Sunday, November 22, 2020

Operation Protest Prayer

Operation Protest Prayer

Rev Hyung Jin Sean Moon

The King’s Report- Nov 13, 2020

I feel much better now; it’s thanks to God’s healing hands, and everybody’s prayers; so thank you so much for sending those prayers our way. Of course, we want to thank the wonderful teams that are praying for the nation and the world that are out there. One of the key factors of the Cheong Seong, as I explained to the folks on the Korean service, is to recuperate. That is part of your Cheong Seong, part of your training.

The J-team

So again, the elite J- team, and some of the young people there and other folks, are out there almost every day; doing prayer and Cheong Seong for the nation, for the president, for the world. And they're more fervent than almost any American that we have; or more than any American, because I don't see anybody out there as much as them. So, we have to train up; we have to still train up our American folks.

Just watching them thinking, “Wow! They put the US to shame! I mean, seriously! They are out there - it is not even their country, and they are out there, I think three times a day- doing the prayers for the country. You cannot say, “Well, they don't have jobs.” Hello! They gave up their jobs to come here! They literally gave up their jobs to come here!

So, there's a problem here, and you see the real cultural difference okay. When it comes to cultural conservatives, even in America, these cultural conservatives, it is like they talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, “We're going to do this, we're going to do that, we're going to do this; don't tread on me! Blah, blah, blah!” Then the government just treads on you, treads on you; treads on you.

The government just does what it wants just treads, treads, treads, treads. Just one more step, just one more step, one more step, one more step! They do not do anything; do not take any action! Especially if you threaten to take away their job! It is like Americans have become worshipers of jobs, or something like that, or livelihood. They have become, so separated from the earth that they do not believe they can survive if they do not have a job. It is just fundamentally not true that you cannot survive without a job, okay. You cannot survive at the level that you were at before, but in terms of real survival, you could still survive. You can survive eating earthworms and freaking sleeping on leaf litter!

Survival training

I remember after Father passed, the first thing God made me do, is start-learning survival. I am talking about base-level survival, like “What happens if I lose everything, and I have to go into the woods and survive? How will I do that?” I am not talking about “What kind of government housing are we going to go in?” or, “How am I going to find this or that place?” The Spirit of God did not lead me there at all! You know where the Spirit of God led me? From the Cheon Jeong Gung palace to sleeping on beds of dead leaves with snakes crawling over me and spiders crawling on my face throughout the night- in a trash bag, literally in a black trash, a 56-gallon drum liner. Now you may say, “That's homeless! That's a homeless person!” I do not care what you say; it is survival!

There is something very important about it, when you realize that, “Oh! I can make it through the night like this! I can make it through the nights; I can survive through the nights. I do not know how long; probably not that long. But in the worst case scenario, a couple of days maybe even a couple weeks! You can survive until you get things situated, until you can get help.

But, I mean, think about the normal American conservatives, they have no experience of that; they don’t even have any thought of that. To them, losing their livelihood is losing their house, losing their two cars, losing their ‘this and that’. So, they may need to go on ‘government assistance,’ or they may need to move into their parents’ basement, or they may have to move into a friend's apartment complex. You know what I mean? Okay, it is inconvenient but do you understand?

You will not have an America

You are not going to have an America if Joe Biden gets in! Do you understand? It is not about whether or not you're going to lose your job or not. You will not have an America! It will be dead! The first thing he is going to do- and he's already talked about it- is bring back the abortion funding. Then they are going to bring back the trade laws that support China and manufacturers will send all our jobs across the sea.

They are going to make us poor anyways. That is the whole purpose folks! It is to totally, totally, demoralize and impoverish the US, so the US has no fighting will to fight against a tyrannical globalist Satanist Luciferian force! Do you understand? Your job is not the golden calf without which you will never survive. No! That is a weak- minded mentality! How can a conservative have that kind of weak- minded mentality? That is a shame!

But, you look at normal conservatives in America! If you threaten them with their jobs, they will roll over and do anything including handing their guns. This is the reality! This is the reality of many in the ‘Second Amendment’ community, who own guns.

