when the Lord returns, you won’t know his name. He’ll actually have a new name. It says, he’ll have it written on his forehead the name of his father, which no one will know; but, you still think he’ll come back as Yeshua, Jesus, which he will not. The Bible says, he will not return as Jesus. Now, isn’t that interesting? Most Christians will never hear that. Again, because, they’re not looking at their Scripture.

Okay, so it’s important to remind them, look. Alright, Matthew 7:21, don’t be so confident Christian. I’m Christian, too; but, don’t be so confident Christian. Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter the Kingdom of heaven; but, he doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. That’s what Jesus said. You got to read your Bible. You got to understand, he comes with a new name. You got to understand, even you have all the experts in Hebrew and Greek, but still the Bible says they will not understand the name that is written on his forehead. Isn’t that interesting?

So, this is what commonly happens when you have a dialogue with evangelicals, and it gets theological, because they throw out a couple of Bible quotes. You throw out a couple of Bible quotes. They throw out a couple of Bible quotes. You throw out a couple of Bible quotes; and, they say, “Okay, we agree to disagree; and, will see on Judgment Day, who is right,” That’s basically, what it boils down to, okay. How many people had that experience? Almost all of you, okay. If you’ve been talking to Christians, that’s basically where it ends up, right? Okay.

So, that is a real realty. Of course, that’s like a stalemate. It’s like a stalemate, okay. It’s a stalemate. So, with those kind of people, the most you can do is, “Okay, I love you. We agree to disagree,” you know, things like that, okay; and, that’s why God is bringing us to the Rod of Iron, because that is something that’s not only a belief, it is a not only a lifestyle. We’re talking about the fundamental, fundamental ability to defend all human rights, all human rights. Okay.

So, if you have control of some of these Scriptures, and I’ll make these slides available for all you guys who want it, just ask Rio, and he’ll give it to you, okay. So, you’ll have these at your hand, at your desk, at your phone. Take a picture of it. Just keep a picture of it on your phone, and say, “Hey, let me show you these Scriptures.” That’s interesting to look at. Just put them on your phone, whatever. If you have a discussion with an Abel type prepared Christian, because they’re the inheritors of the Kingdom of God. Whether you like them or not, they are. They’re supposed to be, right, even though they don’t know what it is.

Matthew 10:7 And as ye go, preach, the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.

Luke 4:43 And he said unto them, I must preach the Kingdom of God to other cities also: for therefore am I sent.

You ask a normal Christian, “Did you ever hear that?” They’ll say, “No.” I never hear that. Have you heard in Luke 4:43 that Jesus said that he must preach the Kingdom of God to other cities also: for that is the reason why he was sent? Notice, he didn’t say, “The reason why he was sent was to die on the Cross.” Remember that, because that is fundamental to Christian theology, that Jesus came to die on the Cross. That is the core of Christianity, two thousand years of Christian spiritual salvation theology, okay. That Jesus Christ came to die on the Cross, and that God the Father new and sent him to die on that Cross; but, it’s interesting, cause Jesus, himself, says that he didn’t come to die on that Cross. See, that he said, I must preach the Kingdom of God to other cities also, for that is the reason why I am sent. For therefore is the reason why I am sent. That is old King James Version. That to me, that’s the reason why I’ve been sent. To preach the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. You don’t see in the Gospel yet. You’re going to see in the next line, but to preach the Kingdom of God. Interesting, right?

Alright, let’s keep going. Matthew 4:23 And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people.

The Gospel of the what? The Gospel of the Kingdom. What did he say? The Gospel of the Kingdom, not the Gospel of the Crucifixion. Not the Gospel of the Death and Resurrection. Not the Gospel of democracy. Not the Gospel of whatever it is. It is the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. Now, this is biblical. Biblical. The Bible says it. Jesus went about teaching in the synagogues preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom, okay.

Let’s go to Mark 1:14 Now after that John was put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom of God.

Again, not the Gospel of the Crucifixion, not the Gospel of the Death, not the Gospel of the Burial Tomb, not the Gospel of the Resurrection on the third day. That is not the Gospel. You know, that is so shocking. If you say that to a Christian, most of them will say, “You’re a freakin’ heretic. Get out of my face. You’re a freakin’ heretic. How dare you say that?” But, that’s why the Word of God is so important. You got to show them, “I’m not saying that. The Word of God is saying this.” Do you see how important it is? “It’s not me who is saying it; but, the Bible says it.

So, it doesn’t matter what your glitterbug Preacher said, It Doesn’t matter what your prosperity Gospel Preacher said. It doesn’t matter what your fake theology Preacher and Priest told you. They are teaching a false Gospel. Jesus Christ, himself, referred to it as the Gospel of the Kingdom of God, not the Crucifixion, not the Death, not the Burial Tomb, not the Resurrection. That’s shocking. Folks, you hear it all the time; so, it’s like, “I know;” and, it will be like next week, “You know, I heard this.” Of course, you heard it; but, I’ll tell you, when a Christian hears it, it’s crazy. It sounds nuts. It sounds crazy, because it goes against every single Sunday School they ever had. It goes against every single Christmas they had. It goes against every single time they’ve been in a church. It goes against every single thing that they heard; but, but, but, we’re not making it up. It’s right there, in the Bible. That’s the problem.

So, we now established that most Christians don’t read their Bible. They’re not engaging with the Bible; they’re just listening to little or big mega church Preachers. The Bible itself defines euangélion, which means the Gospel, the Good News. It defines it as the Kingdom of God, not, not the Crucifixion, Death and Resurrection, Empty Tomb, you name it. Okay.

