Monday, October 14, 2019

Kingdom of the Rod of Iron (1.3)

Kingdom of the Rod of Iron (1.3)

December 31, 2017

So, it’s only when the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu thing came up on the stage in the late 90s, early 2000s, with the UFC, and the Helio Gracie family, etc. They beat everybody. 250- 60 pound giants. The 140 pound Gracie brothers, you know, they couldn’t punch for anything. Boy, you should have saw them when they fight. They had the worst striking in the world. Like in the world; but, they are destroying all these people; so, it was shocking to see such a small person in real life fighting destroy these larger opponents.

Very shocking. Professional Olympic wrestlers they were beating, right. They were beating Olympian Judo players. They were beating Muay Thai World Champions, who could kick your head off, right; so, this was shocking to the whole martial arts world that a smaller man; but, if you think about it, everybody wants that in their heart, because our kids are small. They’re vulnerable. Smaller people are more vulnerable, generally, right. So, who is generally smaller than big men? Obviously, smaller men. Women are generally smaller than men, right? And also, children are smaller. Instinctually, we want the smaller person to be able to defend themselves, if you are are good person. If you’re an evil psychopath, then you want to prey on the small people, right? But, if you are generally a good hearted person, you want the small person to be able to defend themselves. Is that true? At some point, your kids will be small. They’re just not going to come out big like the Brunhofer boys over there. That’s got to be painful, if they come out that size. Does that make sense? So, instinctively, we want the small person to be able to defend themselves.

It was amazing. The first time you got to see people of lesser stature, weaker, less athletic, non-professional Muay Thai Champions, who are jacked-up, and they are just like striking beasts, professional shoot boxers, and huge Olympic wrestlers; and, you saw the smaller man, through technique, and the guy came out with a Japanese kimono, and was beating these guys up. He was a Brazilian guy. What the heck. Who are these guys? They’re choking out all these guys. They’re like, what the heck is this? Okay.

So, that revolution, but think about it. You have that instinct that you want people who are smaller to defend themselves; and, you’re happy when that happens. You kind of root for that person, who’s the underdog. You root for that person, who is that small person. You want them to be safe. You see your daughter, or you see your wife, and they are smaller than you; and, you want to save them. It’s a natural instinctual desire, right. You have to that. You should have absolutely. You should be the biggest gun fan, because what gives that small person way more power than than the most dangerous Gracie brother, than the most dangerous John Jones MMA fighter, the most dangerous knife fighter, you name it, that small person, who is less skilled, less trained, less athletic, less stature, less weight, has no chance against somebody who is trained and big, right? Does that make sense. So, if you really have the instinct to want to protect people in general, you know, small people, you want them to be safe, then you should be the biggest gun fan, because, it is the only item that allows you to relatively and quickly completely equalize all the disadvantages.

So, see, this is what, if you’re not part of the gun community you don’t understand. In the gun community, the fundamental principle of wanting to spread the gun culture is love for other people. That’s the reason why they want to spread gun culture. The reason why I’m pushing you, and all on the internet, is to unlock this epigenetic. Step into this culture. We want you to be able to defend yourself, because as a sovereign person in Cheon Il Guk, as a King and Queen, that is essential that we are in that culture, that we know that culture, that we pass that culture down. Does that make sense?

Matthew 4:17 From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand. 18 And Jesus, walking by the sea of Galilee, saw two brethren, Simon called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea; for they were fishers. 19 And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men. 20 And they straightway left their nets, and followed him. 21 And going on from thence, he saw other brethren, James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother, in a ship with Zebedee their father, mending their nets, and he called them. 22 and they immediately left the ship and their father, and followed him.

Okay, so, Jesus, he’s now preaching the Kingdom, and he goes out. Does he go to the Roman aristocrats? Did he go to the Rulers of his area? Did he try and go visit, “Hey, i want to talk to Herod; or, I want to talk to the Ruler here. I want to talk to the Prelate.” Where’d he go? He went down to the humble man. The fisherman. A marine hunter. That’s what a fisherman is: a marine hunter, a water hunter. That’s what a fisherman is. Did you know that?

