Monday, October 14, 2019

Kingdom of the Rod of Iron (1.2)

Kingdom of the Rod of Iron (1.2)

December 31, 2017

Matthew 25:34 Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.

We went over this the last time, remember? We went over this whole dichotomy, that if you’re a Christian, if you’re an evangelical Christian, you have to believe in a Kingdom, a Physical Kingdom is coming; but, they have this dichotomy inside, because they love freedom, and they love Western civilization so much, and most Christians appreciate the founding fathers. Some of them, the Abel types, they really love them. I’m talking like they worship George Washington, and that’s not bad. That’s preparing them for the Cheon Il Guk Constitution, the Constitution of the Kingdom of God; because, if you love George Washington, you’ll just love Rev. Sun Myung Moon, baby. You’re gonna love him, if you look at that Constitution. Boy, oh Lord, if you love George Washington, oh my goodness, okay.

So, there’s this problem in the modern Christian mind. They have to love a Kingdom. They have to believe Jesus will come. They have to believe that this democracy is not the top. It’s not. It’s not the Kingdom, right; but, inside they love George Washington and Thomas Jefferson so much, that they just don’t want to give that up. They think they have to give it up.

What we’re saying is, the Abel type mind, you are the inheritor of the Kingdom. That kind of person, who is a Conservative Christian, etc, these ones who love the founding fathers more, those people are the more Abel type; and, they are ready to receive the Gospel of the Kingdom. They are ready to receive the Constitution of the Kingdom of God. “Oh, there’s a King there. Oh, in the Constitution of the Kingdom of God, we don’t like that.” Americans patriots will say that; but, the King is a Supreme Court Judge. He’s not an Executive. He doesn’t rule the military. He doesn’t have centralized power. He has a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court. “Oh, you think that’s weird? Well, the US has 9 lifetime appointments to the Supreme Court. That’s nine times more than Cheon Il Guk. The problem is, you’re ignorant. That’s why you think it’s so weird.” “Ahh! The King’s actually not that weird. Having 9 Supreme Court Judges for a lifetime is weird, in terms of the Kingdom.” Okay, So, you got to know the US Constitution, and you got to know Cheon Il Guk Constitution.

Matthew 25:34 Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.

So look, they have a big problem. They know Jesus is going to come back. They know when he comes back, he’s going to rule with the Rod of Iron. In their mind, he’s going to be like a despot; he’s going to be like a tyrant. That means a tyrant, okay. The Bible says, “smite the nation. Smite the nations as a potter’s vessel is smashed. You’re talking about some violence, baby. You’re talking about some violence. You’re talking about some force, force, force coming; so, the Christians know that. They know the Scriptures saying, “Okay Jesus is going to come back. Yes, he’s going to come back on the clouds. He’s going to smite the nations with a Rod of Iron, yes; so, yes, okay;” but, they have a big problem now, because they love democracy. They love Western civilization. They love their freedom. They actually don’t want to live under a tyrant, Jesus; but, they can’t say that, or they’ll be called unfaithful. You see this problem in the psyche of the modern Christian? They don’t know how Jesus will look at this?

From the foundation of the world. What does the Bible say? The Kingdom will be like a New Jerusalem. Like a new Eden; so, we know how God ruled in Eden. He was not a tyrant; so, when he comes back, and when he rules with a Rod of Iron, will it be a tyrannical rule? Well, most Christians don’t want to admit it, but they believe it. They believe that it will be, even though they don’t want to admit it; and, they also admit that they don’t want to live there, if they had a choice, okay. Only the Cheon Il Guk Constitution shows how the rule of Christ, and the believers as co-heirs with Christ, will be appointed as Judges in the Kingdom, will rule with the Rod of Iron; but, it will be ruled with sovereignty. There will be freedom, there will be responsibility, there will be free markets, there will be free association. Only the Cheon Il Guk Constitution explains that. There’s not one Preacher on this planet that understands and teaches it. Not one. There are Preachers that teach about the Second Amendment, the US Constitution, why as Americans we should have arms. That’s only one argument. I’m talking about in the Kingdom of God, I’m not talking about as an American citizen, I’m not talking about this or that country. I’m talking about in the Kingdom of God. See that? There’s not one. Not one Preacher that’s preaching about this. Not one in this whole world.

