Monday, October 14, 2019

Kingdom of the Rod of Iron (2.2)

Kingdom of the Rod of Iron - 2.2

January 7, 2018

You have to modify your behavior. You have to break out of psychopathy and sociopathy in order as a healthy survival mechanism. That’s an incentive for survival, which is the reason why high ownership in guns per hundred residents, the US being the highest results in such a low crime rate, especially if you get rid of the gun controlled zones like Chicago, Baltimore, you name it, we’re like not even on the top 200 list of the world; and, of course you need to have that Judeo-Christian value, okay. We’re going to get into that today.

You shall break them with a Rod of Iron. You shall dash them to pieces like the potter’s vessel.

Revelation 2:27 and he shall rule them with a rod of iron, as the vessel of the potter are broken to pieces, as I also have received authority from My Father.

Revelation 12:5 and she gave birth to a son, a male child, who is to rule all the nations with a Rod of Iron; and her child was caught up to God and to His throne.

Revelation 19:15 From His mouth comes a sharp sword, so that with it He may strike down the nations, and He will rule them with a Rod of Iron; and He treads the wine press of the fierce wrath of God, the Almighty.

Ooh, man! These Scriptures are made to... Did you guys see Kook Jin Nim’s Overlander Jeep? He’s got these Scriptures up on his Jeep; so, go check out his jeep. Awesome! He beat me to the punch, man. He already got his stuff tattooed out. My Jeeps like still naked. I got to get tatted out. Okay.

He will rule them with a Rod of Iron. He treads the wine presses with the fierce wrath of God, Almighty. Wow! How come the Body of Christ has not been taught in the Churches that they are supposed to be the protectors of the world? They’re supposed to be the inheritors of the world. Not so they can be like Creflo Dollar or Joel Osteen, fake glitterbug Preachers talking about, “Oh, you got to get prosperity. God got to give you money. You mean you get more money, you’ll believe in Jesus. Get more money, you’ll be rich.” What? Ridiculous! Jesus taught very clearly that’s not where you store your riches, okay.

When we have Cheon Il Guk, when we have the Kingdom of God, that we are the richest people on earth, then of course, we’re going to be prosperous. They’ll be so much free market. There will be so much freedom. No stupid government certification to open your business and serve people. None of that crap; so, of course, we’re going to be wealthy, incredibly; but, that’s not where we are going to find our value. Okay. We’ll have the highest level of technology. We’ll have the highest level of companies wanting to be moving in, you know. No corporate tax. No Income tax. I mean, it’s ridiculous. I mean, it’s ridiculous. It’s scientific. You know what the result is going to be in terms of economically, materially; but, that will not determine our value. Our value comes from inheritance given to us by Almighty God, which we are grateful for. We don’t take it for granted, and we protect, you see. We have a larger picture than just money and wealth. We have a larger purpose, right?

I always tell young people, when they’re training, they’re a larger purpose than trying to be badass, and to be tough, you know what I mean, or being able to beat people up? That is not the purpose. The purpose is, Love God/Love your neighbor. That’s the reason why we train. That’s the reason that should motivate you, cause then you could train when you’re sixty or seventy. It doesn’t matter how old you are. You are training to make yourself better. To Love God, and love your neighbor, okay. As you love and protect yourself, to love, and be able protect your neighbor.

So again, we talked about this many times. In the mind of the Christian, especially American Christians, the patriotic Abel type Christians, gun owners, etc. They love God. They know the founding fathers loved God, etc. But at the same time they’re scared. Scared of these Scriptures, cause these Scriptures look pretty scary. It doesn’t look like a democracy is going to happen. It doesn’t look like a Republic’s going to happen, not with these Scriptures, okay. It looks like, unfortunately, a despotic rule; and, this is a problem with the Body of Christ. Nobody’s talking about this, because if we actually talked about this, and reflect about it, and looked at the nature of Jesus Christ, the nature of God from the beginning of time, we’ll see that God’s nature doesn’t change. God doesn’t change. Man changes. God doesn’t change. God is still love in the Kingdom, folks. Do you see what I’m saying? Just like a protective father loves his children, and wants them to be strong in arm, so that the bad guys can’t destroy them, so too is God. He will rule with a Rod of Iron. He will have His coheirs in his Kingship, in His Kingdom; but, those people will not be those little welfare recipients sitting off of golden manna, following Father from Heaven, and saying, “Oh, yes, you know, Thank you. Thank you. Now, I can just, you know, sit down and eat Dorito chips, and just watch ‘Baywatch’ all day,” whatever the hell they watch, okay. Do they still have that show, Baywatch? They don’t even have that show anymore, do they?

