Friday, November 6, 2020

Celebration of 21-Day condition and Call to Action

Kook Jin Justin Moon (Justin Moon)

Celebration of 21-Day condition and Call to Action

Nov 4, 2020- True Parents’ Memorial

The time now is very intense and the King is under a lot of spiritual pressure. This is the time when it looks like that the microcosm and the macrocosm start to intersect, and it looks like this is a very intense time in America right now.

You saw the news report yesterday, right? There are certain key states that President Trump needs to win to become president. There is NC, there is Georgia, there is PA, there is Alaska; there is Minnesota, there is Wisconsin, and there is Michigan and Nevada. And when we went to sleep last night, Trump was leading in all those states. When the democrat governors who control all those states, stop counting, they kicked out all the republican poll watchers, and it looks like they kept on counting. So, starting a few hours ago, they started adding around 200,000 votes to Michigan, and all for Biden; 150,000 votes in Wisconsin, all for Biden; 550, 000 for Biden in Pennsylvania and the number is growing.

So they are stealing the US elections right in front of the entire population right now. Can you imagine that? That’s what’s happening in America right now!

Q: “What are we going to do? “

That’s a good question! What are we going to do? There is an article from a conservative magazine. The article in on revolver. news, and this is today. Link

What republicans must do to guarantee a victory!

Challenge every single ballot, in the Supreme Court if necessary. I guess Pres. Trump has registered a complaint with Wisconsin and asked for a recount, and I guess Mayor Guliani is flying to Harrisburg to challenge the result of the votes in PA, right now, as we speak.

Hold rallies in contested states. Republicans cannot afford to seat on the sidelines. If they want the president to remain in office, they must rally in the street and vocally reject this coup attempt for what it is.

GOP legislatures in swing states must move to seat Trump electors. If there is clear evidence of electoral fraud in any of these states, then Republicans in the legislature have a moral duty to try to seat the correct slate of electors.

Persuasion campaign and info war to flip grassroots public opinion in Trump’s favor. Convince the People it was stolen, but that we are going to fight and win it. The tech companies must be shoved aside by force and by any means necessary.

This is something you don’t read very often in this kind of newspaper.

Q: “We are going to Harrisburg or what? “

Good question! We probably need to start talking about what our next steps are. We’ve organized the Festival for a few years. We have a pretty good Festival committee. Maybe we should talk about having a meeting. What do you think Gregg? Maybe we should talk to the Festival committee, send them a copy of this article, and see what the local leaders think we can do to help out the president with something.

I mean this is very serious. I thought that people would wait a little longer for the legal warfare, wait a little bit longer, a few months, but it seems like it’s at the stage where people are actually calling for civil war. The time is very serious. We of course, want to have a peaceful resolution and hopefully the Democratic Party gets out of this crazy mental situation that they are in and tries to gather a peaceful and fair resolution to this problem, but given the steps that they have taken, it does not look like it’s going to happen. So, what will we see in America in the next few months? That is a big question.

Everybody needs to think about what it means to have your votes stolen in a republic. I mean if the Democratic Party is allowed to steal your votes in a presidential election, what does it mean for the citizens of this country, of America, and for the citizens of Korea and Japan and of all over the world? If the Democratic Party is allowed to steal the Republican Party’s votes in this election, they will steal your votes for every election from now and forever.

So, when a people are in this situation, what options are available? What choices do we have?

That’s the question we need to ask ourselves. American society has been dividing for a long time, and nobody wanted to see this kind of situation happen, but we are faced with a situation where there is no way any reasonable person can step away from.

So, today we can see how the troubles are all coming together at one time here in PA; this state has really become the center of all the conflicts in this country. It’s a very significant time in a very significant place.

We know that this country has faced many challenges, and each time this country faced such challenges, some people stood up at the frontline, and even sacrificed themselves to preserve the sovereignty of this people, in this nation, so they could pass on that sovereignty to their next generations.

So I guess we find ourselves in a very undesired but a very interesting situation. You know there are examples of people who have faced that kind of situation in the past- if you read history. And it’s very interesting to read about those people’s situations and how they prepared to meet their fate, or their challenge.

It’s interesting if you read Greek history, how the Spartan 300, they stood at Thermopylae against the Persian army. It’s a very interesting story. Of course they were supported by other Greek forces, but not many, maybe 1,500 other soldiers. So, you know when they were facing the Persian army, they picked a nice spot and they met the Persian army which is recorded to have been 200,000- 300, 000 soldiers. None of them expected to actually survive.

But what was really interesting was that the Persians and the other people who were there witnessed the attitude and the actions of those people who stood in the gap, in that pass against that army; what they did in the day prior to meeting their fate was recorded in the annals of history forever.

The day they prepared for battle, they were actually very relaxed; they were grooming each other, combing each other’s hair, oiling their skin, cleaning their armor. The actions of those people so impressed even their enemy, that they recorded those events.

And I think that when we as a people, are faced with a situation like this, that’s the best way to face that kind of situation. We know that we are God’s people. We were given his blessing and are of his blood, and in his lineage. Our treasures are not in this earth, but in Heaven. So we have nothing to fear. And wherever God leads us we should just go with a happy and grateful heart!

So, let’s enjoy this BBQ and let’s see what happens!

Unofficial notes

submitted by B Clyburn

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