So, in Christianity, you’ll hear every... Just watch Christian TV. You got to get use to the culture, okay. Some of you don’t watch Christian TV, or you’re not with Christian to deal with them all the time, it sounds weird to you when somebody says, ‘God told me. God gave me this revelation to do this. God told me to do this.” You’re thinking, especially if you come from a Catholic background or something like that, “God told you something? Isn’t that supposed to go through the Pope, Cardinal, down to the Priest?” Right. So, it’s kind of weird. So, you have to get use to the Christian culture. So, if I say, “God gave me a revelation on the Rod of Iron,” that’s not weird. That’s not strange.

That’s not weird. It’s just that we’re not in the Christian culture, so it seems weird, because you got no cognizant of the Christian culture. I mean, some of you do; but, most of you, or a lot of you don’t, so you think that’s weird. It’s not. It’s not that weird. God revealed to us the truth of the Rod of Iron, okay; and, of course, through the Cheon Il Guk Constitution, it is there for all to see.

So, let’s go back to the Rod of Iron, and through our Scripture here. This is going to be on The King Mobile; and, I think we’re getting The King Camo gun, this week; so, you’re going to see some cool Rod of Iron camo on the jeep that Kook Jin Nim so generously donated to the peace police/ peace militia. Let’s give it up for Kook Jin Nim. Oh, and he may, I’m not sure he released this to the public; but, he may release the Rod of Iron AR series rifle, okay, with the Bible quotes on it. Oh, Lord; but, I don’t know. I don’t know.

Rod of Iron: Psalm 2:8 Ask of Me, and I will give you the nations for your inheritance, and the ends of the earth for your possessions. 9 You shall break them with a Rod of Iron; you shall dash them to pieces like a potter’s vessel.

There is a small remnant on this Earth. Ask God, that His nations will be covered with the Kingdom of God, and it’s Constitution. God’s promised, it’s true. I will give you the nations for your inheritance, and the ends of the earth for your possession. In the Kingdom of God, in Cheon Il Guk, look at the Constitution. In the Kingdom of God, do you think Rev. Moon’s crazy? Look at the Cheon Il Guk Constitution. Christian, if you think Rev. Moon is crazy, look at his fruit? “You will know his tree by his fruit.” (Matthew 7;16) Look at its Constitution. You tell me, if you are a patriot, if you are a gun owner, if you are somebody who appreciates human rights, and sovereignty, free markets, free association, I’ll be willing to bet you, if you appreciate those things as a Christian; and, you want to hound on Rev. Moon of being some heretic. You look at the Constitution, and you tell me if that’s a bad fruit? You tell me, cause that fruit is more free, more sovereignty, more liberty, than even that which George Washington gave to you, or Thomas Jefferson, the founding fathers, you name it?

“You shall know a tree by its fruit.” And look at the Cheon Il Guk Constitution; and, if they want to complain about the King thing, it’s easy. All you’ll have to understand is, the King is like a Supreme Court Judge that has a lifetime appointment; when, all the other Supreme Court Judges don’t have lifelong terms, which is actually even better.

The US has nine, okay. I said it a million times; but, when I say it again, it makes us remember; and, you can tell them. It’s not really a big thing.

Earth for your possession. Look at that. Earth for your possession. That’s not so you can be greedy, and say, “Yeah... “ No. It’s understanding sovereignty and private property. When you have private property, and somebody else is on their property, you respect their land. If you don’t, you get shot. That’s how you learn very quickly as a society, to respect other people’s land, and respect them as a King or a Queen. Okay.

Verse 9, You shall break them with a Rod of Iron. Look at that. You shall break them. That doesn’t sound so nice. That doesn’t sound nice. You shall dash them to pieces like a potter’s vessel. That doesn’t sound too nice. This is why I’m telling you. This is why Christians just kind of pass over them, because when Jesus comes back, he’s going to be like Fidel Castro or something. He’s going to be like a freakin’ tyrant. He is going to be scary to live under. They actually feel fear. If they are patriotic Christians, and they read these things, at some point, I’m sure they’re saying, “Yeah, he’s going to smite all the wickedness; but, after that, we have to live under a despot. Okay!” Alright. There’s a big problem.

Revelation 2:27 and he shall rule them with a rod of iron, as the vessels of the potter are broken to pieces, as I also received authority from My Father; You can’t get around it, if you’re a Christian. You cannot get around the Rod of Iron. Stop trying to run away from it, Christian. You are running away from it. You can’t run around. You can’t run away. It’s in the Scripture; and, it defines the way the Kingdom of God will be ruled. It will be ruled with a Rod of Iron. Ha, ha. Oow!

