Sunday, October 13, 2024

Peace on the Frontline Contemplative Prayer Training (18)


Peace on the Frontline

Contemplative Prayer Training (18)

We got to pray at this critical time. Security, keep your eyes open, please. Everybody that's joining me, close your eyes in prayer.

Breathing in, “I am alive by grace.” Breathing out, “I Thank You Father. Thank You, Father. Thank You, Father.”

Breathing in, “I am alive by grace.” Breathing out, “Thank You Jesus. Thank You, Jesus.”

Breathing in, “I am alive by grace.” Breathing out, “Thank You Holy Spirit. Thank You Holy Spirit.”

Continue the breathing training as we enter into Psalms; we'll just enter into the first few verses of Psalm 89 again.

Breathing in, “I'm alive by grace.” Breathing out, “Thank You, Father.”

Psalm 89: 1-9

1 I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever: with my mouth will I make known thy faithfulness to all generations.

2 For I have said, Mercy shall be built up for ever: thy faithfulness shalt thou establish in the very heavens.

3 I have made a covenant with my chosen, I have sworn unto David my servant,

4 Thy seed will I establish for ever, and build up thy throne to all generations.

5 And the heavens shall praise thy wonders, O Lord: thy faithfulness also in the congregation of the saints.

6 For who in the heaven can be compared unto the Lord? who among the sons of the mighty can be likened unto the Lord?

7 God is greatly to be feared in the assembly of the saints, and to be had in reverence of all them that are about him.

8 O Lord God of hosts, who is a strong Lord like unto thee? or to thy faithfulness round about thee?

9 Thou rulest the raging of the sea: when the waves thereof arise, thou stillest them.

Father, we thank You for this beautiful day in the recapturing of Your Word; getting back to Your Word, strengthening our heart, giving boldness into the spirit, manifesting that into our daily lives. We're training as spouse and as parents in establishing Your Kingdom of God.

Peace on the Frontline

Father, we thank You for all the kingship lines that are gathered here with Your Three-Generation Kingship now on the front line in America as we are now fighting, for the life of the world is on the line. Will the world descend into darkness and worldwide totalitarianism making the covid authoritarian three years look like a joke? Or will the people rise up and will the hedge of protection stand with the spirit world and the Holy Host, and all the good ancestors that are standing with us in the armies of God Jehovah Sabaoth? You are the Lord of armies. Leading both the spiritual armies of Heaven and the physical armies on the earth, that are now awakening, arising during the tempestuous waves and the storms that are now raging above, lightning crashing all around.

Let us remain calm and covered by the armor of God as You give to us in Ephesians chapter 5.

Let us put on the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness.

Let us gird our loins with the belt of truth.

Let us put on the shield of faith and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, the weapon of the Spirit.

Let us have our feet shod in the preparation of the Gospel of peace, which means that we remain peaceful in our heart and mind, even in the midst of the raging battle and war that are about us and surround us.

Father, You are giving us that peace within our hearts, for when we are in the midst of the battle and see You unfazed, unanxious, with no fear and courage in Your eyes lit like fire, smiling at us, proud that we are standing with You as Your children on the battlefield, we have confidence and our bravery rises up in our spirit like the “rivers of living water that are manifest within our belly” (John 7:38) and spread forth to the world.

Let us follow the example of President Trump showing tremendous bravery in the optic of the sniper's scope, his head almost being blown off, yet surviving by Your grace and coming back the next day to fight again. Not stopping, wiping it off as if it were just shed rain off the duck's back, standing in the gap where nobody wants to stand, being the man of the hour and on the cross. Even though he is an imperfect person, You are using him and chose him to effectuate Your macrocosmic Will at this hour.

You are bringing the micro and the macro together. So many people are now coming to repentance. There is unity coming back into America, as even the Democratic legends of the Kennedys have given up the left and joined forces with the MAGA movement. These are all signs and miracles and wonders that we are transcending the dichotomy, the illusion that has been created by the globalist elite and the Satanists. We are coming together for unity to stand for the gifts that You have bestowed upon us. We are standing together, risking our lives, our treasure, our fortunes and our sacred honor. From the top billionaires with Trump all the way to the felon classes they are coming out, all united in a vertical unity against the predators in each of the layers and strata of society.

We Repent & Forgive

Father, we pray that You may give President Trump strength this day. Strengthen him, strengthen his family, give him supernatural health, power and vigor at this time of great tribulation and turmoil. Protect all the patriots that are now standing up every time he goes to a rally; tens of thousands of souls that are standing there crying out in repentance and realizing the country is at grave risk. We see there is now a revival happening. People are coming to repentance and now accepting the Lord Jesus Christ into their hearts again.

Let the Spirit of Christ permeate through our being.

Let it manifest, not only in the spirit of fruit, but also physical fruits that manifest in the strength and the victory that You have planned for this hour.

We repent of our sins; we forgive our enemies. We pray that our enemies come to repentance and become our brothers and sisters. We forgive them and as You forgive us, we forgive.

Let us not be petty when people repent and come to the fold.

Let us exercise Your great mercy and Thy kindness.

God Has Not Given us the Spirit of Fear

We ask You to discipline us.

Break us before You bless us, Lord.

Break us before You bless us.

Break ME before You bless me, Lord.