Let us say Biden gets in! Let us say he orders confiscation of guns, and passes executive orders on red- flag laws. Let us say he does that! How many conservatives are actually going to go out in a pile of brass? That means you are going to be in a gunfights with the police. How many conservatives are really going to do that? Because in a gunfight with the police, because of their numbers, eventually they will probably win, and you will die; your whole family will die.

Land of the free, home of the brave?

How many people are really that serious even in the ‘gun- owner community’?’ See, people are so detached from nature, so detached from the world; they are so detached from reality. It is like within the larger Republican class, you have people who are stronger; they may not be as vocal, but they're stronger- the ones that will say, “No! No! If that happens, I’m going to fight!” That is probably a very small portion of the larger Republican Party! Wouldn't you say so, Tim? That is a small portion. I mean that is a small portion. How much would you say that is? A couple of percentage! It's not going to be huge.

See, that is the problem! This is what the globalists know about us: people are not willing. We say, “The land of the free, the home of the brave!” Well, when do Americans actually become brave? Because they certainly have not shown that, they are going to be - at least as the normal conservatives - that they are going to be brave against that. They may go to rally or something like that, but I am saying, how many would actually say, “No! You are not going to confiscate my guns! I’m going to shoot you if you come and try to get them!” How many can do that?

There may be more than in the past because of ‘Trumpism’; Trumpism has made people stronger, but it is still a very small portion. If it looks like Trump is going to lose this election, and even despite all the court issues etc. if it looks like that, how many Republicans will go along with that? Huh?

You even have people like Stephen Crowder and these kinds of guys- big conservative platforms- that say, “Well, even if all the elections are counted, and they're certified and Joe Biden wins, fine; that's the will of the American people, fine! We'll take it; we'll agree with that!” Why?

You know there's a point in time in your country where you can't just agree with things even though that's the way they have made them to work, because they've made an apparatus of total cheating and fraud. It is like the South Koreans right now! “Oh! You know! Yes, okay; fine!

We go along! Yeah, there's cheating in the voting by mail and this kind of stuff. You know, it’s terrible; it's terrible, terrible!” They are never going to win another election again probably.

You had people right after they were calling the election saying, “We should capitulate; we should capitulate,” immediately going back to this default weak-knee republicanism, which is a total pathetic dying elephant! It was ridiculous!

And since during that time, nobody even on the western side was explaining what the hell is going on or what's the possibilities. That's why we made that video of the Korean lawyers, breaking down the December 8th date, the “Safe Harbor” deadline, the December 14th date, the actual electing dates, or the certifying dates of the electors, and the different scenarios there etc.

That is why we made the video, because a week ago nobody was talking about this stuff. Everybody was just talking, “Oh, they're going to capitulate. Oh, the media has selected Joe Biden president-elect!” and all this crap! It is ridiculousness.

But think about it, folks: how many people in America among the conservatives would actually fight for the country? It's probably just 3%, right? That is why the 3% call themselves ‘The Three Percent. And if you have a Biden administration it's like getting Obama in there again. You will have the complete destruction of America! America will not survive that!

Intense dream last night

I got an intense dream last night! Geez, intense! Buildings were blowing up! We were getting terrorized; buildings were exploding. I was in some kind of city or something like that and this one building got exploded by terrorism. And I’m listening to a guy on the radio who has a studio in that building, and you could see him and hear him. I heard him on the radio on my earpiece; he is screaming as he dies as the building is exploding. And then I’m out there on the outside of one building, jumping off of air conditioners, and just trying to get down to the ground level, so I get away from these buildings.

That was a freaking intense dream! You understand? We are under attack folks; we are under total, total, attack as a country. I am not talking only about being attacked by internal forces. Look at the globalist forces from Reuters, announcing the ‘president-elect Joe Biden’! It is so ridiculous! The whole world media came out first- these are not even American companies starting to say, “Hey, he's the one, he’s the one!” The New York Times coming out saying that the media is the one who chooses the winner. Did you see those posts? (You covered them, right, Tim? Yes!) It is totally ridiculous; it's unbearable!

Will you fight?

