Friday, December 18, 2020

Division between the true and fake churches

Division between the true and fake churches

Second King and Queen of Cheon Il Guk, (Heavenly Nation)

Korean Service, Nov 18, 2020

(Unofficial notes)

This speech do not have a title, I gave this title: Division between the true and fake churches

The Queen

The Queen is talking about how she used to, not read anything, which did not have large pictures as she used to be interested in art. And as she came to the wilderness with the King she used to not be able to digest the political information that she would hear from him. But rather it used to make her think that when things would turn bad, people would blame the second King.

She recently went to the True Parents’ Memorial and read the CSG. It was an excerpt about Ronald Reagan. She then went to the original speech where True Father stated that had Ronald Reagan not become elected, the US would have been like Europe. It was because of True Father who got Reagan elected that the tide of socialism/communism was stopped.

At the time many members were mobilized to help the election of Reagan. She was able to draw similarities with the Second King, who asked many members to come and mobilize for the re-election of Trump.

She’s talking about that fact that even when Trump is re-elected this does not mean that the fight will stop. The efforts of the left to spread communism will not stop just because Trump is re-elected. When we look at Joe Biden we have to understand how closely tied he is with the CCP. He has been an agent of the CCP for almost 20 years.

When we look at the US, it normally has a huge influence globally. Trump is at the spear head to fight against socialism and communism. Think about it, he had everything he needed from a worldly sense. But by making a determination to run for the presidency, it shows how much he was against the CCP and communism. So we should not look at Trump from a humanistic sense. We should think about what Trump symbolizes and why the King is asking us to support Trump.

The Queen was reading True Father’s words this morning, and a thought came across her mind where God said to not make promises so lightly (referencing the Ten Commandments). Then she went onto thinking about how we recite the Family Pledge every day. It made her realize that nothing is possible unless God allows it. So we must always remember to include God in our lives.

The Queen is reading Ezekiel 16

Ezekiel 16:1-22

16 Again the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, Son of man, cause Jerusalem to know her abominations, And say, Thus saith the Lord God unto Jerusalem; Thy birth and thy nativity is of the land of Canaan; thy father was an Amorite, and thy mother an Hittite. And as for thy nativity, in the day thou wast born thy navel was not cut, neither wast thou washed in water to supple thee; thou wast not salted at all, nor swaddled at all.

None eye pitied thee, to do any of these unto thee, to have compassion upon thee; but thou wast cast out in the open field, to the lothing of thy person, in the day that thou wast born. And when I passed by thee, and saw thee polluted in thine own blood, I said unto thee when thou wast in thy blood, Live; yea, I said unto thee when thou wast in thy blood, Live.

I have caused thee to multiply as the bud of the field, and thou hast increased and waxen great, and thou art come to excellent ornaments: thy breasts are fashioned, and thine hair is grown, whereas thou wast naked and bare.

Now when I passed by thee, and looked upon thee, behold, thy time was the time of love; and I spread my skirt over thee, and covered thy nakedness: yea, I sware unto thee, and entered into a covenant with thee, saith the Lord God, and thou becamest mine. Then washed I thee with water; yea, I thoroughly washed away thy blood from thee, and I anointed thee with oil. 10 I clothed thee also with broidered work, and shod thee with badgers' skin, and I girded thee about with fine linen, and I covered thee with silk.

11 I decked thee also with ornaments, and I put bracelets upon thy hands, and a chain on thy neck. 12 And I put a jewel on thy forehead, and earrings in thine ears, and a beautiful crown upon thine head.

13 Thus wast thou decked with gold and silver; and thy raiment was of fine linen, and silk, and broidered work; thou didst eat fine flour, and honey, and oil: and thou wast exceeding beautiful, and thou didst prosper into a kingdom. 14 And thy renown went forth among the heathen for thy beauty: for it was perfect through my comeliness, which I had put upon thee, saith the Lord God.