Did you know that fishermen are water hunters? Did you know that? I don’t know why they divide up hunting and fishing. They’re both hunting. Why do they divide them? They’re actually the same thing, isn’t it? You’re catching these animals. Whether it’s waterborne, or on the land, it’s the same thing. It’s just that they look different to humans. I guess that’s why. Different techniques; but, these are people, who are involved in life and death, folks. Remember, we talked about this? When you come into the warrior community, whether that’s combat empty hand arts with Jiu Jitsu or MMA, that’s like knife fighting arts. Whether it’s gun fighting arts, you enter in, and you start commiserating with a whole bunch of alpha warriors.

Now, they may be nice. They’re very kind, they’re loving, they’re patient, they’re nice to their wife, they take their kids out, all that sort of thing; but, they are deadly, right? If people who don’t know that before you come in, you don’t know, you’re judging people based on how they look. You don’t realize there could be some really nasty guys. They just look like normal dudes, right. If you’re not in the those communities, you’re not one of them. Trust me, you’re not one of them. So, come into that community. You see what I’m saying? Come into it, and become one of those. Does that make sense?

Jesus goes to the fishers, the people who are actually dealing with life and death. They are water hunters. Now, when your hunting, you have to deal with life and death. You have to deal with life and death. You have to kill things to provide that food, or that supply, whatever. You have to take life to survive; and, having dominion. That’s why Father was in those arts, the arts that he practiced. He doesn’t play soccer, even though he likes soccer; but, he didn’t he himself didn’t play it, right? He doesn’t go around. That’s not his thing. You don’t see him on the basketball court playing with them. We have one picture of him shooting a hoop; but, that’s about it. It was literally one time, do you understand? There was a picnic on the old house tennis place; there was a basketball hoop, and everybody was having a picnic, and the kids were playing basketball; so, Father said, “Give me that;” and, he shot one hoop. But, don’t be diluted, he’s some kind of basketball freak. He’s not. The sport that Father’s involved in involves life and death.

Now, it’s interesting, the people who involved with the sports who are involved with life and death, do they tend to be more liberal, or do they tend to be more conservative? Isn’t that interesting? Your lifestyle, what you give your life to, certain sports, create more conservative people. Isn’t that interesting? Right? Why? Because, you have to do the dirty work yourself. You can’t, like a liberal, tell somebody else to do it. Get a big government to do it, and feel like your a virtuous signaling good person. Pretend to tend a virtue. You have to get down, and you have to kill it. You have to skin it. You have to gut it. You have to get down and dirty. If you practice combat arts, you have to choke the other person. You can’t have somebody else do it for you. Okay, does that make sense?

So, it makes you have to do things you usually would consider dirty; but, by doing those things, you actually become stronger. That’s the irony of it, by doing these things. Of course, it’s better to think about why we’re doing this. It’s even better, because it helps you grow faster. If you just do it unthinkingly, you may not get all that benefit; but, if you it cognizant of what you’re doing, of what epigenetics you’re trying to do, the purpose of why you’re doing such a thing, it will help you grow through those processes, through those episodes of challenges, so to speak.

But, Jesus goes. He’s attracted to, when he starts preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom, he is attracted to the fishermen, or the hunters. They’re marine hunters. He’s attracted to those who are practicing life and death. Somehow, he feels they will connect with him in a different way. Now, of course, I know there’s a tax collector who comes up; but, look who he reached out to first, okay? He reached out to the people who are in these kind of dirty business, right? Butchering. Hey, you got to butcher when you fish. You got to gut, you got to clean them out. It’s a type of butchering, is it not? It’s just a different animal. It’s a type of butchering, okay.

So, somehow the Lord felt that these people would resonate with him a little more. Now, if you look at how the Family Fraud even became, it became so elitist. It became so far away from these kind of people. It became so, “I’m in the UN building. Oh!” This kind of crap. It’s ridiculous. “Oh, we had even had pie in there,” It’s ridiculous. Think about how far. “Oh, that’s Father’s thing. Oh, yes. You get on the boat. Okay.” They try to stay as far away from the boat or blood as possible. Is that not true? Come on.