But this is what the US must understand! Brothers and sisters in the US on the microcosm, you are critical! The attitude you have is critical to the macrocosm! Are you really a 3%? Are you really somebody who is going to fight when they say, “Take your guns away; get your red- flag law, fool!” Or you're just going to capitulate? Which one are you?

You know, it is good to have healthy competition in the sense that: look at that Japanese J-team! My gosh! Out there just praying for the nation, every day; just getting out there and praying! That should not be something that makes you feel jealous; if you feel convicted by that you should feel, “Wow! I’m really grateful for those people!” Even if it is just after my work shift, I am going to go out and wave flags with them. I mean just anything!

(Showing clips of the J-team in action) Do not be a spectator! You see what happened to Fox News, because they thought conservatives were spectators, and they would just go along with the plan.

This is life or death, folks! You understand? This is life or death! I mean, look! Even these big conservative alternative news like Stephen Crowder! I am sorry, what the hell? You have to have no possibility of defeat. Do you not understand the threat of the administration that will come and roll back every single positive thing Trump has done? We will be back in the dustbin of history while America is being murdered! We'll be back in that whole program, folks - her head getting decapitated while we watch!

So, when are the American people just going to say, “Enough is enough!” See, they will not! This is the problem: they will not!

Medical study

They have done studies on medical tyranny. One of them is the biggest study; I cannot remember exactly what it is called, but I know of the study. The study is that people will obey if the person is in a white jacket, and claims to be a doctor, and explains the experiment- for example of giving a shock.

There was an experiment where some random people had to come in and shock another person in an opposite room that was not even real. There was no person there, but there were recordings of tremendous terror and shouting, screaming in extreme suffering pain, in the other room, so to speak. So the person was told, “You have to shock this person!” All right, so one time, beep or whatever, (scream) and they explained that if we increase the shock to this level, the person would probably die.

What happened with the majority of people in that experiment? When they were being watched by an ‘authority position’ a medical doctor, the majority of people did what? And I’m not talking about like 51 %; I’m talking about like 80 to 90 %! It was astronomically high! I think it was 97% or something like that; it was so freaking high! Basically everybody did it. Everybody kept shocking that person, until he would basically be dead!

Now, the globalists through psychological studies like this, start to understand human psychology. People will obey ‘official- looking people’ in white jackets, especially in terms of using medicine for their health. So they know the studies; they extrapolate off these studies and they know the general psychology of human beings that they will follow. They will follow; they will not resist this. There were hardly any people that said, “I can't do this! I cannot! I am going to kill the person; I cannot do this! I know you're telling me to do it.” The doctor would say, No, you can do it; no problem, no problem!”

Nobody said, “I’m not going to do this! I’m going to kill the guy! I do not even know what he did. I do not even know what this is all about. I thought this was a placebo test or something like that. I didn't sign up with this!” Nobody did that! Everybody just went, “Oh, okay; keep pushing the button!”” Really, is it?” “No, no, he'll be fine.” “But the dial says: if it's up this high, is he's going to die. ”And they're like, “No, no, that's fine!” And they say, “Oh! OK! Buzz, buzz, buzz! ” That is what people do; this is what people do!

Their goal is to make God happy

So the microcosm is critical! Look, we have to look closely: Newfoundland is the microcosm, right? Now our Sanctuary community here in northeastern PA, this is the microcosm!

Look at the people that have come here! They have given up their jobs. Do you understand? They have more kids than you probably; they have small kids, not all grown up kids. They live in a country with less per capita income than you, and they give all that up to come fight for our country! I mean can you fathom that, folks? Can you understand and fathom that? So, are the Japanese putting the America’s microcosm of shame? Yes! 100 %, but that should not be something that makes you feel jealous, because that is evil.

That should convict you in a good way and you should say, “Wow! I am so grateful for those people, and I have nothing to complain about. I have nothing to say. All I can say is “thank you,” and all I can say is, “I’ll be there!” Because there has to be some conscience in there that sees that, and says, “Wow! That is incredible!” Because they are in a harder situation, they are not in a better situation. Not one of them; not one of them is in a better situation than us here in America! In every situation, they are in a worse situation than us!

