Kingdom of the Rod of Iron -3.2
January 14, 2018
Revelation 19:15 From His mouth comes a sharp sword,
so that with it He may strike down the nations, and He will rule them with a
rod of iron; and He treads the wine press of the fierce wrath of God, the
So, Christ in his rule, as well in his Kingdom, in
Revelation 19:15 we see here as well, from his mouth comes a sharp sword, so
that with it He may strike down the nations, and he will rule them, again, with
a Rod of Iron. Rod of Iron; so, the defining characteristic of Christ rule in
his Kingdom is the Rod of Iron. Isn’t that interesting? It is the Rod of Iron.
You really can’t get around that.
We were just at a gun show. Who went to the Matamoras
Gun Show? Did everybody enjoy that? That was pretty interesting, right?
Interesting. I should have taken my older kids with me, cause it’s good for
them to see that. They would have enjoyed it. Also, I go around, when I was in
that room, right, looking at the guns and all, and looking at all these folks,
and they’re interesting things. There’re some survival gear stuff, they’re some
fishing stuff, they’re some gun show stuff, related stuff. Hunting, rifles, all
this kind of thing. You know, that culture reminds me so much of Father. That’s
Father’s culture. People don’t realize. Father’s culture’s not the big Cheon
Jeong Goong Palace and shopping malls. That’s the Han Mother’s culture. That’s
not Father’s culture. Father’s culture is in the jungles. It’s hanging out with
blue collar workers, right? Boat riders, you know, fishermen, hunters, when
he’s hunting down there in Cheju Island, or hog hunting. I mean, this is the
people he’s around, do you understand? These are the folks, and of course,
these are the folks that Jesus first witnessed to – the fishermen.
So, we really have to break through culture, because a
lot of us in this culture still are a little elitist, and it’s not a bad thing,
you know. We have to work out that. You have to realize that you may have been
conditioned by the satanic Kingdom to be elitists, like to not appreciate those
kind of people, and that’s bad; especially our Asian people, we have that,
because in Asia, I know I’m Asian too, very stratified. In Asia, if somebody’s
like a fisherman, or a darker skinned, you know, whatever, Asians are very
racist. Very, very racist. I mean, they’re super racist. Asian can be extremely
racist. Even Black folks, saying, Black folks can be racist to other Blacks,
right? It’s the same kind of thing. Asians can be very racist to other Asians;
and, when they see people with manual labor jobs, they really look down on
them. They have a very elitist mentality. You know, it’s built into them,
because they’ve been under Chinese rule. China’s like that, you know, that kind
of satanic culture; but, Asia is very guilty of this too; so, I have to warn
our Asian brothers and sisters, you got to be careful of this, because we have
to love the culture Father loves. That’s the culture we have to pass down; and,
the folks that Father was with are the people that love the outdoors, they love
the outdoors.
Hunting, fishing, yeah sometimes they smell and have
body odor. Sometimes they walk around in bluejeans and camo. Sometimes they got
open carry. They got their pistol hanging out their belt, driving a boat.
Sometimes they got their big fishing chaps on, you know, rubber legs walking in
Church. “Oh, I got me some salmon.” But, that’s the culture. That’s the
cultural world that was part of the King of Kings life. That was his lifestyle.
You know, occasionally we had to do some conference, you know, some hotel, go
to this or that. That’s not his lifestyle, you understand? He’s a total
So, again, you cannot, you cannot. If you do this, it’s
a sin. You cannot paint him in your own image. You cannot paint him into a
version of a reality that Father is not. He is a true outdoorsman. I’m talking
about alligators in the Amazon Jungle, okay. How would some teenagers be able
to go to the Amazon Jungle and be able to go fishing and see like alligators
and piranhas. It’s because Father was down there doing it. We were made to go
down there and join him in his training. We had to do it, whether we liked it
or not. You know, we did stupid things like swim down the river with alligators
in it. Such idiots. We said, “Hey, it’s a waterfall, swinging off the
waterfall.” Very smart. Very smart. Then we see the Anaconda, you know,
swimming through the water, okay. Then we’re swimming down the river, because we
think that’s a good idea to do in the middle of the Amazon Jungle, you know;
and, we’re told by the inhabitants there, “You could have stepped on a
stingray.” There’s stingrays on the bottom of the floor; and, we’re walking
down where we could. Walking on the floor, just walking. How stupid were we?