15 But thou didst trust in thine own beauty, and playedst the harlot because of thy renown, and pouredst out thy fornications on every one that passed by; his it was. 16 And of thy garments thou didst take, and deckedst thy high places with divers colors, and playedst the harlot thereupon: the like things shall not come, neither shall it be so. 17 Thou hast also taken thy fair jewels of my gold and of my silver, which I had given thee, and madest to thyself images of men, and didst commit whoredom with them,

18 And tookest thy broidered garments, and coveredst them: and thou hast set mine oil and mine incense before them. 19 My meat also which I gave thee, fine flour, and oil, and honey, wherewith I fed thee, thou hast even set it before them for a sweet savour: and thus it was, saith the Lord God.

20 Moreover thou hast taken thy sons and thy daughters, whom thou hast borne unto me, and these hast thou sacrificed unto them to be devoured. Is this of thy whoredoms a small matter, 21 That thou hast slain my children, and delivered them to cause them to pass through the fire for them? 22 And in all thine abominations and thy whoredoms thou hast not remembered the days of thy youth, when thou wast naked and bare, and wast polluted in thy blood.

The King

The target of all the false gods is children. Why? Because they are the most innocent! This brings about a satanic culture.

When God promised Canaan to Joshua and Caleb, He got rid of the kings who had resided there. This means Joshua and Caleb had to fight for the land. The incumbent kings did not just hand over the land to Joshua and Caleb.

Modern day Christian ministers preach about having faith to get past the difficult times. They never talk about fighting for it.

So when you look at the story about the time of Moses, the kings in Canaan fought back

“The promised land of milk and honey,” by God is in reality very scary words. It is in effect a declaration of war on the satanic world. It is not about ownership transferred with no fights whatsoever!

Think about what would have happened when Joshua and Caleb went into Canaan. The incumbent occupants would have told them that they do not believe in the God of Israel. They would also not give up the ownership of land. So therefore fighting took place between the Israelites and the occupants of Canaan. You have to understand how important this is.

It is also the same today. We have to fight against the satanic culture. The thing Satan hates the most is Godly people wearing a crown, and owning and mastering the modern day Rod of Iron!

(Break in the transmission)

They are trying to spread political Satanism everywhere. The ordinary person would never be able to imagine this. By encouraging only peace and stopping boys from learning how to fight and protect themselves, the leftists and communists are trying to stifle the alpha male culture. They are trying to create beta males.

Women think they will be worshipped by marrying beta males, but when you look at the stats, those married to beta males are likelier to be unhappy. Women may say they prefer beta males, but how are you going to live with someone who cannot protect you or your family? Imagine a burglar comes into your house; the beta male will claim equality and tell the woman to deal with the burglar. Sisters, do you like that kind of man?

Women instinctively know that they want a brave and righteous man who can protect the family. What are they in effect protecting? They are protecting the woman’s eggs. They may not say it out loud, but women instinctively are aware of this. This is why women call a man who sleeps around as ‘bad,’ because they are ‘killing’ the eggs. Why? Because they are killing the next generation!

Women know without having to explain to them that they want a man who can protect their eggs. Women know by the age of 30 that 90% of their eggs have died. By age 37, 95% of eggs have died. And the older you have babies, the likelier it is that the baby will have a medical condition. If you have a baby at age 40 onwards, it is harder to fully recover. The outer physical body may look fine but inside it is not fine. This is what they are not teaching in the schools today.

You need energy to be able to look after a child. The energy levels between a 20 and 40 year old mum is worlds apart. Young women are not taught about investing in their future. They are told to enjoy their life by going on spring break etcAll they do is rack up a huge debt, which they then have to pay off. Why are they taught this? Because political Satanism is designed to enslave people! The Bible talks about not going into debt. You should become the lender not the lendee.

By living a licentious lifestyle you significantly decrease the likelihood of marital success. They look at the modern- day programs, and believe that those who are able to sleep with whomever they want are liberated women. But how would a man or woman who sleeps around with multiple people be able to form any meaningful relationship? Also if a woman is addicted to sex, she will no longer be able to practice absolute sex as she has in effect ‘weaponized’ her sexual organ.

