Monday, October 14, 2019

Kingdom of the Rod of Iron (3.1)

Kingdom of the Rod of Iron -3.1

January 14, 2018

Let’s go with the Kingdom Rod of Iron series, and is it Chapter 3, I don’t know? Let’s do Number 3. We’ll get like distinct Chapters, once we get the book down, and things like that. Okay, we’ll just work it through, together.

Now, it’s important to look through these Scriptures again, because, it’s amazing. Who’s been through “Love and Respect,” Dr. Eggerichs’ work on love and respect between husband and wife? Isn’t that beautiful? A beautiful work, isn’t it. He bases that entire work on one Scripture from Ephesians 5, which is really a key Scripture, where the husband must unconditionally love his wife, and the wife must unconditionally respect the husband, okay; and, this is a Commandment by God, so it’s not a choice you have. It’s not a choice.

If you believe in God, and are faithful too, we really don’t have a choice. We have to unconditionally love our wife, even though she may be unlovable. At times, she may be unlovable. We change her through love, being patient as a husband; and, on the flipside, for the Queens, we have to unconditionally respect the King in the house, and change him by respect, not by disrespect, you know. It’s very important. The nagging and this kind of stuff, and so, that would be disrespectful, right, to the man, to the husband; so, things like that we should be aware of, for those are the Commands given to us by God; so, we have to really practice them. I know we’re not perfect with this all the time.

Nobody’s perfect all the time; but, we have to try, okay. It is a Commandment by God. It’s not something we have a choice about, okay.

Now, this whole Scripture is based on, like, that one passage in Ephesians 5, and then his whole book, his whole series of books, comes out of that one passage. It’s really a key, unlocking passage between husband and wife relationship, okay. Now, when we deal with the Kingdom Scriptures and the Rod of Iron Scriptures, we are using way more than one Scripture, okay. You can see very clearly how Jesus himself defines the Gospel as the Kingdom of God, and the Kingdom of God as being the Gospel; but, also you can see how the Kingdom that Jesus was talking about, especially when he returns, will be ruled with a Rod of Iron, okay. It will still be Christ who is the God of love, who’s center is love, but at the same time it will be ruled by the Rod of Iron.

So, remember that. For the normal people in the Body of Christ, that’s hard to understand. How does that happen? How does that happen, especially when you look at Scriptures that deal with the Rod of Iron, which we will get to right away. Let’s get over these Kingdom Gospel Scriptures really quick. In Matthew 6:9, we covered this last week, this is the Lord’s Prayer. The Lord’s Prayer.

Matthew 6:9 “Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. 10 Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. 11 Give us this day our daily bread 12 And forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors. 13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

So, on Earth as it is in Heaven is absolutely critical. The Kingdom will not be a celestial Kingdom. It will not only be a spiritual Kingdom, it will not only be a Kingdom that we look forward to, especially when we die, it is also physical Kingdom; and, of course, this what is normal regular orthodox Christian theology, when they talk about the bodily Resurrection, when the Lord Jesus returns. Many brothers and sisters in the Body of Christ will believe, that the people who died will actually rise from the grave, okay.

Everybody knows that, right? Okay. So, they will live in a bodily form with Jesus on Earth, and participate in the millennial rule, okay. So, we have to understand that. So, the Kingdom’s coming to Earth, this is a critical thing. Critical thing, okay. It’s not going to be a celestial Kingdom, a Heavenly Kingdom, where we are going post-death. This is a Kingdom, where Christ will bring to this Earth, okay. It will be a Kingdom of Justice. It will be a Kingdom of goodness. It will be a Kingdom of love and righteousness, etc; but, also a key factor of the rule of the Kingdom is a Rod of Iron, okay; and, of course, the Body of Christ doesn’t know how that will happen, but of course, God has very clearly given it to us through the Principle, and through the Constitution, and through the Three Kingships of the King of Kings, etc. It’s very clear how that is all consistent with the God of love, justice, and mercy, and righteousness.

Matthew 6:33 Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Matthew 7:21 No everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the Kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

Matthew 10:7 And as ye go, preach, saying, The Kingdom of heaven is at hand.

Luke 4:43 And he said unto them, I must preach the Kingdom of God to other the cities also: for there am I sent.