He shall rule them with a Rod of Iron, as the vessels of the potter are broken to pieces, as I also received authority from My Father; Whoa! Okay, so look: When Christians look at these Rod of Iron Scriptures, it terrifies them. It brings joy to them, because it seems to imply it’s going to get rid of all the Hillary Clinton’s and George Soros’, and all that; so, they are like, “Yeah;” but, then, they’re going to see that he’s going to rule with a Rod of Iron, and like, “Oh, crap,” you know. Inside. Conflict, conflict, conflict.

Revelation 12:5 And she gave birth to a son, a male child, who is to rule all the nations with a Rod of Iron; and her child was caught up to God and to His throne.

There you go again. Christ’s Kingship, when it rules, it will rule with the Rod of Iron. Isn’t that interesting? So, just think about it. Just think about: You never heard about, you never heard me preach, or something like that, and you just hear these Scriptures, how can you not believe that’s it going to be some despotic, tyrannical Christ Kingdom? It seems like that what it’s going to be like. It doesn’t specify, but it seems like it, right?

Rule with a Rod of Iron: Revelation 19:15 From his mouth comes a sharp sword, so that with it He may strike down the nations, and He will rule them with a Rod of Iron; and He treads the wine press of the fierce wrath of God, the Almighty.

Okay. There you go. He treads the wine press of the fierce wrath of God. So, there’s this scary Rod of Iron rule, in the Kingdom that all Christians are supposed to be looking forward to. Do you see why these fake churches, and these fake glitterbug state run Pastors, and Catholic run, Vatican run Priests, don’t teach this? Because it goes against Hollywood Jesus, and blond-haired, blue-eyed Jesus floating in robes, with classical music, choir music playing, as he’s floating down. He will come down and smash you. Okay.

So, in the Kingdom Scripture, we’re going to look at a couple of Scriptures. We don’t have to do that one per service. Let us look at a couple, okay; so, these are the first time, in the New Testament that the Kingdom of Heaven, or the Kingdom of God, or Kingdoms in general come out.

So here you see in Matthew 3:2 And saying Repent ye, for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand. That’s not Jesus, that’s John the Baptist. That’s the John the Baptist; and, in that Chapter, John the Baptist, he’s talking about remember? “After me, I’m not one worthy to kiss his sandals.” Remember this? And he will baptise you with the Holy Ghost and with fire. He said, he will baptise you with the Holy Ghost and with fire. Okay, let me ask you a question, Did Jesus baptise people in water, or did he put them into a burning furnace? So, Jesus would actually baptise you with the Holy Ghost and with fire. Just keep that in the back of your mind as we go on, okay?

Matthew 4:8 Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; Matthew 4:17 From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand.

The next Chapter in Chapter 4, where Satan tempts Jesus, and he’s tempting him with the Kingdoms of the world, that’s where it comes in, right here. The Kingdoms of the world. He tempts Jesus with the glory of all those things. Jesus, of course, defeats those things, and chases away the Devil; and, then he goes forth and says, “Repent: for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand.” He starts preaching the Kingdom.

So, you have within the normal minded Western Christian, a conflict. How will Jesus return? When he does, he going to come with the rule of Iron. He’s going to use force. There’s going to be a lot of force involved with his rule. A lot of force. Lots of force, okay. The Rod of Iron is tremendous force, okay; but, at the same time, how do we deal with that, with our understanding of Jesus as the God of love? How do you deal with that, when their experience in the Garden of Eden in Scripture as a God of love, and of giving freedom and responsibility? Do you see that?

Alright, let’s go to this video. This is from NRA TV, and they are talking about the reciprocity of love. I saw this a couple of weeks ago. This video is about asking the Senate to vote for the right to conceal and carry a gun.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Now, if you are not part of the gun culture, I’m telling you, you’re going to feel like you’re out of it; but, for people who are in the gun culture, you will know exactly what I’m talking about. So, what does that mean? That means, everybody has to start stepping up with their game. You have to enter into this community of protectors. You have to start becoming more familiar with firearms. You can’t. There are so many Sanctuary people, who are still so far away from the Rod of Iron. You have to become more familiar with it. As you become familiar with it, with people that these kinds of folks will seem more normal to you. Right now, because you’re not part of the gun culture, a lot of you, these people don’t feel normal to you; but, they are the real protectors of this country, you understand?