Break every stronghold and lie and illusion of the Devil before You bless us.

Let us realize that this epic time of history is a blessing.

Let us not be confounded by the spirit of fear or anxiety or confusion. But as Your Word said, “God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, of love and of a sound mind.”

Fill our beings; let every cell be filled with the power of Your Holy Spirit, bravery in Your Holy Spirit, love in Your Holy Spirit, fire to set the captives free and bring Your Kingdom of Heaven on Earth where Your children can have sovereignty; they can have kingship and they have the duty to love You the Creator and to love their neighbor, and protect one another.

We thank You, Father for all the miracles You are doing right now. Sometimes people are being caught back by the Devil in addictions and drugs and pornography and prostitutes and hoes and culture and materialism and hedonism and so many different traps. We pray that You BREAK those chains right now in the name of Jesus and Father are One. May those chains be broken now in the strength of Your Holy Spirit.

Let the chains of sickness, depression and death be broken now for “Death where is thy sting? Grave where is thy victory?” When we are saved and have eternal life in Christ, we have no fear, we have Boldness.

Let us be bold at this hour. You have chosen us for a time such as this even though we are unworthy and full of sin. We repent. We repent; we turn from our sin and we turn to You, the shining light, the light of the world.

You are “the way, the truth and the life.” Guide us, dwell within us, Holy Spirit. Animate us for this contest of liberty, this epic quest that You are now calling the world to walk upon. Only You can lead us, Jehovah Sabaoth, Lord of armies, only You can lead the way and blaze a trail through the enemies and the hordes of monsters that are in front of us, waiting to trample and to devour.

We stand strong in You today, and we line up on the battlefield with gratitude and thanksgiving. We are not standing with just a healer or provider or the one that raised the flag. We are standing with the Lord of Armies Jehovah Sabaoth, the Father that is the Heavenly Host, Head, Commander.

We pray strength and vitality upon President Trump and his coterie and upon his supporters and upon America and all the MAGA supporters around the world. Make America Godly again and make the world godly again.

Let that be a striving call in this critical hour. As we tread the razor's edge between peace and nuclear war we will not live in fear. WE will not live in fear. We will let this energy animate us to be brave and to stand on the front line.

We Thank You, Father

Thank you, Father. Thank You, Father, for being in this house.

Thank You for reprimanding us where reprimanding is needed, chastising us where chastising is needed, turning us from where we need to turn and to turn us back unto You and be filled with Your grace and Your light.

We honor You, we glorify You, we revere You today. With all the kingship lines gathered here with Your Three Generation Kingship, we pray. We pray in thankfulness and in gratitude in Your precious name. Amen! Amen! And Aju!

Let’s all rise folks and give God the glory.

Original Video Sunday service

Blessed be the Lord, 29 September 2024

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Contemplative prayer Training (13)


Let's get into our Contemplative prayer Training (13)

25. 08.2024. CP, TN

Breathing in, “I am alive by God's grace.” Breathing out, “Thank You Father.” Breathing in, “I am alive saved by grace.” Breathing out, “Thank You, Father. Thank You Jesus. Thank You, Holy Spirit.” You can rotate.

Breathing in, “I'm alive.” Breathing out, “Aboji, Kamsahamnida. 아버지 감사합니다” Don't feel shy to say, “Kamsahamnida. Aboji Kamsahamnida. 아버지 감사합니다.”

Continue to contemplate and continue to breathe.

Focus as we contemplate on Psalm 118.

Psalm 118

1. O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: because his mercy endureth forever.

2. Let Israel now say, that his mercy endureth forever.

3. Let the house of Aaron now say, that his mercy endureth forever.

4. Let them now that fear the Lord say, that his mercy endureth forever. Aboji!

5. I called upon the Lord in distress: the Lord answered me, and set me in a large place.

6. The Lord is on my side; I will not fear: what can man do unto me?

What can the government, CIA, all workers of iniquity etc. do unto me?

7. The Lord taketh my part with them that help me: therefore shall I see my desire upon them that hate me.

8. It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man.

9. It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in princes.

10. All nations compassed me about: but in the name of the Lord will I destroy them.

11. They compassed me about; yea, they compassed me about: but in the name of the Lord I will destroy them.

12. They compassed me about like bees: they are quenched as the fire of thorns: for in the name of the Lord I will destroy them.

13. Thou hast thrust sore at me that I might fall: but the Lord helped me.

14. The Lord is my strength and song, and is become my salvation.

15. The voice of rejoicing and salvation is in the tabernacles of the righteous: the right hand of the Lord doeth valiantly.

16. The right hand of the Lord is exalted: the right hand of the Lord doeth valiantly.

17. I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord.

18. The Lord hath chastened me sore: but he hath not given me over unto death.

19. Open to me the gates of righteousness: I will go into them, and I will praise the Lord:

20. This gate of the Lord, into which the righteous shall enter.

21. I will praise thee: for thou hast heard me, and art become my salvation.

22. The stone which the builders refused is become the head stone of the corner.

23. This is the Lord's doing; it is marvellous in our eyes.

24. This is the day, which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.

25. Save now, I beseech thee, O Lord: O Lord, I beseech thee, send now prosperity.

26. Blessed be he that cometh in the name of the Lord: we have blessed you out of the house of the Lord.

27. God is the Lord, which hath shewed us light: bind the sacrifice with cords, even unto the horns of the altar.

28. Thou art my God, and I will praise thee: thou art my God, I will exalt thee.

29. O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy endureth forever.

Your Mercy Endureth Forever

Father God, we thank You. Thank You. Thank You Father, for this incredible epic time that we are living in, that You’ve called us, chosen us to live in. Father, we are not capable in our own strength to change the world or to effectuate the outcomes of an election with so much cheating, strife, theft, despair and lies. We know we cannot rely on our own strength, but the conditions must be made so that Your Will can move throughout this land and spread over the world.

