Monday, October 14, 2019

Kingdom of the Rod of Iron (4.3)

Kingdom of the Rod of Iron - 4.3

February 11, 2018

Now, let's look at this. Every week, the Southern Poverty Law Center attacks President Trump, saying that he is, look at this? He is also on their Hate Watch List, too, by the way; so, it shows you what kinds of things that they do. They're completely ideologically motivated. They're funded by George Soros and Open Society. Openly, they are an arm of the left wing radical Communist, who are literally trying to hijack this nation, and control the state. They are totally discredited, totally pathetic; and, everybody on the right knows how evil they are, and they slander everybody. It only adds to Sanctuary's creditability and the Rod of Iron theology; and, it will only spread even further.

Now, let's look at what Prager University says on SPLC. God ahead, play the video.

("Shutting down people you don't agree with, is about as un-American as you can get." Karl Zinsmeister. "Rigorous debate, honest discussion, open exchange of ideas. That's the American way; but, free thinking and speech are threatened today by a group with a sweet-sounding name that conceals a nefarious purpose. This group is called the "Southern Poverty Law Center or SPLC. Originally founded as a civil rights law firm in 1971, the SPLC reinvented itself in the mid 80s as a political attack group. Every year, now, it produces a new list of people and charities. It claims are "extremists" and "hater." Etc.)

That's Prager University. Let's see Fox News' little piece on them. They are literally funded by Nazi George Soros. I mean, he is an actually Nazi. Do you understand? It's unbelievable. Okay, go ahead. We'll play the clip from Fox News.

(This is a piece on the SPLC by Fox News)

Okay, enough of that. They don't put ANTIFA on the Hate Watch List that goes around beating people up with bike locks, hitting women, you know, on the street that are trying to attend Milo Yiannopoulos and/or Ann Coulter event at Berkley. They don't call ANTIFA, they don't condemn the violence of ANTIFA; yet, they'll call Judge Jeanine Pirro and Sean Hannity extremists, and Ian Hirsi Ali an anti-Muslim toxic extremist. I mean, these people, they're so discredited. They're so pathetic. Thank you. Okay, let me read you my post.

So, this is a guy, Brendan Joel Kelley, that's written the article; and, he of course is the Editor, whatever. The Writer for the SPLC. There he has it, or course. Look at that. The Anti-LGBT cult leader and the assault rifle.

So, here we go. I wrote them a nice, little letter:

Radical Left wing hate group – the Southern Poverty Law Center have labeled people like Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Ron Paul and Ben Carson and major Christian groups like The Alliance Defending Freedom, The American College of Pediatricians, The American Family Association, Liberty Counsel, The Pacific Justice Institute as extremists, or hate mongers. Anyone who disagrees with radical leftist policies will be bullied, defamed, smeared and slandered. Thanks SPLC for putting me on your hate list and increasing my following and reach so I can preach the gospel of the Kingdom of God and His rule with the crowns and Rod of Iron (civilian arms) to everyone in America and the world! The more you hate us the bigger we get and the more civilians around the world realize they too have the God given right to crowns (sovereignty) and the Rod of Iron (the right to keep and bear arms)! Keep on lying you hate mongers! Love ya' (BTW the ladies in Sanctuary look amazing with their glamourous gowns and Rods of Iron!!!

So, thank you for the marketing that you're doing. I mean, the weapons. The weapons that you form against you shall not prosper, the Bible says. (Isaiah 54:17) Whatever Satan tries to use against us will be used against him, okay. I had another Instagram post in that same vein.

I's amazing. They're persecuting a small little church out in Northeast Pennsylvania. What's wrong with them? A small little church. A tiny little ministry. What is wrong with these people, huh? They're completely racist. They're white supremacy hate mongers. They are angry that a dark-skinned Asian man is wearing a crown, and I'm saying that everybody should wear a Crown and have a Rod of Iron. Anderson Cooper, if you're watching, maybe you should do a piece on me. Maybe I should wear a Chinese coolie hat and say, "Would you like me to work on your railroad?" How's that? "Oh, you like the Asian with the chopstick to work on your railroad?" I mean, it's just hilarious. Unbelievable. But, there you go. SPLC, trying to hate monger a small little ministry. Trying to exorcise free speech. Trying to exorcise our constitutional right to keep and bear arms, which our founding fathers, BTW, all did; and, they chased out totalitarians and tyrants like the British Redcoats with that reality. Then, of course, in that article as well, they attacked Mr. Larry Pratt and GOA, etc. You know, we just reaching out to Fox News, Info Wars, etc. We'll see what comes up with that; but, you know, SPLC, they're just trying to bully a small little church.

