Thursday, November 19, 2020

Absolute values and Evolution theory

Absolute values and Evolution

Hyung Jin, June 19, 2016

Sanctuary Church sermon, Jun 20, 2016

This is a presentation, which my wife created. It is a presentation that she gave to her Korean class.  It's an excellent presentation because it deals with a very critical issue, and we've been studying about the Kingdom and how one of the main elements of the Marxist 10 planks, or any type of archangelic system is to take control of the education system.  That's one of the keys.  If you want to make a country archangelic, if you want to make a country communist, socialist, etc.  If you want to bring Satan’s power greater, you have to control the public education system. That's what they always go after, always going after the public school.  So this is very important because this is a topic, that, if you are an adult with faith, maybe you don't wrestle with all the time, but as a young person you are going to wrestle with this all the time.  If you are in a school, if you are in "higher education," it really should be called "higher indoctrination," but that's what they call it, "higher education."  You will be encountering these kinds of things. And the whole topic here is, of course, evolution, or the evolutionist theory.

It's so pervasive, it's so massively engrained in our subconscious; it's so massively pumped down every young person's throat as they are developing.  And we're not going to go through all these slides, but even up to the tenth grade, you get 250 pages of evolution teaching. So every year, you get hundreds and hundreds of pages of teaching of evolution. That this is the matrix and framework in which we understand the universe. So there are many different topics in this whole sphere of evolutionism, which is another religion that is pushed on kids. At state religion, a state-supported religion.  And there's a difference between micro and macro evolution, which we'll get into very briefly, but two thirds of youth are leaving the Judeo-Christian faith after high school.  And there's a clear reason why they are doing so. Of course the media is involved in all of this, but the education system is so pervasive.

She covers issues like the big bang theory, nothing from something.

Conflicts with the law of biogenesis, which they teach in the biology books. They teach that everything came from nothing. They totally contradict themselves all the time. Conservation of angular momentum, and all these kinds of things she covers, and goes into the notion of evolution, and the different forms of evolution. And what is taught in school is what is known many times as macro evolution, which is clothed as micro evolution. Macro evolution is where [showing slide] you see this kind of horse and then it's morphing into a fox or a fish which morphs into a reptile, etc. These kinds of things we've seen, and so this is the macro evolutionary picture, and of course many of you have seen the tree of life tree that Darwin drew, and that's presented in many biology textbooks with all the different animals. You've got single cell amoebas, etc. And then you've got fish, reptiles, and invertebrates before that, and then mammals, and they just "Oh, they just kind of boom, boom, boom." They're presented in that fashion, however there is, of course, no actual evidence for this type of evolution. Zero. And so you'll see that in the video that comes up. The video is a reality TV-based type of video. So, it's not a boring science type of video, it's all reality-based, real people who are being talked to.

And, of course, people confuse that with micro evolution, which is like the differences in moths that you see, little adaptations. Some moths develop different coloration in the Amazon, and the same type of moth will have different coloration in Siberia, or wherever they are at.  And you see Darwin's finches here at the bottom, remember? He said, "Ooh, I went to the Galapagos Islands, and I saw the finches, and some had adapted their beaks to become bigger or smaller, but the point is that they are still birds. None of them adapted to jump to another species, and so this is what is called micro evolution, and anybody who is a thinker or even a creationist or any Christian person, one hundred percent we believe in micro evolution, or what they call adaptation within a species, that's not a problem.  That's not a problem whatsoever.

You can have variation within a species like big dog, Great Dane, or small dog, Chihuahua, or like my beautiful dogs, the Shih Tzus, you can have big variation.  But they're still dogs! They're not a banana, they're not a tomato, and they're not an invertebrate, right?  And they never will be no matter how many times you mate them; they never will become an asparagus root!  [laughter]

Ok, so this [showing slide] is the sort of tree of life that you see and this is presented in so many textbooks across the board. There are some great organizations out there that young people are very well aware of this, Christian young people, Christian youth, aware of this type of ideology that's being forced onto them.  And of course, this is how they present it in the textbooks. So here we have a bilaterally symmetrical ancestor. Those of course are fancy words to confuse dumb young kids, right?  And then we have jumping here, we have crayfish, and grasshoppers with wings, and this has jaws, and here we have perch here, we have fish here, a frog, a pigeon, oh then have fish here, then we get hit with a……."