Father, right now Your children of all nations on the microcosm are coming together centered on Your Three Generation Kingship to create the spiritual tornado vortex traveling to all the different public rallies where President Trump is standing as Your chosen macrocosmic ruler and king to protect Christian civilization from the mental illness and debauchery of Satan's cultural realm. It is such a stress-ridden time, with so much fear and trembling for the future. But You remind us that we must not have faith in man, but have faith in You who are guiding all providence. Many times, in the storm we want to focus on the lightning strike that may hit our boat, but let us not be consumed and be drunken up by the storm. Instead let us focus our eyes and our hearts on the sunlit horizon that awaits us after the storm, for the storm is not the eternity of man.

Your Kingdom of God is coming and the Cheon Il Guk Constitution as the Kingdom of freedom and responsibility will spread to the ends of the earth, freeing and liberating black, white, Asian, Latino; everyone will be free from political Satanism.

Father, we ask You that we would be strong and remain strong and as the Word said today, valiant in this time of tribulation. Let us never forget that “the Lord endureth and the Lord’s mercy endureth.”

Brave & Valiant

We are now seeing astronomical change in the population. People are turning from the cult of communism and Marxism, repenting and now standing with Your macrocosmic central figure, President Trump, like RFK, and so many independents are now moving. This is the hand of God.

We've been so brainwashed with separation between church and state, not realizing that the state is the reflection of the theology of the people who inhabit that land. If the people become atheist and Marxist, the government will reflect that deadly, dangerous, cancerous, genocidal reality.

But if the people come back to Christ with repentance in their heart, and now have Bravery through the Holy Spirit to Stand up against Satanic culture, to stop believing that they will escape the tribulation, but be participants in the great battle between good and evil, having the courage to be Valiant at this time, dear God, You will be able to change the culture. We will be able to enforce the laws which are already on the books, to destroy the immorality of the government apparatus that is torturing and targeting, censoring and even raiding and destroying, assassinating people's lives, including President Trump’s.

We are in such a dangerous but transparent time. We want to remain in Your mercy, in Your grace, in Your love that also allows for repentance. When those on the microcosm come back from betraying You and repent to become blessed families once again, we are embracing them and forgiving them. At the same time on the macro, when those who have been brainwashed in the cult of Marxism, of the left and the neocon right repent and come to support the Abel-type macrocosmic realm, let the parties that are supporting the macro embrace them. Father, this was the first time since President Trump was almost killed, that we've seen the RNC embrace people that were repentant and are now coming to support President Trump. Even former strippers and former felons with face tattoos were up on stage saying they're going to stand up for America.

You are moving the high class. You are moving the billionaire class. You are splitting the middle class and the lower class and the felon class. You are moving through all strata of society right now with the power of the Holy Spirit, infusing us with bravery, infusing us with righteousness, infusing us with justice, infusing us with courage at this critical time, and Father God, do we need it! My gosh, we do. We have been limp-wristed, weak, seeking pleasure and listening to feminists lecture us about the evils of the nuclear family. We have become a debauched, hedonistic, materialistic, purposeless, depressed civilization full of despair and mental illness.

The Cheon Il Guk Culture

Cleanse this land from these wicked iniquities that are raking us over the coals. Instill with us the state of Your Genesis ideal.

Make men, Men again, Brave in the image of the Father.

Make women Brave again to be the respectful Wives that they are called to be and evangelists and queens.

Let them protect the Children and not throw them into the arms of the archangel but raise them to have godly values and the fear of God, the respect of God embedded in their hearts.

Bring back the powerful imagery of the happy, blessed family. Young husband, young wife, investing in romance, investing in a wonderful sex life in marriage, having beautiful children who are growing up in an atmosphere where Mom and Dad LOVE each another, are Crazy for each other, have FUN together, Train together, work OUT together, become Stronger together, live the Cheon Il Guk Lifestyle together. Let the imagery of that go far and wide even though they try to block it and censor it. Your culture is the future, dear Father. And even though our blessed families and young couples are not perfect, they are training every day; they are training and getting better every year.

So, we thank You. You are doing the miraculous work of building civilization and culture. You are building a culture that is truly answering the despair and emptiness, atomization and Loneliness of the Western world. And You are filling it with Your ideal of holy matrimony, the Blessing, the powerful Blessing of marriage.

Let these couples be strong in their training, diligent in their training.

Let the husband love and raise his wife in love, so she also feels loved.

Let the wife respect the husband as she honors him and honors You through that, and as they have children, Let them train with their children, one-on-one day training, sharing three gifts of gratitude as a repetitive training reminding processes throughout their lives where they are constantly seeking to see the Good and gratefulness in one another instead of focusing on that which makes us angry at each other.