There it is, right there, right, Matthew 6:33. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. Let’s jump down. This is the one who enters, not all who say Lord, Lord will enter the Kingdom. That is in Matthew 7. In Matthew 10, here it is. It’s saying, the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. Luke 4:43 And he said unto them, I must preach the Kingdom of God to other cities, also: for therefore am I sent. Jesus himself said, I am sent for the purpose of preaching the Kingdom, okay. He didn’t say, I’m here to die for everybody; I’m here to go to the Cross; I’m here to be Crucified. We know he offered spiritual salvation; but, Jesus had to return, and he said, he will return, because his physical Kingdom has to come, alright; but, he says very clearly in Luke 4:43, and this is from the Scripture, two thousand years of Scripture, and nobody wants to see the Words of Christ. Nobody wants to look at that Scripture, because it doesn’t fit Roman Catholic standard theology, or Greek Orthodox theology, etc. It doesn’t fit the apologetics of those traditions. It says it right there, from Jesus’ on mouth in Luke 4:43; so, you can’t really get around that. You really can’t ignore that, okay. Jesus in the Bible has more authority than any of those Churches. They’re all subordinate, okay.

So, it doesn’t matter whether the Christian tradition, whatever the Bible preeminence. When it comes to especially what Jesus says about himself, my goodness, and about his own Gospel that he’s preaching, okay, he absolutely has preeminence. It doesn’t matter what denomination. You’re a subordinate, okay; and, so when Christ says, I must preach the Kingdom of God to other cities also: for therefore am I sent. I am sent to preach the Kingdom of God, which of course he defines as the Gospel.

Matthew 4:23 Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the Kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people.

Mark 1:14 Now after that John was put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of the Kingdom of God 15 And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.

See, the Gospel is the Kingdom of Heaven, the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom with Basilica comes from Basileus. It means the King. The Kingdom of the King. That’s what it means. It didn’t say democracy, it didn’t say Socialism, it didn’t say Communism, it didn’t say Marxism, it didn’t say any of that. It said, Kingdom. It said Kingdom, and it said, this is the Gospel. Look at Matthew 4:23, look at Mark 1:14. The Gospel of the Kingdom of God. Believe this Gospel.

Matthew 9:35 And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the Kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people.

Matthew 24:14 And this gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all the nations; and then shall the end come.

You can see very clearly, then, how Christ defined the Gospel. It was the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. Again, it was not the Resurrection Gospel. It wasn’t the Crucifixion Gospel. It wasn’t those things. I know that sounds blasphemous in terms of normal Christian theology, because tradition has told us that, because that has been a way for God to use for salvation until he comes back; but, how God Himself defines the Gospel is of course the Kingdom of God. That’s what he came to build. That’s what he came to preach. That’s what he came to establish, and of course the faithlessness of the people led God to have to take a second route; but, God still uses that in the end, or course, to establish His Kingdom. This Gospel will never pass away and will never expire. The Gospel is the Gospel. That is the good news. Euaggelion, okay; and, it is the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. The Gospel of the Kingdom of God, where the lion lays down with the Lamb. Woo!

Notice, it doesn’t say the lion will lay down with the wolves. It doesn’t say that. Did you notice that? It doesn’t say the lion will lay down with the wolves. That’s what the Commies believe. That’s what the Catholic Church teaches, basically. They are teaching that the lion is going to lay down with the wolves. They become those centralized powers that collude with the corrupt structures of the world. The Bilderberg Group, Dovus Group, the international bankers, big Mafia cartels. This is what they’re colluding with, pretending to be religious churches, or things like that. Radical Islam, the same thing. They collude together. They work together. That is not what God said. He didn’t say the lion will lay down with the wolves. He said the lion will lay down with the Lamb, okay. The Lamb represents those who know the voice of the Shepherd, alright. He who knows the voice of the Shepherd. They know his call, okay. So, you can see very clearly that Jesus himself, in the Word of God, very clearly identifies the Gospel as the Gospel of the Kingdom, Basilica of God, the Kingdom of God, okay.

Matthew 24:14 And this gospel of the KINGDOM shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all the nations; and then shall the end come.

Matthew 25:34 Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the KINGDOM prepared for you from the foundation of the world.

Boom! Right there. That’s a very powerful one. That’s a really, Matthew 24:14, right; so, when the Kingdom Gospel is preached again, the end is here. The end times are here. They’re here. There’s going to be a separation of the wheat from the chaff, a separation of the goats and the sheep, etc. Separation time is here. Good and evil will be separated, and split apart from one another; and, you can see that in the world. You can see, the people that are good are becoming more good, more Christ-loving people; and, the people who are actually wicked are coming out, they’re actually coming out as being more wicked. They’re more radical in their wickedness, you know. You can see it. It’s almost like a balkanization that is happening. No one can take a middle ground anymore. You

can’t really hide in the middle anymore. You’re either for sovereignty, or you’re for totalitarianism. You cannot hide in the middle anymore with pleasantries and niceties; so, it is a sign of the times, and when this Gospel of the Kingdom is preached, and all the world is a witness unto all nations, then shall the end come. Then shall the end come, okay.

