Monday, October 14, 2019

Kingdom of the Rod of Iron (4.1)

Kingdom of the Rod of Iron - 4.1

February 11, 2018

Before we get into our Scripture today, before I do that, I want to show you some pictures of what's happening in Korea. Now, for the first time in Korean history, since the War, or I don't know, maybe in modern history, South Korea under a Commie Moon, Moon Jae-In. He's a Communist. He's got some of the people in his cabinets. They were actually Communists in college. They were in the Communist Party. They were college students, who were in campus groups, and he has these people running the country, of course, the country into unity; but, that song we sang about unity, it's not about satanic unity or political Satanists. It's talking about God's Kingdom unity. Okay! Kingdom of Sovereignty and natural rights, etc. I'm talking about this kind of thing. They chose UN blue. Look at that?

I don't have any problem with sky blue; but, that blue has been hijacked by UN. That is a sanctified Communist organization. They use the blue to hide the fact that they're red, okay. That they're red Commies, alright, and look at that. They're doing the One Korea thing. Of course, that's not going toward political Godism. That's going towards political Satanism. And of course, the Olympics is becoming a platform, too, of course brainwash young people to believe that just hanging out together with the Commies is going to make everything good. No, they are going to start taking you over. That's what's going to happen, alright.

And look at what they're doing? This is a North Korean delegation come down to the Olympics. They have faces of Kim Il Sung in South Korea. They are doing this on national TV, do you understand. The whole cheerleading troop that come from North Korea, they brought pictures of Kim Il Sung, put them on their face like that, and they are celebrating their team and their "One Korea." The invasion, already, has begun. Moon Jae-In is busy saying, "North Korea, come on down." It's already begun. Hey, we got some of our Korean young people here. You got to follow our sister here on Youtube. Her channel's blowing up. She's becoming a powerhouse in the millennial female voices. She's the only one out there. She's the only one talking about gun rights for citizens. She's the only one, and she's got like 88,000 views on some of her videos. I mean, people are connecting. People are realizing these Commies mean business. They mean to takeover, is what they mean.

So, we got some real good young people that are breaking through. We got another Korean team out there, a Youtube team. Media trap. Did you see that rap video I posted on Facebook? They had a Korean rap video. They had a lot of cussing, a lot of explicit content; but, they're doing it to catch the young people, you know what I mean? And it's a rap. They're rapping about the Olympics. They're rapping about how Kim Jong Un is selling, basically, Moon Jae-In is saying, "Come on down." Come on down to the North Koreans, alright. They got like how many views on that? They got like 180,000 views on that, or something like that. It's a song, but they put editing on it. That's our kids, too.

So, our young people are becoming parcel worldwide fighting for freedom, fighting for sovereignty, fighting for the basic human right of self-protection worldwide now. This is happening in Korea. This is happening in the US. This is happening in Japan. Let's give it up for our young people, who are awake. They're in the Kingdom, alright?

But, look at this? This is happening in Korea, folks. Can you believe that? That's like going to an American, what is it, Olympic games. Let's say, we're here; and, that would be like Iran or something, or like Saudi Arabia, whatever, coming to the Olympic games wearing Osama Bin Laden masks. That's how it would be like; or wearing like the Mullahs of Iran masks here. I mean, it's beyond inflammatory, do you understand? It's like wearing a Hitler mask in Korea. I'm not joking. I mean, seriously. But the South Koreans have become so brain dead and dumb down, with the Marxist professors that are training in the West. They go back and spread Marxism, neo-Marxism, social Marxism, cultural Marxism, etc, and the young people think this is fine.

This is unbelievable. You can see, basically, Moon Jae-In is saying, "Come on down. Come on down. We'll let you come on down. We'll let you take over. Just give us a piece of pie when you take over." Complete tyrannical takeover. I mean, it's beginning. It's beginning. Unbelievable.

This of course would have never taken place if the Han Mother did not Fall; and, of course eliminate Father's Successor, Heir, and Cain and Abel. This never could have happened. Never, never, never, because we would be involved in the games. We would be in the back seats being involved in that. There's no way in hell this would have happened. Can you believe it? In fact, South Korea for the first time, they did not present the South Korean flag. They did not present the flag. They came out with this stupid UN blue One Korea, which means one Communist Korea flag. South Korea did not present the Korean flag. That is unprecedented. Unprecedented. That has never happened before. Never.

So, you're talking about some crazy times. You're talking about some Last Days. Boy, oh boy. That's happening real hard. Real hard in the places that have been cursed, with the false Han Mother, and her heresy. The micro and macro move together, folks; and, it is just insane this is happening. We thank all the Korean brothers and sisters, the Japanese brothers and sisters that are out there fighting for the American, what is it? They calling for this American-Korean alliance.