Build us up in our self-regulatory Discipline, mind-body unity training.

Give us courage to do dangerous things, but as safely as possible.

Let us learn how to become brave in taking risk and standing up against Evil to protect the next generation of community and Your Evangelion, Your gathering, Your Ecclesia.

Providence Moves by Your Hand & Your Chosen People

Father, we are such small vessels in the massive chess pieces of this world. We are just a small little group out here in the hills, in the deep mountains of the Smokies amidst the nine billion people walking the face of the earth; everyday busy with their lives, many times with marriages and families that are now becoming wrecked and destroyed. How is it that such a small micro can create a new culture and civilization? How is that possible? We are so insignificant it feels.

But let us remember providence is not about feelings; it's not about how we feel. Let us remember that every single one of Jesus' disciples felt shame about Him, betrayed Him at His death, ran from Him when they were asked, “Do you know Jesus?” Every single one betrayed Him because they chose what they FELT. Providence doesn't move by how we feel, or how inspired or how depressed we are. It moves by Your hand and the unity of the 5% of Your central figure and the chosen people. So, we must be brave. We must have Your mind set, Your eyesight, Your clear vision, Your clear hearing. We must not rely on our feelings.


Let us be strong at this time.

Let us pray Your hedge of protection upon President Trump and the macrocosmic kings of the earth that are rising up right now.

Let us pray Your hedge of protection upon all the populations in the macro that are uniting with their central figures per nation, uniting with the world's central figure on the macro, President Trump. Put the angels around him.

Let the vortex of the microcosmic realm, your Three-Generation Kingship and the people of Cheon Il Guk Rise at those MAGA rallies, Stand to protect at the MAGA rallies; Stand to bring the tornado of the spirit world protection sphere to the MAGA rallies.

We cannot do things on our own. We cannot see all the machinations and plans of the enemy, but we know God, that You have FOILED his PLANS and he has lost in the end. You have been VICTORIOUS. The Four Position Foundation and the ideal of creation has been substantiated on earth. Your lineage is ALIVE and is loyal to You and Your Kingdom and it is now spreading to the world through the felon class, through the lower class, middle class, high class. People are now coming; whether they say it openly or not, they are coming. We get messages every day from random people who are saying they are thankful for what we're doing online and at the MAGA rallies.

So, we know You are working, Father. We know a great move of evangelism is pouring out the likes of which we cannot grasp fully. But let us have faith and hope and let us put the energy of our life into the great harvest of evangelism, stepping out to reach out in love to bring people from death to life, to life everlasting with You and to the Kingdom of sovereignty, freedom and responsibility, Cheon Il Guk.

We pray for all those who are preparing for the blessing right now, that they would not seek their own desire, but seek the WILL of the Father to SAVE humanity; to get passed all their stupid biases and prejudices and follow the Will of the Father who seeks to save all PEOPLE unto Him, to bring them from slavery to kingship, death to life.

We thank You for all the MAGA patriots that are now gathering across the world, packed out crowds, standing on the sun, collapsing in the heat. They are making the macrocosmic conditions of spiritual righteousness at this hour. But the attacks will come. There will be more assassination attempts on Trump and RFK now.

So, Father, we pray that we would be vigilant, we would warn the people to all be his security at these MAGA rallies. If they see anything, alert, make noise, and warn President Trump if there's any danger. We have to be the alarm system there. We have to be a part of this protection, heavenly hedge. The protection cannot be put in the hands of the authorities; they failed and almost Killed him. It is the people that must protect the macrocosmic King Bullethead, President Trump now.

So, give them courage, give them bravery, give them insight and spatial and situational awareness so that, if there's any danger at any of those rallies, people will call it out and nip it in the butt just like they did on Butler. Give them that supernatural gift and nudge and push so that they be brave and make noise and protect the President, one for all and all for one, standing together as the hedge.

We Thank You, Father

We are with You, Father.

You stood on the front line of the battlefield in North Korea against colonial Japan.

You stood on the battlefield against the Chicoms.

You stood on the battlefield against Soros and the Washington Post in Your time.

You stood on the battlefield against the gays and the anus-cult and the rainbow.

You stood against all that in Your life.

You stood against the central bank.

You stood against the lesbianism and the feminism that were being pushed.

You stood against all that, and we didn't know what You were fighting.

We stood behind You taking it for granted. We let You take all the arrows, meanwhile we tried to just get along. We learned cowardice not courage.

We repent of those sins, Father.

We want You to now take a seat.

We will take the arrows for You.

We will take the brunt of the attack for You.

We will take the mocking and the slandering and the death.

We do not fear those who can destroy the body, we fear the one that can destroy the spirit and soul as the Bible says.

So, Father, give us courage at this time. Give the micro courage, give the macro courage. We are one brotherhood. We are standing together in the epic heroic time of providence unfolding before the Kingdom is at hand. We are standing at the precipice of life and death now. Let us be brave looking and staring into the abyss, but let us not become the abyss and always SHINE the light of God through the darkness.

Give us the courage. Let us muster up every ounce of will to stand with You at this time, to save America, to save the world, to save and prepare the way for Your Kingdom. We know with You all things are possible and all the conditions have been made. Let us do our 5%.

We thank You, Father; we thank You.

Breathing in, “I am alive by grace.” Breathing out, “I thank You Father. Hallelujah!”