And kids see this, and say, "Oh, that's how it goes, ok, so it's all going to be bilateral, symmetrical ancestors." So these are the kinds of pictures that they use to teach an ideology or worldview and/or a view of the universe. Look how Pokémon is involved in this, Pokémon.  Kids, if you know Pokémon, you know they try to teach young kids about evolution, Pokémon, they actually ended up teaching them micro evolution, and my wife made this fun slide showing that actually if you're a Pikachu or a Pichoo, or whatever these guys are, whatever, I don't know, you can't actually become a different species, you actually just become a bigger type of Pikachu! So that actually confirms micro evolution!  Not macro evolution.

So in popular culture, you have all of these kinds of things. But there's a reason why this kind of ideology is necessary for any archangelic ideology or government system. It's very important for an archangelic government system or kingdom. You also see this type of picture, have you seen this?  They make it on shirts too, right, with the same kind of silhouettes, maybe they show a "thinking man," hugging his cranium, or whatever.  Of course this is totally not based on evidence; there are no discoveries of fossils in these intermediary species. This is just fantasy land; this is just mythology that they have drawn. And of course make kids believe, but it's one hundred percent mythology.

There are some examples here. These are some of the drawings that they create. They are saying that Lucy looks like this.  Notice how when they depict her, they depict her with very human characteristics, maybe some times with whites in her eyes to make it even more human, when, of course, if you go to any zoo and you see gorillas, and those types of species have very black eyes, dark brown, not white. Because if you have a white eye surrounding the pupil it looks like you are a thinking person, it looks like you are thinking.  So you'll see many biology textbooks present Lucy, one of the supposed "missing links," as this thinking creature.

So these are the real statistics of these various men that they say that they have found, these intermediary species that they have found. Lucy, now nearly all experts agree, Lucy was a three foot tall chimpanzee. The reason why she was so small, the reason why she had bones that kind of looked like a chimpanzee was that she was a chimpanzee!  [laughter]   That would be an explanation!

There are other ones, like the Heidelberg Man, and they reconstructed this very missing link type of creature that was conceded by many to be quite human, and this was built from a jawbone that they found. So they found a jawbone, and they reconstructed it magically to look just like that!  Nebraska Man, look at this one. This was scientifically built up from one tooth! They found a tooth.  This was actually a big one in like the 1940s to the 1960s, I believe.  Nebraska Man.  So if you grew up in that time they had this in biology textbooks, Nebraska Man was a big one.  And this was reconstructed from a tooth. A tooth.  A tooth made you see this guy! Whoopsy daisy! Later that tooth was found to be the tooth of a pig. And then as soon as they find one of these "proofs," they stuff it in the textbooks, and it's there, and all the kids are learning, they're saying, "Oh, wow, yes, of course there's no God, there's no supernatural force."

Piltdown Man, look at Piltdown Man. Piltdown man, the jawbone turned out to belong to a modern ape.  Piltdown was a big one too, from the 60s to the 80s.  Piltdown was actually shown to be from the jawbone of a modern ape. Peking Man, supposedly 500,000 years old, but of course the evidence disappeared about that. Neanderthal Man, how many have heard of Neanderthal Man, right?  At the International Congress of Zoology in 1958, Dr. A.G.E. Cave said that his examination showed that this famous skeleton found in France over fifty years ago is that of an old man who suffered from arthritis. Neanderthal Man could make fire, they already had fire, and they could also reproduce with Homo Sapiens, which makes them Homo Sapiens!  Right?

You either get ape or human. That's what you get. You don't get all these intermediary species which they tried to fool young children with. New Guinea Man down here, dates way back, this ancient creature dates way back to 1970.  This species has been found in the region just north of Australia, so they are calling indigenous Australian people New Guinea Man. Considering that a different species of human being, that's quite racist, isn't it?  If you want to talk about racism, that's real racist.

Cro-Magnon Man, how many have heard of Cro-Magnon Man? One of the earliest and best established fossils is at least equal in physique and brain capacity to modern man. So what's the difference, there is not really a big difference with Homo Sapiens. So you really either get ape or man.  Apes, obviously, no matter how much you reproduce, try to reproduce with an ape; you'll never have a baby. Different species, right? Different species. And of course, Modern Man, I think they put this in for a nice little twist, and a nice little giggle. Modern Man, this genius thinks we came from a monkey!  Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. Romans 1:22.