And you’ll say, “Well, they have less to lose!” Well then, that is the whole point; they are giving up everything they have, so they can come and fight, so that we don't lose even the small America that we have! You know what I am saying? I mean you talk about the level of intensity!

How do you think you are going to save a country that is dying without a fighting spirit?

With a spirit that, “Okay! I’m just going to go to the Rod of Iron Festival, and then I’ll go back home!” I mean, how do you think you are going to save a country like that? How is that being responsible by the microcosm? How is that even possible? It is not even rationally possible! And of course we shouldn't just operate in a rational field all the time because there is a supernatural field, but if we say that we operate in a supernatural field think about it, and we know that God is moving like insane and we know that there are rallies every day everywhere.

Think about it, folks! Think about our Japanese brothers and sisters! They are going out every day waving flags! You don't think they are people too? You don't think they are rational people too? You do not think they are thinking at some point, “What is this doing? What is the effectiveness of this?” You don't think they are asking that question themselves, while they are doing that every freaking day- three times a day? “What are we actually doing? Is the president even ever going to see this?”

You know what they are doing? They are doing it as a spiritual condition, a spiritual Cheong Seong, because in the end their goal is to make God happy. You see! So the whole bull crap about, “Well I don't know if that's really effective enough,” or this or that; that's not the point! The point is: they are out there putting their ass and freaking selves on the line all the time every day for our country! This is not even their own; it is not even their country!

I mean, oh my gosh! It is boggling my mind! The level of excuses made just boggles my mind! But just look at these folks! It is so incredible! So, the US, especially the leadership in the US, is going to have to do better at explaining these things to our brothers and sisters here.

I mean, do you understand this is the fight for your freaking life, folks? You have to be serious about it! It is only your freaking country; it is only freaking America! You got to be kind of serious about this! It is life or death! You are not going to have a damn America if the left gets their way, especially if they get control of the Senate as well! Oh my gosh! It is like hello people! What planet are you living on?

Do you only want encouragement all the time? Just want to be told you’re doing great every freaking day, and doing nothing? Christianity is not a spectator’s sport! It is a fighting sport, where you have to fight the damn devil, not only on individual attacks, but on the freaking collective, because he's attacking the damn world! It's like hello, hello, hello!

So I salute people like Ted O'Grady who is out there every day! That man is more than an evangelist! Ted, you are doing a great job! By the way, add on the comments, “God bless Ted O'Grady - King Ted”; he's now King Ted! That man is filled with the Holy Spirit! He goes out there every freaking day with the J- team, every freaking day! God bless you Ted! That man is an example of an American- seriously!

Young people, it is your country!

So, everybody knows where you're at, and especially the young people. My gosh! The young people! We poured so much into you to wake you up, to help you, to allow you to understand how freaking brainwashed you are by the government schooling, by the archangelic schooling, the indoctrination system! And think about it! Think about it! This is your country too, okay?

You cannot have all the grandpas and grandmas out there fighting! You young people are supposed to be the most intense. So, you young people need to have a freaking check on you, because with you young people, there's a problem with just playing video games and all that. You do not know what reality you're living in. You understand that? There are consequences when America dies; there is going to be serious consequences to this freaking world! Hello!

So sure, you are going to more rallies than you were last year, fine. But this is a life & death battle right now. America is literally writhing on the ground; whether or not she will survive or not. Do you understand the type of surveillance that's going to come if Biden comes in? Do you understand the type of tracing? Do you understand the type of Chinese government surveillance, which already exists in America? It just has to be pushed in that direction by the left. Do you understand what kind of unbelievable totalitarianism you will live under as a young person, if you do not stand up against this crap?

And yes, you may have to die for it, because if you hold radical views as the apparatus becomes more and more unleashed, and you hold views that they consider radical, i.e that you don't trust the government as God- which should be all Christianity, but unfortunately it's not - you will be targeted. You will be targeted to die; do you understand?

