Monday, October 14, 2019

Kingdom of the Rod of Iron (2.1)

Kingdom of the Rod of Iron - 2.1

January 7, 2018

Alright, folks. So, we continue on with our interesting series on the Kingdom of the Rod of Iron 2, okay. It’s the same work, okay; so, we’re just gonna go deeper and deeper into it, okay. Now, it’s important, as we work through this, like Ted was doing with the beautiful post. He’s repeating the Scriptures. These are not my words, these are Scriptures, alright. It’s not like the Second King made this stuff up, no, they’re Scripture. They’re in the Bible, okay. We’re not making up that Jesus, himself, identified his Gospel as the Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven. That’s what Jesus, himself, said two thousand years ago, even though the Church has not been teaching that as a core, okay; but, it doesn’t matter that’s what the Churches were doing. Jesus was saying this very clearly, and you see all the Scriptures that we go through every time; so, I want to remind you, and kind of warn you, you’ll see these Scriptures over and over again, and your mind shuts off, so what you have to do is turn on your mind. When you see these Scriptures, you turn them on again, and you remember them, and you have them go deeper and deeper in. Do you know what I mean? Cause, it’s a problem with people. If you think they know Scripture, they just their mind off; but, then you’re shutting your mind off to the Word of God, obviously; but, then it’s an act of arrogance. These Scriptures are supposed to touch your heart. These Scriptures grow by hearing the Word of God. That’s what the Bible says, right; so, you hear the Word of God, “I know this, I heard this” So, that’s your dumb brain talking. That’s not your Holy brain talking. That’s your dumb brain talking.

The reality is, we don’t know this. The reality is, we don’t embody this in our lives, that’s the reality. The reality is, we may have heard this last week; but, we do not have this in our prayerfulness, in our mindfulness, in our meditations, in our relations with God. That’s the reality. You may have heard this last week; but, the reality is, as soon as we leave, the lunch smells, the lunch is running around your nose. You forgot everything. There’s a party going on with your nose with the hummus, and all that stuff, and whatever it is we have out there. What is it, chicken? You already forgot about these Scriptures, okay.

So, that’s the reality; and, that’s why when we look at them, we have to have a fresh mind. You know, there’s a refreshing. The Word of God is refreshing us, for those who have eyes that see, and ears that hear. That doesn’t mean we have to hear, you know, we have to be stimulated by the three second rule in marketing and advertising. That’s made for weak people, right, where you have a seven second attention span, which is less than a goldfish, which is the normal level attention span in the modern day for young people, now. Did you that? Less than seven seconds. They cannot hold their brain for seven seconds. That’s pathetic. That’s so pathetic.

So, being able to understand these Scriptures, and to meditate upon them, go deeper. See the context in each one of them is so incredibly meaningful, especially as we meditate on the Kingdom of God, which, according to the Bible, will be ruled by the Rod of Iron; so, you can’t separate the two. The Kingdom of God will be ruled by the Rod of Iron, okay.

So, meditating on these things is almost like a prayer. Of course, we don’t want it to become like vain repetition, where we’re just unthinkingly repeating these words; then, that could work in the opposite way. God doesn’t like that, neither, if we just repeat Scriptures without knowing the meaning, you see what I’m saying? He says to love the Lord thy God with all your strength, might, heart and soul; but, mind is part of it, too. We have to love the Lord with our mind; so, when we repeat a Scripture, we’re not doing it unthinkingly. We’re thinking about the Scripture, okay. We’re not doing vain repetition like the hypocrites, the Pharisees were doing when Jesus chastised them, okay.

So, these are Gospel Kingdom Scriptures. These are Scriptures in the Bible where Jesus himself identifies the Gospel, so let’s go through it. Maybe, what I’ll do is, from next week, I won’t have the Scriptures itself; I’ll just have the numbers. I’ll have like a little fun test. See who can actually quote them. Wouldn’t that be fun? That’d be fun; and, we could see how close everybody’s getting. That’d be fun, wouldn’t it? That’d be fun. Okay, that would keep you up a little better, as we move through Scriptures. But look at it. You heard this a million times; but, how about somebody who’s watching for the first time, okay? What about somebody who is here for the first time, right? What about someone, who you send this video to, who saw this for the first time? They don’t hear these Scriptures; so, we have a little compassion when we go through these, too, with the people that hear this for the first time. Does that make sense?

So, we got Matthew 6:9, and let’s go through these Scriptures, cause these are such important Scriptures, where God is teaching us about the Kingdom. He’s teaching about the framework. He’s teaching us about his future Kingdom in the millennial reign how that will happen. Matthew 6:9, we should be praying this every day.