So, this is easily establishable by Scripture. Jesus Christ taught the Gospel of the Kingdom of God, of the Kingdom of God, and if you’re a Christian, you cannot deny it; otherwise, you deny the Bible, even though you pretend to believe in raising your hands and praise the Bible. You are denying the Bible, the Word of God. You cannot be a Christian and think the Gospel is something else, because the Scripture says it’s this. Sorry, sorry, sorry. Okay.

In Mark 1:15 And saying, the time is fulfilled, and the Kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the Gospel.

What Gospel? The Kingdom of God. Basileia comes from Basileus. Basileus means King. King, King, King. That’s what it means. Basileia means Kingdom, which means a nation that’s centered on a King. How do you negotiate that as Christian? You love democracy as a modern day Western Christian; but, if you’re Christian, you have to believe in a Kingdom, which will physically take hold of this Earth. Ooh, now you’re in some trouble. Now, you’re in trouble, cause you love democracy so much, which of course never lasts, and always implodes in about three hundred years. It turns to mob rule; but, you have a conflict as a Christian. You love the democracies, because we’re on the tail end. Trumps trying to keep it going; but, traditionally, democracies don’t last over three hundred years. That’s the longest they can last. It always degrades to mob rule. It always degrades to, you know, the masses voting for the forceful aggression. The politicians will let them vote them into power, and then of course use forceful aggression to do what? Take and redistribute resources, which is what they want; and, that civilization always will collapse, Always. Always, always.

So, you have a Gospel of the Kingdom. Now, it’s interesting, when you bring this up to Christians, they kind of like blank it out. They say, “I know it’s a Gospel; but, it’s a Spiritual Kingdom.” “What the hell are you talking about? Have you been praying the Lord’s Prayer? It’s a Spiritual Kingdom? Have you been praying the Lord’s Prayer, huh?” It says, “Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.” That Christian has clearly not been praying the Lord’s Prayer. They’re the ones who say, “It’s a Spiritual Kingdom.” Have you been praying your Lord’s Prayer, which Jesus said you should be praying everyday? Obviously not, because it’s a Physical Kingdom. Ahh! You see this?

Mark 1:15 The Kingdom of God is at hand, Repent ye, and believe the Gospel.

What is the Gospel? Now, traditional Christianity, folks, you got to remember, it’s the Crucifixion, it’s the Death, the Empty Tomb, and the Resurrection. Almost all of Christian Apologetics, for the Christian aspect of Apologetics, okay, past the notion whether there’s a God, or atheism vs. theism, past that, for the Christian Apologetics world that tries to say that Christianity is the type of God that is most reasonable. This is critical to their argument. Critical. Critical, critical, critical. The Crucifixion, Death, and Resurrection, because these are things that can be proved, or at least parts of them, by Science and historical means and methods. We all know that Jesus is the most validated historical figure, person, that actually lived. Some scholars say he never lived. That’s total balony. Now New Testament scholar, even atheist ones that believe that crap, Jesus was absolutely a historical figure. You have people that were totally killing the Christians who write about him; so, he is absolutely a historical figure, etc; and, so the Apologetics view is based on those things. Death, Burial, and they talk about a potential Resurrection, where they have first eyewitness accounts, and all these things, proclaiming something that could get them killed. If you study Apologetics, you’ll know. Okay. Watch Lee Strobel’s movie, if you want to go through it more quickly. Just watch his movie. What’s that title again? “The Case for Christ.” So watch this movie, if you want a Cliff Notes movie version, okay.

But, is the Gospel of the Kingdom of God? This is shocking. Shocking, shocking, shocking, because this goes against every single Preacher in the modern day, basically. This goes against 99.99999% of mainstream Christianity; so, who is actually looking at his Scripture, and who is actually believing the Scriptures? Jesus himself said, his Gospel is not about the Crucifixion, Death and Resurrection, it’s about the Kingdom of God. An actual Kingdom that will overtake this world. An actual Kingdom. Ah, see, Christians are not told, see? In mainstream Christianity, it’s like the mainstream media. Christianity does not teach the core of the Gospel. They don’t. They’re not teaching the core of the Gospel, which is, the Gospel is defined by Jesus Christ; and, if you believe the Bible is the Word of God, which Evangelicals have to believe, the Word of God says it. The Gospel is about the Kingdom of God. So, these are things you can bring up to your Christians friends, if you are at that level, or you’re going deeper, do you know what I mean?

Matthew 9:35 And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom, (Euangélion of what Baseia) and healing every sickness and every disease among the people.

Matthew 24:14 And this Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

And is this Gospel of the Crucifixion, Death and Resurrection? No! It’s the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. How many Preachers are telling their congregation that the Gospel is the Kingdom of God that will come on this Earth? How many? I mean, it’s really hard to find any of them. They’re teaching the same old thing; but, the Scripture says, the same old thing. The Scripture says, same old thing, literally. Really. They’re just not reading it. In a good way, the Scripture says the same old thing in a good way. It’s the living Word, right? It’s a refreshing Word. It’s like you’ve been drinking from the same old well of water every day; but, when you’re thirsty, boy, that’s good water, even though you’re drinking from the same old well. Now, that same old is bad, ya young bums. When you’re thirsty, that old fountain everyday tastes really good, right? That’s how the Word of God is. Okay.

It says, you draw from the well of salvation. Alright, so, the Gospel of the Kingdom, not of the other thing. Back in Matthew 9:35 The Kingdom, and healing sickness and every disease among the people. Matthew 24:14 And this Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. The Body of Christ has to do something before the end comes. The Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. The end is coming, folks. The end is coming.

Next part

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