So, what kind of young person will you be? Are you going to be kind of bitch that says, “Oh! No, I am not afraid to die! Oh, crap! But I really like life, and I really like video games, and you know if I just go along with this, maybe I’ll be able to play for a couple more years, and I’ll be able to enjoy my life a little bit. And then what about my wife and my young baby, and all that”?

You don't think every warrior on the face of the planet thinks about that? That is not an excuse! There comes a point in time where there is no turning back, if you are allowed to pass a certain precipice; you understand? You cannot go back; you cannot bring it back. The place where you will raise your wife and your children will be hell, and they will be taken from you especially your children and you will live in perpetual guilt for not doing the right thing, as a man being, willing to die for something greater than your family and you. Because in the end, it is not about your family; in the end it's about you!

See, that is the kind of bull crap that we have to deal with. I mean, do you understand the mentality of True Father who has gone through how many countless world wars, through freaking death camps? Do you understand? It's life or death, folks! Take care of yourself; manage yourself if you feel sick. But folks, seriously; it's do or die! Do or freaking die!

What we do on the microcosm matters!

Look at this; it is interesting! You see this? The states are flipping now towards Trump again. We were reading Juliani’s tweeting saying that in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, hundreds of thousands - he said hundreds of thousands and he said the world will be shocked. And in that same tweet he basically concluded that Wisconsin and Pennsylvania will turn for Trump, and he ended by saying that, “The world will be shocked. Pennsylvania and Wisconsin will flip for Trump.”

Again, Pennsylvania is in the center of it all; it is the center again. The Epoch Times they have Trump now ahead of Biden: Trump 232- Biden 227. So, look! Things are starting to shift, folks. But look, we have to be fighting at the microcosm, because look, do you think Abraham when he's cutting the damn dove may be thinking, “What is this going to really do? What is this going to do? What is this little sacrifice going to do, really? Isn't this superstitious, cutting a little bird in half; maybe it is superstition!”

What we do on the microcosm matters, folks! It matters big time! So, get out there! We have to get out there! We have to get out there! No more excuses! Call the damn J-team; call Greg Noll. Find out where they are, and get there! This is your freaking country! And then when there's a big rally you've got to come! It does not matter whether you are going to be fired from your freaking job; you are not going to have a damn country! Do you understand? Hello! You are not going to have a damn country anymore if this goes the way that the left wants! Come on! Wake your ass up! Americans have to fight for America!

I mean God bless those folks! God bless them! God! People take them for granted! I mean they should win a freaking medal or a prize; seriously! God bless them! They are out there three times a day! And there's a whole bunch of young people out there. It is like, where the freak are the American young people? What crack are you smoking? This is your freaking country, you idiots! If you do not stop making excuses, and get your ass out there, you are going to lose it! You, stupid idiot! I do not know how people can be that freaking dense and stupid, especially the young people! What the freak hashish are you smoking?

It shows you how weak and brainwashed they have become, even though they're awake. It is like, hello! You have foreigners fighting for your damn country, harder than you; giving up their jobs to freaking fight for your country! All you want to do is make some fussing excuse! You, piece of shish!

Oh God! God! People are so dense! It is unbelievable! I should not have to get upset at people. I should not! God! Explain rationally; explain rationally! Explain rationally!

God’s will is worth dying for

This is the problem; this is the problem, and Kook Jin-Hyung was talking about it the other day, that more than our rationale, our emotions are powerful, right. The left knows how to tie up our emotions and to pull them, so that we become Satanists: Satan knows how to do that.

But the problem is on God's side, people don't know how to get emotional for God. They think getting emotional for God is just crying, “I’m crying, I’m so emotional for God! I’m crying!” They do not understand.

Look at the Founding Fathers! They were emotional for God. Do you understand? They had a fire in their belly that led them to go against the biggest military of the world and commit acts of treason against them!

Do you understand? They risked everything! They had a fire in their freaking belly that said, “I don't care if I die, because this is the only chance we got. If we lose this chance, we will all die. So if we're going to all die anyways, I might as well fight.” And that's what they did!