Matthew 6:9 “Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be your name. 10 Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. 11 Give us this day our daily bread. 12 And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. 13 And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one.

See, we all know that. We all know that. See, our eyes are already starting to droop, because you think you know it.

Matthew 6:33 But seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these thing shall be added unto you.

That’s what a Christian should be doing. We should first be seeking the Kingdom of God. The first thing we should do is seek the Kingdom of God, okay; and, the Kingdom of God is not just something that makes us feel warm and toasty inside. It is something that God has spelled out for us; and, it is our role, duty to inherit that, not make it in our own image, not make it up in our own mind, okay; but, that which God intended for us for having dominion over the Earth, and subdue it. Have that type of sovereignty and dominion, but in goodness, and in love, and in benevolence, right, and the virtue. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness. We talked about how righteousness is very important. Not ours, but God’s goodness, right? God’s justice. It’s so important to understand God’s Kingdom. We seek His Kingdom first; but, we have to seek His righteousness, right, cause as we build our relationship with Him, then we understand how He rule; and, thus we become better Christ-like figures in the Kingdom. Be ye perfect, as your Father in heaven is perfect.

Matthew 7:21 Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in Heaven.

Not everybody that says Lord, Lord, Lord, Lord, will go into the Kingdom of Heaven, okay; so, this reminds us, any Christian, anyone, it reminds us we must be humble before God, the Word of God.

Matthew 10:7 And as ye go, preach, saying, The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.

Luke 4:43 And he said unto them, I must preach the Kingdom of God to other cities also: for therefore am I sent.

This is the one I really like. This is a very important Scripture. Ted mentioned this too in his wonderful speech there. Jesus is sent for the purpose of preaching the Kingdom, okay. In the Lord of the Second Advent’s time, he will come and build the Kingdom. He’s to give the Kingdom, alright; and, so that is the mission of Christ. It puts it right here in the Bible. In Luke 4:43, he says it right here. He says in his own mission. Look at that. I am sent to build the Kingdom of the Gospel, the Kingdom of God. Now, he also calls it the Gospel.

Matthew 4:23 And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people.

Again, the Gospel is the Kingdom of God, okay; so, the Kingdom of God is the Gospel. The Gospel is the Kingdom of God. The Gospel is the Kingdom of God. We can’t get around that. We can’t around that. We’re usually taught the Gospel is the Crucifixion, the Death, and his Resurrection of Jesus Christ, right? So, God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son; and, those who believe will have everlasting life. (John 3:16) That’s the Scripture that many times you’ll hear Evangelists quoting, and Preachers quoting; but, how did Christ described the Gospel is the Gospel of the Kingdom, which he was preaching to all these people, and which was driving the Romans and the leadership insane? They were getting very angry at this message. Remember that. They’re getting so angry. Why is this guy preaching this message? It’s a message that’s upturning all these centralized powers, like the Pharisees, which are like the intelligence gathering agencies for the Jews. They were sitting over the Jews; but, they were working the Roman hierarchy as basically the NSA for the Jews. Do you see what I’m saying? That is not joking. Basically, Branch Director NSA Pharisees, okay, or CIA, the Central Intelligence gathering Agency for the Romans, okay.

So, wherever Jesus went, he’s preaching this Gospel. It’s upturning their power. It’s upturning their authority. It’s upturning their collusion with centralized archangelic power. It’s upturning it; and, so they’re always calling for him to die, to kill him. He was screwing up all their centralized power, okay.

Mark 1:14 Now after that John was put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom of God, 15 And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the Kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the Gospel.

Right, the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. Jesus came into Galilee preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom, and the Kingdom of God is at hand, and repent and believe the Gospel. Of what? The Kingdom of God. So, this is quite shocking, because we’ve been told for centuries that this is not the Gospel; and, the Gospel is the Crucifixion, Death and Resurrection. Again, but if you look at the Scripture again, Jesus defines his own Gospel. His own Gospel. I think, the one who give the Gospel has the right to define it, okay. So, he’s the one who actually gave the Gospel, and defines it as the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. We’re going to get into that more deeply today, okay.

Matthew 9:35 And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom, and healing every disease among the people. Not of Democracy. Not of Technocracy. Not of Oligarchy. Not of Communism. Not of Red China, whatever. He said, the Gospel of the Kingdom; and, not of course of the satanic Kingdoms of the past. We know God’s Kingdom will be an antithesis to the satanic Kingdoms of the past, okay.

Matthew 24:14 And this Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

Then shall the end come. The Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached, right, in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and, then shall the end come.

Matthew 25:34 Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.