Most of the Family Frauders. Even when Father was here , we tried to stay as far away from that boat with an eight mile, ten mile pole. “Oh, that’s Father’s thing. Okay, yeah! He’s praying.” It was their inability to understand, or even reflect on why he’s doing that. What kind of culture that builds; and, I’m sorry, if you’re not in those cultures, you won’t be able to appreciate what kind of people they build. Your just going to think, blue collar workers. They’re kind of stinky, and smelly, and they do dirty work. There kind of deplorables, right; and, this is how to become. A lot of the ladies in the Church became like that, is that not true? Woo, yeah, you girls. Ladies, I’m not gonna let you get off the hook. This is Father’s culture. It’s not only that. It’s the same within Father’s family, too. The same with the Han Mother.

Think of how different it would be if she embraced, and was passionate about the arts he was teaching. She was alongside teaching women how to hunt; maybe, she was taking out teams to go and get that proper training, boy, that would be totally different, instead of going out for a little photo op and coming back in. Think about it. She was leading teams to go hunting, when he was hunting, or fishing, then she’s with other people fishing, she’s learning from hunters, think of how different that kind of woman would be? Whoa. Think of how different of an impact that would have on the entire Church. Hmmm.

You see, folks, it’s again, this is why Cheon Il Guk comes down to freedom and responsibility. We have to live the lifestyle, too. I’m talking about these kinds of things that Father did. They have to be part of our lives. You can’t just come to service, and hear on the internet, hear me talking about it. This has got to be a part of your life. This is the King of Kings culture. We can’t lose it, because they’re such precious things you pass down through these arts to your children that are much more valuable than this stupid brainwashing they get in Marxist run Professor schools, with useless degrees. Two hundred thousand dollars in debt. Okay. We cannot lose these traditions.

There was something is these kind of men that attracted Jesus to them. I’m not saying you can’t be a jeweler. I’m not saying you can’t be an artist. I;m not saying you can’t have a business. I’m not saying you be, whatever the heck it is. You can do all that; but, also, embrace the culture. Challenge yourself at least to be a part of the culture. These communities of the Lord of the Second Advent, his Kingship. Join us for the training of BJJ, MMA, and knife fighting, and firearms. Join us, and then you become a part of those communities, do you see what I’m saying? Join us for our bushcraft survival training things, and sleep out in -27° weather. Just do it safely, okay. Alright. Join us for that. We had couple of these big guys join us for that last year. Remember, we had -27, Lowell. Gregg, I think, was there, too. -27. Wowwee, that’ll get you going. Okay.

And this is hard, now for the guys, I know; but, girls this is even tougher. It’s totally against your nature. That’s why I’m totally proud of the Queen, because she’s stepping up. Everybody knows it’s not her favorite thing to do, especially bushcraft, and outdoors, sleeping on leaf piles, and bugs all over, and crap. She hates that like any girl does, okay; but, she did it. She slept on a super shelter on just leaves, in an emergency shelter. How many girls can say that they did that? Some of the Ninjas did that. Christina did that. Some of the Korean girls back there did it. Right. There’s something about these kind of folks, this type of culture, that Jesus identified. That’s the first people he reached out to.

Strait way they left their nets following him, etc. Now, let’s look at this next Scripture down here. This is Verse 23, Qne Jesus went about all Galilee teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people.

How do you satisfy the nature of the rule of the Rod of Iron, because the Christians have to believe that Jesus, when he returns, it’s still Jesus, even though he has a different name . It’s still the same God, okay. It’s not some different thing. It’s the same God, who’s returned. Does that make sense? He just has a different name. Revelation 3:12, okay.