They're out there; and, our banner from the beginning, one year ago, right? If we don't have American and South Korean strong alliance, in just a matter of time, before we become a vassal state of China. That was our banner that was on NBC. You know, the mainstream news. NBC, they have in the US. KBC they have in Korea, right? That was all over the place. That was our people. That was our banner, okay. We were the ones leading the five-million-man march in Seoul, right? And God just used a small troop, a small troop of Father's people. Just a tiny group that turned around the nation. Remember that tiny miracle that happened? They were supposed to go one way; but, then they announced it. Our people were at the back with that banner; but, "Yes, we will be going this way." The opposite way; and, the last one was first, and the first was last; and, our people who were at the end of the line with our banner, they ended up becoming the front of the line. I showed you all the pictures, right? And, we ended up leading that five-million-man march through the streets of Seoul; and, then of course multiple marches they've been continuing for a year plus. That banner has been up in the front. It's just a matter of time before they become a Chinese vassal state, okay; and, now you hear the Korean commentator saying, one year later after we've been doing this year, now the Korean commentator, these people who are the main commentators, the Conservative saying, hey we just can't get people together about American and South Korean Alliance/ We have to remind them about how dangerous this is, and the fact that we are becoming a vassal state of China. Oh, that sounds kind of familiar. That sounds kind of familiar. We've been up on the frontline fighting that for the last year, while the Han Mother said, you know, people are banned to go there, while the Family Fed we're crazy. We were the ones fighting on the frontline, the patriots from Korea trying to stand up for American and South Korean strengthening an alliance under the Commie Moon Jae-In, oaky; but, of course look what he's doing? Look at what he's doing? Unbelievable. Unprecedented.

Golly. Look at that? That is unprecedented. They convinced the South Korean government to put down their flag, and then they allowed them to come in with Kim Il Sung faces to wear during live TV broadcast. Can you... I mean, I don't think you people understand how emotional this is. This is unbelievable. This is like having Hitler's face being presented by, you know, a Nazi group. Seriously. I mean, it's that ridiculous. It's crazy to have this being done in Pyeong Chang, Korea. Insane. Insane. I mean, it’s unprecedented. Unreal. Unreal.

But, of course Korean brothers and sisters, and Japan, we made the call out, etc; and they're starting to prepare, they're starting to prepare to have, you know, different conferences; and, we're looking forward if we can, if Mr. Larry Pratt has time, maybe come out there with us. Tig, remember at the Shot Show, who's the Benghazi hero. We had an awesome time with him. We had a great dinner with him, etc. He said, "Hey, I'll come with you guys. I'll come with you guys." Look, the gun owners and the Rod of Iron folks, they want to fight for human rights. They're not just lovers of America.

They love all human beings. That's why they're out there fighting, risking their lives to fight for freedom; and, they're willing to come with us, to put their reputations on the line and stand with us in all the different countries, to talk about crowned kingly sovereignty, biblical kingly sovereignty, right – citizens – and Rod of Iron sovereignty.

Unbelievable that this is allowed to happen in South Korea; but, it shows you how far they have collapsed. The invasion has begun. This is unprecedented. Unprecedented. Look for more things happening with this leftist government doing all these things/ We're going to do this. What do they call the other country program? Foreign exchange programs. We're going to bring unity. The foreign exchange programs have just begun. Oh boy, the takeover has just begun. Watch. Watch, watch, watch. As long as he gets a little cut, he's willing to sell the whole nation out to Kim Jong Un, and oh my. It's just ridiculous. Incredible. Incredible.

Let's just play this video, and I'll comment on it real quick. CNN, look at this, folks? CNN. This is from Infowars. (Securing their name as the Commie News Network, CNN got roast for raving about Kim Jong Un's sister, who was stealing the show at the Winter Olympics...) See, they didn't show the faces. Infowars don't have a Korean correspondent; so, didn't show that they Kim Il Sung's face to do their truth. They're praising Kim Jong Un's sister. CNN. It just shows how evil and wicked that media is. They're total Commies, ideological Commies they are. They're totally a Commie News Network. Unbelievable. Okay, enough of that. You guys check that video out later. But look. It's just ridiculous. CNN is hyping Kim Jong Un's sister.

That's how much they hate Trump, that they want every nation to go under dictatorial rule. I mean, these people are the enemies of your families, the enemies of civilization, the enemies of your future, your destiny, the enemies of the Kingdom of God. They're complete enemies; and, of course we pray for those who persecute us. We pray for them every day that they would wake up. We don't wish harm upon them, but they bring harm to themselves by believing in these dangerous delusional ideologies would lead them to centralized power, and to bring Hell on Earth. Genocide, you name it. Look at what the Kim regime has done? Are you kidding me. Unbelievable. That's why, folks, we talk about the Kingdom of the Rod of Iron, alright? We're talking about the Rod of Iron, and this is worldwide, folks. This is worldwide.