Oh, my gosh! God had His hand over us, I swear; and, there were alligators
everywhere. Everywhere you go, there’s alligators. There’s piranhas swimming
around, you know. How incredibly stupid we were; but, anyways, what a
tremendous experience if you think about it. Now, when we look back, it’s like,
“Oh, my gosh!”
Those are things that Father instilled in us when we
were like thirteen, eleven years old, cause we had to go fishing in Alaska,
salmon fishing. We were always complaining, because it’s cold and wet there. So
cold and so wet. There’s bears around. We don’t know what to do. We are from
New York. I almost skateboarded from New York, and I’m ready to go salmon
fishing. Put on rubber pants for the first time in my life. I mean, there’s no
place to skateboard up here. No skateboard parks here. Oh, my Lord have mercy!
So, for like middle school, elementary school mostly, we had to go to these,
you know, wild areas. Really wilderness areas. Where’s that Chiniak? Chiniak?
You had to ride a boat out. We had to fly a small little plane out there.
There’s nothing other than underbrush out there, and salmon and bear, okay; so,
we had to go to places in elementary school and middle school. When I think
about it, “Wow, Father really trained us to be wilderness, and we hated it, but
we had to do it. We hated it. Absolutely hated it. Oh my gosh, we had an
iPhone, iPad there, we would be just all day. They don’t work there? Okay.
They’re in on it, okay. But, we hated going to these places when we were young.
We would bitch and complain. We hated it. But now, when I think about it, it
was the biggest blessing. Wow! It put seeds in me, which then, as I grew and
matured, it just started boraging, and then I just kept falling in love with
nature and wilderness so easy again. So easily, you know. But Father made us do
that. He trained us that way; and, whether we like it or not, we went what?
Once a year, or something like that? Father would go all the time. You had to
be fanatic. He’s not in the shopping malls, okay. He’s loves being in the
outback wilderness.
So, this has been a very interesting journey for
myself as well, as you all know. I mean, you guys have been with us through the
ups and downs in tribulation times, and all that; but, it’s been an incredible
thing, because we’ve been so blessed with Father’s presence, and rediscovering
falling in love with him and his culture, not trying to make our culture his
culture. Following up with his culture, you know. Doing the fishing tournaments
that’s going to come up. Doing the hunting tournaments that’s going to come up,
you know. Being engaged in these things; and, of course, we’re not all perfect,
but increasing day by day in loving what he loves. This is very important. That’s
very important.
I’m very inspired with some of our young people like
Marshall. This guy, he loves fishing. He’s out there like chasing trout all the
time, ice fishing. He’s going to different lakes. That reminds me of Father’s
passion for fishing and some of that; so, he actually inspires me. I said,
“Son, you go out there, and you go scout us some good place, and I’m going to
take all the kids to go trout fishing,” you know, because he’s got such a
passion for it; but, this kind of outdoors life is so important, you know, to
love the outdoors, to love being in God’s Creation, okay. That’s why God, I
think, is calling us. After we go to Switzerland, God is calling us to the
wilderness. Cain and Abel will be going to the wilderness, folks. We’re going to
go into the deep wilderness for like four days after Shot Show; so, I will meet
with Kook Jin Nim at Shot Show, and after Shot Show, we will disappear into the
wilderness. You may never see us again. I’m just joking.
Okay, so this is a very interesting picture. The
reason why I think this is an interesting picture is how you emotionally react
to this. It shows you whether or not, you’re in Father’s culture or not. It is
very clear. If you emotionally react to this, “Oh my gosh! This is very scary.”
You’re not in Father’s culture. You still have a long way to go, okay, because
the Rod of Iron is of course, it’s a tool. It’s a tool that helps keep people
safe. It also represents a lot of things, you know. Almost everybody that’s
into firearms, okay, is into some form of recreational outdoors hunting. High
probability. High, high probability. They’re highly likely to also to be
involved in outdoor activities like fishing, hunting, okay. They’re highly
thinking about their safety. Many times, of course, they’ll also be engaged in
martial arts, which Father said, “All young people have to train in martial
arts from when they’re young;” and then of course, he wanted me to train them,
because the Tong-Il Moo-Do is fake martial arts. It’s not real fighting stuff;
so, I was going to train them, all the kids worldwide, with Francisco; and, I’d
bring my UFC guys and all those. You remember. I mean, already I was creating a
Do-Jo in the main sanctuary in Korea, training the young people.