Now, when Jesus is talking about the Kingdom, he’s teaching about the Kingdom, and he’s teaching when he comes back he will rule with the Kingdom; but, then of course, what will be the way in which he will rule the Kingdom, how will he rule. How will the believer become a Coheir with Christ, and rule with God in His Kingdom? But remember, it still must be a Kingdom based on God’s love, and His gifts toward humanity. His nature doesn’t change when He establishes His Kingdom, the God of the Garden of Eden, of Creation, the God in the person of Jesus. He doesn’t change all of a sudden when he establishes His Kingdom, right? He doesn’t become Fidel Castro or Kim Jung Un. You know, Asian Porky Pig with an Asian Afro. Do you know what I mean? He’s having Korean barbeque, while his people are eating tree bark. You know, they got parasites with 24- inch tapeworms in their bodies, do you know what I’m saying?

So, the nature of God doesn’t change, all of a sudden, that now He’s established His Kingdom. That would be crazy, because the Bible says that God is eternal. He’s unchanging. He doesn’t change. He is forever. He’s not going to change His fundamental nature. He is not going to change. He’s not going to be a God of love in the Old and New Testaments; and then when His Kingdom comes, He’s not going to be a God of tyranny, right. Does that make sense?

The problem is in the Body of Christ. Nobody is talking about how God will rule, what is the rule of the Rod of Iron? How is the God of love able to rule with a Rod of Iron? How are His believers, who are Coheirs with Christ, Kings and Queens, also, in the Kingdom given Crowns, in the Kingdom, let no man take that Crown in Revelation 3:11, etc. That’s so, very clearly, the faithful will stand with God to inherit the Earth. Psalm 2:8, right there. Ask of me, I will give you the nations for your inheritance, right? Ask of me and I will give you the nations for your inheritance, and the ends of Earth for your possession. The ends of the Earth for your possession, not because we’re on some power trip, we’re on whatever it is. Arrogance trips, hubris trips, etc. It is because God said so, right?

So, there’s one thing good people got to do. There is one thing I had to get over too, is that, when God gives you an inheritance, you have to take it. You have to claim it, not because you’re selfish, because he chose you to take it. If you don’t take it, Satan will take it. Does that make sense? Okay, so it’s not supposed to be a power trip. It’s not supposed to be like, “oh, but, if you don’t take that responsibility, God gave to you of inheritance, then Satan will take it. Somebody will sit on the Throne. You know, you guys have been with me through the whole journey. I mean, I even had a hard time sitting up on the Thrones, and this kind of stuff. I mean, I had a hard time. I’m the youngest, and I don’t like doing that. All the younger people, they know. I have skills in different martial arts, and I don’t want to show off like that, okay; but, I had to do it, because if I don’t sit in as Father’s Heir and Successor, whom he had appointed, I didn’t choose myself, then Satan will, right? So, I really had no choice about it; and, that’s the hardest thing about inheritance, is good people are humbled. You see, good people are humbled. Since they’re humbled, they don’t think they always put in a framework like, I don’t deserve this blessing; but, God is not talking about whether you deserve it or not. It’s not the criteria for which He’s choosing you. You know what I mean? He’s choosing you with other criteria, not based on what we’re thinking about, not whether we deserve it or not, because there’s plenty of other Satans who think they deserve it. It’s probably the fact that you don’t believe you deserve it, is the fact that you’re attracted to you, saying, “Hey, maybe I can trust you a little more.” Okay, okay! So again:

Psalm 2:8 Ask of Me, and I will give you the nations for your inheritance, and the ends of the earth for your possession. 9 You shall break the with a rod of iron; you shall dash them to pieces like a potter’s vessel.

Revelation 2:27 and he shall rule them with a rod of iron, as the Vessels of the potter are broken to pieces, as I also have received authority from My Father;

So, I say again, that God will rule the nations with a Rod of Iron. You can’t get around this. There’s no way you can get around this. You can’t liberalize this. You can’t make this into a nicer package. You know, how the fake Christians will try and make Jesus into a very feminized version Jesus, or Father into a very feminized version. Come on, do you understand? Father has been through two world wars, concentrate death camp gulags, imprisoned by four different countries. I mean, he’s not going to put a polka dot dress and say, “Yeah!” You know. I mean, give me a break! He is a strong man. He had to flee from North Korea with its biting temperature. I mean, we get minus 20-degree temperatures.