Because instead of a slow ignominious, ignoble castration of the alpha male, and the slow killing of him anyways through the leftist system, a real man should be able to stand up and say, “No! I am not going to go through that! I’d rather be dead, and if I do it and die, you know it's going to be good for my wife, and it's going to be good for my sons and daughters to see me die fighting for something important. You know that would be a good lesson if I have to die. They will see that their daddy lived for something greater than himself!”

Even with the threat of losing them, and then them having to now find their way without their father, even under all that threat, there was something greater than they were, greater than their little family, greater than them, and which he died for. That is what inspires everybody, not only your children or your grandchildren or your spouse.

Now the problem is the spouses, “Now, if I die, then my wife's going to be left alone and my children!”

No! No! You are not God! God tends to us God cares for us! Just because you are not there does not mean everything will fall apart! See, that is self-worship, isn't it? If you have raised your kids’ right, if you have trained with your wife and made her into a strong woman, empowered, a noble woman, a godly woman, and then what do you fear? What do you fear? You have done your five percent responsibility; what do you fear? God is in control; God is driving the ship! What do you fear? Why do you fear dying? Don't you believe in the spirit world? Don't you believe in life after death? I mean, isn't that one of the central pillars of Christianity that we are not beholden to this world that we store up our treasures in heaven? It looks like white belt!

And it's not like it's a death wish; nobody wants to die. But there are reasons to die; there are causes that we must die for! Yes! 100%! And that cause of course is God's will! If He wills it, then so be it! We know where we are going after death. Every Christian knows where we go after death!

Weak-minded excuse making!

This is the problem with the dang church and the body of Christ right now! I got patriots and friends calling me from all over saying, “I can't talk to anybody in the church about this stuff!” People are crying out because they know the standard Christian church will do nothing when evil comes in, just like they've done nothing as the pulpit has been taken over by the political Satanists, socialist commies!

Seriously, it is ridiculous! This is why Father was always kicking our ass all the time! Seriously, we need a good ass- kicking! Seriously, we need a good ass- whooping!

Because as Americans, the level of bitching that we do- I am not talking about ranting or something like that- I am talking about in terms of excuse- making; not complaining, excuse making. Internal weak- minded excuse- making! Look at the conservative party! It is just always the same! They are ready to throw Trump under the bus like the first freaking day!

Fox News and these freaking traitors, golly! They are just freaking ridiculous! Thank God, everybody is leaving Fox News pieces of trash! I ended my subscriptions to them on social media and you should too; they clearly showed that they are traitors. Now if you like Tucker Carlson or Sean Hannity; if you like those commentators you can just follow them personally on their Instagram or whatever, but the actual Fox News! God! Pieces of trash! You traitorous trash!

They show that they are part of the globalist superstructure, the mega corporations, the mega banks etc. They are all part of the cabal that wants to bring totalitarianism, umpteen unlimited surveillance tracing, tracking and censorship on the rest of the world. They show they are complicit and part of that, when they know that in America you have to go through the certification process; pieces of trash!

It is so sad that it takes a freaking North Korean American to freaking wake people up! Oh, golly! America is dying, folks, and all this pleading -it's not bitching; I’m not bitching. I’m pleading, pleading with the damn conscience of people, because I believe they have a soul, and if you won't fight for God's gift of freedom and liberty, nobody will.

That's why on the microcosm I’m harder on you, because you're at the freaking center, and at the same time you have people from other parts of the world that give up everything, coming to fight and you're AWOL (absent without leave- permission); you're gone. Come on! Come on! We can't do that, we can't do that, folks; that we can't do!

You know conservatives always say; they are always using that line, “The leftists are not working, the conservatives, we're busy working and building the economy!” Okay I get that! Look, everybody is working; everybody's trying to get make a living. Also, there are things that are greater and more important than making a living and just working; right? As a human being, there are things that are greater! Now the Bible does say that if you do not make a living for your family, you aren’t any more worth than a heathen. So it is an important thing; it's not a small thing, and I’m not trying to diminish it or anything.

But, listen, the point is you have time to go back and watch your favorite Fox News programs when you get home, right? You have time; if you really want, you can make time. We can make time, right; we can make time during our day. There is a way to be healthy and to eat foods that you like; there is a way to work and participate in fighting for liberty, especially when it's peaceful fighting.