The practice of maintaining abstinence before marriage is to be able to form an unbreakable bond with their future spouse. This is why you have to teach your children about abstinence before marriage, not to get into debt, to own a property in their 20s etc, etc… At the moment people own their houses at age 70! The satanic system is created based on lies

In CIG, not only do you train for a successful lifestyle, you also learn about having a successful marriage. And by teaching them these things, you can own your own land by the age of 25, learning how to cultivate your land for organic food etc. And by age 30 you will own your businesses, land, properties etc.

The motto for the Peace Police Peace Militia is, “Love God, love your neighbor!” Master Jeon by passing on his skills to the young people is living and loving his neighbor. His should be a common practice in CIG as part of the Peace Police Peace Militia lifestyle, where you live for the sake of God and your neighbors by doing all the hard training etc. The challenges faced by kind people are not being able to do some of the harder things. They become prey to the predators.

He is talking to the elder sisters at the moment, that if they had received the training that the young people receive today, they would have all been experts in BJJ, boxing etc. …

Soyoung Nim’s mother *recently went sky diving. She used to be scared of doing it, using health reasons etc. but she was able to overcome those fears and sky dive. So did Reverend Lee. Having so much fear is what Satan uses; this is what Satan uses in women. By not learning these sorts of violent things, women are not able to overcome their fears.

The King is talking about his recent trip to the dentist and they asked him why he has so many bruises in his cheekbone area. When he explained about his martial arts history, the dentist understood.

He is talking about the fact that those who have fought or trained in martial arts are not scared of violence and are generally able to overcome their fears. Living a life scared of dangerous or violent things will often result in those people going towards socialism and communism, (primarily women) Women should train to fight against and overcome their fears and kill the culture of giving excuses.

For example when it snows in PA we don’t run away to Florida for warmer weather; we embrace and look forward to it. We do the ice -plunge challenge. That is a fun activity, which is also good for the body. The King is talking about when he is feeling unwell, eg a raised body temperature, he will have two shots of natural medicine (it is very bitter) and will go into the koi pond. This will activate his immune system, and after three days, the body aches, temperature etc will go away. This is shocking the body into reacting

(Translator’s note: The natural herbal remedy he is referring to, I think is andrographis.)

When you look at corona virus, it is actually, less fatal than the common flu. The governments are instilling a culture of fear - a convenient excuse to bring in communism. The corona virus is not fatal enough to shut down the world economy over. The common flu kills more people. The mainstream media encourages a culture of fear. It is like a religion. People think they are free, but they do not realize that they are being controlled by the government through the mainstream media.

Governor Newsom of California has banned families from gathering during Thanksgiving and Christmas because of corona virus. Of course, the birth of Jesus did not happen on December 25th, but it is the time when Christians and others gather as families to meet together and exchange gifts.

What happens after Newsom gave the order? He had a party with his family! Newsom said he had a party with his family to demonstrate to the public what an illegal gathering looks like! This is the approach of the left; there is one law for them and one law for the rest. After giving this excuse, he created a new law about when people cannot gather. This is crazy! Political satanic systems are generally ruled by psychos.

The leftists give a perception that they are for inclusivity and helping everyone, but it is funded by forcefully stealing from others (taxes). The leftists are scared of ownerships.

The King is talking about the report provided by Christian Seeburger, and the demonstration that took place in Germany. Public officials should fear the citizen but if it is the other way around; it can result in tyranny.

The King is talking about the group called Oath Keepers who have pledged to fight against enemies of the United States, foreign and domestic. They recently declared that they would not recognize the result of the election and Joe Biden as the president. They are waiting for an instruction from Trump to come and capture Biden and others. All the local militia will support Trump in removing evil.

True Father revealed that the fall was not about eating the fruit. It is about the violation of sex.

Black horse = deep state, Green horse = Islam jihadists. What are they all connected by? Child prostitution! The elites in the UK, Europe, the Catholic Church are all connected by the harvesting and prostitution of children.

(Break in the transmission)

Biden supporters will fight against Trump to bring in a society closer to the CCP. Anything against the government will be classified as hate speech. The method they are going to use will be social media such as Twitter, Facebook and Google. They should be broken up.