We supposedly came from an ape, and then became a man, and we are the most evolved of that species, and then, of course, we believe that we are apes. So, she covers many other things. Fish, dinosaurs, the transition between fish and dinosaurs and birds, etc.

Why there are no intermediary species, especially if these intermediary periods were millions and millions and millions of years long. You would have found plenty of intermediary species. So she covers these kinds of things, the issue with the archaeopteryx. There are some very standard, core examples presented in biology textbooks worldwide in the "modern education," to convince young and highly suggestible young children to believe in something without evidence.

This is the Tiktallik, you see the amazing picture of it as a fish, then it develops some forms of fish-like legs, and then it's now walking like an alligator on land.  Of course there is absolutely no evidence for this.  But since they drew it in a biology textbook, you have to believe it.  Since it was drawn in a biology book, in order to be modern, you have to believe that, even there is zero evidence for a Mr. Tiktaalik. Toodle loo, Mr. Tiktaalik! Tiktaalik, this is just a fish! Some fish even to this day, what are those things called, mudskippers?  They can flop around; they've got little legs that kick around. They are actually used for digging in the mud when it's the dry season, or the low tide.

And she goes into different large arguments that are made in these textbooks for the idea of evolution, or the religion of macro evolution. And of course one of the most famous ones is the Heckle's embryonic argument. It's the argument that, "Ooh, look at all these various stages of embryonic development, and we will see that actually they are very similar, see all those in the first stage which are very similar?  These are pigs and humans and rabbits and chickens and turtles. See how they all have the same type of embryo.  We all kind of start from the same thing, is the argument, right?  Of course, Heckle's history is interesting, because as he presented these, he drew these drawings over here, and until the modern day, they continue to arrive in biology textbooks like that, as the embryonic argument.

Of course, this whole drawing was completely discovered to be a total falsehood. Heckle's presentations were counted as fraud in the time of his day.  However, evolution has continued to put these fraudulent embryonic arguments into your children's textbooks even though they were proven to be fraudulent.  This is one of the examples with the gill slits, and he was saying that the human embryo has little bumps there which are kind of like the gill slits of fish, the little bumps, and they become like gill slits, that those are some of our vestigial organ. Things like that bird and reptile and fish, you see how these gill slits that we have, we are the same. We came from birds and reptiles and fish.

Unfortunately, those little bumps in human embryos that they were calling gill slits become your cricoid, all these different structures in your throat. Quite different from gills that they purport to be. So they never have had anything to do with breathing. And this example was given by Ken Hoven. There are many people with different bumps and wrinkles on their face, but that guy's triple chin are not gill slits, right?  These are the actual embryos and you can see the vast variety, very different in embryonic form. Yet, of course, Heckle conveniently painted them in a very similar fashion, and of course they always appear in this type of fashion in biology textbooks to this day.  But of course, you can see the huge disparity of embryonic forms when they are small.

You can see the fraudulent paintings up here that are many times in the biology textbooks of higher education, college. Yeah, you're really being educated there with fraudulent material, and these are of course the real, very vastly different structures.

The Miller experiment, very famous one, which I won't go into detail about here, all of those kinds of things she covered. Radio carbon dating. C-4 dating, the unreliability of that type of dating that occurs. Different topics like this.  The whole point of this vestigial organ, the whales have a vestigial organ that is no longer used, or the human being has a tail bone, which we don't use.  Unfortunately, that coccyx, or what they call the tailbone, connects all your tissue to your very important organs that you have down there that regulate your bowel functions. And if you don't have it, it's going to be like a mess!  Literally, like a big mess.  All the time. So they do perform a function.

And of course, how useful would a tail be?  [showing slide]   We would be able to do groceries and open doors at the same time, and do computer work.  Homologous structures, these are similar structures in birds and animals, and human beings, or dogs and cats, etc. And so in the past, people who understood about the Creator, would look at this and say, "Oh yes, this points to a common Creator. Common design. Common Creator.  A common creator is building things."

You have a person that builds a motor car, has a luxury car.  Another person builds an airplane, but similar structures.   Similar machines, similar rotational devices, similar cylinders, whatever it is.  There's common design.  There's common intellect, right?  Instead of course, the evolution perspective that all these morph from a common ancestor.  Of course there is no proof for that.