That’s like North Korea, his Homeland. Flee from that like Chief had to go through that in Vietnam. They couldn’t make fire. You’re dead. They’re going to shoot you. The fire will attract your enemies. The enemies will see the fire. and they will come and hunt you; so, they’re traveling down in the middle of Winter in the minus twenty degrees. They don’t have military modular sleep systems like the modern synthetic bags. They had like cotton and wool; and, like cotton will kill you. Have you been in minus degrees with cotton on? It will freeze as hard as a rock, and get as cold as sheet metal; and, all your body heat trying to go and warm that up, all that can do is melt cold water on to you; so, you’re really in trouble. I mean, you’re in big trouble. The best alternative after that is wool; but, not everybody in North Korea has wool. That is a lot more expensive that cotton. You had linen. Linen is like a Summer fabric. My gosh! Linen in minus twenties, could you believe it? That is insane.

They don’t have these down jackets with the new modern, you know, nylon layers. They don’t have that. You know, they’re wrapped up in like linen. It crazy. It’s insane. If you ever done outside survival arctic training, boy it is unimaginable how Father made it down during the Winter like that. It’s incredible; while, people were hunting trying to kill him. Oh my gosh. I can’t even imagine this. It’s so. I mean, I got minor frostbite in negative seven degrees Fahrenheit with a wool blanket; and, that’s probably warmer than they had, because I had a fire; and, I got minor frostbite on my backside. I couldn’t sit down for a year, do you know what I mean, while doing my training? So, I mean, it’s like talk about enduring tremendous harsh conditions. The point is, we can’t get around the fact that Christ will rule with a Rod of Iron. Can’t get around it. That’s how Christ Kingdom will be ruled. It will be ruled with a Rod of Iron. It is a central accoutrement, a central factor of Christ’s Kingship, whether you like it or not, cause it’s not your choice. It’s not my choice, it’s God’s choice, right?

So, His Kingship and His Kingdom is ruled by the Rod of Iron. The Rod of Iron is a prominent, it is central, not only like a secondary truth, it is a central description of how he will rule; so, it becomes a religious accoutrement. It becomes an actual symbol of his rule, and the actual power of his rule. Now, how that will formulate, Christians, up until this time, he had no idea; and, they were scared of these verse, cause it seemed to seem like Jesus was to come back, and to become like a tyrant. He was to be King Jesus. He’s going to kick some ashtray, and he’s going to take over Rome, and he’s going to rule like a tyrant; so, you had some Christians that are like, “Okay, let’s do that;” but, then afterwards it’s like, “Oh, yeah, you know it going to be quite oppressive. America’s a lot better.” They had like this inner conflict inside. Okay. But, it’s very clear how that will play out.

Revelation 12:5 And she gave birth to a son, a male child, who is to rule all the nations with a rod of iron; and her child was caught up to God and to His throne.

Revelation 19:15 From His mouth comes a sharp sword, so that with it He may strike down the nations, and He will rule them with a rod of iron; and He treads the wine press of the fierce wrath of God, the Almighty.

There you go. You can’t get around it; so, we always want to go back to our default. We always want to go back to where our comfort zone, out little safety zone, and this really makes Christians uncomfortable; because, it’s like two thousand years of safe space Christianity, where we don’t want to talk about the rule with the Rod of Iron; and, we only want to talk about with Scriptures of love and mercy; but, it’s very clear in the Last Days, Christ doesn’t come back in only merciful ways to establish his Kingdom, to establish his Kingdom, and how he will rule it with a Rod of Iron, okay.

So, I have also been on a little bit of a journey as you know as well, because I’ve been in combat martial arts, in reality, based martial arts, since I was a young person; and also knife training as well, Filipino martial arts – Kali, Eskrima, and Silat, things like that; but, I never sort of got into the gun thing, because my brothers were so heavy into it; and, you know, I just wanted to learn like technique stuff; and, I guess I kinda got brainwashed a little bit by, you know, the movies. Jet Li and Bruce Lee, you know what I mean? They were beating up guys. They looked so bad ashtray, you know. They looked so cool. They’re beating up guys with knifes, you know. Beating up guys with guns. It’s kind of fake, okay; but, young people get into that, okay. Young people get into that, okay. You want to believe you have special powers when you are you, you know what I mean? I guess I fell prey to that when I was younger; but, I always knew, of course, the firearm was going to be an important tool; and, I wouldn’t say, obviously, I was negative about it. I didn’t want to harm people or anything; but, I really didn’t focus on it, and really in the last five years, I moved from the BJJ community, the MMA community, or knife community, or more into the gun community. It’s the first time for me, too; so, you’ve been walking with me on this journey, as well, and understanding this community. Really, what’s so amazing is the gun community I feel is the most Abel type of them all.