Anyways, the point is, if you have, I’m going to say,
I was like most of you; especially ladies, you know, you ladies, when you see
this, you’re going to be scared, right? Especially if you are an Asian lady,
you know. If you grew up around this in America, it may be different; but, if
you grew up in Asia, you’re going to be scared of this, because this is a
completely different society than you can ever imagine. You’ve been told and
taught that it is the guns that will create the danger, and the homicide, and
the violence, and the killing, okay. That’s what you’ve been taught. You’ve
been taught that by your elementary school teachers, middle school teachers,
high school teachers. Your taught that by your media, your government, your
school, your everything. Everything around you had taught you that; but, the
reason its taught you that, because they don’t allow you, the people, as
sovereign Kings and Queens.
For example, and we had a wonderful, we were just
talking with True Mother talking about her record sale of guns and all that;
and, we were talking about, for example, the Royals around the world. Whether
it’s the British Royals, the European Royals, or the Thailand Royals, whatever.
All of them have access to firearms. Every single one, right? All of them, when
they go through the airport, they don’t have to go through Customs and get
sexually molested. They don’t have to go through checkpoints when they’re going
through a town. Does that make sense? So, think about it. You been trained, if
you came from Asia especially, you been trained to believe that there is the
super class, and there’s you; and, really, you can never be part of the super class.
You just have to worship that super class; and, they will have control of the
government. They will have control of the military, they will have control of
the arms, they will have control of transportation, they will have control of
education, all of that, and just have to conform and obey; and, you’ll be a
good citizen, right? Japan is highly into conformity, and so is Korea. Highly
into conformity, okay, even though some of the young people have tried to, you
know, express as a nonconformist by painting their hair purple; but, then they
take on Communist ideologies, which just lets them conform right in. It’s so
ridiculous. Okay.
So, you been trained by Satan. You been trained by the
Archangel; so, that’s why, when you see this picture, you have an emotional
reaction. I’m not blaming you. I was like that, too, because I grew up in New
York; and, New York you’re brainwashed, “Guns are bad. Guns are bad. Guns are
bad.” We thought, “Why are the elder brothers so much into guns? It’s so crazy.
We in New York. This ain’t Texas.” You see what I mean? “Chewing tobacco, and
hip shooting from your hip. Bam! Bam, Bam!” You know, why are they so into
guns, cause we’re in New York, right? And so, we’re pretty close to the city in
Westchester County. People say we grew up in Tarrytown. I didn’t grow up in
Tarrytown. I grew up on a compound, that’s where I grew up. You were not able
to go out of the compound. I didn’t know the streets of Tarrytown, you
understand? We were not able to go into the different streets, okay. We were to
stay on a certain property. We could not leave, okay; and, it was a lot of
nature there. I played a lot in those forests, etc. but, honestly, in New York,
the public schools, the schools and all that stuff, it’s just so anti- gun; so,
even without me knowing it, I received it as well.
So, I’m not saying that your mindset is because you
did it yourself. No. You have to realize, people will have put it into you;
and, who are those people. Are they people who actually want people to be free,
to be Kings and Queens, and have their sovereignty, and have their private
property that was defended from intrusion, and violent interruption? No,
they’re not. They’re not those kinds of people. They want to control, they want
to centrally plan. They believe, because they come from one of the elite
institutions, that they can rule the world. They’re complete narcissists; and,
when you realize you been brainwashed and lied to by these narcissists, you can
be free from them, you know.
But, this picture, you see, if you take the Father’s
perspective, think about the protective father’s perspective, okay, not your
normal emotion, but think from a very protective father, that wants to protect
his kids and his grandchildren. A protective father will see that and say,
“That’s good. That’s good.” I want good men and women to have that many and
more. The US has hundreds of million more than that, right; but, I want good
men to have hundreds of millions of those, so that any wolf will be absolutely
terrified to do evil.
See, if you look at it from a Father’s perspective,
the perspective changes completely, right; so, this is why Satan will attack
the women, will attack women, because you have emotions that he can manipulate
and pull, make you feel scared; but, you’re scared, because you didn’t train
with these tools yet. You’re not scared of a kitchen knife. You use that very
well. I see you guys cooking. A man can’t do that so well. We’re not trained.
Will cut our fingers off. “Oh, Lord!” Right? Once you get trained with these
tools, which are just tools like a blender, okay, it’s like a Vita-Mix green
juice make machine, okay. It’s a tool. Once you learn how to use that tool, and
you have discipline, and you’re very good at using that tool, women can
immediately have the same amount of power as man.