So, this was his nature. Jesus went, and wherever he went, he also healed. He also healed; but, how do you negotiate that as a Christian, who has to believe that Jesus will come back, and rule with a Rod of Iron; but, yet Jesus was a healer. He was also a God of love, even though he was strong, and chased out the moneychangers and kicked over their tables, etc? How do you negotiate all this in your mind? You don’t as a Christian. You don’t. You just pass it over. Jesus will come one day. Praise God, okay. You don’t negotiate in your mind. You don’t try to make sense of it, because you can’t; but, when you understand the Lord of the Second Advent, when you understand the Cheon Il Guk Constitution, which is the fruit of the Lord of the Second Advent, then you can understand how the rule of the Rod of Iron will heal the land. Yes, the rule of the Rod of Iron will heal the land. Isn’t that interesting.

If you look at a society, and you see violent crime, rape, pillaging, theft, breaking and entering, murder, double homicides, all those things we see as sicknesses in society. Yes or no? So, in society, when you have super elites that believe that they have to go through these universities, to then be able to rule everybody, and to make these laws for everybody, and then they’ll solve all issues, they always make what? Hell on Earth. Hell on Earth. Hell on Earth. Case in point, Chicago, and what is it, Detroit has the highest homicide rate. Baltimore. You go to those cities, it’s literally a lake of fire, and demons, they’re running around with pointed tails and horns. Don’t be stupid. But it means, relatively, to the other places who are allowed to defend themselves, it is way more dangerous, and way more evil is allowed act with impunity. That means, for people who don’t understand that word, they could act freely. Bad guys can do whatever the hell they want, and there’s no punishment. That’s what freedom acting with impunity means, okay; but, when people, good people, have the rule with the Rod of Iron.

Now remember, Christ says, he comes back, and Christ says, Christians, you have to be coheirs with Christ. You can’t just be slaves and dulows, just like John Macarthur teaches you in his church. He teaches you, you have to be a slave to Christ. On some levels, yes, that’s true; but, on another level, you first of all have to be a coheir with Christ in the Kingdom. He kinda forgot that part. You have responsibilities that an heir to the Kingdom would have. He will appoint you as Judges. That’s what the Bible says. You will not be on welfare in the Kingdom. You will not get free things from Jesus. You will get responsibility from Jesus. Now, I know I’m talking to you; but, I’m also talking to Christians that are watching, okay, or that are joining us here.

Jesus ruled with a Rod of Iron. When you understand that, and what that means, and that he will appoint the citizens to also be Kings and Queens to have coheirship and responsibility over the nation, and if Christians understand that, ahh, that what the Rod of Iron is. That’s how a loving God, a loving God, who is a father, who wants to protect his children, with the bestowing of the responsibility with the Rod of Iron, heals the social ills of that land. Stops predators from doing evil, and feeding on those who are vulnerable. That’s called some he-a-l-ing! That’s called some healing. That’s something to get your Holy Ghost fire, shooting and ahallaring, and jumping up and down, Holy Ghost swaying, that is something to get excited about. How about the Holy Ghost with on? Okay.

The rule with the Rod of Iron is not a scary rule, it’s not a despotic rule. It’s goes against the nature of Jesus. It goes against the nature of God in Eden, etc; but, when the Body of Christ can understand, that it means that you and me, good people, have the authority of the Kingdom of the Rod of Iron, have the power of the Rod of Iron over life and death, dominion - I like that - dominion, subdue, and have the Earth as your possession, the wicked ones of the world will have to fear. They have to fear.

Look at this? In Verse 24 And his fame went throughout all Syria: and they brought unto him all sick people that were taken with divers diseases and torments, and those which were possessed with devils, and those which were lunatick, and those that had the palsy; and he healed them.

Isn’t that interesting? Violently eradicating demons from people. You take that to the national level. Violently, if you have to in self-defense, not offensive, eradicating predators, if they are seeking to kill and destroy. That’s literally like an exorcism on the national level; and, that happens enough in the neighborhood. People learn about that. Criminals learn about that. That if they go into that Grandma’s house, they gonna go to Spirit World. Isn’t it interesting how they don’t go to Grandma’s house anymore? Isn’t that an interesting phenomena? Absolutely ridiculous.