Alright, we're on the Kingdom of the Rod of Iron volume 4. I hope you've been enjoying the Kingdom of the Rod of Iron series. Let's give it up for Kyle Toffy, and the app that he made. The Rod of Iron Ministries. Isn't that great. Thank you, Kyle, so much for that. You can get your podcast, whatever, and hear the sermons, etc. It's amazing. We were at the Peace Ice Fishing Party. That's where all the top guys in this area come and gather; and, all the CEOs, the bankers, all these guys coming from the whole area. Govenor Brown was there two years ago. Mango was there, too. Paul Mango was there at the Peace Ice Fishing Party. It's only by invitation only, and he invites me and my brother, Kook Jin Nim, to go every year.

And, my goodness. We were meeting some wonderful folks there; and, you know, we were just striking up these conversation, and people, they get it. They get it. A lot of people didn't know that True Father was one of the first firearm companies in South Korea. Did you know that? They didn't know that, that we made vulcan cannon, that we made tank parts, airplane parts for the Korean Defense Department. So, it like, no wonder you boys like the guns. It runs in the family. You know, they just start learning about history. They start learning about what Father was standing for. The Washington Times. The know the Washington Times, obviously; but, they don't know why he was so conservative. Why? The UN forces with America leading it, freed him from the concentration camp. That's how he escaped. It amazing to share this stuff with them; and, a lot of them say, "Hey, I know you. I've seen you on your program, and I've seen you on the Hey, I know. I listened to your sermons." We got a lot of that this time with all the good folks that were there. And, of course, Mr. Pratt is coming on the 24th of February. Wonderful folks that are coming. I think we got already, 200 people already scheduled to come, right? 250 already scheduled to come. Let's give it up for Tammy O'Brien. Tammy, great job for preparing that. Lourdes, great job. Ted, great job. He was on the news radio talking there. Good voice.

So, all the folks preparing for that. It’s amazing. I'm driving The King Mobile. We're driving over to the Great American Outdoors Show, and we're filling up for gas at the Matamoras gas stations, okay. I'm filling up for gas, and this guy walks up on me; and, it's this big white guy, with a red beard. Red head, red beard; and, it's like, "Hey, I know that Jeep. I saw you on Instagram." I said, "Whoa dude. Are you kidding me? You follow me on Instagram. Hey, giving me your cell number." We exchanged Instagram. It's amazing. They just walking up. Kook Jin Nim was going to put like 40-inch tires on that bad boy; so, everybody's gonna know that Jeep when it's driving around. We are probably display it at the Shot Show next year with golden Tommys on it. Maybe the golden ARs. We'll bring the AR, too, and put it on there and mount it; then all the pictures know that; but, it's amazing how fast things move.

Sometimes, it’s a little too quick. I wish it could slow down just a little bit, so I can catch up and breathe a little bit; but, it's like the way I speak, too. I'm not breathing while I'm rattling on and ranting. It's like crazy. People like hear it. It's starting to resonate. People in the gun community are starting to fallow us on Instagram, stuff like that. If you're on Instagram, follow us Instagram, too. But, it's amazing how things are just taking off. It's incredible.

Matthew 18. We're here today. We're going to jump through the beginning sections. Let's go through it a little bit, when Christ is talking about the Kingdom Gospel. We're getting back to our study of Kingdom Scriptures. Looking at the Scriptures through the lens of Jesus' own self-defined Kingdom, which is the Kingdom of the Crowns and the Rod of iron, okay.

So, we're looking at it through how Christ defined his Kingdom. How it will be ruled. What it will be like; and, of course seeing the words that he gives through the lens of that, okay. That's what we're doing in this study. Hopefully, it will become a book, etc, at some point. Alright, so we're here at Matthew 18, and let's read together here.

Matthew 18:1 About the time the disciples came to Jesus to ask which of them would be greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven! 2 Jesus called a small child over to him and set the little fellow down among them, 3 and said, "Unless you turn to God from your sins and become as little children, you will never get into the Kingdom of Heaven. 4 Therefore anyone who humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven. 5 And any of you who welcomes a little child like this because you are mine is welcoming me and caring for me. 6 But if any of you causes one of these little ones who trusts in me to lose his faith (The King James Version says, "if anyone harms the least of one of these, okay. If anyone harms. That's the closest to the translation, actually. This is a more colloquialized Living Bible Translation. If anyone harms the least of these) it would be better for you to have a rock (or a millstone) tied around his neck and he be cast into the sea.