Look how small? We're just poor Asian people here, okay. We're minorities, a couple of white folks. We're just Asian, dark-skinned Asian folks here. What's wrong with these people? They're hate mongers. They're racists. They don't want dark-skinned Asian people. We're too jaundiced to wear Crowns for them, okay. They got no problem with Queen Elizabeth of England, for they got crowns with Chinese and Korean and Japanese people; and look, we got some Latinos here, wearing Crowns and declaring sovereignty, and exercising their constitutional right to keep and bear arms. There's nothing illegal and going on here. We invite the Police to come. We called them. They're our friends, okay; and, they're going to see a beautiful ceremony here, with responsible gun ownership, with responsible biblical understanding, and understanding and praying for all the world to enjoy the human rights of freedom and sovereignty that we get to enjoy in America, so that people can be free, and their epigenetics and God given gifts can unlocked for the rest of the benefit of humankind. Thank you, SPLC for making our day, making me even more famous, and spreading the news of the Kingdom of God. Not that I like fame or anything. It's a pain in the booty; but, the Kingdom of God's Gospel, they're just increasing its reach. So ridiculous.

Now, let's get back to Matthew here.

Matthew 18:12 "If a man has a hundred sheep, and one wanders away and is lost, what will he do? Won't he leave the ninety-nine others and go out into the hills to search for the lost one? 13 And if he finds it, he will rejoice over it more than over the ninety-nine others safe at home!

These are like the Christ-like heart of the gunowners who yearn desperately for people to be able to defend themselves against predators. I mean, you'll meet the real people in the gun community, you meet the real people like Larry Pratt and the Gunowners at the Shot Show, and at the firearm shows, and what is it? The Great American Outdoor Shows. You folks got to get out there. You got to move. These are our people. These are our folks. These are our family. These people are the ones who are yearning to see poor people, weak people to be able to defend themselves against predators.

Now, they be, listen to me, because our dog, she was in an accident. You know, I was teaching on the days, on Wedneday, cancelled the training; so, I got all the kids and we were training downstairs, and we were doing some kicks and stuff like that; and, the dog was having such a great time, and she was chasing us around. You know, we were having a good time. Chasing us. Biting our feet, whatever. And so, we were doing kicks and as I was doing my kicks, she jumped on and got nailed with an axe kick; and, she went into total paralysis. Her body start freezing, you understand. Her eyes rolled back. Blood is blasting out of her nose; and, we thought she was dead. We thought she was dead. I mean, we thought maybe here spine is broke, you know what I'm saying. I didn't hit her with the heal; but, I hit her with the whole foot. She had a totally innocent heart and mind. She just wanted to play us. Just chase our feet and try and bite them; but, I didn't see here there, and she just ran right under the foot as the foot was coming. My foot went way up. The kids who train with us, you know I'm very flexible; so, the foot went way up and way, way down, okay. And I thought she was cracked in half, because she was convulsing. She was completely out; and, she was gasping for air. Like this kind of breathing. And then the breathing was slowing down, and I was just holding her tiny little, like a baby puppy, right, her tiny little hands; and, the kids were just watching like, "Oh, my gosh!" You know, she's gonna die.

So, anyways, a long story short, we had a miracle. We end up taking her to the Vet, where's that? In Middletown; and, she got a little surgery on her eye, because her eye was dislocated. It popped out. Not completely, but it had to be sown up shut. She basically had to get micro surgery. But, now she's running around. She's chasing socks again. She's doing everything. She's fine. But, it's like a complete miracle, alright?

So, to make a long story short, while we we're at the vet, and this big guy, there's this other dog screaming in the other room; and, this big dude, he's like in this outfit, like a sewage treatment plant kind of outfit. He's got the big boots on; and, he's like storming around, with a tremendous face of worry, okay. And he sits over there. I was my daughter and the Queen, and they're kind of scared of this guy. He's big. You know, he's like wearing this big old canvas suit. Not a suit and neck tie. The one-piece thing, with the zipper and the hood and everything. He's got these big old boots, you know; and, he's like sitting in the corner; and, I said, "Hey brother, what's going on with your dog there?" I said, "Is your dog okay?" And he said, "Oh, yeah! She's going to make like a full recovery." I said, "Oh, what happened to your dog?" He said, "It's like, her toenail fell out." I said, "Her toenail fell out?" He said, "What happened to your dog?" I said, "Her eye popped out, and she's getting surgery." I said, "What kind of dog do you got." He said, "a Jack Russell." They bring out the Jack Russell, this tiny little dog; and, he started weeping. Weeping. The guy starts weeping. "My baby, my baby." The girls are sitting there laughing at each other; but, I said. "Look at this. Look at what you did. You saw a guy who has a lot of love for his dog. He has a gentle heart, okay; but, because of the way he was dressed, obviously, I could see was working. He's in a plumbing suit. He's doing sewage treatment."