It should be common sense. In the Kingdom, it will be common sense, cause everybody from a young age will be in peace police/ peace militia training. You’ll have already trained in combat arts. You’ll have already broke through delusions. You’ll already know your not Wonder Woman or Superman. (microphone and lights start flashing) You alright, tech team. Yeah, we’re good. They trying to stop this at all cost. I’m chastising the Body of Christ; and, I’m chastising the Christians. Stop being a glitterbug preaching Christian. Read your dang Bible. Get ready for the rule with the Rod of Iron, and His Kingdom to come. The rule with the Rod of Iron is not a scary place. It’s only scary place for bad people, okay. It’s a bad, bad day for the wolves. It’s a great day for good people. Absolutely great.

Let me show you these real case scenarios. Real case scenarios, okay. This is from a cancer survivor. Five home invaders. Five dudes in the middle of the night, who tried to come in on this woman. Look at this. She’s a 34 years old cancer survivor. 34 years old. Who’s 34 here? Who’s near 34? Oh, they don’t want to show their age. You see that. Golly! Dietta’s a 34 years old cab driver from Detroit, okay. She was asleep. She wasn’t doing anything violent. She was sleeping. She was sleeping in her own home, trying to get some rest for the next day, okay. Just an innocent person, just trying to get rest for the next day. When she heard a cat on her bedroom window just before 3:00 AM, she pulled back the curtain, saw a man with a gun standing there. As he was coming through the window, Gueye managed to grab a Glock and fired four shots. The suspect fled, but not before shooting Gueye once in the thigh. Had she not had her concealed carry gun, things could ended much worse; and, they don’t tell you that four other guys were coming in, too.

What would have done, girls? What would you have done? You got four or five guys coming into your apartment, and you’re there alone. What would you do? This is a normal person; but, she had the power of the Rod of Iron; so, five criminal males with bad intent, with criminal intent, breaking and entering into this woman’s house, fled at a power. Not her power, cause she’s a weak 34 years old girl. Physically, probably weak; but, she had something, which gave her more power. She had an equalizer; and, what happened when a good person had that, who’s trying to get a better business, a good person had it, look what happened? Five criminals with criminal intent had to run. They had to run. They could not stay. Do you see? Okay, she had scary episode, yes. She had to have a fighting spirit, yes. She had to have the wherewithal to grab the gun, and try to shoot at them, yes; but, everybody has some stress in their life, and it’s better than dying or being raped by five men, wouldn’t you say? Ahh, you see.

Check out this other story. Armed Citizen Saved Rookie Cop Being Beaten With Police Baton. This incident began when Officer Adam Eller and Sgt. Michael Lambert of the Oklahoma City Police Department responded to a burglary call. The two suspects involved are brothers Tremaine and Jermaine Williams. Tremaine had already taken off by the time the officers arrived, but Jermaine was still there and fled the scene when he spotted the officers. Eller and Lambert gave chase and became separated. Eller caught up to Jermaine in a driveway in a nearby home, but when he tried to arrest him, Jermaine managed to grab Eller’s baton and started hitting him over the head with it between six and twelve times. (Now, that’s like being hit with a small baseball bat. Do you know how hard a baseball bat is? Remember that. What are you going to do? Bong! Bong, bong, bong! Right. Think about it. ) 6 to 12 times. That’s when a nearby armed citizen witnessing the fracas approached with his gun drawn, and told Jermaine he would open fire if he did not stop hitting Eller. Both suspects were arrested and the officer recovered from his injuries; and, of course, he went on to thank those guys, tell them they were heroes, and he was saying he would have probably died if he kept being pummeled in the head with a baton. It’s a wooden baton, folks.

How come the Body of Christ does not understand the Rod of Iron? They can’t. To them, the Lord of the Second Advent didn’t return. Only those who know the Lord. In the Prayer today, John Raucci prayed about that. It’s only those who know the Lord of the Second Advent, and know his tradition, his Kingship, his Constitution. We are the ones who understand how God will rule with a Rod of Iron, with love, with ethics, with jurisprudence, but where good people will have power over the wicked.