Who saw the Queen’s calendar out there? Did everybody
see the Queen’s calendar, the Peace Police/ Peace Militia. Wasn’t that a
beautiful calendar? Did you guys enjoy that? Did you see the one, the Peace
Police/ Peace Militia calendar, where she’s standing there in the trees with an
AR? That’s a scary picture, if you think about it. It’s a scary picture, and
she’s not a poseur. She knows how to shoot that gun. She knows how to operate
that gun. She needs more training; but, still, she knows how to operate it at
the basic level, okay; but, that’s a scary picture. Think about it. It’s a
scary picture for bad guys. Very scary, cause if the wife is that trained,
dang, I don’t want to meet the dang husband. You see that? If the wife is that
trained in a house, or the girls are that trained in a house, I don’t want to
meet the boys. You know what I’m saying?
So again, Kook Jin Hyung talks about the time, and
Father used to talk about this all the time. That’s why he was hard on you
sisters, and the ladies, because in the end, Satan knows you’re the key. He
knows you’re the key. If he can get women to disarm themselves, he’s got his
pathway towards the Kingdom of Hell. If he could make women scared of these
things, which are just tools, and you got complete control over it. You can
drive cars. You can operate kitchen knives. You can run a blender. You can run
a garbage disposal. You don’t put your hand in there. You learn how to operate
it right. You don’t stick your finger in it when it’s on, right? That’s a
dangerous blade spinning at a thousand miles an hour, whatever it is, a hundred
miles an hour. You know how to operate those things. This is no different. It’s
just a different tool. All you have do is with practice and train people, and
then you learn to have dominion over that.
Now, you have power over this tool. It no longer
builds fear in you. It actually creates excitement. Meanwhile, maybe next week,
I’ll show you some of the professional shooters with care and tactical, amazing
young ladies. They are tearing it up. They are shredding it up on the range.
Incredible! We’re going to be training you more, when it gets warm as well.
We’re going to have the Queen, and some of our young people, shredding it up in
awesome, cinematography awesome, slow motion, and fast, and all that cool
stuff, alright. The point is, it’s not scary. The reason why it’s scary is
because it’s unknown, cause you’re not involved in it. Once you get involved in
it, and start to learn how to operate it, it’s just a little machine. Once you
learn to operate, it’s no longer scary. You now realize, oh, I have control
over this, right. If you put it on the table, it’s not gonna click its own
safety off, and not going to start shooting everybody in the house. It’s not gonna
do that. It’s an inanimate object. It’s a piece of metal. It’s a Rod of Iron;
but, it has to be wielded. The Rod of Iron has to be wielded by somebody; and,
if in the Kingdom, if the good people don’t do it, the bad people will. That’s
what happened in every society. That’s what happened in America; and, of
course, that’s how America almost got taken down with Hillary Clinton. Okay.
So, it’s very important. So, I know, as we talk about
the Rod of Iron every week, some of you feel it’s like a culture shock. I
understand, because it’s almost like a culture shock for me too, when I first
started getting back into guns, and stuff like that, and realizing how
important they were, you know; and, really, training the new generation of
kids. You know, all these young people, they weren’t open to shooting in the
beginning. A lot were brainwashed New York, New Jersey. They’re brainwashed in
different places. They don’t know, but they’re brainwashed, just like I was,
you know; but, they started the real training, the real combat arts, and Oh,
Wow! They started to break through that delusion, and they start doing more
dangerous like Karambits, Silat, and you know, knife fighting arts, and Whoa!
Really dangerous; and, we show them, the Clarks and other brothers and sisters
bringing in the deer legs, and we cut the deer legs showing how much damage
that happens; and, now they know. They’re in control with a lot more power. So,
now, the gun to them doesn’t feel like this foreign crazy thing I could never
handle. They’re now close, because they’re dealing with this lethal force
training. They’re dealing with lethal force training; so, then they realize,
Oh, the gun is basically another layer of my defense training. That’s it. In
close quarter combat, a knife in some instances, is way more lethal than a gun
in certain scenarios, right; whereas, in other scenarios, a gun is one hundred
million times better, right?