In the Cheon Seong Gyeong, Father actually speaks at length about evolution quite a bit in Cheon Seong Gyeong if you look at it.

There are many, many dozens of scriptures about evolution and showing how dangerous evolution was because what people don't understand about evolution is that it's not only something that you learn for learning.  It is a political machine. It's tied to politics.

So just like "health sciences" and teaching young kids how to have sex at five years old, this is supposedly supposed to help them from contracting STD's and things like this. All those things are tied with politics. All these things were controlled by politics.

And so, Hitler said, "Let me control the textbooks, I will control the state." Centralizing governmental education is of course one of the communist pillars, it's one of the ten pillars of Marx's absolute necessity for a totalitarian state. And of course, we know that in the Cheon Il Guk Constitution it's illegal because it's so absolutely dangerous. The problem with evolution thinking, and it's not just little arguments in science or experiments that we can now debunk --they have serious repercussions. Serious repercussions.

Here you can see of course, the great kill list of all genocidal maniacs in the twentieth century -- Mao Tse Tung, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler -- all these guys, all of them were huge proponents of evolution. Loved it.  Loved it.  It was absolutely fantastic for them.

So evolution is not only a type of theory, it is not only a type of blind faith without evidence, it's also a very dangerous political tool. Very dangerous political tool.   And as all these totalitarians and dictators assumed power, one of the first things they do to undermine Judeo-Christian values and/or morality, was to, of course, implement the evolution teaching in the schools.

And of course, offered free public education to all. Come and learn the new religion. Which is of course, statism. The state is good, the government is your daddy, the state loves you and will take care of you. And believe in the state and in all the costumes and the parades and all the weird hats and all those things. Believe in it, and you will have true happiness; you'll have true freedom; you'll have a true life.

All this tied with education from a young age of evolution teaching. Because you've got to get people away from God, you've got to get them away and thinking God is just a mythology, or it's something that's made up. Your parents taught you that, and blah, blah, blah, you know young people always fall into that trap.  "Oh, your parents taught you that. Oh no, that's not how the real world works."  They always fall into that, every single generation!  That's how dumb those young kids are. They can fall right into that trap every single time. The globalists know it, the communists know it, and of course that's why they start young. They start very young indoctrinating the kids with this type of teaching, which of course is unscientific, as you will see in the video.

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Father wrote about evolution.

"This communist bloc propounded evolutionary theory, whereas the religious realm insisted that there be a Creator.  Hence, they fought with one another.  What has been advocated by worldwide blocs all ended in failure.

The world will become unstable without eliminating evolutionary theory, and establishing the nucleus of absolute values based on a theory of creation centered on the absolute God."

So in the video that we're now going to see now, this was a video that compiled reality TV-style, at the UCLA campus. UCLA is, of course, one of the most prestigious institutions of "higher learning," especially for science and biology, and all those things. So it's very highly respected for their science etc. And so this video was created on that campus. You're going to see a lot of these ideas that we just briefly covered real quick. They are going to come up in that reality TV interaction, and if you keep your mind sharp, you'll see a lot of issues are being covered. Lots and lots of issues.

But this is so important to understand that these institutions of higher learning have a very powerful veneer of authority in our culture. Especially for a young person if you're trying to get into those schools, "Oh my gosh, I got into UCLA.  Whoo, and oh my goodness, my professors are so brilliant and they're so learned, and wow!"  You'll see some of the mesmerized children in this video who actually think they are learned and logical. So that is the background of this video.

The reason why I wanted to show this is because evolutionary thinking, evolutionary theory is so pervasive and it's a very dangerous form of political thought because, think about it, all those genocidal maniacs used evolution in the end to say, "Wait a minute, we all evolved from apes, so who is the most evolved out of us?"  Hitler said it was them. The Japanese totalitarians said it was them, and other different totalitarians said it was them, that evolved most from apes.

Which then of course gives you a very convenient political tool to kill people because they are less evolved. It's very cruel, but it's evolution and it is the survival of the fittest. You see, so there are very grave political consequences to this type of religiosity and/or belief. That's why this type of thinking, when you look at the Cheon Seong Gyeong, Father really attacks a lot. It's surprising how much Father attacks evolution theory because it creates the foundational structure for Satan’s kingdom to be built in the modern world, using "science" to prove it.

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