So, he's got his suit on, he's got his work suit on. He's got his dog's toenail issue, whatever; and, he's in the emergency room. Oh, okay, that's another story; but, I them, look how your mind works. You're brainwashed. You saw a man. You saw him as somebody you want to stay away from, right; but, this kind of guy, he's probably one hundred percent. I guarantee you, he would support gun rights. I can almost guarantee it. You see what I'm saying? But, we have this biased. This person is a blue-collar worker; but, we somehow think we are higher than them. We think of only the elites like lawyers in office jobs that drive Mercedes Benz. Those people are fake. They're in sex clubs a lot of them.

They're completely immoral; and, it's amazing. "Oh, those guys, they're not educated. They watch pornos. The freakin' elites are having sex orgies. Want's worse. Watching pornos, or doing the dang sex orgies? Do you see what I'm saying. Give me a break! Now, I'm not saying boys are good to watch, young boys. Don't watch that crap. Do you understand? But, you got to get it into context. You see what I'm saying? It's like ridiculous. But, then they recognize when we talk to them, you can see, this guy is human. He has the same values as us, right. You never thought about that. He has the same values; and, this man, he loves his animal. He loves his animal, the tiny little Jack Russell, weeping and sobbing all over him, right? He's a good man.

I'm not saying he's perfect or a saint or flying around with angel wings, whatever. The guy is a good guy; but, see how, especially girl, you're brainwashed to do that. I'm not saying, you can't be foolish. You can't just assume that all men are just always good. There's ten percent predators in every class, right. Oh, you'll see some white-collar lawyers, who are super predators. They will want you, date you, buy you dinner and toss you out until the next one. Do you know how many lawyers and how many executives there are like that? Give me a break! You cannot brush the whole blue-collar workers like that. That's ten percent that's psychopathic, that are dangerous. The majority are not, right? You guys have this bias; but, if you think about it, these are our people. These are folks that the normal man and woman that actually are an army of men that keep your electricity on, they keep your sewage treatment plant going, they keep your house running, you know what I mean?

All the appliances in your home. The electricity, your heater, those kinds of men are keeping it running for you; and, you see how you unknowingly judge them, because they don't look like an academic or whatever; but, when you talk to them, you realize, that dude is a person. That guy loves his dog. He's got a sensitive heart, okay. He's not as bad as he looked, right? You guys experienced that, right?

These kinds of folks, hanging around these kinds of folks, getting elbow time, getting shoulder time with these kinds of folks, going to gun shows, going to the shot shows, these people are not scary people. You know, when we went to, what is it? The Harrisburg Great American Outdoor Show, we went to the Bass Pro Shop. We got a shuttle bus and parked there for free. Saved ten bucks, twenty bucks, whatever it is, you know who's going to the Great American Outdoor Show.

They got camo on, or they got a tactical backpack on, they got a beard or something, you know. As soon as you see them, you know, they're part of the same civilization; and, they see you. I got my camo on, I got a little tact pack on, I got AR15s on my pack, I got these cute little patches, okay. Look at that. Cute little patches, okay. They know. They know I'm going out to the Great American Outdoor Show, cause they know we're in the same sheepdog civilization. These are the kinds of people, folks, that would totally appreciate that Father was a hunter and fisherman, because they're all hunters and fisherman.

They were trying to market Father as hardcore outdoors hunter and fisherman. The first firearms company in South Korea, created the vulcan cannon for the defensive ministry, tank parts and airplane parts. They're trying to sell that to the liberals. Of course, they're going to thing you're crazy, because the liberals worship the Southern Poverty Law Center, who says Judge Pirro and Sean Hannity are extremists; whereas, these people, the gunowners, the hunters and fisherman, these are the people that would appreciate the fact that the Lord of the Second Advent was a super outdoorsman, a hardcore outdoorsman. Fisherman, Hunter, you name it; but, we were trying to sell him to the stupid liberals, who only want centralized power and brainwash people, so they become weak, dumbed down and controllable.

Father was making us self-reliant, making us do all these things, pushing us to freaking Chiniak, Alaska, going to the Amazon Jungle learning survival skills, learning how to fish, learning how to feed our families, learning how to permaculture farm, learning how to own guns and hunting. I mean, he was teaching us. The public schools, they didn't want you to learn that stuff. Lefties, Commies don't want you to learn that kind of stuff, because they want you to be dependent on the archangelic system, which justifies their existence. Doesn't that make sense?