The more dangerous the martial art, the more conservative they become, cause the consequences of messing up is huge. It’s huge. You know, when you’re dealing with empty hands, it’s not as big; but, when you are dealing with a gun, oh my goodness, you make one mistake, you can blow off your leg. You can blow off your pelvic bone. You can blow off half of your booty. If you’re appendix carrying, you can blow off half of your groan. You know what I mean? You can blow off your jewels, if you appendix-carry. Some guys like to carry it right in front. One mistake, not two mistakes. You don’t get a second chance. You don’t get a redo. No reset button. Once it’s blown off, it’s blown off, okay.

So, it’s like the level of future thinking, the constant vigilance over mind and body has to be very high, especially when you are carrying that incredible explosive power, which is a super fire Ninja power, okay. Can you imagine in the past in the medieval world, these Ninjas or whatever Asian world these Ninjas, they would dream like in their wildest imaginations they could shoot things from their fingers, they could get their opponent. The wizards of the past, right, the wizards of medieval world. They could only imagine and dream about having that kind of power, right; but, in the modern day, through the Rod of Iron, we have that power. We have literally the power from twenty, thirty, forty, fifty yards from stopping a bad guy, without him ever getting close to us, which is amazing. That’s better than a shuriken. A shuriken you can go as far as you can throw. You know the Rod of Iron goes way past your physical power limits; so, think about all these past martial artists, or past wizards, or past Ninjas, or past Samurai, they only dreamed of having this kind of technology. They literally dreamed of it, okay; but, we’re literally able to carry it. It’s become compact, safer to carry. It doesn’t take away training. You need good training, etc; but, it’s an incredible time to be alive. Incredible time; and, John the Revelator saw that Christ will rule with a Rod of Iron. Isn’t that interesting?

How that also lines with the statistical survey studies that have been done on, in the US in particular, on cities that do a lot of gun control and crime rates, very high crime rates, right. A lot, way higher in homicide rates than places that have lots of citizens armed, lots of Rod of Iron hands of the sheep, or the lambs instead of the wolves; then, the wolves lay down. They back off, right. That’s now proven by Science, okay, even though it’s politically whipped up into a frenzy by the left and the Communists, okay. Science has shown very clearly that the power of the Rod of Iron in the right hands, that means the hands of the law-abiding citizen, is the Homeland Security. Did you see that? It says, “the Second Amendment, the Original Homeland Security.” It’s the armed citizens that were the original Homeland Security. It’s you and I on the ground that’s gonna meet the bad guy face to face. If the bad guy comes in, you don’t have time to call 911, if he’s throwing you on the floor, or breaking into your office or door, you know. If your shooting a radian into a mob of people, you don’t have time to do that, or whatever the situation may be; and, even though you do call 911, you know, just because the Police are not God, they cannot teleport, they’re not Harry Potter, or something like that. Does Harry Potter teleport? Harry Potter is a total beta male. Don’t look up to Harry Potter, okay. (Star Trek) I never been into Star Trek, Star Wars, none of that. I’ve been into Bruce Lee, you know. The point is, the Rod of Iron in the hands of the right people, is what keeps the bad guys at bay, and that’s the problem. The problem is not the normal people who want to get along with their life. You know, they want to be prosperous, they want to be happy, they want to search for God, they want to start a new business, whatever it is, okay. They normally don’t want to feed on and screw up people’s lives, okay. Normal people don’t want to do that usually, okay.

You’d be more psychopathic, if you want to do that. You’d get your jollies off from doing that kind of thing. The psychopaths want to do that. They want to violate and intrude into people’s lives, and violently want to disrupt their lives, and violently want to take over their lives, and violently want to take what people had built, and take what they had made, etc. as their own. This is a psychopathic tendency, okay. Psychologist say it’s about 10% of the population, so it’s not everybody. You have the problem with the sociopathic class who follow psychopaths to gain power and money, okay; so, that’s the sociopathic class 12 up to 35-40% to follow psychopaths for the establishment of power, to gain power, okay; and, about 50%, the good people who’ll say, “No, I’m not interested in that, you know.”

But, it’s interesting, the more dangerous the tool, the more conservative you have to be, because the consequence becomes so much bigger, okay. If you’re practicing with your knife, and you cut yourself, okay, as long as you didn’t cut yourself in a really bad area, you’re probably going to survive it; but, if you shoot your hip off, and now you can’t get to somewhere, you can’t call in, you’re going to bleed out. You know, you hit atrial bleeding, in three to five minutes, you’re going to bleed out bad, okay.

Next part

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