Breathing in, “Thank You Father. I am alive by Your grace. Thank You, Jesus. Hallelujah! The blood was spilled. The blood was spilled. Let Your Holy Blood cover us.”

Breathing in, “I'm alive.” Breathing out, “Thank You, Father. Thank You, Jesus. Thank You,

Holy Spirit. Thank You for being with us and guiding us at this time. “

We give You the praise, glory and honor with all the kingship lines that are gathered here with Your Three Generations Kingship. We offer  these things unto You; we pray in Your precious name. Amen, amen, Aju!

Let us all rise and give praise to God. Thank You, Father.


Thursday, August 22, 2024

His Blood! Contemplative Prayer (3)


So, we got to have hope. America is not as bad as El Salvador right now, so there is hope for 2024. Also, to the sister who tried to rebuke Father in Jesus’ name as a demon for one year, I said, “Baby, True Father whooped your ashtray”. She just cried; she was laughing and crying. I said, “Father loves you so much; he whooped you, baby.” Oh my gosh, how amazing is that? Isn't that incredible? She will put that out at some point, I am sure. She is very open with her testimony. What an incredible, powerful testimony.

Today's Word, again, we are 1 Corinthians chapter 8 and it’s talking about the idols.

One other important point about this chapter that I forgot to mention is that they were talking about eating the meat that is offered to idols. The Bible says, “That is not what makes you defiled. But if it's going to cause a stumbling block for your younger brother, don't eat it.” You see what I'm saying? He's saying, “Have a sense of duty for your brother and your sister in the Lord. Even though it doesn't affect you because you're under the authority of Jesus and Christ, don't do stuff that's going to lead them to the idol.” So, before we get in, I just want to remind everybody that this is in 1 Corinthians chapter 8 as well.

Contemplative Prayer (3)

Everybody else join me with closed eyes as we lift up God and we lift up our thanks. Breathing in, “I am alive.” Breathing out, “Thank You, Father” or “Aboji, Kamsahamnida.” If you want to go more authentic, go. “아버지 감사합니다 Aboji, Kamsahamnida”.

Breathing in, “I'm alive.” You can say, “Thank You God.” You can say “Thank You, Father.” You can say, “Thank You, Jesus.” You can say all three. Mix it up. Keep it fresh. We're always going to return to this; this is our fundamental baseline. We need to train. When we're training, we create new baseline. We don't freak out. We don't go to fear or anxiety or worry of the future or blaming or jealousy. No, we go to, “Thank You, Father,” Breathing in, “I'm alive,” breathing out, “Thank You, Father.”

We have to come back to gratitude to Father. Breathing in, “I'm alive.” Breathing out, “Thank You, Father.” You can switch it. Sometimes say, “Thank You, Father”, say, “Thank You, Jesus”, say, “Thank You, God” or say, “Thank You, Holy Spirit.” Breathing in, “I am alive”. Breathing out, “Thank You, Father.”

The Bible says that we come into God's presence with praise and thanksgiving; that means gratitude. We come into the presence of God with praise and thanksgiving. Not praising ourself, not worrying about the future, not being hateful or have any emotion about this or that situation, that incident. No, we turn to God's presence with praise and thanksgiving. That means “Thank You, Lord.” That means, “We honor You, Father.” That means, “We glorify Your name. We love You. We thank You.” All these things are praising the Father, offering thanksgiving to the Father, centering our hearts back to the zero point.

Don't let Satan take you to the 1, 2, 3, 5, 20, 30, 90 points. No, come back always to the zero point. Don't let Satan take you to the minus 2, 3, 5, 8, 20, 40, 80. No. Always come back to the zero point. The zero point. Okay. The zero point. That is praise and thanksgiving. Breathing in, “I'm alive”, breathing out, “아버지 감사합니다.”

Pastor Sean’s Contemplative Prayer

Father, we thank You for all that You are doing at this critical time. It is a dangerous time, a time like no other. You have walked through world wars, Father. You not only walked through the world wars, you were tormented, tortured, imprisoned, forcefully detained, forced to work in labor camps for preaching and teaching people of the truth of God, of the truth of God's suffering heart. You were silenced. You were put into solitary confinement. You were abused, beaten, tortured.

They did all manner of torture upon our True Father from electrocuting Him in His private areas, beating Him with batons, to hanging Him in the airplane crucifixion, that is a rope tying your hands behind your back and then suspending you in air as your lung cavity collapses and you die by suffocation and the filling of the lungs with liquid.

You went that torturous path, the path of indemnity, to redeem humanity from the sins that they have heaped up against You. You walked the path of 10,000 crosses so that Your children would walk into the age of liberation and complete release. You not only paved the way, You not only opened the door, we not only saw Your footsteps in the sand but we saw them drenched in blood. We saw the doorknob of the door that had been opened covered in blood. Your sacrifice is not pink heart emojis; Your sacrifice, just like Jesus on the cross, is blood.

You went that torturous path, the path of indemnity, to redeem humanity from the sins that they have heaped up against You. You walked the path of 10,000 crosses so that Your children would walk into the age of liberation and complete release. You not only paved the way, You not only opened the door, we not only saw Your footsteps in the sand but we saw them drenched in blood. We saw the doorknob of the door that had been opened covered in blood. Your sacrifice is not pink heart emojis; Your sacrifice, just like Jesus on the cross, is blood.