Look at how different the direction is between Biden and Trump. You can tell the Holy Spirit is guiding Trump- like when he is dancing. He is completely against political Satanism. Trump does not realize it but he is dancing like True Father.

Also, the YMCA song was actually about Christians (Young Men Christian Association) but it was stolen by homosexuals; so the YMCA is now known for places where homosexuals meet. So when that song comes out during Trump’s rallies, my ears hurt because of what it is currently associated with. Trump must steal back everything Satan stole from God including the YMCA song.

When Trump laughs or dances during his rallies the Holy Spirit is in him, and unbeknownst to him, he is dancing like True Father! In those moments, he talks more about God.

No President in US history has had 70 million citizens saying, “We love you!” Trump is like King Cyrus. In the bible, King Cyrus is called the messiah. Obviously, this is meant from a saving perspective

The King is talking about Trump’s accomplishments as a business man, and show man. (Trump hosted the reality show The Apprentice and its spin-off The Celebrity Apprentice between 2004 and 2015)

So the power of Trump is originating from love and patriotism. He is a billionaire who had everything he wanted. He became the president and has not taken a salary. He has fought for the people for free!

Not only has he been attacked, but so has his family. So the people recognize that Trump went into politics for the people. There probably has never been a moment in history where presidents have heard chants, “We love you,” during their rallies. Trump has absorbed all the attacks, all the financial loss etc etc, for the people. That is why the people recognize that he is for real.

Think about it! Has this ever happened during a Korean presidential election?

So when you look at Trump, the connection is not because of partisan loyalty; it is because of love.”We love you! We love you!”That is why the Holy Spirit is abundant in Trump. True Father’s Holy Spirit is helping him.

When we were walking to the Supreme Court, we ended up being in the front with a million people following behind us. This is so significant: the micro leading the macro!

The Georgia election results will be declared in two days so people will be gathering to tell them to stop voter fraud. Pennsylvania is scheduled to declare, so we will all be gathering in Harrisburg to do prayer gathering.

The King is currently showing the video on his Instagram page when he led the crowd during the Washington, DC, protest. The people did not realize it, but they were on the side of Abel by following behind the King. So many patriots came out that day!

Trump was to ask the people’s militia to gather; then you would see the same numbers except the patriots would be armed. Trump will make sure that communism is stopped from spreading in the US. You can see that True Father is being active through the Holy Spirit.

There is a division happening between the true and fake churches. This Sunday we had new guests coming. The fake media called us a cult. But through Trump the ordinary person was able to realize that communism has come to the US. Had they heard what we said five years ago, they would have called us crazy. Compare what the atmosphere is like now to five years ago!

What has Trump managed to achieve? He has triumphed over CNN; he has exposed the satanic culture of public schools. All the churches who have called us a cult or fake church are currently in decline. There are more people who are looking at us saying we are the true Christian people.

The hearts of the American people are melting by seeing our brothers and sisters who are mobilizing daily for the sake of Trump. They feel love from our international brothers and sisters...”Trump will win!”-  who are here defending Trump and America.

They are not being active whilst those on the left are fighting for Satanism. Trump has given the conservatives courage. Are we, “the land of the free; the home of the brave?” Or are we coach potatoes enjoying TV?

He is giving the example of a truck driver who is given courage and strength, when he sees Trump and the activities of our international brothers and sisters. They are being stimulated. They thought we were a silly cult, but now when they look at us, they may not necessarily believe that our True Father is the messiah, but they can see that we are righteous and true. And we openly tell them our theology. When they listen to us they agree with us, and tell us, “Why isn’t this truth preached anywhere else?”

When they come to us, we say as a joke, “Why do you come here? You will be associated with a cult!” We joke with them saying, “We are busy fighting Satan, so we don’t have time to brainwash you!” The modern Christian churches are fake! They can see that evil is coming into the US, but they are doing nothing about it. They are instead allowing the satanic culture to embed itself. Fake news, fake churches!

Imitating a Japanese sister: “We love Trump, we want Trump; Trump will win!”