Inherit the Kingdom. This, of course, harkens back to the Garden of Eden. How God ruled in Eden, and the inheritance God gave to Adam and Eve. Be fruitful, multiply and have dominion over the earth; so, this is tied back to the inheritance that God gave them. Also, when we look at inheritance, obviously, we can also look at the Rod of Iron Scriptures. This is tied to inheritance, folks, okay. You have to remember, in the West, because families have become so split up, and because the centralized federal government has been in the business of trying to split up families, so we can be individual units of strength, so they can more easily social engineer, and take control of the narrative of society, and lead society into the position which they want. Americans don’t understand inheritance so well, because parents have been so demonized in the school systems, right; and, so the school systems are really teaching that the teachers are the ones you are to gain information from. Your parents may have been uneducated. They may have traditional values, the non-modern values, all this sort of thing. They’re more demonized by MTV, popular culturalism, the mainstream media, etc. It’s the elite class, the Professors, it’s the Teachers, it’s the government officials that know best for you, and they should raise your children, cause the state owns your children, especially if you live it Europe. That’s legal, they own your children, and that’s what America was trying to do under Hillary Clinton, right? That we’re trying to ban home school, for example. That’s already done in Europe, folks. Germany bans home school. You can’t home school your children. You have to send them to state run brainwashing camp. You have to, otherwise you get sent to prison; so, it’s such an evil, bullying system, where you cannot inherit your children, your values, your beliefs, your knowledge, assets and wealth. Everything’s attempting to break that up, so that inheritance is not passed down through generations. Why?

Because, if it’s passed down responsibly through generations, it has a tendency to grow, if the parents do that well, okay. We don’t just be Commies, and try to give it to all the kids, and that squanders it all; but, choosing the most responsible child, giving them the inheritance, and then moving that in every generation. You don’t care about feelings. You got to choose the most responsible child that has the same mission that you had to defend the Kingdom, and that has the most loyalty to the Kingdom. That’s the criteria. It’s not making all you kids feel good, and distributing it equally. Then, you’re a Commie. You’re not a King. You’re a Communist. You’re just trying to make people have feelings; and, what you are doing, you’re destroying the Blessing God gives you; then, just to make your kids feel good, which you shouldn’t do, okay. You should always see from God’s perspective, especially when you deal with inheritance. It’s about maintaining the Blessing that God has given us, not being shallow about them, not seeing them lightly as just taking it for granted, right, the Kingdom for granted, but protecting them as we pass from generation. Very, very important.

So, the American psyche, we’ve been so brainwashed. For example: That we should not work as tribes. We should be independent. All separate. You should leave your parent’s house. You shouldn’t work in your parent’s businesses. You shouldn’t help them, all these kinds of things. We been taught that in Western culture, okay: whereas, in the Kingdom culture, we have to raise up our children to take the next generation on. You have to. You can’t get around that, rights. If you have children, it’s your duty and responsibility to raise that next generation to be lovers of the Kingdom, patriots of the Kingdom, protectors of the Kingdom; and, those are the responsibility of people who should inherit the next generation, and the wealth of the previous generation to then lead, right? Not these narcissistic little brainwashed fake little social justice warrior, you know, little lunatics getting funding from George Soros saying, “Me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me. I’m crying, ooh, Trump is in office. I’m going to shout to release my stress.” They’re just like crazy five years old children. Those are not the kind of people you want to inherit Kingdoms to. They will absolutely 100% destroy them. Right?

So, having this kind of discernment about the next generation is very important. And, of course, we invest in our next generation, not just by pouring money on to them; but, making them go through hard stuff. Make them go through hard stuff. Make them do hard training. Don’t pamper them, and spoil them. You’ll destroy your Kingdom. You make them do hard things. You make them work for a dollar an hour, you know, when they’re young, and the first wage they earn is a dollar whatever. Very small. They’re humble. They’ll remember the rest of their life the blessing of their parents. You know, having them work for a dollar an hour; so, wherever. Maybe they’re making three thousand dollars. They’ll say, “You know, I remember, I started at a dollar.” You know what I mean? I did a dollar. Do you know what I mean? Or whatever, depending on what the price of dollar is, I guess, right? In the past, it was twenty-five cents. It was whatever, right. A dime.

You got to make your kids go through hard stuff, right? You got to put them in the peace police/ peace militia training. They get beat up, and they break through their delusions, and their fake little images of themselves. Get shattered. Get destroyed. That’s so healthy; and, then they become realistic, and then they become grateful, and then they want to seek mentorship. They want to learn from other people. You see, they become humbler people. More responsible, more benevolent people, right?