About Our Young Queen’s Testimony

Father, we are so moved by that incredible testimony by our sister, young queen, who gave such an inspirational testimony offered to the Three Kingship this week. We could see the tears of joy in her parents’ eyes, and in her shaky voice as she relayed this incredible story. For one year, she rebuked You, she cursed You; she called You a demon and a devil. She did all that she was trained to do. She rebuked You in Jesus' name, knowing that any demon who had come against her, by the authority of the name of Jesus Christ had to flee, but You just kept on showing up. She would curse You and rebuke You in Jesus’ name and You'd be sitting there.

And at that time when she went to the Philippines for a mission trip, thinking that she had separated from You or had chased You away, You gave her such an incredible experience; her entire body was overcome by the spirit realm, and she couldn't move. You appeared to her saying, “My daughter, why do you persecute me like Paul?” When she uttered those words in her shaky voice telling us that incredible testimony, Father, we just want to report we were just filled with so much gratitude. Seeing her supportive parents in the background of that Zoom call, holding on to her and weeping with joy. Wow! We thank You, Father. We thank You.

This young sister may not be a prime minister or some famous person in the “world”. It is often said that, “Satan fishes with a big net trying to catch generations and everybody, but God fishes after hearts, one by one.” And even though this young queen is not a famous person in the world or some recognized person, we feel so much gratitude that You would leave the 99 to show up to the one that was lost. That in this young sister's darkest time, You just kept on showing up. She heaped those curses upon You; she heaped those rebukes upon You in Jesus' name, but You just kept popping up around this corner, that corner. You just kept on appearing. Father, thank You.

Why We Pray

Father, right now we know there are similar situations across the world; people who have left You and cursed You. People who have made it their lives to destroy Your name; to defile anything that is connected with You. But we want to resemble Your heart, Father. We want to pray for them right now. We want to ask Your grace upon them. We can't turn their hearts around; we can't convince them in the end. Their heart can only be pierced by You. In the very same way, You showed up for that sister of ours, albeit it was a time when she was truly battling, having an existential crisis, and somehow You found a way. We thought we had lost that sister; we thought she had become Your enemy -which she had- and that she would pursue this. So, we prayed for her; anybody who knew her situation was lifting up her name in prayer.

But we know that it's not the reason. You tell us to pray for our brothers and sisters, but You also tell us to pray for our enemies. Not because our prayers have some type of mystical power, but You tell us to pray so that we train our heart to be more like Yours. Let us not be foolish thinking our prayers are the things that change human history and change all these things. No, we don't have that power. Father, we know the one who does and as we pray, we just want to try to resemble You more. The harder she fought against You and tried to rebuke You in Jesus’ name, the more You showed up, indicated to her, “My daughter, I'm not a demon; I'm not the devil.” You showed her who You were and whose she was.

We want to thank You, Father, for that incredible work that You have done; something that is beyond human touch and human ability. None of us can do that. You are not our genie who must obey our commands and our prayers and our demands. NO! You are the Father, and we must obey and submit to You and Your Will. And if You don't answer our prayers, it's because there's a reason; if You stay silent when we are begging You for an answer, there is a reason. But we are so thankful for what You did in our sister's life. You've given her a new life and she now prepares for the Blessing again with her wonderful husband as they return to Your authority once again. Thank You, Father.

Do not be a Stumbling Block for others in the Faith

We are reminded in 1 Corinthians 8 not to become stumbling blocks to others who are in the faith, who are trying to become more Christ-like. There are times when we may feel, “Hey, I'm just going to go out with these guys that don't have faith and I’m just going to try to fit in with them so that they come to Christ. So, I'm going to drink with them, let's say.” But that drinking with them doesn't lead them to Christ; it only validates that they pressured you to sin, so in their hearts they’re validated that they had dominion over You.

For those who are in inner cities in gang-ridden areas with drugs and all that around, Father, we know that there are brothers and sisters out there that are trying to witness, spread the Gospel to the hearts of all those around them, to their towns, communities, cities and world. We pray a hedge of protection upon them; that even though they are in the world, they are not of it. That even though they are soldiers fighting against the evil one, they may not be consumed and absorbed by him. We pray for a supernatural hedge around them. We pray that You always keep them strong, always make them be the light in that darkness. Let Your light shine through them as they reach out, as they become fishers of men, as they fish in the ocean of men.

As You give us that heart Father, to reach beyond our own self, You give us that heart to become a better sacrificial husband, better sacrificial wife, better sacrificial parents, better sacrificial children, better sacrificial brothers and sisters, better sacrificial to our community, to our neighborhood, to our nation, our world and cosmos. As You raise us up in these many levels, we pray that we would not become stumbling blocks. We pray that You would give us wisdom. We ask for Your forgiveness. We repent of our sins. We admit that we are not perfect before You, Lord.

Through Hardship We Become More Brave

We need You in this season more than ever because this season is the season. This season that we are approaching is the most important election cycle in all of world history, and we happen to be alive during this incredible time.

Father, in the midst of this big battle,

Let us not allow our marriages to fall apart.

Let us not be so hyper-focused on the big battle that we let the enemy in through our back door into our home.

Let us do both, keeping our eyes on a North Star while also keeping the wolves at bay from entering and predating on our children, on our marriage, on our community.