The King is talking about how the activities of the international brothers and sisters will start conversation amongst the local people, which will bring an interest about our church. They realize that we are the leaders, that we are the true form of Christianity, fighting against political Satanism, communism. You may not believe in the power of protest prayer, but the Holy Spirit moves the hearts and minds of people. This is the biggest of miracles! “4 more years!”

As the King explained to the young people yesterday, God will use the belief the size of a mustard seed and will move the mountains and the oceans. That is the power of God. So you may have doubts about the devotion you have given, but God will amplify and multiply your efforts which are truly for God. God will then use the Holy Spirit to move the hearts and minds of people. They are then able to receive the testimony about Father. Hallelujah!

Even though people can see we are wearing crowns and owning guns, they are still coming to us. Even the two ladies who came the other day, they said they wanted to learn the Divine Principle. They were not aware that we were against the mainstream media and the lies that they were telling about us. Through Trump they were able to see the lies and evil of the mainstream media. They can see the truth in our movement. New York Times, Washington Post, CNN are fake news!

In Cheon Il Guk, the people will have ownership over everything which includes submarines, jets, etc.; it also includes air fleet carriers. The equity may not necessarily be owned by one person, but nonetheless it will be owned by the people (He also said this will be for tanks too). The government will not be allowed to have ownership of this, because they serve the people. Politicians cannot be re-elected indefinitely.

In CIG, centralization is illegal. Centralized army, education, environment, policing; all of this is illegal in CIG. In Cheon Il Guk all forms of taxes are illegal. So the people have more money, they have a free market and so can become successful, and the government are prevented from stealing their wealth.

The King is talking about how the corona virus has destroyed the lives of people, and by giving them money, Corona stimulus checks; the government is enslaving the people. As the reliance of the people on government become greater, they will start making demands of the people e.g. universal basic income, forcing people to take vaccines, adhering to government prescribed anti-hate speech requirements! The global governments are setting this foundation already. The only leader fighting this is Trump! How does the left increase centralized government? Through welfare! Trump is trying to reduce the size of the federal government.

(Break in the transmission)

It is better to be under the US Constitution than the CCP, as the US constitution is closer to the Cheon Il Guk Constitution. By joining the US they could in theory, become the 52nd, 53rd, 54th state etc. etc. And by doing so, the citizens can own the Rod of Iron!

J-team and Ted O’Grady: The King was joking, saying, he will “speak until 8pm local time, so that the elite J- team can take a break from their activities today.”

He is currently saying that if Biden wins by cheating, then people will no longer be able to trust the election system. Should the US citizens wait for Venezuela to happen to them? They should fight! If the left were to come into power, the US would become communistic. Patriots with their Rod of Iron would be killed off.

No President has had the support that Trump has had from patriots. True patriots did not like George W. Bush, as he worked with the left to increase centralized government. Trump is seen as a true patriot!

No president has had three Supreme Court justices approved during their presidency. Now we have the chance to reverse Roe vs. Wade. This is why the left are reacting the way they are.

Once Roe vs. Wade is reversed, all the conservative states will make abortion illegal.

Leftists will no longer reside in Republican states, and will go to democrat- run states. The democrat states will eventually run themselves into ruin as they will continue to increase centralized government.

Whereas in the republican -run states, they will reduce central government and increase individual freedom. A free society will abolish the barriers to entry (e.g. licenses taxes etc.) and will allow them to enter into the free market to compete against other businesses. By having many entry barriers, it only stifles innovation and kills off entrepreneurship.

The states under the framework of the Cheon Il Guk Constitution will become prosperous. The Peace Police- Peace Militia is not going to be under the ownership of centralized government. It will be under the ownership of the citizenry. This will result in protecting your country as well as your neighbors.

Trump, if re-elected should create the opportunity to spread the principles of the US Constitution outside, to the rest of the world. By adopting the principles of the US Constitution, those countries will see a transformation where the citizenry will need to be respected. The Cheon Il Guk constitution empowers the citizenry to be kings and chief priests.

The country pursuing only power and removing God will always ultimately fail. It is only through God that human rights exist. The left teaches that human beings are just animals. Think about it! Can you imagine monkeys, pigs and horses claiming their respective rights? This is what the left are trying to instill into everyone.