But, there is the Rod of Iron. There is the Kingdom. Okay. What kind of rule is the Rod of Iron? This is not clarified in the Body of Christ. That’s like when they think about the future, that’s like, “Oh, Shoot. Yes, we want Jesus to come. It’s going to be exciting; but, he’s going to be really fierce, he’s going to be very nasty, he’s going to be really despotic; so, we really do love the freedom we can enjoy in America; but, if he comes as a despot, I know we’re supposed to look forward to that, but it’s like, yeah, okay. Let’s not think about it. Let’s just not think about it. If it happens, it happens, you know; but, I’m not going to really think about it;” so, you have to think about it. This is the description of Christ in his Kingdom. You know, how Christians will say, or people in the Body of Christ will say, “Jesus came one time, the first time in mercy, and this time he’ll come in Judgment,” which is true; but, again, they’re thinking against Judgment here, and the rules of the Rod of Iron as just a despotic. What’s the step after that? What about after he does clean the slate, so to speak, and does substantiate the millennial Kingdom? How will he rule? How will he be a God of Love, and also have the Rod of Iron? That is unanswered in the Body of Christ. They don’t even think about it; so, this is a very serious thing the Body of Christ must think about, okay.

I going to show you a video. Dom Raso, he’s amazing. Former US Navy SEAL, martial artist, BJJ practitioner, all that, and phenomenal. Phenomenal Trainer, and we should train with guys like this. John Lovell, Dom Raso, these are the guys we should train with. They love our community. They love it. Mr. Larry Pratt was so happy, when I said, “We teach the kids here, BJJ, and knife fighting, and firearms;” and, he’s like, “Whoa! He said, Whoa!!” He amazing, Mr. Larry Pratt. Okay. Let’s see this video. He makes a very important point about peace police/ peace militia. Check this out. Go ahead. No, it’s not an advertisement for the NRA. You come here, you get Rod of Iron, you’re going to see all this stuff, okay. I don’t get paid by the NRA. This is my patriotic duty. My pastoral duty.

(Dom Raso, an veteran Navy SEAL spoke about the historic nature of Islamic Terrorists, who have been thinking about these things since the beginning of time; and, he calls for us to not only inform the next generation of their intent, but organize our communities, to protect our family, and our neighbors, from the continuous onslaught of terrorism.)

Dom Raso. Isn’t that amazing? He is talking about peace police/ peace militia. I have not seen these guys in watching the gun community. You know, they’re saying train, get training. They’re now been calling out the neighborhoods and saying, “Hey, you guys should organize now, too.” This is amazing. This is, I feel, like a real spiritual shift that’s happening in the gun community atmosphere. It’s not only about personal firearms, now. It’s now, get together with your organized neighborhood. For example: If you live in a home association. I want to do it in the Palace home association, the next time we meet.

You know, talk to your homeowner, guys. The people in your homeowners association, you know. We can invite them to let’s go shooting together. Let’s just go shooting together; and, we invite them, basically, to join them and praying together, and that’s how we get to know each other. I mean, you talk about evangelism. This is the easy way to connect with people, and really train with them; so, you become brothers and sisters. You know what I mean? Brothers and sisters in the same civilization, in the same culture; and, as you think about each other’s protection, and, “Hey, this road comes in here; and, your house here, Mr. E, and your house is here, Mr. A. This seems like a weak point here.” As you talk about these things, these people realize, “Hey, you really care for me. These people really care for our safety.” Do you see what I mean?