One of the characteristics of psychopathy or psychopathic behavior is the inability to empathize with others, and basically to limit the narcissistic bubble; and, that’s what a lot of kids are designed to do by the state is, they’re designed to live in a narcissistic bubble of this trendy little of this transgender cult. They’re in this little echo chamber of transgenderism, and how it’s biologically not determined kind of stuff. It’s just ridiculous. It’s going against Science. The whole homosexual political agenda, right, or the abortion crowd. It’s just that they’re in this little cult. Meanwhile, they say that religion is a cult. They don’t realize they’re in a freakin’ cult; and, the product of their cult is the actual destruction of a society. Actual destruction of a society. Okay.

So, one of the aspects of allowing yourselves to be humbled, and that’s one thing about when you’re young, you get beat up. That’s a really healthy experience. You realized you’re not God. You’re not invincible, and people could easily beat you up; so, don’t run your mouth, don’t be stupid. Try to learn from others, you know what I mean? You learn these things from early on, if you get beat up. If you never get beat up, then you think you’re untouchable. You think you could just, and you stand up to the wrong person, they’re gonna floor you. You are dead meat. That’s a stupid type of confidence. That is not a realistic confidence, cause it’s basically a delusion, right. Insecurity and fear, etc; Whereas, real confidence knows your boundaries, knows you are not an idiot, and you know your limitations, you know what you can and cannot do. That’s why this peace police/peace militia training is so beneficial, because it breaks you out of your own psychopathy, and your narcissistic bubble, thinking that your so amazing, when you’re not, right. You suck like everybody else, and anybody who comes in the DoJo, you suck like everybody else started. You get your ashtray wiped, wiped, wiped, wiped, wiped, okay; and, you are forced to learn, you are not invincible. It’s not like anything to do with a bad mindset, or anything. It’s just reality. You’re just learning that you suck; and, that’s like such an important thing, because, then you learn how to be mature; and, like accept that, oh okay, then how you get better is by getting better. Respect people who know more than me, seeking mentorship, so you know what I mean? Don’t think, I know everything. You learn the basics, you learn these things, right. It helps you become a less psychopathic person, or with less psychopathic tendencies, because you’re curbing all that insanity of that desire of wanting to make yourself pretend that you’re perfect, or invincible, which, of course, young people do a lot, okay.

So, this is why the Rod of Iron, of course, represents the Rod of Iron that we talk about. It represents a whole mindset that we’re going to get into, today. A whole mindset. It’s a Kingly mindset; but, it’s a very mature mindset, and culture as well. Okay.

Psalm 2:8 Ask of Me, and I will give you the nations for your inheritance, and the ends of the earth for your possession. 9 You shall break them with a Rod of Iron; you shall dash them to pieces like a potter’s vessel.

He’s going to give you the nations for your inheritance, folks; so, that’s why ethics becomes so important. That’s why he says, “Seek ye first His Kingdom and His righteousness.” We have to try and emulate his righteousness, even though it goes against our nature sometime, because that’s essential for when God gives us our inheritance. Does that make sense? Right. And the ends of the earth for your possession. The ends of the earth for your possession. okay.

So, when the ends of the earth are possessed by the people of God, it must also be ruled with the Spirit of God, the ethics of God, right; and, that’s how we check one another. I frequently tell the Ninjas who train with me, I tell them, it is such a blessing that you have people that could kill you at any moment. It’s a blessing. You have people that can check you. If you try and use what you learned here for irresponsible ways, you have other Ninjas that can kill you if you try and do something stupid, and harm and lethally try and threaten somebody with the things you have learned. You see what I’m saying? It’s important that you have checks and balances, that you have other people that can kill you. Sounds kind of weird, doesn’t it; but, it’s really true. That’s why civil arms are so important. Like, everybody has the ability to kill one another; and, so since people want to live, you don’t kill each other. You try and sort out your differences judicially, logically, with jurisprudence, not emotionally, because the consequence of emotional settling s probably going to be a fight, and probably going to end up in death; so, the consequences are very high, but that we should be grateful for, because if you really love humanity, and don’t just love yourself, you’re grateful you have other people who could kill you. You’re grateful, because they can keep you in check, and keep you in line.

You’re not going to get this kind of teaching at your public school, okay. You’re not going to get none of this teaching from, you know, college. This is real, though. That’s why we got to be grateful for other gun owners. We’re literally putting our lives in each other’s hands, right, and having that ability of that. You’re talking about a real check and balance of everybody from a level, all the way up. Having the Rod of Iron for all citizens is the biggest check and balance on all society, right. If you do wicked things, illegal things, and you get caught, your dead. Right? It’s not like we say that, so you can gloat about the fact that bad people get killed. It’s just that it’s going to be a reality.

Next part

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