So, it’s really essential, especially as God is leading us to work closer and closer with the Abel type evangelical community, which are the true strong patriots, the real Alpha men and women of the nation; and, that is the gun owning gun community conservative Christian; and, they are the ones more than anybody, who are more worried about losing their freedoms than any neocon Paul Ryan, fake brown-haired, blue-eyed politician. They do not want to lose their rights. Of course, they’re the kind of people who say, “from my cold dead hands,” right. Those are the kinds of people; but, if you don’t understand that culture, that’s a warrior culture, if you don’t understand that kind of culture, it’s because you’re not a warrior. You’re not in the warrior culture. You have to step into it. Come to peace police/ peace militia training, where you learn not only empty hand combat, knife combat, do firearms training, not only that, you learn a culture. That’s what’s important. Don’t worry, you won’t get hurt, or something like that. It’s just part of it. You’re learning a culture of being a protector.

Remember, Father’s not always in a suit and business tie. Most of the time, he’s on dirty fishing boats, hanging out with total, you know, commercial fishing men. These kind of people, we would consider as blue-collar workers, the furthest thing we consider from Father; but, that’s because you don’t attend him. You may have seen him at an event, and then he goes away behind the curtains, and then you don’t see him for a couple of months. Where’s he going? He’s gone straight to the fishing place, with the chum chums, and the guys. They open and carry, these guys who are driving the boats around. These are the kind of people that he’s around.

You know, when we go to Alaska, they all got their pistols. Their .44 magnums on their side, you know what I’m saying; but, you guys were not part of that. I’m telling you, you have to understand this about Father’s culture. These were the folks that he was around all the time. These are the people that he spent time with, and in nature, practicing and training with, okay.

So, it’s a very important part of his life, and his real historical life, that we were separated from, because we had to do is show up at some kind of convention, or something. So, for example, if Shot Show is coming up, you want to learn about the gun community, come to Shot Show. You know, do a little traveling, go to Las Vegas, whatever. Go to Shot Show. See that whole community. You’ll be shocked. The first time I went to Shot Show, I was thinking, “Holy shemitah. Whoa! It’s shocking.” We’ll be flying from Geneva, and we’ll be flying right back to Shot Show, okay; and, the King Mobile, the Rod of Iron Camo Mobile will be there; so, I will be driving it around town, talking with those guys with guns, and talking about the Rod of Iron ministry, and all that stuff, okay; and, then will be driving back, okay. So, if you guys want a little break from the cold, get out there. Listen, will meet out there. Get some CB radios in your jeep, and will do some forty days in the wilderness, in the desert. Oh, Gregg and Tim, they’re pulling their hair out, okay. Don’t tell them that. We won’t do forty days. We’ll do four days. “Oh, thank God.”

So, we have to understand this culture, okay; so, look, every week I’m going to be talking about this kind of culture, folks. You got to mentally prepare, especially you ladies. I know, cause a lot of you are not in this culture. You got to mentally prepare. I’m saying, the King’s going to be talking a lot about this kind of stuff. I’ll be showing things that seem kind of foreign; but, actually these are the kind of people that Father hung around, okay. They’re the real, honest kind of alpha male types that will stand up to evil, okay. They’re not these little glitterbug Preachers. These little, “Oh, you have to love me.” These are the kind of guys that Father spent his life with, okay.

So, Father is not like he is in the conventions, when you see him with a suit on. He dresses up for these events. Normally, he’s out getting dirty on the fishing boat, and in the mountains when he was younger. When he was young, in the mountains, you see all these pictures of him hunting with the pigs, and with the ducks, and all that. He’s out there. He’s out there. Do you understand? This is why you have to understand Father’s culture. His has nature around him.You have to inherit that, because as inheritors of the Kingdom, we have to have that; and, our families have to have that. It builds not only character, it builds honesty, patience. It builds learning how to deal with tribulations, and things you don’t want. Anybody, who’s spent anytime outdoors, you know you can’t control the weather. You got to be prepared for it. Right?