So, how we react to this kind of picture is a sign of
where we are at; so, if when you see this picture, and “Oh, gosh! That’s
scary.” Now, you know you have to train. You have to practice. Now, you have to
be aware of your mindset. You have to be aware of your internal spiritual
state. You have to be aware of the different type of the different type of
teachings and education you receive from the Archangel, who makes you feel
scared about this; when really, you have, you’re a daughter of God, you’re a
son of God. You have power over these tools. No problem. I guarantee it. My
little baby girl of fifteen can operate this, okay. It’s not hard. Not scary.
Does that make sense?
So, we have to examine, when we see it’s a good
exercise, we examine yourself. What kind of emotions are coming up; and, then
are those emotions put in by Satan, or put in by God, cause when Father saw our
guns, when he showed Kook Jin Hyung gun, he was told to bring in manual
research guns and the KAHR Arm guns during Hoon Dok Hae, as he did quite
frequently. He’s not scared of firearms. It doesn’t build fear in Father’s
heart. True Mother Kang got the champion prize from selling long guns. They’re
air rifles, but long guns. Right?
So, we’re trying to say where we got our training,
where we got our brainwashing, okay; and, I’m just saying, in the Kingdom, the
rule with the Rod of Iron, with the Coheirs with Christ, is the true way that
the good people will be able to protect that nation with God, with God at the
center. It’s a way which the rule of the Rod of Iron. It’s biblical, you can’t
get rid of it. It will always be there. It will never go away. The nations will
be ruled with the Rod of Iron, but with the Coheirs with Christ; and, it
doesn’t mean, that everybody’s shootin’ up everybody. No! It’s like Texas. It’s
like Pennsylvania, like Pike County. Nobody’s shootin’ up anybody here. If you
shoot up somebody here, you’re going to be in a military compacter, okay. It’s
going to be like a big fire fight, because everybody is so armed here. So, when
everybody’s so armed, and everybody has the power to basically take each
other’s lives away, you not only value your life, you also have to be polite to
other people, because you know you have the power, if you step over the wrong
lines, to expire you; but, actually that’s a very good thing. That helps people
to be good. That helps people remember context, and not get delusional, and
remember in the end, God is in control of our lives and our death. That’s a
very spiritual thing. See, when you’re amongst people who can kill you, it’s a
very spiritual thing. You end up thinking about death. That’s called thinking
about mortality, right?
So, when young people, as they’re young, they don’t
think about death, until the first person they love dies, right? Or, their mom
dies, or their friend dies. Right then, they think about mortality, and they
wake up, right? So, experiencing mortality, and thinking about mortality, “Oh,
I’m in a place where people, if I behave in violent ways can kill me. You now
have to behave different. Right? When, you’re eating a salad at home, you
gobble it down, but as soon as you’re in a public place with a camera on you,
everybody’s eating salad so beautiful. Right? Everybody’s got their little
napkin, right? You eat different. You eat salads differently when you’re on
camera, right? I know. I know. We don’t play around here.
So, of course this is the Left, and sometimes the NRA
doesn’t help them help them do that, but sometimes it slides. That’s why the
GOA whips them sometimes, and makes them stay on track; but, look at this.
They’re going after the normal hunter, right? This poor little hunter here. You
got Obama and the Leftists, and all these federal agencies, they’re on just a
mountain of weapons. This is what you don’t want to happen. This happens in
Castro’s regime, right? This happened in Pol Pot’s regime, right? The happened
in Mao Zedong’s regime, right? North Korea, Communist North Korea Kim’s regime,
this happened under, right? This is what happens to the Rod of Iron when it’s
under the politicians and the government. This is what happens; and, they even
start going after every single thing that could potentially stand against them.
Right? They become the wolves. They may not have gone into politics with that
intention, but they become wolves, because look at that power that they have?
Nobody can challenge that. Think about that, right? Nobody can challenge it;
and, that’s why in God’s Kingdom, it’s not like the Kingdoms of the past. It is
a Kingdom where good people will rule. They will rule with goodness, with
Christ, with God, and freedom and responsibility. They’ll rule with Christ as
Coheirs in his Kingdom, rule with the Rod of Iron.
Some states in Cheon Il Guk may make it mandatory,
that Congress shall pass a law making it mandatory, that every young man and
woman is trained in the AR, in the Rod of Iron. That will not be against the
law in Cheon Il Guk. Do you see that? But think about how different people would
be if your trained from a young age and consequences. Honey, operate that gun
safely, cause you’ll see the consequences, okay. They see what happens if it
goes off wrong.
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