Let us have good alertness and have vigilance.

Let us have both the far view and the close view in mind and heart, and even though we are not perfect, we pray that You would train us to become better.

Father, You don't train us to overcome fear or suppress fear or anxiety of the future or those things. You teach us through hardship how to become more brave. You teach us that the only way to build our muscles is through pain and lifting heavy weights and doing hard things. We know sometimes we're stupid. Sometimes we think that doing those hard things makes us worthy in Your eyes. Let us not be foolish. We fall so short. We are so imperfect before Your perfection. We are so stained before Your purity, no matter how hard we try.

That's why we need You, Father. We need You, Jesus. You cover us. You make these stains go away and You wash us as white as snow as the Bible says. You make us clean. We become purified by wearing You. Father, many times You spoke about 성령의 두루마기, the garment of the Holy Spirit, to be wrapped in Christ. Our sins get covered by Christ wrapped around us. We appear as light since Christ is the light of God. Because even though we are sinful, we are wrapped in His garment, in the 성령의 두루마기.

Your Day of Deliverance

Father, we pray for every broken heart that is out there right now listening to this broadcast. You may feel like Your heart is broken, you may feel like Your heart is bending, you may feel like your life is at the end. That you're on that cliff, standing with the wind whirling around you; nowhere to return to, nowhere to go back to. Your family and your friends and your co-workers and all those whom you believed would help you have stabbed you in the back, have left you alone and now you are ready; you're ready to jump into the abyss.

But don't do it, man of God. Don't do it, woman of God. Your life is worthy. Not because you are perfect. None of us is perfect. Your life is worthy because God has created you in His image. He has a purpose and a plan for you. Step back from that edge right now. This is your day of deliverance and salvation. The Father knows your heart better than you know yourself. All the betrayal, all the backstab, He has encountered that first in multitude and in proportions which you cannot comprehend. He suffered and died for you. He was hated by the world before you were hated by anybody. So, we speak life into you and you know who you are. Step back from that edge. Put the gun down. Put the bottle down. Put the drugs down. Put the fake media, social media groups and all those things down. Stop running. Stop running. Stop hiding.

You know who you are if you're hearing this word. Even though we may not know, the Holy Spirit knows, and the Holy Spirit now is going out. He is with you. I want you to come into agreement NOW. If you know that's you, come into agreement now and throw it in the trash. Go! Throw it in the trash. Whatever it is that you are giving your life to other than Christ, whether it be cigarettes or drugs, bottle, whatever, dump it down the toilet; pills, drugs, prostitutes, whatever it is, dump it down the toilet, throw it in the trash and don't look back.

If you feel the swelling of your heart, if you feel the move of the Holy Spirit in you right now and you know you hear the chastisement of His voice, then take action. Come into agreement. Come into agreement with Him. Your Father loves you. He is not forsaking you, even though you have turned on Him so many times. He is still there. Even though you cursed Him and rebuked him in Jesus’ name time and time again, he just keeps on showing up. Stop running.

Repent! Repent!

I know you're tired. There's somebody out there in the internet landscape and those listening to my voice who is tired of running, tired of lies, tired of faking, and wants to make a real commitment to the Lord, to give their heart and submit. For once in their life, they want to stop submitting to the passions and the entertainment, submitting to the internet website, submitting to the bottle, submitting to some drugs or needles. No! This is your day to submit to God, your Creator. This is your day now.

If you know that's you, you don't have to stand up, you don't have to run around and shout, you don't have to be slain in the spirit, you don't have to do any of that. All you have to do in your heart is repent. Repent. Repent.

Just tell God:

Father, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I forsook you. You never forsook me.

I want to be with You.

I want to stop running from You.

I want to walk with You every day and every hour.

I want to stop being a burden to my husband and nagging him and my children.

I want to stop being a burden to my wife and my children by doing this or that.

I want to stop being a burden to that person or my sibling, or my brother in Christ.

I want to stop being a burden and I want to be in You.

You said that within You the burden is light. The burden is light.

Blessing Our Enemies

We thank You for that peace that You give us through forgiveness. And as we receive Your forgiveness, as we repent of our sins, Father, we pray that You would forgive our sins, but also forgive those who have hurt us. We pray that You would bless our enemies in a way that would allow them to come to reality to Your truth and to Your sacrificial love, the blood drip emoji not the pink heart emoji.

That You would move in their spirit and call them back to You, call them back to repentance, call them back to mercy, call them back to forgiveness, call them back to your sacrificial love. Because it's Your sacrificial love, it's Your blood that heals and protects and covers and lifts us into the realm of glory. It's Your sacrifice. That same blood; as we come into Your covenant of the Blessing, we have Your blood as Your children running through our veins. We're not only covered by the blood; we are now made up of the blood.

But dear God, we know that You come not just to bless us, but You say, “If you follow me, pick up your cross. Be willing to be persecuted and mocked, even killed for my name's sake.” For You have gone that path first. You have showed the example on the battlefield first. You paid the ultimate price.

Blessings upon the Repentful

We are so grateful Father for Your presence. If there's anybody who wants to give their life to You, we pray for them. We pray strengthen them. We pray words of encouragement upon their spirit right now, so they would have the courage to leave death and come into life, to leave the heavy burdens of fakery and failure and sin, and come into the light refreshing joy of redemption salvation.