Okay, so, now let’s go to this. Now, what I’m about to tell you is going to sound totally wacky to some of you; and, it’s going to sound wacky, because you’re not in the gun community, okay. That’s what I’m saying. It’s very important for us to make that step, especially because these are the real Abel-bodied Christians; and, when they come to meet us, and know us, we can’t just talk about like we like guns. We have to be part of the community. You got to be real about it. I’m real with them. I’m not. I’ve not been totally involved in the gun community. I’m a more recent member of the gun community; so, I’m still learning, and I’m still trying to absorb as much as I can, and still training with high level Masters, as much as I can; but, I’ve been in combat arts for twenty years; so, I understand what it means to do combat, okay. Gun fighting, and gun martial arts, that’s more recent for me; but, it’s still combat arts.

Now, if you didn’t have this kind of history, you’re not going to understand that. It’s going to feel very foreign to you, okay; and, that’s why peace police/ peace militia training is so important; and, anybody who comes, come on. You know even in their fifties or sixties, you don’t get hurt. Come on, we keep it very safe for you. We keep everybody safe. Nobodies running on ego, okay; and, everybody stays safe, right? It that true? Okay, great.

So, I know some of you are still scared, are still chickening out. I’m telling you, what’s good for you, is good for your family, is good for the whole nation of Cheon Il Guk. Okay, you come, you still going to get beat up a little bit. That’s okay; but, you’re going to get stronger. You’re going to break out a lot of the delusions you have about yourself. That’s a very important right of passage you need to go through. To be a responsible person, okay. Alright.

So, again, I’m going to warn you again, some of this stuff may sound crazy, but I’m telling you, when you become more a part of the gun community, especially if you start appreciating the Rod of Iron, once you start appreciating the AR, if you really love your wife, your daughter, your children. You should appreciate that AR. Boy, I am really starting to appreciate that AR. If you love Grandma and Grandpa, and want them to defend themselves against a hoard of people, boy, it’s very interesting, because I never had this experience. I had the experience maybe with swords, and stuff like that, cause people kind of generally, I guess, expect, especially if you trained with the real live swords, and stuff.

Some of the Samurai, you folks from Japan, you’ll have no conscience of this, even though you didn’t train with it, that there is like a spirituality connected to the sword, right? Am I right? Those from Japan? There’s like a spirituality. There’s a respect. You bow to your sword, actually, before you practice in some schools, and things like that. Obviously, we don’t want to do that. We don’t want to worship the item. I mean, you don’t want to worship the item. They’re coming from an animistic religion; so, they believe there’s an actual spirit inside the metal. There’s a spirit. Obviously, as a Christian, we don’t believe that; so, we are not going to be bowing at our weapon and stuff like that; but, there is the idea that this weapon, which can give and take life, has tremendous power, and must be revered. There’s all types of ceremony built in and around it, right, to take it what? through the generations to teach the new generations that you have to be serious when you’re dealing with this kind of power. You can’t play around, right. Is that right? You can’t muck around, when you’re dealing with something dangerous. You cannot muck around. You have to have some level of maturity; so, you deal with it with maturity, right?

That’s why they have in the military, when they do the color presentations, the presentation of firearms. You know, when they come up, and they’ll do a ceremony, and they’ll shoot into the air, or shoot into the ground, whatever it is. Different nations will have different ceremonies, but similar. The idea is that their establishing the presentation of the colors for that nation. We will fight and die for this flag, right? Who’s seen this? Everybody’s seen this, right? You go to the Philippines, I’ve seen it in the Philippines. I saw the presentation of the colors, obviously in Korea, many times. Okay, so it’s not only Americans who does this. Every nation does it, okay. Will also have the presentation of the colors in some of the upcoming ceremonies in February as well. There’s going to be a color guard. There’s going to be also a presentation of the colors with the Rod of Iron. Let’s give some encouragement for our color guard, everybody. Hey, you guys got to practice up. You guys know who you are, okay.

So, it is important for us to understand that the Rod of Iron is the best way for somebody who is weaker, less physical stature, maybe older, even handicapped, that has some major disadvantage towards somebody else. It’s like, in the world of empty hands martial arts or combat, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu did that for the smaller person. The smaller person, who is less athletic. The smaller, lighter, weaker, through technique, could create leverage, which would allow them to defeat a larger untrained opponent, right? Now, this normally could not happen, if you just do wrestling, if you just do boxing striking arts. The bigger man would almost always win. Almost always win, right?

Next part

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