So, get ready folks. We’re going to be talking a lot about this subject, okay; so, it’s going to help you, if you take gun classes, you join the community, you bring people who are your friends, who are gun shooters, or whatever. They’ll understand exactly what we’re talking about out here. They may educate you. They may tell you, “Hey, I know that Rod of Iron stuff,” Right. These are the Abel type people that God in 2018 are bringing to his Providence towards.

Alright folks, let’s finish up with Cheon Seong Gyeong 134. SOS, come on up.

We naturally want to protect our beloved at the risk of our own lives. It is the original ideal of creation to do so. The same is true for God Himself, who loves His children.

Look, when you have a protective instinct, and you want to be somebody who is able to protect other people, you have the original ideal of creation that we actualize in you. When you say, “Oh, somebody else should do it for me,” you’re being a Satan. You’re being an Archangel. You are not going with the original ideal of creation. You are separating from the original ideal of creation. When you say, somebody else should do it, what if there’s a ladies group meeting, and you went to an Indian restaurant buffet or something, and some dude comes in and shouts in Jihadi, “I’m going to shoot you all up;” and, now there is nothing you can do about it? What if you’re the only person that God put there who’d be ready?

Now, if there was someone in that whole group of women who were armed, and they know how to use the Rod of Iron, hey, that’s even better. The Jihadi’s going to go down faster. That episode will bring wickedness down. But, who knows, you may be the only person, the only woman, the only young man or girl who’s there, that God put you there, to stop some bad thing just like that in the restaurant, that got shot, the Mexican Restaurant that got shot up. The guy came with two revolvers, shot the CEO in the head; and, a Grandpa, an 80 years old grandpa, who was a CCW holder, he had a cane, and he came out around the corner, and he dropped that bad guy. Can he do that if had to fight them physically, at 80 years old? It’s not possible; but, because he had a Rod of Iron, even though he doesn’t understand that, that’s the rules of the Rod of Iron. He was able to stop that wickedness before it got worse.

So, even when we have the Ceremony in February, where everybody will have to bring a Crown, and also a Rod of Iron, at least one for your family, if you have two, that’s even better. Will have all safety precautions. We’ll have zipped ties for all your rifles, etc, to make sure everybody’s safe, but think about it: People are going to get so freaked out, “Ooh, it’s so dangerous.” Look, it’s not dangerous. It’s as dangerous as everybody here having CCWs. There’s no more danger to it. It’s actually more dangerous for a Jihadi, who thinks they could do something on that day, cause if they try to do something, they’re going to get 50 rifles pointed at them. Maybe 500 rifles; so, it will be a bad day for the Jihadis, if they try to do something.

Wolves don’t speak in sheep language, folks. You got to get that. Wolves only talk their language; so, you got to be a sheepdog to understand what the heck they’re saying, and be ready to battle them. That’s when the run, okay.

We naturally want to protect our beloved at the risk of our lives. It the original ideal of creation to do so. It’s the same for God Himself, who love His children. Amen. All these young girls, they’re also training, too. Let’s give it up for the young people, who are training, huh. They’re not the only ones here. They’re still training. That’s what we’re talking about guys, okay. In that context, we got to pray, while we’re praising God, to all the Evangelicals, and the Christian people in the Body of Christ that God is connecting us to. God is going to connect us in 2018. These are the people that are prepared. They’re also the Inheritors with us to the Kingdom. They already understand what they may not know biblically what the Rod of Iron is; but, they understand the implications of the Rod of Iron, okay. So, when God connects us to these people, let’s give Him praise. Let’s trust in Him. He will do the changing of heart; but, let us be truthful and honest to them in showing them all the beauty in the Constitution of the Kingdom of God; and, of course, True Father, the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. Let’s give Him all the praise, everybody. Let us all rise. Get ready for the Rod of Iron seres, baby. Amen-Aju!

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