Actually, you’re sharing what it is your learning hear in training, all this kind of stuff; but, you’re allowing other people participate in that, and you’re helping them. They would have to give you thousands and thousands of dollars to get that kind of consulting, you know; but, even having that discussion, “Hey, let’s start with a barbeque at Kahr Arms. Love to have you guys over at Kahr Arms,” and you know, we’d do a little barbeque there, not in this weather, you know. When it warms up a little bit, have a barbeque and some shooting together. Hey, let’s do that. Then you get to know your neighborhood folks a lot better, right? You bond closer, cause you have to trust one another when you got guns in your hands. The level of trust has to go way up. It’s got to jump up; and, then you could see each other handling those things responsibly. That helps build a trust, right? It helps. “Oh, those people really know what they’re doing with firearms.” There’s a respect with firearms, right? That helps you know your neighbor; so, it’s amazing that the gun community is now talking about this openly. They’re saying, not only should we be trained personally, we should also organize locally. This is a great change. You could see the spirit change right after we start this whole series. I mean, this week he’s put down the Rods of Iron. I never seen Dom Raso talk about this.

So, this kind of thing is great. He’s putting out the call. It’s like directly moving from the micro to the macro. This kind of movement is, where we’re openly talking about gun owners organizing locally. Basically, making small militias. Every neighborhood has a militia. My gosh, when is the last time you ever heard the gun community talking like this?

We always been scared of political correctness. Whoa! ‘This is amazing. Wouldn’t it be great, in the future, as the different homeowners associations would ever get train, then you could have shooting competitions with different homeowners. What is it. Hemlock Farms could go against, you know, Pine Ridge. Lake Adventure could go against Sunrise Lakes. You know what I’m saying? And you’re training together. You’re having competitions together, and all this could happen on the Tommy Gun Warehouse Property. Hey! That be great. Now, you got to talk to the actual person who owns it; but, I’m just saying, okay.

But, do you understand what I’m saying, folks? It’s amazing. It’s amazing, the macro’s moving exactly online with us; so, we’re already talking about, cause we already do this BJJ training, this knife fighting, all this stuff; but, the real, highest level of protection is the fire power, the power of fire. The Rod of Iron, and the Baptism of the Holy Ghost, and fire. That’s the real power. Okay. That’s the real power, because old people, young people, it doesn’t matter. Age doesn’t matter. Size doesn’t matter. Everybody becomes more dangerous for evil, against evil. Everybody, And even the super athletic young person cannot mess around with an older person, who maybe has back problems, it doesn’t matter, that knows how to use a firearm. It’s the ultimate equalizer. Ultimate equalizer. So, this would be great, because we’re already been talking about training on Thursdays, more firearms training; and, slowly getting the kids more advanced, having their ARs training with us; and, as they get their AR’s, then they train with us, stuff like that, to higher and higher levels. Then, the Chief, he’s a Green Beret, he’s the one who will lead us in the training and stuff; and, at the same time, as we get better than other communities. Then we could have shooting competitions, you know what I mean? Like the NRATV, like Colion Noir, they have these competitions, where you have to do running and sprinting, and you know different courses and stuff like that, all with safety, obviously. All with Safety. Safety, safety, safety, safety, safety, safety, safety, safety, safety. Don’t say I didn’t say, safety, safety, safety, safety, safety. Okay. Don’t say I didn’t say safety. Safety, safety, safety, safety, safety. Okay. Is that okay? But, think how exciting that would be. Then, this place would literally become the Kingdom. You have here right in PA, the start of Kingdom culture totally taking over, right; and, again most people are not even thinking in that manner, which is the reason why they need the stimulus God has prepared, and the true inheritors of the Kingdom, to empower other people to move from sheep to sheep dog, and that is every single one of us here. Every single one of us here that understands the Rod of Iron.

Amazing, that the gun community’s now talking about local militias. That is incredible. Incredible. Right after we started, basically in the last two years or so, started the peace police/ peace militia training. Now the whole trend is going to move towards that way. Incredible. Amazing. Amazing.