We thank You Father as You replenish us from our fears where You have said in Timothy that “You have not given us a spirit of fear but of love, power and a sound mind.” We thank You for purifying our hearts and our minds, bringing us back to the zero point, the zero point.

We want to give You praise today, Father, because there are hearts right now that are turning; there are hearts right now that are giving their lives to You.

We pray blessings upon them right now.

We pray for those who are repenting of their sins right now in their hearts. They're not saying one word to anybody else, and they don't have to. It's all within that secret place in the heart, where all true change begins, where all new life truly begins, where the seed of hope is planted.

We pray for that soul who is addicted to drugs and has no hope.

We pray for the prostitute who is on the street pimping and prostituting herself.

We pray that the seeds of hope can be planted in their heart right now, supernaturally through this broadcast or any other means.

We pray for all those who are being touched by the Spirit in their heart who want to repent of their sins, that they do it now in Jesus and True Father's name as one.

We do it again with them, stand in solidarity with them, stand in agreement with them; as brothers and sisters in Christ we stand with them in repentance.

We repent of our sins again.

We ask You to be the center of our life, the center.

We’re not trying to make ourselves the center.

We make You the center.

We submit to You,

We obey You out of love;

We put Your Will before our will,

Your glory before our glory,

Your plans before our plans,

Your life before our life.

We put it down for You because we've tried our own ways and it never works, never works.

Jesus and True Father as One

We thank You for the new life right now that is being breathed in, the new spiritual salvation that is being breathed in to those who are giving their lives to You at this moment throughout the world hearing this broadcast. Repent of Your sins. Believe in Jesus and True Father as one, that He is Lord, that He suffered and walked the path of indemnity, died for your sins and was raised up on the third day. That same power of resurrection and new life is now planted within you. Let it germinate. Let it flourish even though the thorns and thistles will try to come and suffocate it. Be as good soil. Let that word of hope pierce through the darkness of despair. Let that seed germinate and push down roots into the hard stone. Life and its failures and the vicissitudes and the betrayals have hardened your heart. Let the roots penetrate that stone in Jesus’ name and True Father as one.

We pray a new future upon every single one who has rededicated their life to You, Father. We pray a new vision for their lives, new plans being downloaded from heaven, new spreadsheets being opened up in the ether; things that they never thought possible now opening up not with a false hope but with a strong hope and with discipline, as You raise and sanctify them through training.

You are victorious

Let us come strong and build strong community by sacrificial love and by loving You and loving our neighbor. Let us reach out and be fishers of men and cast the lines into the ocean waiting with great anticipation which fish will be caught today. We know You love that metaphor Father, and you lived that metaphor. So many times, we were with You on the boats experiencing that. We can't do it upon our own strength or our own desires or wishes and our own prayers. It would really mean nothing if it wasn't for You, Father. For You are victorious; You are victorious.

We want to remind the Devil of Your victory. We want to remind the Devil of Your triumph over him, sin and death. We want to remind him every day with every footstep, because he doesn't want to remember Your victories. But we want to remind him. We want to be a living testimony every day with each footstep. New life with each footstep. The devil's kingdom is crumbling because we are walking following Your footsteps.

As kings and priests and as men of God, let us not pursue just our own kingdom, but always Yours, Your Kingdom first. Let Your Kingdom pillar of self-sacrifice and the shedding of Your own blood to save Your people, let that be the ideal and the model that we as men and kings and priests from the family level on, always keep our eyes on.

And as women of God let each one of Your daughters, Father, remember Your love, not as heart emojis but as blood drips, the blood You had to pay to free them from Satan. Let them be great queens and evangelists, excited and with hearts that are burning for You and burning to share the Gospel, to bring people to the Kingdom, and let them live life abundantly in Your Kingdom of heaven on Earth as it is in Heaven.

We Thank You, Father

Father, You are such a good father. We want to praise You, we want to lift You up, we want to honor You today. We love You. We are not perfect, Father, but we are Your sons and daughters who love You and we try. We fall short many times, but we thank You for covering us in Your grace. We thank You for covering America with Your grace at this particular time. So many people now are waking up in this critical year. We pray for all the patriots, we pray for President Trump, we pray for all those who are on the Abel side of this World War III in the situation that we are in now.

We pray from the micro to the macro, that we never lose sight of the micro while we are fighting on the macro, that we never lose sight of the macro while we are building the micro. Let us be men of God, women of God who do both, that can be sensitive to Your Will at the micro and the macro.

We thank You, Father, we thank You. Once again, we thank You for touching our sister who has now returned under Your authority after one year of incredible journey. We want to celebrate her as well today.

As we lift up all our prayers and all our hearts to You, we want to lift up the glory, the thanks and the honor. All praise, all joy is Yours and You give us joy unspeakable through Your grace. We thank You Father, we thank You. We know that we are alive as we breathe in, and as we breathe out, we want to say, “Thank You, Father.” As we breathe in, we are alive, and we recognize it today. As we breathe out, we want to thank You, Father. Breathing in, “I am alive”. Breathing out, “아버지, 감사합니다. Aboji, Kamsahamnida.”

Al right, folks, let's all rise up and give Father the praise, the glory and the honor, and lift up our songs in praise to Him. Praise God!


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