Human Rights come from God! Without God, there are no human rights. This is why the leftists hate the US Constitution. In the Declaration of Independence, it refers to God and His creation.

However God is not included within the Constitution itself. This is the key difference between the US and CIG Constitution! God is included within the Cheon Il Guk Constitution. In Cheon Il Guk the governments are not allowed to own any land.

He is currently explaining that the US has more oil than Saudi Arabia. However the UN and fellow leftists are not allowing the US to use their own petroleum under the guises of environmental welfare, but allow Saudi Arabia to produce oil every day. Why is this? It is because the leftists know that if the US are allowed to use their own petrol, then a lot of other countries will want to adopt the US system in their own countries, which will result in an armed citizenry etc.

This is of course a big threat to centralized governments like China, which does not include God in their constitution. In socialist / communist government, the most powerful person is the ruler.

The King is explaining about the operation of the law in CIG - e.g. 10% of the laws passed will be expunged, and therefore they will then have to be re-enacted. The greater the number of laws, the more disadvantageous it is to the citizenry. Laws should be small in number and simple. Having too many laws only benefits the super elite because they can weaponize the existing laws.

That’s why in CIG 10% are deleted every year, so they will be busy getting them passed through the legislature. This is why the CIG Constitution is a scary Constitution, as the government cannot control the citizenry. Why? Because they are all kings and priests, and under God and True Parents!

Communism is heaven for the psycho and crazy people and hell for the ordinary citizen, whereas Cheon Il Guk will be hell for psychos and heaven for the ordinary citizen. In the leftist model, the person who reaches the top of the political tree often tends to be the most evil or psychotic. Look at the Biden’s, who were involved in corruption and pedophilia. They were the puppet of the CCP. The ordinary people have better ethics and judgment because they will not compromise their principles for the sake of power.

In Cheon Il Guk those engaged in pedophilia will die. They will be caught and executed. This is the same for child prostitution. Why? Because all the citizens are trained in the deadly arts! There is a reason why the police and army are not catching those criminals. They have bosses who are involved in pedophilia and child prostitution. Centralized governments always result in fraud and corruption. Why? Because they infringe on people’s rights! Look at the EU and their mechanism! How can they, from Brussels, understand the requirements of the local people?

The left brainwashed you to think that it is only the government who should handle dangerous things such as guns etc. This is how they have managed to make the citizenry slaves. Trump is fighting this corrupt system. He believes in God and Jesus. He does not worship the government. This is why the left hates Trump so much, as he is challenging and trying to break the existing corrupt system.

This is not simply a fight between the right and left. It is a fight between good and evil. This does not mean Trump is perfect. When has God only ever used perfect people? Abraham, Moses, David, Saul were all used by God, but they were not perfect. Only Jesus and True Father were perfect.

During the DC protests, whom did the left- wing people attack? Women and the elderly! The Proud Boys were going around protecting pro-Trump people. Antifa and others dispersed when the Proud Boys appeared. Take the most recent event, when BLM attacked the elderly Trump supporter from the back. It turns out the attacker who entered Antifa is a known pedophile!

The King is talking about how Karl Marx did not go through any hardship himself, and yet he wanted to destroy capitalism. People like this should train in martial arts and get a dose of reality. This is also the case for a lot of Antifa members. They often come from rich families, claiming they are fighting for the people by supporting a bigger centralized government.

In a free society, if a rich person is irresponsible with their money and business, that person will become very poor. Whereas a person can come from a poor family, but through hard work and setting up a business which is good to its customers, they can become rich.

In a socialist state, a poor person is born and dies as a poor person. They can only better themselves by joining the government. If you look at rich families who pass on their businesses to their children, the businesses fail when the parents have not trained their children through the hard things. Just giving them everything will result in the children not understanding a life of hardship. Those businesses will ultimately fail.

The parents are responsible to provide training to the children, not like a dictator, but in a fun and loving way as a coach. It is through this sort of training in Cheon Il Guk, where men and women receive this training, that when they inherit their parents’ business, those businesses are more likely to succeed. That is why CIG is scary, because you cannot rely on centralized government; you cannot steal from people. All the citizens cannot be controlled.