This of course we can see that Christ is serious, when he talks about, you know, people who are exploiting children, and the super elite groups who have pedophile cults, etc. He's talking about those guys getting millstones, and they get thrown in a lake, okay.

7 woe upon the world for all his evils. Temptation to do wrong is inevitable, but woe to the man who does the tempting. 8 So if your hand or foot causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. Better to enter heaven crippled than to be in hell with both of your hands and feet. 9 And if your eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. Better to enter heaven with one eye than to be in hell with two. 10 "Beware that you don't look down upon a single one of these little children. For I tell you that in heaven their angels have constant access to my Father. 11 And I, the Messiah, came to save the lost.

We will stop right there. Let's go back to the Scripture. So, in the Kingdom, we're looking through the lens of the Rod of Iron, okay; and, we're looking at the lens of the Crowns. Those Scriptures are right here. Let's go to those Scriptures real quick. This is of course, God is talking about the Gospel of the Kingdom. He defined his teaching as the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. That's Jesus defining his Gospel. You can look at that in the Lord's Prayer that you have to pray.

Gospel of the Kingdom

Matthew 6:9 "Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. 10 your Kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. 11 Give us today our daily bread. 12 And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. 13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

In Matthew 6:33 you can see, But seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Matthew 7:21 Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the Kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of me Father which is in heaven.

Matthew 10:7 And as ye go, preach, saying, The Kingdom of heaven is at hand.

Luke 4:43 And he said unto them, I must preach the Kingdom of God to other cities also: for therefore am I sent.

This is one of the key Scriptures here. I must preach the Kingdom of God to other cities also: for therefore am I sent. I am sent to preach the Kingdom of God and the Gospel, the Gospel of the Kingdom of God, right here. You'll see it right here in Matthew 4:23

Matthew 4:23 And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the Kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people.

Mark 1:14 Now after that John was put in prison. Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of the Kingdom of God. 15 And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.

Matthew 9:35 And Jesus wet about tall the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the Kingdom and healing every sickness and every disease among the people.

Matthew 24:14 And this gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

See, Christ himself defines the Gospel as the gospel of the Kingdom. So, he's talking about a Kingdom. He's talking about the Kingdom. That's his Gospel. In Christian theology, the Gospel has only been centered around the death, burial and resurrection of Christ; but, the forget that Jesus himself called the gospel, the Gospel of the Kingdom of God, and thank goodness for the folks out there that do the little cartoons of the Bible. What's that called? "The Bible Project."

They actually have a whole nice little video talking about the gospel of the Kingdom of God. The euangélion of the Kingdom of God. They have a nice little video on it; but, they don't understand the Rod of Iron, the Crowns, etc. That don't understand that whole biblical perspective; but, it's beautifully made art piece, and very, very engaging for young people to look at. Definitely, check those folks out.

Matthew 25:34 Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:

Rod of Iron

Psalm 2:8 Ask of Me, and I will give you the nations for your inheritance, and the ends of the earth for your possession. 9 You shall break them with a rod of iron; you shall dash them to pieces like a potter's vessel.

Did you hear that? I will give you the nations, and the ends of the earth for your possession. That's not so we could be greedy. No, it's so we can have, "Love God and love your neighbor. Responsible stewardship of the world.

You shall break them with a rod iron; you shall dash them to pieces like a potter's vessel.

Revelation 2:27 and he shall rule them with a rod of iron, as the vessel of the potter are broken to pieces, as I also have received authority from My Father.

You been to Shot Show. You saw the Kahr Arms Rod of Iron series. Lines that are starting to come out on the small arms, and also on the larger arms, the long guns, etc. That's what he's using right here.

Kook Jin Nim's preparing a beautiful golden Rod of Iron for the Ceremony in 2/28. I just showed you a beautiful picture of that. It's got an amazing peace police/ peace militia logo engraved in there; and, it's got the Revelation 2:27 and he shall rule them with a rod of iron. That Scriptures engraved on the rifle as well.

Revelation 12:5 And she gave birth to a son, a male child, who is to rule all the nations with a rod of iron; and her child was caught up to God and to His throne.

So, we see here, there's a male child who rules. Again, in Psalms 2:8, it says, "Ask of Me, and I will give you the nations for your inheritance. Again, he's talking about those who are coheirs with Christ. Also, they have the responsibility, too. "Break them with a rod of iron.' You see that? It's not only the one person, who will have the rod of iron; it is the coheirs and inheritors of the Kingdom with God and Christ.

"And her child has his Kingship. "And her child was caught up to God and His throne.

Next part

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