But, folks, you got to come, you got to go to the Great American Outdoor Show and these kinds of things. These people are our brothers and sisters, do you understand? They're in the same civilization as us. You got to rub shoulders with these folks. You got to become brothers and sister with these folks. You can' be so insular, and just loving each other. These people are God's people. God prepared for the End Time, for they stand with Christ and his Kingship, and ushering in the Kingdom of God through peace, and through the Crowns and Rod of iron.

You'll see When you go there, you'll see. The people are down to earth. They are real. You know, they're sometimes rough around the edges; sometimes they're not. That has nothing to do with the character of a man. Absolutely nothing. You know, the more we spend time with them, the more you'll see. Wow, I have a lot of ingrown biased put into my head against these kinds of people, who actually would appreciate the fact that True Father was a gunowner and a gun dealer and made the Vulcan cannon and would appreciate the fact that Father was put on the hate list by SPLC, would appreciate the fact that he stands up for conservative values and runs the Washington Times. They would appreciate the fact that he's an avid outdoorsman and a hunter going out into the bush and into the wild areas, literally three to five days a week. They would love that. Do you understand what I'm saying?

Seeing these kinds of folks, these are our folks, folks. Don't be racist. Don't be supremacist. These people are our folks. You got to rub elbows with these people. These people are our people. They are the ones who are prepared. They are the meek, they are the humble; but, they are the ones who know God, and they know His Kingdom. They're like little children in their hearts. Did you see that guy weeping for his little Jack Russell toenail, ingrown toenail. He's like a little boy. "Oh, my baby." We were laughing in the corner. I said, "Like dude, man. Come on!" You kidding me. My dog's eye popped out, okay. Do you understand?

Don't be racist against these people. They are the ones that can understand Cheon Il Guk culture. They are the ones who understand protection culture, because they want to protect their families and their neighborhoods. They want to do the right thing. It doesn't mean they're all perfect. None of here are perfect; but, there heart is in the right place. They're like little children before God. They want to be good. They want to server God. Love God, love their neighbor.

Don't be racist against these kinds of folks. Don't be bigoted against these folks. These are the people that can understand True Father's heart and his lifestyle. You see?

Matthew 18, it goes on a long time, okay; but, we're talking about forgiveness, etc, and things like that. But look. We have to get off this high horse. We have to. These folks God has prepared. We have to get off this high horse, thinking we're always greater than them. These are the ones prepared for the Kingdom of God. You will have to the heart of love, of brotherly love for those people. Philadelpha, for those folks that God has called, because these the ones that can understand sovereignty, one hundred percent. They can understand Rod of Iron theory, one hundred percent, because the governments always trying to steal their arms, and steal their abilities, steal their taxes from them, because they're actually the taxpayers and not on welfare. They're working in hard jobs. Sewage and plumbing and all that kinds of stuff. They're honorable people, folks. You got to understand how brainwashed you are, how racist you are against these people. How bigoted you are. You got to do that and see these people. These people are a part of the Kingdom of God.

Alright, let's go to Cheon Seong Gyeong 100 here.

CSG 100

The purpose of creating Adam and Eve was to produce citizens for God's kingdom. There is no way to produce them in the spirit world. God is the vertical Master of love, and the vertical has only one axis.

Look, all these folks. They want to say blessings are stratified. No, it's not, okay. We're all receiving the same blessing. What it's doing is showing your reality. That's what it does. It's exposing you. Not because you're bad or anything. You may be in a nation, which confines you from being a King or a Queen; so, it's not exposing you, it's also exposing that nation for being on the side of Political Satanism. It doesn't condemn you cause you can't get an AR15 here in Japan or Korea. It merely shows you the reality. It's put into the noontime Sun that your nation actually is still a Political Satanist; and, that's why we're working so hard, brothers and sisters are working so hard in Japan and Korea to stand up and start talking about the gun rights, because we want the gun rights for the citizens. We want the crown rights and sovereignty for the citizens. We want them to be so desperately to be Kings and Queens. We want people be Kings and Queens and Coheirs with Christ in his Kingdom. That is are heart. We have love in our hearts, and we know the bottom line.

We know that the global negotiations are all about force. They can talk about all these stupid political ways, but in the end, it's who's going to have the guns. I'm sorry to say, that's how the world works. Who's going to have the Rod of Iron. Is it going to be the Centralists, the Political Satanists, the ones who centralize power, the super elites only; or, is it going to be the citizens? Do you see, in the end, that's the big fight; and, the Leftists are always trying to take it from the people; but, the people, what does it say? The center. They need an axis.