Even in Cheon Il Guk, the representatives of the King of Kings cannot have an army. They cannot make laws. Their role is to uphold the Constitution! Their role is to love and protect their citizenry as True Father would! It is through this that they must earn the love and respect of the citizens of CIG. Therefore the royal family should also work hard in CIG! True Father’s Kingship line is solely to protect and honor God’s CIG Constitution. True Father’s royal line must still fulfill their portion of responsibility. They must protect the Constitution. They must ensure that the governments serve the people.

You may not realize it, but we are in an important time in providential history. The world is looking to see who will get the US presidency. You cannot see how God is using your efforts for those who witness your activities. As it says in the Bible, you walk in faith. We don’t know when the next miracle will appear.

Speaking about Sparta: The King is talking about how the bravery of 300 alpha males, fighting against the Persians resulted in the victory and freedom of Hirab. This was also the same for Gideon. God told them to reduce the army to 300 because with 3000, they would think God did not assist them. However, with 300, it was an impossible battle without God.

God always makes the micro cosmos small. Look at Jesus and his disciples! The micro always leads the macro. We should never compare the accomplishments of each other. We must all pray for the success for each other and give praise to God for guiding and helping us. You should not be jealous of someone else’s achievements. You must pray for them and support them if you can. You should want each other to succeed. We are not doing this for ourselves. Our bigger purpose is for the success of God’s providence. We should be thanking those who are being more active; we will then want to become even more successful for God. When you are doing conditions, you must not be irrational or irresponsible with your health.

The King is talking about research undertaken by Olympic swimmers and their training regime. Previously weight training and resting periods were not included in their training regime. However, the modern methods have resulted in having much faster swimmers.

Advice on protest prayers- active prayer: The King is providing some advice on how the teams can organize themselves to be more effective in their activities:

Likewise, when you do the Jeong Seong, you need to train yourselves to be able to do it for longer periods. This may mean that you may at times need to rest or rotate by teams. If you overdo it, you may fall and not continue your condition. Think about the hare and tortoise story. You have to think about the long game and not get burnt out. So the pace is important.

So you should think about things such as the weather. The weather in Pennsylvania gets very cold, so remember to factor this into your regime as you do your activities. If you don’t look after your body during cold weather, your energy will be depleted quicker.

The team leaders need to observe the condition of their members and adjust the activity of those individuals suitable to their conditions. For example if you start with 30 people and at some point the team reduces to 15, this is a clear indicator that you may be overdoing it.

Be realistic with your planning. Don’t rush into it and forget about the pace. You should help and pray for each other. That is how all teams can be successful. Even the grandfathers and grandmothers, if you overdo it, you will go to the spirit world quicker even though I know you are not afraid to die!

The King is talking about the mentality of survivors (e.g. those who were in concentration camps). Rather than concentrating on the number of days, be grateful for everyday and how you are able to give glory to God for being able to give devotion to God. We should not think about the time when our condition will end. Rather we should be grateful for being able to give devotion to God. If you physically need to rest, rest.

This is also the same for spiritual battles. If you start counting down the days, it will feel like it will never end. However if you look at the daily battles instead, and concentrate on being grateful for what God has given, you will be able to survive longer and carry out your condition properly for longer.

The King is talking about Korean & Japanese food. The King was saying that people should feel full after talking about food. He is recommending people to have something warm when they are outside, because having cold food only, may cause indigestion. When you look at the cowboys- food, it always included something with hot soup. When you also look at the food eaten by hunters in the US, they always include a soup- based food. This helps the gut operate properly during cold weather.

The King is talking about not harming your body during this devotion period, and to think about the long game. This may mean that you may have to mix protesting and quietly praying. Also you should not count down the days of the devotion period, but rather get into the practice of being grateful for what God has granted on a daily basis.

Aju! Aju! Aju!

The service will end with three eok-manseis by Erikawa Kaicho

Unofficial translation by Kookyeong Lee. Edited by Bea Clyburn.

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