So, we highly recommend, if you have small communities, whatever, if you have a homeowners association, this is a great time to talk to your folks. If your homeowners association is really big, you can start with just the people around you, and invite them to a barbeque, and then talk to them. “Hey, let’s train together. Let’s go shooting together.” And then get them familiar with that, and that understanding if you live in a super liberal place, or a more conservative area, right; but, depending on where you live, you can work on them slowly. Invite them into that culture, right. Invite them into thinking a different way. Let’s think about, not only each one of our houses are secure; but, let’s think about our whole group of houses here. Let’s think that as one individually owned property; but, still we can protect this little cove in our little neighborhood. Does that make sense? And, if you have veterans there, if you have former law enforcement agents there, hey, already God has put in your place and location to step up and give guidance. This is amazing that this is happening as GOA is coming to town, as this kind of breakthrough is happening with Mr. Larry Pratt, etc. National reciprocity is going through, etc. all these kinds of things. This is incredible. And now you have the NRA, and the commentators now, openly saying, “Hey, gun owners, you know what we have to do. We shouldn’t just be training personal self-defense anymore. We should now start organizing into neighborhoods. We should literally start building building peace police/ peace militia from the ground up, okay. Incredible. Unbelievable, folks.

But, think about how exciting that would be in the future, if we could have competitions, too; where, different homeowners associations, different groups could compete with one another in a friendly game of different shooting arts, or firearm arts. Wouldn’t that be amazing? Man, that’s incredible. God is moving. Okay folks.

So, when we understand the nature of the Kingdom, and now we’re in Matthew 5, we have two major verses here we’re going to look at, but really, we’re going to look at the whole Chapter, because that gives you the general framework of the peace police/ peace militia, okay. Of course, this is a famous one, and I didn’t choose it. It’s just now where we are. It’s just where we are going through the Kingdom Scripture of the New Testament, where now in Matthew 5, okay, cause we did 3 and 4 last week; so, now we’re in Matthew 5; and, of course, here, you see right here, this the main one we look here.

Matthew 5:3 Bless are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. 4 Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted. 5 Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. 6 Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. 7: Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy. 9 Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be call the children of God 10 Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.

Right here we’ve seen that many times, right. You see, all these kind of things, which talk about a really benevolent, good society. These are all characteristics and traits of a good, benevolents peoples. Does that make sense? Would everybody agree with that? All these traits that Jesus is talking about in the Sermon on the Mount, he’s talking about, especially when we’re looking at it on the national level, the Kingdom level, these are traits, which are essential for a righteous peoples, right, because your now operating with the sovereignty and responsibility of life and death, cause we’re now look at all these Scriptures, which are what? The Kingdom Gospel Scriptures, and the Rod of Iron Scriptures. Those are the glasses we have on as we look at these Scriptures, okay.

So, as we look at these Scriptures, if you are already training in firearms, you know it’s so important that you have ethics, that you have these basic human character virtues, which are so critical, right, because when you have that much power and authority, one has to be responsible with it. There’s responsibility, right. II Timothy, we’re talking about, God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and/or a disciplined mind, right.

So, Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted. The meek. Those who thirst after righteousness . Bless are the merciful. Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. Blessed are the peacemakers.

You see, the peace police/ peace militia is not trying to pick fights. Does that make sense, folks? It’s trying to created a culture of peace through strength, cause we don’t want to see our kids die. Because we don’t want to see predators rule the day, and mafias running over us, and raping our children. Does that make sense? That’s why we have the peace police/ peace militia. That’s why we have the Rod of Iron; and, this Rod of Iron is not only for Americans, it’s for every human being on the planet. Do you understand? It’s not only for Americans. The right of self-defense, and the right of self-preservations, and the preservation of your neighbor is not an American right. It is a human right. People in South America deserve and have that right given to them by their Father. People in China, who are pressed by organ harvesting, Xi JinPing, the what is it? “Bloody Poo.” Did you know that. Do you know why they call Xi Jinping “Bloody Poo?” If you call Xi Jinping “Winnie- the-Poo” in China, that’s banned. He’s the President of China, right? You all know that, right? Okay, you should know that. Alright, if you call him Winnie-the-Poo, that’s illegal in China; so, we call him, “Bloody organ harvesting Poo.” He’s a totalitarian tyrant, a devil; and, he’s oppressing over 1.6 billion poor Asian people; so, he’s an utter Satan, who walks the Earth, right?