Because that is preparation of the heart and preparation of the soul, so that if it does get bad and it actually becomes a physical civil war, what people are going to be there? If there is a physical civil war, and all these things are exploding everywhere, is that the time where people will say, “Oh, okay! I guess I’ve got to give up my job now, and I guess I got to join this fight!”

Do you know how bad it will get at that point? They do not want you to have a job anyways, folks! That is why the whole freaking lockdown is coming back- type 2.0. That is why they bring that back in folks, because it's going to be indefinite! It is meant to impoverish America, it's meant to take us down globally; it is meant to destroy us and make us a third-world country. So they can bring the entire world under global surveillance, where the Chinese Communist model is the model! Do you understand, folks! They will not leave you alone!

So this is the last stand! If America does not fight for herself, now it will die and the world will die! And they will keep us on lockdown, and they won't let you go back to work and they'll get you on the government cheese with your little stimulus checks which will get smaller every month. And if you even think about doing something, well that would be a thought crime, you see, and you'll have been doing a hate crime. Is that the kind of world you want to live in?

Part of your Cheong Seong

We only got one chance to fight this, folks, and that is with President Trump, that's it. He is the last stand; he is the last man that God is sending. He is the last one! He is the last one! If President Trump does not get back in, the amount of damage, they will do cannot be explained! So, it's either do or die! Either do or die!

So, if you cannot get out there every day, get out there two or three times a week. Just see it as part of your exercise routine, just get out there and walk around with the flag. Join the small rallies; join those little prayer groups that are out there on the corners. You see it as part of your exercise plan; see it as part of your cheongseong. There are ways to do this; if you don't have a lot of time the next day, just be there for 30 minutes- whatever the case may be. Get your ashtray out!

The point is you have to get your ashtray out, because if you do not, it is going to get freaking live, and then you have no choice; you are going to be forced to get your ashtray out. By that time, you are already then a dead weight. Do not be that! Do not be that person!

We are the micro that God has anointed

We have to get out there, folks! We have to get out there! We have to get out there for the nation and for the world! What happens on a micro has ginormous impacts on the macro, ginormous! Look, if you're feeling sick, then of course you have to rest; that's part of your job, right, but as you recover- which you will- and you feel better, you’ve got to get back on this thing.

We have to fight! We have to protest, we have to stand up for the President; we have to do it. Everybody else is always making excuses. How can we be the ones making excuses! We are the freaking micro, which God has anointed! Hello! The 3 Kingships are right here! Hello! This is the micro; this is the micro of the world!

So, it is what it is! A big, big, big, rally is coming up on Saturday in DC. Be there or be square! We are all going to be there, and if you feel sick, pray for us from afar, but if you are not, get down there, folks! You had a dentist appointment on Saturday? Cancel it; cancel it! You can reschedule it.

You cannot reschedule this part of history! We only have two or three weeks to fight until December 8, close to a month. We have a tiny period, folks, where we have to be fighting and engaged politically. We have three weeks, okay. We have to maximize the effort during this period. Of course take care of yourself okay; know what you can and cannot do. But we got to maximize our effort, all right.

So even with the Korean and Japanese teams, lectures are no more if we have rallies on the day; no lectures, so people are able to rest. Hit the rallies and pray at the rallies, okay. So, we are making the schedule so that our 40- day condition here is doable for folks. Now the folks who are a little under the weather, then of course mandatory; you have to rest, okay. That's part of your Cheong Seong; just pray for us from your bed, okay. It is what it is, folks!

Get down to DC!

Again, big rally coming up on Saturday in Washington, DC! We are all going to be there. Be there or by square! There will be a million patriots there. We are standing with the President. It is going to be right around the White House, so we are standing with the President in solidarity. The microcosm of God's providence will be there as well! Already our veteran friends and folks have contacted us; they are going to be down there too. So we're hooking up with all of them when we get down there.

Okay, folks? So, get ready! Get ready! Get ready, because it's either now or never! Either we hang together now, or we will hang separately! Life or death! Get in the fight.


Translated by Beatrice Clyburn

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