They can't just do it on their own, because the people were sinners before God. We can go off in crazy ways. We can be like radical Islam with the guns is the problem. The ideology, the culture, is critical for the proper ownership of guns as well. The Christian culture like those who will turn and embrace the culture of Christ. To love God and love your neighbor. Critical. That's why the Cheon Il Guk Constitution, it's very clear that it's a Christian, Bible based, Principle based culture; and, you can't extricate that. You can't separate it from the Constitution of the Kingdom of God. It's based on Christian ethic and the Commandment to Love God and love your neighbor. On top of that, then you have the exercising the right of self-defense. Do you see what I'm saying? The other ideologies that are trying to centralize that power become Political Satanists.

Look at the sultans of the past. Look at the Islamic civilizations. Even look at the Buddhist, "peaceful civilizations." They completely centralized power. Look at the Lamas of the Dali Lama's tradition. They though the Dali Lama was crazy. They're completely political leaders and centralized arms. They basically created a socialist state. Same with the Catholics, who are state run Christians. Same with the Anglicans, who are all state-run Christians using the language of Christianity, but not the spirit of Christ.

The culture of Christ, which is that all the citizens are Coheirs with Christ. "Let no man take thy crown, and have kingly sovereignty with crowns, are also Kings and Queen in his Kingdom. And, we're not playing dressup, folks. This is not dressup. Kings and Queens also have to have authority. Authority, The Bible says, "He has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power." Authority. Love, and a sound mind, not for our own greatness, not for our own boasting, for God's glory, for the protection of your neighbor, for the goodness of society, so that violent predators and psychopaths cannot violate truth and interrupt people's lives, and meme, murder and kill. There has to be a center.

So, in the upcoming Blessing, you're going to see a beautiful center. It's going to be awesome to be with you all. It's an honor to stand with all you guys. Stand shoulder to shoulder. To be there with our Rods of Iron and Crowns. What an incredible declaration. Whoa. The FBI, CIA. There all watching. They already got FISA court warrants on me, tapping my phone, car, everything. I can almost guarantee that, okay. Law enforcement will be here; but, we are doing the biblical thing. We're exercising our constitutional rights for free speech, freedom of religion, having beautiful ceremonies, showing discipline and the use of proper firearms handling; and, of course, our constitutional right to keep and bear arms. We’re not doing anything illegal; and, we invite the police. We want them to be part of the ceremony. We want them to get Blessed. We want them to be empowered. We want everybody in society to have human rights, not only in America, but worldwide; because these are not right given to us by z state or nation or anything else. They are given to us by God. And, the biblical accoutrements of the Kingdom of God, which you don't get decide, I don't get decide, God decides. The Word of God decides the Crown and the Rod of Iron. Sorry. You don't like it. Sorry. He gets to decide.

You're only a true King, when you able, not only to have that authority, but have that ownership; and, you will see. It changes your life, when you become a Rod of Iron carrier; and, you get trained by the ethic of love, to love God and love your neighbor; and, you carry that tremendous power. Your life will change. You will see, because even the smallest mistake, you can never take a bullet back, as they say, right? You have to be hyper aware of yourself. Focused on everything about your tool and your appliance, about your weapon. You have to become a King and a Queen. You will see such a beautiful ceremony of the tremendous respect of Kings and Queens. A display of intergenerational of proper use of power, of giving glory to God.

We're going to have a tremendous time. Everybody should please pray for that event. Everything goes well. Will have wonderful law enforcement. The cops will be here joining us in that event, helping us with traffic outside, but also, there's going to be hundreds of people here. But helping us with traffic, but I want them to come inside. They should come inside and see the ceremony. They would love it. They're going to love the beautiful ceremony that were going have here. That would absolutely love it. It's God's wish that the people of this world are free from Satan's grasp and to come into His Kingship. Into His sovereignty. That's why we so desperately wish for all of you, of course you generically to become Kings and Queens, not so we can boast and feel high on ourselves. No. So, we can take on the duties of a King and Queen. The Commandment of God to love thy God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength, and to lover your neighbor as you love yourself.)

CSG continued - Since one point cannot produce anything, a horizontal area is needed. Thus, God's purpose in creating is to become one with humankind, multiply many citizens for His Kingdom, and bring them all to the (Kingdom of) heaven.

Let's give God some praise this morning. Alright SOS, come on out. Let's all rise, and let's offer our praise and thanks to God. Please pray for the upcoming events. Make sure everything is safe. We'll see God's work. Go ahead SOS. Praise Him. Amen-Aju!

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