So, we don’t want our children, and generations, and neighbors ruled by Satan’s like that; and, that’s why peace police/ peace militia, folks, who know firearms, who know guns, who know the gun martial arts, they are the most peaceful people. They don’t want to go to war. They don’t want to fight, because they know what kind of devastation that weapon will do.They are the peacemakers. If the US eliminated all those gun controlled zones by the leftist lunatics taken away good citizen’s rights to own the Rod of Iron, we would have one of the lowest. We would not even be in the top 200 of the world, not even in America; but, again, it’s not only an American right. That’s why we’re so grateful for Mr. Larry Pratt and GOA. They’re going to stand with us. Well, Mr. Larry Pratt is. He’s going to stand with us to now to spread this to Europe. Hopefully in the future, his wife is Latin American; so, for Latin Americans, Africans, Asians. Why? Human beings are not meant to be slaves to Xi Jinping, to Bilderberg and Davos Groups. They’re meant to, created by God, to be fruitful, multiply and have dominion over the Earth.

But again, that’s why we have to seek His Kingdom, and His righteousness, too. Can’t only have the power. We also got to have the love. Whoa! Right? The Bible says, Thou shalt not give your spirit fear, but the power; so, instead of fear, good people need not only power, but love, and also you need a disciplined mind.

So, the gun community is not about being badass and look tough. It’s not about that. It’s about practicing to be deadly, because you love people, because you know, and you fear, if the tyrants take over. If the wicked take over, you know what they will do; and, so it’s your love of people, who don’t want to be slaves, to train. That’s the motivation, that’s your impetus to train; and, that’s your will to get better, so that you, if God calls you to do so, you’ll have the best chance, not guaranteed, but highest probability to stop bad people, if you have to, okay.

Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness sake: for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. There’s nobody more persecuted in the Christian Church than gun owners, who are serious about owning guns. There probably more persecuted than open homosexuals in the Christian Church. That’s how crazy the Church has become, opening the door to wolves, and shunning, and kicking out, and poo-pooing the actual protectors of the civilization, okay.

So, it’s so incredibly critical that our heart is pure, we are merciful, we thirst for righteousness, that we are humble, right. Those who mourn, those who are oppressed, those who are weak, in different countries, they will be comforted in the Kingdom. They will be given power, right. Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Blessed are the peacemakers; so, that’s what the peace police/ peace militia is about. It’s about making peace through strength. Peace through preparedness, whatever you want to say, whatever you want to call it. Peace through strength, right. The wolves only speak one language, and that is, perdition, right. That is the wolf language; so, that’s why it’s incumbent upon every local area, every homeowners associations to get together and talk about these things, right. God is putting us in those place, so you can be the stimulus, you can be the catalyst, you can be the central figure there in stimulating the people in that local area to then come and join the Kingdom, and to understand why the Rod of Iron in the hands of good people is so important. Let’s go to verse 11. Let’s see here:

Matthew 11 Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you , and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. 12 Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you. 13 Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? It is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men. 14 Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid. 15 Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. 16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in Heaven.

In verse 11 and 12, do you see this? This is amazing. Stefan Molyneux talks about this. He’s an atheist, but he’s praising Jesus, praising Christianity. He doesn’t know what he wants. God’s working on him, okay. He’s like praising Jesus. In his last interview, I saw him, he’s like “Christian culture, Merry Christmas, Jesus is amazing;” and, he’s an open atheist, okay. At least he’s a rational atheist. He admits that Christianity is the foundation of Western civilization and culture; so, he admits that; so, at least he’s an Abel type atheist. Sounds like an oxymoron, okay. Whatever. But look at this. Many times, he talks about how Christianity teaches about the inherent danger of people to get corrupted, right; so, people must always have a sense of....

First of all, you can’t trust any one person with all the power; and, even the Cheon Il Guk Constitution, there’s a King, but he’s a Supreme Court Judge, one amongst, what is it, twelve there; and, so in Satan’s Kingdoms, he the rule of everything. Military, Economics, You could just say one thing, and everything changes. He doesn’t have authority over the legislative branch. He does have authority over the senatorial branch. He doesn’t have authority over the Executive branch. Do you see what I’m saying? He’s a check with the Judges, on the Judges, but also on the Executives, and legislative, and senatorial, you see. It’s not really that crazy. The American Constitution has way more lifetime appointments, than the Kingdom of God’s Constitution; so, actually, it’s not that crazy, if you think about it.

Next part

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